Put on your thinking caps today, because we are going to wade into the highly rarefied world of Red Pill Theory. Our Guest Lecturer today is a totally ALPHA DOG Red Pill Redditor by the name of GayLubeOil — don’t worry, fellas, he’s straight! — who has some important insights for us all on the nature of women.
Namely, that women are basically just overgrown children. Who give blow jobs.
Let’s let him explain, in a post that’s now Number One With A Sticky in the Red Pill Subreddit.
After reading all of that, you may have a few questions. Obviously, the most important question is: why Greek Yogurt? Well, in addition to being very popular with the ladies, it is apparently quite high in iron. Let’s let Professor LubeOil explain why that’s so crucial:
Well, with that critical issue taken care of in a totally not creepy or red-flaggy kind of way, let’s move on to some of the serious discussion Professsor LubeOil’s thesis inspired in the Red Pill Subreddit.
Ah, who am I kidding? They mainly just posted comments about how totally right he was and how women totally are a bunch of overgrown children. But saying women are children is totes not misogyny!
And, heck, even if a dude maybe is a teensy bit of a misogynist, what’s the big deal, so long as it convinces him to treat his women properly — that is, like you would treat special needs children.
Damn those feminazis and their “equality!” Why, it’s almost un-American!
Binjabreel, congratulations! Babby! I’d rather talk about babbies than the featured chucklefuck.
I’m actually very much like this, I will forget to eat and start to become noticeably cranky or despondent, depending on how tired I am. Contrary to Lube’s theory, I’m well aware this, so much so that I notice it very quickly and get a snack on before I take it out on everyone else.
Also contrary to Lube’s theory is my Dad, who is not the most self-aware guy, is also like this, except he refuses to believes it a thing. So he can get real testy without food and less testy after being fed, but still denies that his emotional reactions aren’t rational facts.
So my antidotal evidence runs counter to Lube’s broad unsubstantiated claims. It doesn’t matter, they only come up with all these goofball pseudo-science crank theories to prop their egos up. Sorry dudes, but I’m going to go ahead and not believe that the best and brightest spend all day on reddit bragging about how smart they are and all the hot chicks they bang.
It’s amusing that these RPers are so obviously governed by their emotions, desires, socialization and bias, and yet refuse to acknowledge any of it. I can’t tell if they know they are full of shit or they managed to shut out all self-awareness.
Men who have never socialized with women ever…me thinks.
It’s so fucking adorable how one of them is all, “Well, we are superior to women naturally…”
And the other responds, more or less, “Right you are sir. You’re so insightful!”
But you know, I’ve heard circle jerking burns a lot of calories, so.
Naturally they have to infantalize women — the mere sound of an adult woman’s voice probably makes them sweat themselves into a puddle.
“Obviously some woman is going to read this have a cascade of feels and then deal with said feels in the most immature way possible.”
Yes. You are so right. I am having so many feels right now.
Okay, only one feel. The feel where I’m all like WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU MISPLACE THAT COMMA, ASSHOLE??? Wait, let me guess, in some space where it interrupted the firing between your only two brain synapses?
Does the yogurt have to be Greek? Would Yoplait be enough to distract her from noticing those suspicious credit card charges?
I love how he says women are not held accountable for their actions. Then he advocates force-feeding dairy products the moment the discussion goes someplace he doesn’t like.
You guys should be more forgiving of human nature…both men and women talk like this alot….especially young people striving to maintain self respect in todays modern blender of relationships….. It takes a strong and confident frame for people to go out and compete for romance…. so you pump up your own side (male) while demeaning the other side (female) and end up getting the bump you need to make it through another day.
It is pouring where I am, with thunder and everything. I canceled my plans to go out, and I’m hunkered down with flashlights and candles at the ready.
If any Angelenos here end up with a flooded crawl space or such, get in touch with me. I’ve got a pump you can borrow.
It’s weird having actual weather. I’m not used to it.
Even when dealing with actual children this is terrible behaviour. Oh MRAs, why are you so bad at interacting with other human beings?
It’s going to be 80 tomorrow and Sunday with thunderstorms. Then next week will be in the 40s and 50s. I don’t call it winter in TX, I call it “not hot.”
Stay as dry as you can, LAers!
The trusty float-switch pump!
(By the way, how’s the fountain doing?)
It has more water in it…
Checked out the link and have infinite LOLs after learning Derbyshire took the red pill.
In case anyone is wondering what Derbyshire brings to the party. here is a sample.
It sounds like this Derbyshire chap is just saying what Republicans think privately but won’t admit to in public.
Dude can’t even get his biology right. Anemia is a lack of oxygen-carrying factors in the blood (or lack of actual red blood cells, there are like 50 types of anemia and they’re all different). That does not make you bruise easily. The bruising easily probably comes from a lack of clotting factors or having delicate skin/blood vessels.
Derbyshire is a fuckwit. IIRC he thinks women reach their “peak” of attraction/value at about 14.
Thanks y’all. 🙂 I’m sure he appreciates being welcomed by the feminist hive mind.
He looked like a little angry Samoan for the first couple hours, but his face is slowly un-squishing. I’ll share a photo when he stops looking like Yankee pot roast.
Flooding in LA? Shit. Stay dry, Angelinos. Hope my gf’s place is safe.
Binjabreel, congrats on new babby!
Ophelia, that’s a gorgeous painting.
“(No, I know what he meant. Patriarchy has nothing to do with perceiving women as inferior and treating them like children; it’s just something women made up when they were hungry.)”
Lol Lady Mondegreen. Well said
Surprisingly stormy in the Bay Area, too. I’m glad my son’s birth was heralded by like the one lightning storm we get every five years.
Plus, pacing back and forth in a hospital room doesn’t have the right atmosphere unless there’s raindrops pounding on the windowpane.
In a quasi-feminist note, our experience with the ob/gyn’s at the county hospital was amazing. No belittling, no pressure, none of that “if you make this perfectly reasonable decision that the doctor doesn’t like, you might put your baby at risk you negligent monster” bullshit.
Compared to O’Connor, the catholic hospital? Yeah, fuck them. They treated her like a damned infant who was incapable of the slightest thought. An awful lot of obstetricians are basically just the patriarchy in a lab coat.
Nah, it’s not flooding. It’s just regular raining a little. But we are not accustomed to this stuff and I’m assuming it’s causing a disaster somewhere.
I hope everyone in the flooding zone is safe. As for you, katz, I hope you aren’t in the middle of writing a novel while it’s raining.
Foothills may get as much as 10″. The basin is looking at 4-6. So heavy, but not outside of memory (I was remember ’92, when the part of The Valley got 9″ in an hour. Was epic).
NY doesn’t get that kind of rain. I miss it.