Put on your thinking caps today, because we are going to wade into the highly rarefied world of Red Pill Theory. Our Guest Lecturer today is a totally ALPHA DOG Red Pill Redditor by the name of GayLubeOil — don’t worry, fellas, he’s straight! — who has some important insights for us all on the nature of women.
Namely, that women are basically just overgrown children. Who give blow jobs.
Let’s let him explain, in a post that’s now Number One With A Sticky in the Red Pill Subreddit.
After reading all of that, you may have a few questions. Obviously, the most important question is: why Greek Yogurt? Well, in addition to being very popular with the ladies, it is apparently quite high in iron. Let’s let Professor LubeOil explain why that’s so crucial:
Well, with that critical issue taken care of in a totally not creepy or red-flaggy kind of way, let’s move on to some of the serious discussion Professsor LubeOil’s thesis inspired in the Red Pill Subreddit.
Ah, who am I kidding? They mainly just posted comments about how totally right he was and how women totally are a bunch of overgrown children. But saying women are children is totes not misogyny!
And, heck, even if a dude maybe is a teensy bit of a misogynist, what’s the big deal, so long as it convinces him to treat his women properly — that is, like you would treat special needs children.
Damn those feminazis and their “equality!” Why, it’s almost un-American!
Also, I may just be deluding myself, so there’s that.XD
Thanks cloudiah. That helps a bit. I’d like to hope things are getting better.
OK, LBT, for the thick yoghurt:
4 cups plain yog…line a colander with a piece of cheesecloth, with the edges overhanging 3-4″. Put the colnader in the sink, pour in yoghurt, cover loosely with plastic wrap and allow to drain for 3 – 5 hours at room temp or overnight in the fridge. You can save the whey that drips out and use in place of water in curries/breads or even water your plants with it. scoop out thick yog into a covered container in fridge. It will keep for 2 weeks.
Making yoghurt from scratch:
You’ll need to buy a starter yoghurt. Make sure the yoghurt you get has live cultures like streptococcus thermophilus and/or Lactobacillus bulgaricus. Pour 2 cups of milk into a pan and bring to a boil over a medium or medium-high heat. Stir frequently so it doesn’t stick to pan bottom. As it comes to a boil pour into a medium size glass/pottery/steel/ceramic bowl. Let cool to around 110F. Stir in 1-2 tbsps of store bought yoghurt. Cover bowl with plastic wrap and set in oven, with the heat off. The idea is to create a draught free, humid environment. The guy whose recipe it is, says he leaves the oven light on. Leave for about 6 hours and you’ll have yoghurt. Save 2 tbsp for your next batch and that’s it. No more store bought yoghurt.
Katz, yup, send through the music and I’ll start them practising now. I’ll make them practise out front in my yard at dark behind the tall fence where they can’t be seen. We have bats flying about due to the mango trees, so I think that will add a special something.
@Kittehs, yeah I know. Very exciting. We are all going down to watch (obv) and it’s a good opportunity to catch up with a friend who has just had a baby after several horrible rounds of IVF
I’m petitioning NSW RTA to change the licence plate slogan to demi-illegitimate children and supersonic highways.
I saw a strange number plate today – EVLTDY. I suspect it was meant to read “evil today” but I read it as “evil tidy” – much more interesting.
or evil teddy which is what I saw
Oh dear god yes. Can you, like, bleach their hair white or something like that?
I’m sure I have some chalk lying about, as well as face paints from various half assed children’s activities. I’ll get right on it.
Evil teddy, I like it!
Thanks BigMomma
And I assumed ‘evil toady,’ Kittehs.
LBT: This actually makes me wonder. I’ve got a question for the older US Boobzers. Despite my high mileage, I’m still relatively young (newly twenty-six) and I’ve always wondered: has the US always been like this? Did it used to be better or worse?
Depends on what you are measuring. I’d say the issues around non-hetero sexuality are better now. Issues related to women’s reproductive choices are worse. Race issue are mixed (better in some places, but a fuckton worse in others, e.g. Arizona and Florida).
And it depends on where you’re standing. What I feel is a bit less hopeful about a lot of things than I did when I was in my twenties, even though many of the things I care about are better.
Because a lot are worse: mostly because our gov’t has gotten more to the right, and our fiscal policies/social support network have gone to shit, and I think the ways those things have gotten worse have made the other things more volatile; because the people benefiting from those changes have used the other things as scapegoats.
I’m 35 and I think that women’s reproductive health is worse now than it was in the 90s, what with “abortifacients” and the whole push back on employers covering birth control.
I think the attitudes toward climate change are worse. Climate change itself is worse, but that’s the nature of that beast.
The economy was better in the 90s than it was in the Aughts before the housing bubble burst, but it’s better today than it was in September/October ’07 when we were on the verge of collapse.
Occupy petered out but marriage equality is on the march.
LBT, I am perpetually forgetting that you’re younger than me! Only difference I can say is the recent assault on women’s rights, but you’ve seen that one.
Trolly is boring, and really bad at logic, grammar and spelling.
Regarding things being better or worse – I’m turning 53 this Saturday. During my lifetime, being a same-sexer has gone from crime/mental illness to oppressed minority group. I call that progress. I’m legally married to my husband, and nobody around here says boo about it. The Arizona bill was vetoed because it would have been bad for business, which is the real third rail in USA politics. When I came out in high school (1978) it was an act of sheer bravado; now, some high schools have GSAs. A celebrity who openly slurs gays will receive negative attention. All this represents progress, in my opinion.
Thanks, older boobzers. It gives me something to chew on.
RE: Argenti
LBT, I am perpetually forgetting that you’re younger than me!
*snrk* I get that a lot. Blame the mileage; I do.
Hey David, I just found your website through looking up that horrible Karen Straughan woman. I’ve been watching her videos in a sort of horrified delirium since I randomly found them on Youtube. THANK YOU for this website holy shit I am so glad there is an online space somewhere regularly calling out crazy, hateful, (and probably self-hating) people out on their misogyny. It absolutely infuriates me to read that stuff but I can’t bring myself to respond and but my anger into words!!! Your blog is a new favorite thank you so much. And I know men aren’t supposed to get kudos points for being decent human beings (aka believes in social/political/economic equality of the sexes), but I’m so surprised and touched that you’re a man and I’m happy that it insulates your argument from dumb counter points like, “well you’re just a stupid woman!” (that so many feminists have to endure). Thank you so much, you’re awesome!
Hi Naomi, and welcome. Please accept a welcome package. Also, I just want to let you know that we frown on using “crazy” to describe these chucklefucks, both because we can’t actually diagnose them and (more importantly) because of the harmful blowback using that word causes for people with mental illness. I hope you stay around and have fun with us — you’ll definitely have a better experience if you can train yourself out of using that word.
Huh, really? I find that being a woman who controls her own emotions, takes responsibility, takes the lead, gets tired of excuses and bullshit, etc…acting like teh menz, I guess…gets me a shocked, butthurt look. Like, how dare I call men out on their own childishness, passive agressive behavior and bullshit. It messes with their heads a bit until they come to the realization that ..hey, she’s serious. Uh, yeah…door’s over there. They either want women to , er, act like children so they can feel all manly or they want women to take control of themselves which they can’t seem to stand either. One or the other, fellas; I’m not going to allow my “working diagnosis Bi Polar disorder” run free just because you can’t make up your freaking minds. One or the other not both. “you’re the king, my king” Oh hell no. This isn’t Stepford Wives. Book is great, btw. The original movie is spot on.
Good morning, all. It’s been a while. How are you.
@cloudiah Thanks for the link! And of course, wow, that’s definitely an ableist word. I’m so sorry. As someone who’s had depression before I should have known better. Thanks for pointing it out!
That’s super cool of you Naomi 🙂 glad you came back!
Naomi gets all the props and we should totally frame that comment and show it to new people as an example of how it’s done.
Seconding katz! I’m glad to see more delurkers like Naomi.
Too right!
Yay for Naomi!
People should delurk MOAR!!! XD
I just want to thank you for showing me I’m not alone in feeling sick at the misogynistic/insultingly stupid / stupidly insulting atmosphere that often crops up on reddit. I used to be quite active on the site. Since Elliot Rodgers’ rampage, I haven’t been able to go online without finding an inbox full of hate-filled, defensive responses to old posts where I express the opinion that gender equity is something worth fighting for…