ableism alpha males antifeminism citation needed crackpottery creepy demonspawn domestic violence dozens of upvotes evil sexy ladies excusing abuse mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA one hundred upvotes patriarchy patronizing as heck red pill reddit women are children

Red Pill Theorist: Women are like children. Except you can have sex with them.

This Morpheus dude may have a point.
This Morpheus dude may have a point.

Put on your thinking caps today, because we are going to wade into the highly rarefied world of Red Pill Theory. Our Guest Lecturer today is a totally ALPHA DOG Red Pill Redditor by the name of GayLubeOil — don’t worry, fellas, he’s straight! — who has some important insights for us all on the nature of women.

Namely, that women are basically just overgrown children. Who give blow jobs.

Let’s let him explain, in a post that’s now Number One With A Sticky in the Red Pill Subreddit.

Treating Women Like Children (self.TheRedPill) submitted 8 hours ago by Endorsed ContributorGayLubeOil - stickied post One of the key tenants of Red Pill is that women act like children. There are many reasons for this. Women are not held accountable for their actions growing up, so they are completely new to the concept of accountability. If a woman sucks a dick, she tells a realy long story about how she was put in a dick sucking situation. Women don't realy believe in their own agency. That's why they often believe in cosmic forces like fate and patriarchy, because nothing they ever do is their fault. If women don't take responsibility for their actions, someone else has to. That's why we have to treat women like children. Obviously, some woman is going to read this have a cascade of feels and then deal with said feels in the most immature way possible.  While Red Pill theory has definitely harsh view of women, the practical application isn't as anti-social as our detractors believe.  One of the things that children suck at, is regulating their internal state. They're too little to know if their hungry, sleepy or if they need to go for a walk. When a child throws a tantrum its often not about the toy, there is often some underlying issue you need to take care of.  As stupid as its sounds you can completely avoid a lot of arguments by ignoring everything she says and going for the underlying problem. I cant believe you never told me that you X! Aww is she hungry. She gets this way when shes hungry. Then just feed her some Greek yogurt or something, and the problem will go away. Or just take her for a walk around the block, because shes just anxious from being at work the entire day.  Red Pill holds that male leadership is the cornerstone of a good relationship. Sometimes that means treating her like a child.

After reading all of that, you may have a few questions. Obviously, the most important question is: why Greek Yogurt? Well, in addition to being very popular with the ladies, it is apparently quite high in iron. Let’s let Professor LubeOil explain why that’s so crucial:

GayLubeOil[S] 44 points 7 hours ago* The reason I used Greek Yogurt as an example is that its high in Iron. A surprising number of women are anemic which means they bruise easily. Its obviusly not your fault that she cant get enough nutrients into her body. However You don't want to be seen walking around with a bruised woman. Which is why GayLubeOil recommends feeding your anemic woman Greek Yogurt mixed with pomegranate so you don't look like an abusive asshole. If you are an abusive asshole yogurt and pomegranate will not fix or prevent hemotoma. Sorry abusive assholes.  permalinkparentgive gold [–]Knoxhon_ 8 points 5 hours ago Sorry abusive assholes.  lmfao
Well, with that critical issue taken care of in a totally not creepy or red-flaggy kind of way, let’s move on to some of the serious discussion Professsor LubeOil’s thesis inspired in the Red Pill Subreddit.

Ah, who am I kidding? They mainly just posted comments about how totally right he was and how women totally are a bunch of overgrown children. But saying women are children is totes not misogyny!

Usherai 39 points 7 hours ago For all the accusations of misogyny thrown at TRP, I don't think most guys, even here, go far enough. Women are exactly like children in that without strong male leadership they will ruin themselves by being slaves to their emotions and short-sightedness. Their inability to take responsibility for themselves means that men need to be the ones directing, influencing, and manipulating their emotions into beneficial behaviors and pursuits.  This means that the mindset RP men should have in their relationships with women is one of complete and utter superiority. Your analysis and suggestions are pretty spot on.
And, heck, even if a dude maybe is a teensy bit of a misogynist, what’s the big deal, so long as it convinces him to treat his women properly — that is, like you would treat special needs children.

GayLubeOil[S] 41 points 7 hours ago Even if someone is a blatant misogynist and thinks women are completely inferior to men, that doesn't necessarily translate into him treating women poorly. Lets say you had a special needs child . The kids obviously intellectually inferior, to you and his peers. You knowing this doesn't make you an asshole. Knowing this and admitting this is the first step in being a good parent for this kid. Yea maybe you have to wipe his mouth after he eats or pick up after him a bit more. But pretending that he is a totally normal kid is going to make you a shittier parent than admitting the truth. That's why you should do what men have done for most of human history:treat women like women instead of pretending that they are men with breasts.  permalinkparentgive gold [–]Knoxhon_ 14 points 5 hours ago misogyny isn't about superior/inferior. it's about a hatred of women as a group. this is a common misconception.  permalinkparentgive gold [–]Endorsed ContributorDemonspawn 13 points 4 hours ago But so much of the population has equality disease: thinking someone isn't equal must be coming from hate... because they are equal, don'tchaknow!

Damn those feminazis and their “equality!” Why, it’s almost un-American!

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11 years ago

Australia, the land of supersonic highways.

11 years ago

Or at least, drivers who think they are!

11 years ago

I wish there were supersonic highways…the Pacific Highway which runs the coast from Brisbane to Sydney, being the only motorway between these major cities, is actually a two lane pot holed road in places. And there’s no decent intercity public transport, the trains are a joke.

11 years ago

sorry, I’m being dull. Apologies. Worn out after a weekend of evil feminist fun with my husband and demi-illegitimate children at a theme park, then the beach.

11 years ago

After the walls o’ text from various trolls, grammar ninnies and ur-doin-feminism-rong types, talking about pot-holes on the Hume & co is not dull, believe me.

11 years ago

I love the idea of demi-illegitimate children & supersonic highways.

I’m moving to Australia.

11 years ago

come cloudiah, we even have libraries

11 years ago

I wanna… I will visit Australia someday…

11 years ago

Oooh yes!

Come to Melbourne!

I sure hope you can/ feel up do doing brunch on May 4th (in LA, obvs, not here).

11 years ago

“Demi-legitimate Children and Supersonic Highways” is the name of my concept album.

11 years ago

Don’t take my Matrix comparisons away from me.

11 years ago

katz…like. Can my daughters sing/play piano/recorder on it?

My 10yr old is playing with her school recorder group at the opera house this year!

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
11 years ago

This is a wonderfull outline of the autonomous individual and the like…but I cant really take it seriously because the rates of everything from divorce to illigitamacy and the like could be miniscule or sky high…. and a societies “health”could still be said tobe perfectly fine under this fuzzy standard.

Fitzge, if you want to measure the overall “health” of a society, there are a lot more metrics available. Poverty, education, life expectancy, income, human rights, to name just a few. You also have to focus on the well-being of all segments of society, not just able-bodied straight cis white males between the ages of 18 and 55. Using family structure to gauge societal health is like a doctor focusing on the big toe to evaluate the overall health of the patient.

Then elsewhere you move the goalposts and claim you’re trying to measure the overall health of “gender relations”.

What you’re really angry about is the disappearance of social stigmas around divorce, children outside of wedlock, etc. You imagine there was some historical golden age, some prelapsarian paradise where there were Rules, and women and children Knew Their Place. And now that the lid’s been ripped off, you blame feminism and think the world is going to hell in a handbasket. You’re making the same error that right-wing Christians make, assuming that without Rules and Regulations handed down from on high, people just don’t know right from wrong and will behave immorally. Most folks have pretty strong internal moral compasses and don’t need a book or a bunch of lawmakers to spell out right vs. wrong for them.

One can equally argue that the bump in divorce rates reflects the moral degeneracy of the previous system. People no longer have to stay trapped in loveless, terrible marriages for the sake of…..what? Appearances? People nowadays get married, and stay married, because they love each other and want to be together, not because society expects it of them. Marriages are based on mutual partnership instead of the man controlling and dominating the woman as if she were a dog. That sounds to me like an improvement in gender relations.

You’re making the mistake of trying to validate your personal hangups by applying pseudo-social science, and in the process strewing a big chumbucket of fail all over this thread. The other sharks got to you first, but I can’t resist a good debunkin’.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
11 years ago

“Demi-legitimate Children and Supersonic Highways” is the name of my concept album.

That would make a great license plate slogan, too.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
11 years ago

Heeeere blockquote monster! Breakfast!!

11 years ago

The absence of slavery and monarchy are “way outside any historical norm”. So? You’re committing a logical fallacy if you think something being the old way or being popular in the olden days makes it preferable.

Misogynists are so desperate for an excuse for their hatred of women. There isn’t one. There is no valid reason for being a hateful, abusive, bigot.

11 years ago

Ah yes, the Golden Age. That golden figment of shitty imaginations. How I do NOT miss it!

11 years ago

You know it’s kind of funny how so many people talk about the good old days but being slightly *cough cough* older civilization as we know it is not coming to a halt anytime soon contrary to what some people think even if woman are treated as equals instead of children. Every generation is proclaimed to be the downfall of life as we know it. Funny how we’re still here isn’t it?

The good old days quite honestly sucked for most people. Sure if you were married you could be an abusive ass to your wife and she wouldn’t be able to leave you. I’m not entirely sure why you think that is a good thing. A woman having a child without being married also not a terrible thing in the mind of the vast majority of people. Allowing adults to get married to those they love is a good thing and god will not smote you the moment it is legal.

If you are afraid of the changes in society feel free to complain about them and if so inclined rally to get laws passed that allow discrimination. Just don’t be surprised when the majority of the people tell you to shove it you asshat.

11 years ago

katz…like. Can my daughters sing/play piano/recorder on it?

Naturally. Do they mind being in a creepy-sounding children’s choir? It’s an album about a dystopic future.

11 years ago

BigMomma, that’s cool about your daughter’s group playing at the Opera House!

11 years ago

This thread does amuse me.

Toll-y: But feminism means women can choose to do whatever makes them happiest.
Boobzers: Yes
Troll-y: So women are starting to be able to do whatever makes them happiest!
Boobzers: Yes! Isn’t that wonderful.
Troll-y: But women doing whatever makes them happiest is dreadful.
Boobzers: Sorry, what?
Troll-y: Women mustn’t be allowed to do whatever they want! That’s just a sick society, it’s historically wrong, it’s the end of everything. It’s the apocalypse!
Boobzers: Ok. Bored with troll-y. Anyone got any good recipes?

11 years ago

Hahaha… Didn’t mean to come off so reactionary about non fat yoghurt, my time in Santa Cruz surrounded by clueless but well meaning pseudo hippies carrying a u-haul of unexamined privilege lecturing me on scrambling an egg in a teaspoon of butter while they use some spread that’s 60% hydrogenated oils has made me a little trigger-happy about my dairy products 😛

11 years ago

RE: Sam-I-Was

You know it’s kind of funny how so many people talk about the good old days

This actually makes me wonder. I’ve got a question for the older US Boobzers. Despite my high mileage, I’m still relatively young (newly twenty-six) and I’ve always wondered: has the US always been like this? Did it used to be better or worse? I keep hearing conflicting things and maybe it’s just because it’s conflicting truths, that’s it’s better for some people or worse for others, but things seem to have gotten shittier as I’ve aged. (That might be due to me falling down the ladder, though, rather than an actual general impression of my local society.)

RE: BigMomma

I have a recipe for yoghurt from a trusted and falling apart Indian cookery book. The author also recommends draining yoghurt (lebneh) to use as a rich creamy yoghurt in curry (LBT, I’m thinking about your hubby right now)

Oooh! Share, share!

RE: katz

Do they mind being in a creepy-sounding children’s choir? It’s an album about a dystopic future.

My kid sister would like this concept album please thank you.

11 years ago

@LBT, As an old, I think things are generally a little bit better than they were when I was your age, but it can be hard to see because (a) not everything is better, and lots of important things are terrible, and (b) when things do get better it often engenders a significant reaction from those with entrenched privilege. (Which someone here called, hopefully, an “extinction burst.”)