Put on your thinking caps today, because we are going to wade into the highly rarefied world of Red Pill Theory. Our Guest Lecturer today is a totally ALPHA DOG Red Pill Redditor by the name of GayLubeOil — don’t worry, fellas, he’s straight! — who has some important insights for us all on the nature of women.
Namely, that women are basically just overgrown children. Who give blow jobs.
Let’s let him explain, in a post that’s now Number One With A Sticky in the Red Pill Subreddit.
After reading all of that, you may have a few questions. Obviously, the most important question is: why Greek Yogurt? Well, in addition to being very popular with the ladies, it is apparently quite high in iron. Let’s let Professor LubeOil explain why that’s so crucial:
Well, with that critical issue taken care of in a totally not creepy or red-flaggy kind of way, let’s move on to some of the serious discussion Professsor LubeOil’s thesis inspired in the Red Pill Subreddit.
Ah, who am I kidding? They mainly just posted comments about how totally right he was and how women totally are a bunch of overgrown children. But saying women are children is totes not misogyny!
And, heck, even if a dude maybe is a teensy bit of a misogynist, what’s the big deal, so long as it convinces him to treat his women properly — that is, like you would treat special needs children.
Damn those feminazis and their “equality!” Why, it’s almost un-American!
Also may be a difference in how things are made? I dunno, but I’ve never liked, for example, the yogurt anyplace else as much as I did in the middle east. The closest I’ve been able to find is the yogurt you can get in Indian grocers, and I don’t like most Euro-style yogurt much unless it’s flavored with something. Whereas in Saudi my mum couldn’t keep enough of it in the fridge to keep up with my snacking.
Oh man, I love the Indian grocery in town, even if it’s kinda far. FIVE POUNDS OF YOGURT! Even by my standards, that’ll last me a bit.
Cabot Greek Yogurt is my favorite though. It has this wonderful tang, and hubby would use it for a base of macaroni and cheese sauce. Yummmmmm.
Unfortunately, Cabot doesn’t sell here. 🙁
Fitz: Im afraid that we have not ploughed any real new ground here
You are right, you’ve not said anything new, so the refutations are pretty standard.
You are upset that women have rights. You are apoligising for people who want to strip them of those rights.
Which means you are a shitty person, and a sorry sample of humanity.
The idea that historically high levels of divorce are simply and only people leaving “abusive” relationships and not callous, frivilous or self serving behavior is likewise nieve.
What ignorant twaddle* In Britain, in my lifetime, it took a Fucking Act of Parliament to get a divorce. If you are trying to tell me that didn’t prevent people from divorcing… may I interest you the rights to charge tolls on a bridge? Perhaps you would like some land in Florida?
Your, “matrix” for “judging the health of a society” has a huge subtext of what you think is “proper”. My metric is that the people in it have the liberty to live thier lives in the ways they see fit, and aren’t forced to cohabit (much less have sex with) people which whom they don’t wish to cohabit.
If feminism is not strong enough and self confident enough to admit that it has caused serious dislocations in relationships and (at the very least) contributed to family breakdown, then its clearly not a liberal and humane intellectual movment but simply a great refusal to contribute to a healthy or stable social order.
More ignorant twaddle.
Has the effects of feminism caused, “dislocations”? Yes.
Do I think this is bad? No.
That, my dear boy, is the fundamental difference. You seem to think that chaining women to hearth and home and husband is somehow the mark of a “healthy” society, and I don’t.
*For those playing, “name that fallacy”, it’s also question begging.
You might be wearing rose colored glasses.. Sure divorce peaked at that time period…but it is still at historic highs
Gee… it was almost impossible to get; and it was rare. It was made less impossible, more people did it.
Sort of like slavery, it was outlawed (in the West) and it stopped. I’ll bet, were it to be made legal again, people would start doing it again.
Funny thing, when the power of the state is against something, it isn’t done so often. When the state is in control of all aspects of a thing, then the legality/ease of obtaining, is the controlling factor.
You don’t logic very well. But I see you are very good at feels.
This is a wonderfull outline of the autonomous individual and the like…but I cant really take it seriously because the rates of everything from divorce to illigitamacy and the like could be miniscule or sky high…. and a societies “health”could still be said tobe perfectly fine under this fuzzy standard.
Bingo! You got it. Societies are healthy in relation to how the members inside it feel about their place in it. The larger the number of people who feel they are in a good place the healthier it is.
Your argument is, at root, that Teh MENZ! deserve to be coddled. This is reactionary (and wrong). Since they aren’t, you have decided the society is, “unhealthy” when what is actually happening is that a minority who weren’t able to adapt to the reality of the present age are whining about how unfair is no one is treating them as special snowflakes.
Such a definition is clearly a dialectic because it pits men against woman in a war for power over histroical time…
Wrong. Because the opposition you posit isn’t striving to take the thesis/antithesis and resolve them with synthesis. The MRM is looking to ereadicate the antithesis, and re-establish the thesis as the status quo.
Not Hegelian, not Dialectic, merely Reactionary.
Why? Defend your thesis (well, you can’t really, because it’s bullshit, but I’d like to see what you think the reasons for such an arbitrary [and irrelevant] metric are).
My local Indian grocer (have to drive to it, so not that local, but close) sells fresh samosa and burfi. I love that place so much. Also the owner, who once told Mr C to come back and pay next time we were there because he ran in right when they were closing and they’d already shut down the till. I guess we really are there a lot, huh?
And now I want to go get burfi tomorrow.
The best samosa I ever had was a homemade chicken samosa at this little run-down convenient store in Vancouver.
Good luck with it, cloudiah! Ranch dressing has been the last of the processed foods I’ve been hanging on to; I’m really happy to have a less processed substitute. It’s way cheaper, too, which is good given how much I go through!
You’ll most likely want to play with the balance of spices to get them just right. When I was doing the research on it, I found a lot of recipes that put sugar in with the spices, and call for garlic salt as well as a lot more dill than it turns out that I like. The blend I gave you is the one I’ve hit on as perfect, but I’d encourage you to experiment until you get what you prefer!
Housemate used to work at McD’s and says when they’d run out of the premade sauce, they’d mix half ketchup and half mayo with sweet relish and use that.
cassandra: Also may be a difference in how things are made? I dunno, but I’ve never liked, for example, the yogurt anyplace else as much as I did in the middle east.
Have you tried lebneh?
cassandra: We’re so wimpy and used to easy weather here that some people refuse to go out when it’s raining. Mr C and I did absolutely nothing on the last day off we had together because we didn’t want to get wet.
New York is worse for that. It rains, in part of the day (because rain here never seems to last more than a couple of hours) and the rest of the day foot traffic is dead. I don’t get it. In LA/SF we’d see a drop in sales, but never more than about 30 percent (and that for a fairly heavy rain). Here, a small bit of rain = 50 percent, or more.
Binjabreel: Yeah, ’92 was a good water year (really strong La Niña.)
I’ve seen people here freak out about it being unsafe to drive if it’s raining at all. It really is about what you’re used to.
Funny thing: I read a study (about ten years ago) about accidents per capita in the rain.
LA had the best stats. Seattle was down near the bottom (having driven in all of them but DC, I’d have to say LA is probably the place I’d rather drive in the rain, and I know why Seattle did so poorly. When it starts to rain, traffic speeds up)
Sorry it was accidents per capita, normed for miles driven, so LA had the lowest rate, per driver, per 100,000 miles (I think that was the measure being used).
That’s interesting. I do notice that driving gets worse here when it rains, but maybe LA drivers are just plain good at driving, since we do so much of it. (I’m not really part of that “we” since my 16-year-old car only has about 84K miles on it.)
Speaking of statistics, does anyone know a good place to get aggregate conviction rates for various crimes in the US/UK? One of the MRAs mucking up the comments on that Matchar piece is arguing that the rate of conviction for rape is much higher than that for murder because “Prosecutors love putting away rapists because it makes them look good.”
Of course no discussion of the fact that something like only 37% of reported rapes are taken to trial, versus (one would assume) all murders, or the low number of rapes that are actually reported. Pull all that together and although it doesn’t feel completely wrong (given the problematic nature of the way society deals with the crime, one imagines that only the most clear cut cases are actually taken to trial), I’d still like to check it.
If an MRA tried to tell me that rain was wet, I’d still go out and stand in it for a few minutes, just to be sure…
I have a recipe for yoghurt from a trusted and falling apart Indian cookery book. The author also recommends draining yoghurt (lebneh) to use as a rich creamy yoghurt in curry (LBT, I’m thinking about your hubby right now)
I use yoghurt a lot as I cook primarily Indian food. I make my own spice blends and pastes too, yum. I’ve tried to ‘stabilise’low fat yoghurt with cornflour but it still never works. So I use full fat and whisk it before use into a creamy texture. It’s still easy to get full fat greek yoghurt in Australia though.
I think it’s that LA drivers are good drivers, and they slow down when the rain starts (also, the warnings about being careful in the first couple of hours, so the slick can be washed away).
I can get you stats on rates, not convictions:
I wish people here
do that. Rain seems to bring out all the incompetent/careless/fucking stupid drivers.
LOL the blockquote monster’s had its revenge! That “would” was meant to be in italics.
@kittehserf, yeah, I’ve had the experience in driving in a full on rain storm with visibility down to just beyond the bonnet. I’ve slowed to 60k on a 100k road, debating pulling over. And then people barrel past me, clearly still going at 100k.
That’s pretty much St Kilda Road every time it rains, BigMomma. Step onto the pedestrian crossing at your peril, because the idea that it takes longer to stop in the wet is apparently too much for some idiots to grasp.
Plus, you can’t even fucking see when it’s pelting down that damn hard.
60,000 is still too fast, IMHO.
Australia’s a big country, Katz, we need the speed to get places.