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Off topic: Yakety Rave

I’m too migrainey to brain properly today, so instead I give you some raver dudes dancing (?) to Yakety Sax. And, no, they weren’t really dancing to Yakety Sax, but I do kind of love the idea of vast fields full of people raving out to old novelty songs.

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11 years ago

I don’t even want to start with that first CFI post. Let’s just say there is a massive conflict of interest there. Ben Radford has a history of sexually harassing at least one coworker.

11 years ago


We’re doomed or saved. I, for one, welcome our new Furrinati overlords.

11 years ago

Everything is funny when set to Yakety Sax. Like a shrimp on a treadmill:

11 years ago

Where did this stupid idea that we have to give coverage to even the most absurd opinions on a controversial subject come up? Are we going to have to mention the Flatearthers every time we discuss astronomy too? I mean, otherwise there might not be balance, you know…

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Small amounts of ricin may be good for you! Arsenic makes lovely glassware, the danger is overstated! VACCINES!!!111!!!11d! XD

Thank you LBT, I needed that bit of absurdity!

11 years ago

And napalm makes lovely candles! Don’t let the liberal conspiracy fool you!

11 years ago

Not absurd enough! This requires BLACK METAL YAKETY SAX!

11 years ago

That is one of the best uses of Yakety Sax ever.

11 years ago

Arsenic makes lovely glassware, the danger is overstated!

You will LOVE the reactions of the wallpaper manufacturers in The Arsenic Century.

“Nothing dangerous about arsenic powder floating out of green wallpaper! I’ll lick the entire wall to prove it!”

11 years ago

Well, it grosses me out, but I wouldn’t call it a fear of it, because I’m not thinking about it at other times, if that makes sense. But normal or not normal, I have no idea.

Have you asked her to eat with her mouth closed? Apart from anything else, it’s really bad manners.

11 years ago

Probably not “normal” as in “common,” but certainly highly understandable.

11 years ago

RE: couldiah

I concur. But then, there are few things Yakety Sax doesn’t improve.

11 years ago

Napalm makes lousy candles, but it’s great for filling oil-lamps. Very pleasant color of flame (why do you complain the smoke detectors go off all the time when you light it,and the table is scorched…? Doesn’t diminish the lovely colors).

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Pecunium — because your smoke alarm is like getting ice picked in the eye!

Kitteh — I think I still have the NatGeo suggesting that arsenic may’ve been what did Neopoleon in.

Radium glows in the dark, what do you mean I shouldn’t paint my nails with it!? (I think I still have 80s glow in the dark nail polish…hm, I bet my pharm student would love it…)

11 years ago

I think the thesis I prefer is a poison by combination of weak arsenic toxicity, capped with the bitter almond oil in orgeat liqueur, of which he was quite fond. In other words, assassination. Best candidate seems to be French.

11 years ago

Argenti – it’s not that likely, unless it was slow cumulative poisoning. Hair samples from before his exile, and from Josephine, show they had plenty of arsenic in their systems then. It was hard not to in those days; the stuff was in so many things, whether it was meant to be (as a type of insecticide for crops, for instance) or as an adulterant. It got worse later in the century, too, with increasing industrialisation and the massive food adulteration that went with it.

I must see where my copy of The Arsenic Century’s hiding – probably under the bed somewhere. It has a short section about Napoleon.