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British Men’s Rightser to feminists: I will fight you until my dying breath! And so will my totally real ex-model girlfriend.

Sasha's eloquent words, immortalized in ugly MRA poster form by Cloudiah of Artistry for Feminism. And Kittens.
Sasha’s eloquent words, immortalized in ugly MRA poster form by Cloudiah of Artistry for Feminism. And Kittens.

Meet Sasha. Sasha is an angry young man living in England (allegedly), with a super-HAWT girlfriend (allegedly), and a lot of opinions about feminism (not-so-allegedly). The other day, he decided to share some of these opinions with the world. Or at least with any of those feminists who happened to be reading the Men’s Rights subreddit at the time.

In a topic devoted to a conference on “lad culture” in British universities, Sasha lashed out at feminists for what he sees as their hypocritical attack on boorish, sexist “lads.” Hypocritical, you see, because these very same women allegedly have sex with posh men all the bloody time:

You don’t like ‘lad culture’? My dear, I don’t give a fuck what you do and don’t like. …  The hypocrisy is staggering – you’ll be dropping your knickers in a flash if a dashing Etonian invited you to the Bullingdon, but God forbid some working class fella gets a bit tipsy and sings a rugby song.

Naturally, he dismissed women’s accounts of harassment as stuff and nonsense:

You’ve been threatened with rape by fellow students ‘to loosen you up’? have you fuck, you lying toe tag. If you’re going to make shit up try to make it less fantastical why don’t you.

So in short my dear, fuck you and fuck the high horse you rode in on.

In a series of followup comments so angry that some of them were actually downvoted to zero by the Men’s Rights crowd — I know, right! — Sasha pranced about on his own high horse spewing misogynistic nonsense. First, he demanded that feminists take on the very serious gold-digging whore problem:

[A]re women inclined to be gold-digging whores? Unfortunately, there’s a good case for saying you are. I wouldn’t paint all of you with such a broad brush, but let’s put it simply: feminists – you’ve got to own this shit. There are many, many negative aspects of femininity, and you’ve got enough shit of your own to address before you start pointing fingers at anyone else.

Then he proclaimed feminists to be the equivalent of the racist English Defense League and the Klan.

You’re a bigot. You don’t understand that you’re a bigot, because like the EDL or the KKK you think that your status as a ‘persecuted group’ gives you the right to behave as vilely as possible. However be in no doubt as the depth of my utter disgust for you as a human being and for your ideology.

Oh, we be in no doubt.

You are a supporter of an ideology of hate. You are a feminist. You are, by definition, a fascistic narcissist who trades in lies, deceit and hatred. I will fight you until my dying breath and society would be better without you. That clear enough?

When a female Redditor pointed out that she herself had been catcalled on campus, he pulled out his trump card: his EX-MODEL GIRLFRIEND.

OK, well how do you explain the fact that my partner, who is an attractive 20-something American former fashion model attending a Northern English university, says that she has never, not once, ever, heard a single catcalling insult or ever felt threatened in any way whatsoever on her campus, or anywhere in the UK?

I faxed this comment of his to my fax girlfriend Kate Winslet, and she faxed back a message about what a lying loser she thought he was. Then we fax made out for a while until we ran out of toner.

Anyway, then Sasha yelled at his main critic for a bit:

You’re not a decent human being, you’re a feminist. You’re as vile and reprehensible as other bigots like the cunts in the Westborough Baptist Church, or Golden Dawn or the EDL or the KKK. Fuck you, fuck the family that raised you in such a cloud of ignorance and hatred, and fuck everything you stand for.

As for ‘helping men’, disparaging bigoted cunts like you is a key part of it.

Yes, that’s right. He called someone a “bigoted cunt,” without the slightest bit of self-awareness.

Then he took it a bit too far:

By the way, do you like cats? I know most feminists do. I like cats too. I’ll bet your cat thinks you’re a bigoted cunt as well.

Dude. Don’t EVEN go there.

NOTE: Thanks to Cloudiah and the AgainstMensRights subreddit for pointing me to Sasha’s oeuvre.

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11 years ago

Could we please get a troll who isn’t stuck on repeat? Just one is all I ask for. Mikey was fun for a while, but he seems to have run out of gas.

11 years ago

Don’t get me wrong, I love instrumental music too, but the human voice is so glorious…

It really is. My all-time favorite a cappella piece is Franz Biebl’s Ave Maria. Like a glimpse of heaven.

11 years ago

Mikey got banned or modded into oblivion, so we’re not likely to see him again. Mind you he was stuck on repeat, too.

11 years ago

Ooooh, how pretty! @_@

11 years ago

By the way, do you like cats? I know most feminists do. I like cats too. I’ll bet your cat thinks you’re a bigoted cunt as well.

To tell the truth, cats are generally only grumpy with me when I don’t promptly feed them their kibbles. But in that case, I am deserving of furrinati overlord wrath. Also, I personally would be more worried if a cat decided I was an exciting scratching post …

As an aside, while I can’t keep a cat of my own (standard Tokyo renting rules), there is a department store in Ikebukuro that has a floor filled with cats that you can go visit. I believe it is called Nekobukuro.

Lets see if this blockquote/linking thing works … hehehehehe.

11 years ago

Link isn’t working. Which is a shame, because I was picturing something like this.

11 years ago

“….you’ll be dropping your knickers in a flash if a dashing Etonian invited you to the Bullingdon…”

I haven’t got the foggiest idea WTH that means, but it sounds kinky.

“…but God forbid some working class fella gets a bit tipsy and sings a rugby song…”

Ahh, economic sexual injustice? Seems to be a common theme with these men, they resent what they perceive as women consenting to sex with upper class men, but calling lower class men perverts for trying to do the same thing.

11 years ago

And here I am without any popcorn.

11 years ago

I do however have these.

(And no, I have no idea why they decided to make the ones with a crunchy peanut butter filling blue.)

11 years ago

Is Felisha the one who is always complaining about not being asked to use certain language?

It seems like such a strange thing to get upset at everyone about. To be honest, I didn’t even know anyone find found insults like “that’s crazy” offensive to some until I came here. It really hasn’t been hard to not use that language at all. I don’t feel oppressed in the slightest! I don’t why it’s a burden to just try not to be an asshole.

11 years ago

WWTH: Yup, that’s her. Her stampy little tantrum is hilarious.

11 years ago

Also in breaking news, my Etsy tunic arrived! It’s a better colour than the photo shows; the bodice is closer to aubergine. I’ve got it on, it’s warmer than the one I was wearing and it’s turned cool today. 😛

11 years ago

Yeah, she went on a several-pages-long rant after I asked her not to make a type of joke. I knew this little hissy fit was coming. Nothing like confirming people’s opinion of her.

11 years ago

Mochi, in 3 different flavors.

11 years ago

I’ve only ever had mochi ice cream. Not a fan.

11 years ago

Aside from dating Sasha, the former model girlfriend seems to lead a charmed life. I mean, I’ve been catcalled and groped in public, and I’m a rather heavyset man with a full beard.

11 years ago

@ Hellkell

You’re not keen on rice in general, right? Whereas I’ve yet to encounter a rice-based food that I dislike.

11 years ago

Or maybe really old and stale taramasalata? But no, it’s just various kinds of mochi. My kitchen would make the late Dr Atkins cry.

11 years ago

To tell the truth, cats are generally only grumpy with me when I don’t promptly feed them their kibbles.

I think my cats might not be registered members of the furrinati, because they get more affectionate than usual when I don’t keep their food bowl filled.

11 years ago

Cassandra: yeah, I’m not big on rice. I like the flavor the green tea mochi ice cream had, but not the texture.

11 years ago

Speaking of cats and food bowls, Mads did a perfect Cat Logic act this morning. She was all “Please fill my bowl I am STARVING” and when I looked at it, it was exactly like this pic neuroticbeagle found the other day:

11 years ago

Mmm, mochi. Mochi ice cream is still the only dessert my kid sister will actually LIKE. (Yes, a kid who doesn’t like candy. Go figure.)

And though the pictures of the tunic are gone, Kittehs, I think Mir would love half the shit that shop has left.

Ally S
11 years ago

I’m a huge fan of mochi. When I was living in a city with a Trader Joe’s close by, I loved to get the boxes of mochi they sold there.

Ally S
11 years ago

Oh, by mochi I’m referring to those ice cream-filled ones. I’ve never tried mochi by itself.