Meet Sasha. Sasha is an angry young man living in England (allegedly), with a super-HAWT girlfriend (allegedly), and a lot of opinions about feminism (not-so-allegedly). The other day, he decided to share some of these opinions with the world. Or at least with any of those feminists who happened to be reading the Men’s Rights subreddit at the time.
In a topic devoted to a conference on “lad culture” in British universities, Sasha lashed out at feminists for what he sees as their hypocritical attack on boorish, sexist “lads.” Hypocritical, you see, because these very same women allegedly have sex with posh men all the bloody time:
You don’t like ‘lad culture’? My dear, I don’t give a fuck what you do and don’t like. … The hypocrisy is staggering – you’ll be dropping your knickers in a flash if a dashing Etonian invited you to the Bullingdon, but God forbid some working class fella gets a bit tipsy and sings a rugby song.
Naturally, he dismissed women’s accounts of harassment as stuff and nonsense:
You’ve been threatened with rape by fellow students ‘to loosen you up’? have you fuck, you lying toe tag. If you’re going to make shit up try to make it less fantastical why don’t you.
So in short my dear, fuck you and fuck the high horse you rode in on.
In a series of followup comments so angry that some of them were actually downvoted to zero by the Men’s Rights crowd — I know, right! — Sasha pranced about on his own high horse spewing misogynistic nonsense. First, he demanded that feminists take on the very serious gold-digging whore problem:
[A]re women inclined to be gold-digging whores? Unfortunately, there’s a good case for saying you are. I wouldn’t paint all of you with such a broad brush, but let’s put it simply: feminists – you’ve got to own this shit. There are many, many negative aspects of femininity, and you’ve got enough shit of your own to address before you start pointing fingers at anyone else.
Then he proclaimed feminists to be the equivalent of the racist English Defense League and the Klan.
You’re a bigot. You don’t understand that you’re a bigot, because like the EDL or the KKK you think that your status as a ‘persecuted group’ gives you the right to behave as vilely as possible. However be in no doubt as the depth of my utter disgust for you as a human being and for your ideology.
Oh, we be in no doubt.
You are a supporter of an ideology of hate. You are a feminist. You are, by definition, a fascistic narcissist who trades in lies, deceit and hatred. I will fight you until my dying breath and society would be better without you. That clear enough?
When a female Redditor pointed out that she herself had been catcalled on campus, he pulled out his trump card: his EX-MODEL GIRLFRIEND.
OK, well how do you explain the fact that my partner, who is an attractive 20-something American former fashion model attending a Northern English university, says that she has never, not once, ever, heard a single catcalling insult or ever felt threatened in any way whatsoever on her campus, or anywhere in the UK?
I faxed this comment of his to my fax girlfriend Kate Winslet, and she faxed back a message about what a lying loser she thought he was. Then we fax made out for a while until we ran out of toner.
Anyway, then Sasha yelled at his main critic for a bit:
You’re not a decent human being, you’re a feminist. You’re as vile and reprehensible as other bigots like the cunts in the Westborough Baptist Church, or Golden Dawn or the EDL or the KKK. Fuck you, fuck the family that raised you in such a cloud of ignorance and hatred, and fuck everything you stand for.
As for ‘helping men’, disparaging bigoted cunts like you is a key part of it.
Yes, that’s right. He called someone a “bigoted cunt,” without the slightest bit of self-awareness.
Then he took it a bit too far:
By the way, do you like cats? I know most feminists do. I like cats too. I’ll bet your cat thinks you’re a bigoted cunt as well.
Dude. Don’t EVEN go there.
NOTE: Thanks to Cloudiah and the AgainstMensRights subreddit for pointing me to Sasha’s oeuvre.
Oooh, hellkell you’re moving so soon! Have you started looking for a place yet?
Congrats on the Shadowthon wrap-up, LBT — how’d you do?
Tracy, how are you going about learning coding?
Troll’s not a feminist, hangs out with misogynists while pretending to find misogyny a problem (hint: that’s part of being a feminist), drones on and on and on about nothing and adds to the list of slurs.
Fuck off, gobshite. Go hang out with your MRA mates.
LBT – Breakfast was fried eggs on bread with bacon and sausages. We usually have some variation on bacon and scrambled eggs. I prefer scrambled, and it’s easier to do Katie’s Plate that way. She got a spare egg for herself ‘cos otherwise she’d have shoved her nose into one of our plates and eaten the yolk. Shy she is not.
In before DDW defends use of ret*rd*d, as merely meaning delayed/held back. You used it as an adjective, not as a verb; in either case, not cool around here please and thank you.
cloudiah, I’m starting with online learning – places recommended to me by my dev community are Lynda.com, CodeSchool, Treehouse and Learnables. Not sure which I’m picking to begin with. I work with WordPress most frequently so want to get more comfortable with PHP (I can read it fairly well, but not write it yet), jQuery, JavaScript, Ajax, etc.
RE: cloudiah
Congrats on the Shadowthon wrap-up, LBT — how’d you do?
I did pretty well, considering I raised my prices. I made ten bucks above my bar, had two orphaned stories, so not bad! Not bad at all. I mean, of course I love it when I sell out, but you can’t clear the table every time, and when I’ve got ten orphans, I figure I can have a half-price sale or something.
RE: Kittehs
Breakfast was fried eggs on bread with bacon and sausages.
Oof! Sounds way too heavy for me (I tend not to have protein with breakfast) but hubby is drooling over it.
@LBT: I messed that up, then, because I was complaining that I couldn’t let this thing be when it didn’t need all that attention because it was such a little thing.
And my little girl’s been sick for two weeks.
That rocks. That rocks so hard.
RE: Falconer
Oops. Sorry, no, the fault was likely mine, my brain is not the sharpest today. And I’m so sorry for Tiny Falconer. 🙁 Being sick is no fun, especially at that age!
RE: katz
Well, first I’ve got to hack it down to a romance novel one third its original size, and THEN I have to get it accepted first! But yes, it is a possibility! 😀
I’ve been looking online to get a feel for the market, but we’ll go up in late May, checkbook in hand to find a place for real.
Good luck with the publisher!
Henceforth I shall communicate purely through the medium of kittens (and bunnies):
And furthermore:
It would be for me on this side, even if I had time to cook it! I’d blow up like nobody’s business if I had that sort of food regularly. I only eat breakfasts like that when I’m away on holiday. But Louis’s developed rather a thing for the fry-up breakfast. Must be that Dead Bi Guys thing again. 😉
Ophelia – I was thinking lolspeak was called for too. 😀
Take that, boring grammar troll!
Wow, I seem to have missed a bunch of stuff in the middle when I refreshed the page.
@hellkell, good luck on the move! I did an all the way north east to all the way south west (and back again) move, so I don’t envy your way south to way north trip, and I will send extra good thoughts for a smooth process!
@falconer, I hope your little one gets better soon!
Poor tiny Falconer. 🙁
My favorite piece of bullshit from DDW so far.
So, you’re not a feminist, but you do expect feminism to tackle misogyny, since that’s important to you. Dance, feminist monkeys! Do my work for me!
Shows that Dipshit Dreary Whiner thinks feminism’s a monolith, doesn’t it? You’d never think feminists disagreed with each other about stuff all the time.
And she cares about misogyny, claims to have read AVfM, but seems quite unaware of things like Pauly’s calls for women to be raped and male rapists to get away with it.
Puppet comments always remind me of this song, and I love her voice:
I loved that song as a kid!
I just signed up for lynda.com and it is awesome!
Hit enter too soon – knowing the lyrics now, it’s blah, and interestingly, Sandie Shaw hated it. From wikipedia:
Oh, and that made me think of an idea for a web app/site. A sock spotter, for spotting tells in troll comments
Kim, YES!
“And she cares about misogyny, claims to have read AVfM, but seems quite unaware of things like Pauly’s calls for women to be raped and male rapists to get away with it.”
Not really sure what accusation is this time but yes I am unaware of it. Got a link? I would like to read it.
Keep dancing, feminist monkeys! You exist to make my life easier!