antifeminism imaginary oppression manginas men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA playing the victim reddit straw feminists

Today in Straw Feminism: Why they chuckle at male suicide figures — explained!

Over on the Men’s Rights subreddit, the regulars are getting worked up about imaginary feminists again. Well, I suppose that’s pretty much all they ever do. But these two have managed to get even more worked up about even more imaginary feminists than they usually do:


flying_downwardss 12 points 22 hours ago (18|6)  I'M SORRY FOR BEING BORN MALE, I'M SORRY!  Is that what the feminists and manginas want to hear?      permalink     source     save     give gold     hide child comments  [–]Maschalismos 7 points 18 hours ago (7|0)  You know full well it is. And the only way for you to atone for your sin -making a woman feel bad by existing- is to kill yourself.  Thats why they chuckle at male suicide figures: they think its justice for the vast, infinite, undefined bulk of crimes against women since the dawn of time.

Upvotes for everyone!



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11 years ago

RE: Argenti

we need anti-suicide campaigns specially targeting men. The idea that asking for help isn’t manly is deadly, depression has enough layers of an “I’m just a weak waste of humanity” without one of them being toxic gender roles.

Tell me about it. I’ve been trying to cajole our younger brother into therapy for over a year, because he’s been depressed, resorting to substance abuse, and generally miserable for a while. The most success I’ve had is that he asked me whether I thought journalling was a good idea.

It doesn’t help that our family believes depression is cured by work, so I’m apparently like the only person he can talk to about it.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

LBT — I really hope you succeed in talking him into therapy, sucks that you can’t do more for him.

OT — y’all know rapists can sue for custody if their victim gets pregnant? I’m just gonna leave this petition here —

(I’d drop it on the open thread but yiny screen is tiny)

11 years ago

Is it just me or does “privilege guilt” sound like a light strain of gaslighting?

11 years ago


I’m gonna break down the reasons why the post at your link isn’t so much a smoking gun as it is a prime example of Total Failure Syndrome:

1: The poster was immediately denounced by the other posters, AND by the moderator of the forum (it’s worth noting that moderators, absent contrary evidence, are the best cases to judge the overall sentiment of a given online community).

2: The poster himself apologized and withdrew the offensive phrasing and sentiment within the same day of the post being made.

3: Just a side-note: The poster is, in fact, a cis straight white male (something he notes in the retraction-post), like myself. Thus, using that statement as a means to lambaste women feminists already is a mis-categorization.

Simple fact is, privileged allies in SJ movements (particularly those of us heavily privileged along multiple axes) are often prone to hoof-in-mouth syndrome, because while we are acting out of empathy and good intent, we are not so much acting out of lived experience. It’s a matter of mental reflexes.

11 years ago

(To be clear, the TFS referenced in the prior post belongs purely to A-leprechaunist.)

11 years ago

Check out this post from an MRA troll I encountered at Jezebel.

Because they’re all in competition for a very limited good: a real man. Which is about 1/100 creatures with dicks. Your calling them ‘guys’ doesn’t help, not to mention it’s intentionally demeaning.

I asked him to define real man and pointed out that some trans men do not have dicks so that isn’t a valid criteria for defining what a man is. Here was his response:

I was referring to a subset of men (granted, 99%). Guys is the default, now, on the left, and in the mainstream, for 100%. Where men used to be used, now they use ‘guys.’ It is very common to see women and guys paired. Why not girls and guys? Because they intend to insult men and elevate women verbally/rhetorically, for political reasons. I object to it, and I call them out on it, like they care. But I know what they’re doing. Male wasn’t insulting enough, so they cast around and found guy. Also, the tiny subsets you’re talking about are freaks, a word with an honorable and useful tradition. If I were, say, born a hermaphrodite, I would accept I was a freak, and proceed about life taking no shit and not worrying about things. But not demanding everyone else accept me as normal and build a new toilet to accommodate me.

The denial that women are frequently called derogatory names and more often than men is pretty par for the course MRA stuff. The virulent transphobia is also expected because we know they don’t give a crap about human rights for men who are not cis. Where this guy goes above and beyond is when he claims that if he were a hermaphrodite, his life would be exactly the same and being viewed as in his words “a freak” would not effect him at all. Yeah right!
It’s also pretty amazing that he finds “guy” derogatory but referred to men as a “good” and “creatures.” Isn’t the latter far more dehumanizing?

Manboobzers, please help break me of my habit of posting on Gawker Media sites. In addition to the MRA I have also argued with two racists, two libertarians and one ostensibly liberal feminist who will not acknowledge that Christianity is privileged in the western world and that liberal/moderate Christians should realize that and not sweep the historical and current oppression that is done in the name of Christianity under the rug.

Why do I do this to myself?

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
11 years ago

***trigger warning for suicide***

The OP completely ignores the fact that at least some of us have had friends and acquaintances commit suicide, and some of them were male. Given the numbers, I am sure that some male feminists have attempted suicide/successfully committed suicide. But totes obvs no feminist is ever directly been affected by male suicide.

Repugnant MRA view is repugnant.

11 years ago

I think it’s more like they think every woman that wishes them death is because she’s a feminist.

I guess that’s the only way they never have to deal with wondering whether they *ever* did something wrong to a woman.

Ironic, isn’t it. They advocate every sort of abuse under the sun, including genocide, then get all outraged that some women may just wish them dead.

11 years ago

WWTH – oh, isn’t that classic? He objects to being called a guy because it’s demeeeeeeaning but has no problem with referring to adult women as girls. Nope, nothing demeaning about that, calling women children is fine. He also seems to miss how often MRAs just call women ‘females’ when they’re not calling us much worse things.

Ah yes, irony fail part five hundred and fifty three.

I’m not even touching the trans phobia. ::backs away slowly::

11 years ago

Oh yes, what a “chuckle” I got that morning I was awoken by a phone call that a friend (a guy friend) had committed suicide & been found by his housemate. No wait, that wasn’t a “chuckle”, that was excruciating and the service was filled with sorrow from all who knew him.

Machalismos can fuck himself with a splintery flagpole. Even if what he’s speculating is an imaginary supposition, it still makes me sick.

Ally S
11 years ago

I can’t read all of that nonsense right now. I’m too easily triggered by transmisogyny these days.

11 years ago

This is a misandrist website.

11 years ago

This is a misandrist website.

Welp, BillAlphonso has spoken. I guess we better wrap things up here and find another blog.

11 years ago

Pointing out facts is misandry.
Mocking hatred of women is misandry.
This site is misandry.

Is there anything that isn’t misandry?

11 years ago

cloudiah, maybe he took a wrong turn…we should help him out.

Ally S
11 years ago

(commenting here because i don’t want to take focus away from lana in the open thread)

So the LGBT-friendly aunt I emailed is still LGBT-friendly and she accepts me. I just got an email back from her. This means so much to me.

11 years ago

This is a misandrist website.

You sure told us.

Bill, are you just a drive-by troll? Come, be my chew toy.

11 years ago

Every time I see a hit-and-run troll here, I’m reminded that manboobz is a big scary site to them, and I smile.

11 years ago

congrats, Ally!

11 years ago

Ally S. I’m glad you have people in your family that accepts you as you are.

11 years ago

So according to Reddit, feminism and SRS is more fucked up than r/rapingwomen.

Don’t you know, whenever there’s two sides in a dispute, if one side is bad, the other has to be just as bad.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Auggz — no luck in the actual thread, but I found where that imagine came from and “1 day ago” was at least a year ago. Sorry, searching reddit is not my strong suit.

Cloudiah — well, the Borg could do with new posts…

11 years ago

Ally: That’s wonderful!

11 years ago

Sparky, the only thing that isn’t misandry is misogyny.

Ally s, glad to hear it!

Lady Ballsnip
Lady Ballsnip
11 years ago

They answer the question of ‘she feminists chuckle etc’, but do feminists chuckle about male suicide in the first place? I’ve never seen anything close to that. I always wonder where exactly they do find these horrible, extremely bigoted and hateful feminists who wish terrible harm upon men. I guess they’ve got another version of Google or something considering what kind of extremism they somehow find rampant within the movement.