antifeminism imaginary oppression manginas men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA playing the victim reddit straw feminists

Today in Straw Feminism: Why they chuckle at male suicide figures — explained!

Over on the Men’s Rights subreddit, the regulars are getting worked up about imaginary feminists again. Well, I suppose that’s pretty much all they ever do. But these two have managed to get even more worked up about even more imaginary feminists than they usually do:


flying_downwardss 12 points 22 hours ago (18|6)  I'M SORRY FOR BEING BORN MALE, I'M SORRY!  Is that what the feminists and manginas want to hear?      permalink     source     save     give gold     hide child comments  [–]Maschalismos 7 points 18 hours ago (7|0)  You know full well it is. And the only way for you to atone for your sin -making a woman feel bad by existing- is to kill yourself.  Thats why they chuckle at male suicide figures: they think its justice for the vast, infinite, undefined bulk of crimes against women since the dawn of time.

Upvotes for everyone!



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11 years ago


11 years ago

Wow. Just not treating females like shit or using the fact you’re a male to act the fool? This never occured? *smh*

11 years ago

BWAHAHAHAHA what a pair of idiots.

Don’t apologise for being born, fellas. Apologise for being wilfully stupid, misogynistic, and less mature than when you were two years old.

11 years ago


I love the sheer amount of self projection, and lack of self awareness. I love particularly how they cannot conceive of feminists as anything other then ‘laughing at male suicides’ when even cursory research into feminism proves that most are not doing that. (Mra on the other hand, laughing about female suicides? you know it.)

11 years ago

Maschalismos accuses feminists of unfairly blaming men for imaginary “undefined bulk of crimes against women” while simultaneously accusing feminists of something that is completely unfair, unfounded and imaginary.

It amazes me how many of these MRA’s lack a sense of irony.

11 years ago

MRAs belittle women and girls who attempt suicide all the fucking time!

11 years ago

How can we gold dig men’s money for bonbons, shoes, and child support if they have committed suicide?

11 years ago

That’s why we’re mocking them for it, you see: they aren’t living up to their duty of providing bon-bons and Scented Fucking Candles.

11 years ago

Yes, dudes, we are laughing at you. Not for suicide rates, but because you’re immature shitheads who think you’re smarter than you are and constantly display (and are proud of) your lack of knowledge about the simplest things.

11 years ago

Kittehserf, I’ve wondered this for a while, being here and all. What happens if I like SCENTED FUCKING CANDLES and I’m a man? Does that mean I’m a self-hating misandrist?

Funny aside, Firefox doesn’t recognize misandrist as a properly spelled word. It only suggests Dristan as an alternative.

11 years ago

AIT, it means you’ve been brainwashed into the Furrinati Feminist Hivemind and are now a MANGINA!!!

11 years ago

Using the male suicide rate to score rhetorical points against feminists and win asspats from fellow MRAs: totally not misandry.

11 years ago

Not to mention showing how MRAs really do totes care about actual problems men face.

11 years ago

Sometimes, I confess, I feel stupid reading this MRM stuff. I keep mentally going like “what? why? what does that even mean? how can anyone even think that?”. I just don’t get it. It is so… bizarre.

11 years ago

Where do they even get this shit from?

11 years ago

Where do they even get this shit from?

Where shit usually comes from, at a guess.

11 years ago

No, we don’t want you to apologize! We want you to weep so that we may bathe in your tears!

11 years ago


11 years ago

Possibly from a tapir. My girlfriend used to work a zoo, and apparently tapir diarrhoea is amongst the foulest of the foul.


Lady Mondegreen
Lady Mondegreen
11 years ago

No, we don’t want you to apologize! We want you to weep so that we may bathe in your tears!

It’s true. MRA tears contain selfpitiosin, a protein that keeps our skin supple and beautiful, that we may continue gold digging and seducing alpha males and cuckolding beta males, and all our other nefarious misandrous doings.

(I’ve said too much, haven’t I. Oops.)

11 years ago

You have given away our secrets, Lady Mondegreen. We shall have to kill you.

And that Earl of Moray bloke, too.

11 years ago

I’ve seen white guys write that they think POC want them to apologize for being white too. What a stupid, douchey thing to say. It’s not the first time I’ve seen a guy write that someone somewhere wants him to apologize for being male, even though no one asked him to. It’s kind of a common thing to see in a comment section about privilege of any kind. They seem to think that their choices are A. deny that privilege exists or B. Put on their hairshirts and start self-flagellating. What sort of twisted thinking is that? Does it have a name? I know it’s a false dichotomy, but I’m referring to when someone from a privileged class thinks they are somehow persecuted and assume efforts toward equality as some sort of personal attack on them.

Who laughs at suicides? Do these MRAssholes not realize that the only place that’s happening is in their imaginations? Do these guys have any idea how high the rates of suicide are among gay, bi and transmen? I’ve never noticed them caring about LGBTQ equality. I’ve never seen them show support for men with clinical depression either. In fact, they seem pretty bigoted against all those folks too.

I can’t decide if they are lying outright in the hopes of convincing someone that they are actually victims of some kind or if they are really so terrified of losing unearned status and privilege that they imagine strides toward equality to be some sort of abuse.

Either way, what a bunch of fluff for brains whiners. I’m not buying that they care at all for anything other than rape apology, shit talking about, harassing, and abusing women. I get that with goals like that they have to pretend to care about something worthwhile in order to seem remotely legit, but in the end they never seem to be able to commit to the act.

11 years ago

Comedy routines and satire. Except they don’t recognize them as comedy routines or satire.
That is where they get their ideas from.

11 years ago

Seriously! 1950’s snark. Excuse me for living!

11 years ago

“Never able to commit to the act” sums them up perfectly. Caring about real problems men face isn’t part of their tapirbowelmovement at all. It is about hating women and lamenting their loss of complete legal power over us, with the occasional excursion into racism and hating men who don’t fit their narrow, nasty definition of Acceptable Men.

Even if the laws returned to what they were in, say, 19th century England, these guys wouldn’t stop complaining. There are after all Indian MRAs whining about how hard it is to be a man in the country identified as the worst place in the world to be born female.

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