antifeminism imaginary oppression manginas men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA playing the victim reddit straw feminists

Today in Straw Feminism: Why they chuckle at male suicide figures — explained!

Over on the Men’s Rights subreddit, the regulars are getting worked up about imaginary feminists again. Well, I suppose that’s pretty much all they ever do. But these two have managed to get even more worked up about even more imaginary feminists than they usually do:


flying_downwardss 12 points 22 hours ago (18|6)  I'M SORRY FOR BEING BORN MALE, I'M SORRY!  Is that what the feminists and manginas want to hear?      permalink     source     save     give gold     hide child comments  [–]Maschalismos 7 points 18 hours ago (7|0)  You know full well it is. And the only way for you to atone for your sin -making a woman feel bad by existing- is to kill yourself.  Thats why they chuckle at male suicide figures: they think its justice for the vast, infinite, undefined bulk of crimes against women since the dawn of time.

Upvotes for everyone!



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10 years ago


Ah, yes, you’re referring to the worldwide castration epidemic that was caused by a single woman who made a rather tasteless but ultimately forgettable comment that nobody except whiny MRA crybabies even remembers today. You know, the one that never happened.

Yet, if we go by what your “movement” believes, when men everywhere make jokes about raping and abusing women, it’s “all in good fun” and women should just “get over it”. Because apparently rape and abuse is not something that happens to women daily, and is not at all perpetuated by the extremely harmful belief some men have that the rape and abuse of women is somehow funny.

Truly, you know hypocrisy well.

For the record, female genital mutilation (by men) is a real problem in the world. Male castration (by women) is not. There is a reason for this, and I’d suggest you go and learn it before crying misandry again.

10 years ago

For those in the thread above who said that they’ve never seen a Feminist laugh at male suicide.

Who wants to be the one to provide the “no true Scotsman” fallacy in response to this?

10 years ago

Hey, you know what? People who call themselves feminists can be assholes! So it is entirely possible that some feminist somewhere has laughed at male suicide, like an asshole!

But unless you can prove that laughing at male suicide is inextricably linked to the feminist movement, it would appear that you’re the asshole here, Hibernia86.

You necro trolls are the worst cowards, always coming in and trying to get the last word on dead comment threads.

10 years ago

And trolls continue to demonstrate they don’t understand the difference between correlation and causation. Troll dude, you fail epicly – you need to show that feminism not only caused the response, but also that it causes the majority of other feminists to laugh at male suicide.

Do you even science?

10 years ago
Reply to  cloudiah

Okay, first of all, why does everyone on this site complain about “necro trolls”? What is the point of this article even being on the internet anymore if we aren’t allowed to talk about it more than a few days after it was published?

Second of all, this entire site is based on taking quotes from random MRAs and declaring that it proves that the MRAs hate women. If you think it is wrong to use a quote from a Feminist to criticize all of feminism (which I didn’t do. I only said that there are a large number of Feminists who will say “white men need to quit whining” whenever a male gender issue is brought up regardless of whether or not the issue is legitimate) then why is this site using random quotes from MRAs to somehow prove that the MRA philosophy in and of itself is misogynistic?

The main point of the MRA movement is that “sexism is wrong regardless of the gender of the victim”. That’s it. It is something Feminists sometimes say they believe in, yet rarely seem to practice. I went on “The Voice for Men” which readers here will know is one of the main MRA sites. In just a few minutes I found the pages linked below. None of them have to do with hating women. All of them are legitimate gender issues. Yet too many in the Feminist community automatically rejects whatever an MRA site says because “it must be anti-woman”. They aren’t being honest about the content of the sites. A lot of what is published is valuable discussions on gender issues that aren’t covered on Feminist blogs.

^An article on forced circumcision in Kenya

^An article on how a talk on the issue of boys who are sexually abused had its posters torn down, the fire alarm pulled, and was almost forced to pay for police protection.

^Article on a man fired from his job for reporting what he thought was a sexual assault.

^An article that points out that 51% of acid attack victims are male, which one would not expect given international press on women attacked with acid.

^an article talking about how the Canadian Human Rights Commission and other government agencies have far more studies on missing and murdered Native American women than Native American men despite the fact that 2/3rds of Native American victims of murder are men.

^An article talking about how The Good Men Project published a post saying that male domestic violence victims should just absorb the abuse.

^An article on how society often responds that male victims of sexual assault should “consider themselves lucky”

^A radio show talking about how fathers who lose their jobs and are unable to pay their child support are still demonized in society as “dead beat dads”.

^An article on an athlete suspended because a girl friend accused him of rape, but recent sources suggest she may have been angry at him for seeing another girl.

^An article on a man who was honor killed in Iran but he was not recorded as such because he wasn’t part of the family despite the killing obviously being an honor killing.

^ an article on a colloquium on Parental Alienation, where the parent with custody specifically raises the child to hate the other parent.

10 years ago

My post is in moderation presumably because it includes links. To make sure that the rest of what I was saying gets through in a timely manner, here is what I wrote:

Okay, first of all, why does everyone on this site complain about “necro trolls”? What is the point of this article even being on the internet anymore if we aren’t allowed to talk about it more than a few days after it was published?

Second of all, this entire site is based on taking quotes from random MRAs and declaring that it proves that the MRAs hate women. If you think it is wrong to use a quote from a Feminist to criticize all of feminism (which I didn’t do. I only said that there are a large number of Feminists who will say “white men need to quit whining” whenever a male gender issue is brought up regardless of whether or not the issue is legitimate) then why is this site using random quotes from MRAs to somehow prove that the MRA philosophy in and of itself is misogynistic?

The main point of the MRA movement is that “sexism is wrong regardless of the gender of the victim”. That’s it. It is something Feminists sometimes say they believe in, yet rarely seem to practice. I went on “The Voice for Men” which readers here will know is one of the main MRA sites. In just a few minutes I found the pages linked below [they should show up when my other comment gets through moderation]. None of them have to do with hating women. All of them are legitimate gender issues. Yet too many in the Feminist community automatically rejects whatever an MRA site says because “it must be anti-woman”. They aren’t being honest about the content of the sites. A lot of what is published is valuable discussions on gender issues that aren’t covered on Feminist blogs.

10 years ago

LOL at A Voice for Men not hating women. They are totally open about hating women and wanting to put us back in our place.

And this site has plenty of evidence of that, from a place that you yourself acknowledge is one of the main MRA sites.

And no one said you couldn’t necro a thread, just that you look like an asshole when you do.

10 years ago

RE: Hibernia86

What is the point of this article even being on the internet anymore if we aren’t allowed to talk about it more than a few days after it was published?

Dude, this post was six months ago. That doesn’t tend to garner much discussion, because everyone’s moved on. It’s annoying, like a dude who shows up to the party when it’s over and demands everyone start it again so he can get the proper experience.

The main point of the MRA movement is that “sexism is wrong regardless of the gender of the victim”.

Funny. When I asked a couple MRAs to sell their movement to me, they flat-out told me the movement had nothing to offer me, on account of my being gay and trans. Funny, they didn’t really seem to care about how sexism may or may not have affected me!

None of them have to do with hating women.

Ah yes, A Voice For “fucking your shit up gives me an erection” Men. Such a lovely haven that is, not hatey at all. There’s certainly no tag devoted to Paul Elam. We’ve CERTAINLY never posted about him less than six months ago! Yea forsooth and verily, there is absolutely NOTHING on this site about AVFM hating women.


I’m embarrassed for you.

10 years ago

You continue to not get it.

this entire site is based on taking quotes from random MRAs and declaring that it proves that the MRAs hate women

No it doesn’t. This entire site is based on mocking misogyny. Reading comprehension fail on your part.

And these two quotes:

I only said that there are a large number of Feminists who will say “white men need to quit whining” whenever a male gender issue is brought up regardless of whether or not the issue is legitimate


It is something Feminists sometimes say they believe in, yet rarely seem to practice.

Do show us your scientific poll which establishes the truth of these statements. You’re pulling facts out of your arse, which is why we call them assfacts.

Yet too many in the Feminist community automatically rejects whatever an MRA site says because “it must be anti-woman”.

Being anti-women is a feature of being an MRA, not a bug. Demonstrate how we automatically reject everything an MRA site says.

Poor dear. You’re confused. We reject the misogynistic BS from MRA sites. We don’t reject anything on an MRA site that is based on fact. The problem (here, I’ll use simple words for you) is that the reason that MRA areas exist is to attack women. It is possible for men to address their issues without attacking women. MRAs aren’t able to do that. It’s almost like MRAs don’t actually care about men, but only care about male issues in order to beat women with them.

10 years ago

It’s easier to prove that lauging at male suicide is linked to the Men’s Rights movement.

10 years ago

The Fathers’ Rights associations actually fighting for men want nothing to do with Paul Elam and his MRM. Why would they? His “movement” has done exactly jack shit for men, unless you count lining Paul Elam’s pockets as activism. They actively exclude the men that society fucks the most over. Their threatening and litigious behavior is as effective on helping men as the Westboro Baptist Church is in showing people the love of Jesus Christ.

10 years ago

“white men need to quit whining”

Hmm, see, I’m a white guy. (Well, a dude in a white vessel, but splitting hairs is stupid.) And yet, I haven’t had a feminist yet tell me to stop whining when I discuss my rape history. MRAs did, or wildly flipflopped depending on how they saw my gender.

Among the issues I have discussed facing due to gender: unemployment, homelessness, disability, getting creeped on… the list goes on. Of course, all of these are related to my being TRANS, but still, it’s gender related. Nobody’s told me to stop whining about that either.

Have some people been dicks? Sure. Feminists have been dicks. Fellow survivors have been dicks. Dudes have been dicks. The thing is, feminism has had a higher batting average for non-dickery than the MRM, by a fair margin.

The MRM does not give a fuck about me.

10 years ago

Well if they don’t chuckle at them, they ignore them. And when Sharon Osbourne laughed at a man who’s ex wife had cut off his penis, feminists didn’t make a stand then – it’s a given that they would have been protesting if that had been a guy laughing at a woman who’s ex husband had cut off her clit. You hypocritical feminazis sicken me.

Yeah? Well, you whiny-ass misodges sicken ME, so I guess we’re even.

And if you think we owe you tears for every male suicide ever, guess what? Most of them don’t even make the news, and nobody else hears about it, either. Do you cry for women who kill themselves? I bet not. Do you cry for women you’ve never even heard of who’ve killed themselves? Dollars to doughnuts you don’t. So: You don’t cry, we don’t cry, you’re a fucking hypocrite too. So why do we owe your side anything but ridicule, especially for idiotic non-arguments like these?

(Yes, I realize this one’s just a drive-by pooper and unlikely to reply. This is for the benefit of anyone else who might drive by with the same doody-dropping intentions, so that you know your “questions” have already been answered.)

10 years ago

But, guize, we is being So Mean having a mockery site (that clearly identifies itself as such) just to mock misogyny! If we were Really Interested in Equality, we’d also mock misandry! Also, everyone knows that Sharon Osbourne is a totes famous feminazi activist, and we all worship her opinion way more that Gloria Steinem’s!

::This has been a daily quotient of sarcasm, delivered by a random GrumpyOldNurse::

10 years ago

God, they never let go of Sharon Osbourne. Her, the Titanic, Dworkin, and Solanas.

10 years ago

Necro troll’s still banging on with unoriginal material? I wish NWO would pop in again.

10 years ago

Okay, first of all, why does everyone on this site complain about “necro trolls”? What is the point of this article even being on the internet anymore if we aren’t allowed to talk about it more than a few days after it was published?

Given that you’re the one necroing and none of us care what you have to say, I’d say it’s a very good rule.

10 years ago

Do you really, hellkell? In your deepest, truest heart?

10 years ago

When faced with the poor quality of trolls these days, sometimes I really, really do. That man was cookin’ on another planet.

10 years ago

That word, “allowed” does not mean what you…

10 years ago

I proudly admit to saying that white men need to stop whining. If they’re whining how hard it is to be a white man. As I suspect you, necro troll often do.

10 years ago

Dude, your comment was in moderation because it’s your first time trolling here. David had to make sure you weren’t being disgusting first.

Does anyone read the about or comments policy pages before posting? It says things in there that explain all the things.

10 years ago

Reading the TOS is misandry!

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

NWO did try reappearing a while back – not too long ago, it was since I became a mod; I saw his comment in moderation, and David obviously felt it could stay there!

Quite right, too. It was nowhere near the Owly quality of days past.

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