are these guys 12 years old? block that metaphor boner rage chivalry citation needed crackpottery creepy evil women excusing abuse I'm totally being sarcastic irony alert kitties mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA pedestalization reddit vaginas victim blaming

A dude named Sizzletron shares his “honest opinions that are entirely merit-based, about women.” (Spoiler alert: They actually aren’t.)

This picture has nothing whatsoever to to with the post. I just like it.
This picture has nothing whatsoever to to with the post. I just like it.

It’s Friday. Why not welcome in the upcoming weekend with a picture of an anarchist cat and a completely unrelated,  completely unhinged manifesto from the MensRants subreddit, the Men’s Rights subreddit’s unruly younger brother.

In a post with the somewhat roundabout title “Just posting this publicly gives me an ulcer. But I won’t let it stop me,” an angry fella who calls himself sizzletron set forth his opinions about, well, a lot of things having to do with women. It’s a piece that’s pretty much impossible to summarize, since sizzletron apparently finds it difficult to keep the thread of an argument going from one sentence to the next.

Let’s dig in:

I think most women are very unfamiliar with being challenged to be better adults. I also think I have a lot of honest opinions that are entirely merit-based, about women.

We’re off to a good start with two sentences that have no logical connection to one another aside from the fact that their author is really, really mad at women.

I think that collectively most women, in the West especially, don’t have an understanding of ANY motivation that doesn’t support women blindly.

Uh, what? Motivation? I’m beginning to get the impression that sizzletron chooses a lot of his words by flipping through books and pointing at random selections.

For example, chivalry should dead and gone by now. I know it. Most guys who aren’t trying to get laid dishonestly know it. So why do women persist with claiming some sort of implicit right to it? Because it obviously benefits them to have men do shit for them, protect them (often from themselves, which would be hilarious were the net result so often fatal, or judicial, again for men), provide for them, admire them, pedestalize them. Feminism isn’t helping women. It’s putting baby in a very stupid, very un-respectable corner.

What does this even mean? How is chivalry the same as “putting baby in the corner.” Also, since when are feminists the ones promoting chivalry/

But sizzletron quickly moves on to a new topic: women’s intelligence.

Women are getting stupider by the day. Not hyperbole. Intelligence isn’t getting book smart. Intelligence is problem solving on your own without the agency of a mob apparatus.

What? What agency? What mob? What apparatus? WHAT IS GOING ON?

Ask me how much I actually respect the advances, societally, of a mob of hairshirts-for-men feminists? Not even a bit.

Wait, feminists are making men wear hairshirts? Even as a weird metaphorical accusation that makes no sense. People in certain religious traditions wore hairshirts as a way to show repentance; they didn’t force other people to wear them.

Now how many of those same organizations and feminists are alluded to lamely in a debate-by-the-numbers exercise that regularly passes for a discourse on gender relations?

Ok, I give up. I have no idea what the hell he’s even trying to say here.

You know what I do everyday?

Smoke weed? Read the “Ziggy” cartoon in the newspaper? Have a bowel movement?

I read the fashion mags my GF’s sister bequeaths us. My respect for women has absolutely PLUMMETED since I started doing so. Vacuous, vagina-centric, vapid, vicarious, venereal-in-waiting. All the ‘V’ words.

Uh, vicarious? “Venereal-in-waiting?” If you were going for something that was even vaguely coherent, you probably should have stopped with “vapid.”

But Mike, what about the good women, they aren’t all self-interested limelight addicts expecting money for nothing and sex for free. No, you’re very correct about that.

Ooh, a Dire Straits reference. It doesn’t actually make much sense, but way to show you’re up to the minute with what the cool kids are listening to these days.

But they aren’t calling out the chickenshit manipulations of the modern feminist message, either: You can be a strong respectable female AND a major victim when it bloody well suits you to do so. You can identify with abused women even if you’ve never been abused.

Yeah, I think that’s called “empathy.”

Blindly protect women without ever asking how much of the modern women’s plight is due to or contributed to by stupid women. Let’s start IQ testing all the victims of abuse and see what the median average is.

You’re going to blame the victims of domestic violence because you think they’re “stupid?” Really?

Really. Let’s do it! We’ll never know if I’m right until we do.

You’re an even bigger asshole than I thought. And I already thought you were a huge asshole.

Let’s start statistically plotting women’s propensity for violence, for ignorance, for mindless sorority.

Yeah, I’d love to see THAT chart.

Let’s start calling women out for being shallow appearance-concerned adults with a blind eye to the very pretense of such. No one really cares about your fucking furniture, or your sense of style.

Wait. Now you’re mad at women for having nice furniture?

No one of ANY value gives a shit about that stuff. Blowhards do. Frauds do. People who can’t DO, do.

Backing away now.

It is high time women grew the fucking pair they keep insisting they have, or STFU about it already. You’re starting to look like fools. I can’t ignore it any longer.

STFU about what? What is “it?”

And to all the white knights out there, stow it. <===This last line is for the benefit of my FB ‘friends’.

What a treat it must be to have Mike/Sizzletron here in your Facebook feed.

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11 years ago

“Stupider” is not a word. It is *so* a word! As in “an these assholes get any stupider?… oh, yeah.”

There’s a condition that has these symptoms, Wernike’s aphasia**, but in this case I think we’re dealing with a case of “WORDS! what do they mean?!!!?”

** “People with receptive aphasia are unable to understand language in its written or spoken form, and even though they can speak with normal grammar, syntax, rate, and intonation, they cannot express themselves meaningfully using language.” – wiki

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
11 years ago

There are examples of “stupidest” in 19th century literature:

There doesn’t seem to be anything inherently grammatically incorrect in adding -est to stupid in order to form the construction. For example, the adjective “hot” has the accepted form “hottest”, so there is clearly no issue with using -est on an adjective.

11 years ago

“WORDS! what do they mean?!!!?”


Let’s start IQ testing all the victims of abuse and see what the median average is.

Yes, median and average are words, and they both mean math stuff. But they mean DIFFERENT math stuff, so you can’t put them together, my dear.

11 years ago

Welcome, Sarka! And the answer to your question is “yes”.

11 years ago

Seconding the welcome, Sarka!

Whenever I tell my boss about MRA stuff, his eyes nearly pop out of his head. I would never call him a feminist, but he’s left somewhere between amused, flabbergasted and horrified by their shit.

Have a Welcome Package, too. Lots of kitties and tips about coding and info (not least about the running jokes here, like Penguin Whores).

11 years ago

Kittehs: when I tell Mr. HK about some of the MRA bullshit, he gets the best “what fuckery is this I’m hearing” look on his face.

11 years ago

::nods:: That pretty much describes the look my boss gets.

Ally S
11 years ago

OT, but check out this cis MRA accusing a trans man of being “insincere” in his article about how male privilege affects him:

11 years ago

I like the way the commenters get stuck into mocking that MRA douche and wanting to know why they didn’t get their copies of the Left Wing Dogma Manual.

There was a big article in the Age, oh, last year, year before, about the experiences of trans people with the sudden gain or loss of privilege. It was talking about academia and STEM fields in particular, I think. Things like a trans woman not only having her work rejected – the very work she’d been praised for while perceived as a man – but being overridden in meetings, scorned, ignored, and getting actual rape and death threats from colleagues.

A trans man in a similar environment found just the opposite, of course. Suddenly his voice was important, his opinions and suggestions valid, his work much better than it had been even though it was no better and sometimes worse.

Wish I’d kept that article.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Ally — well that’s bullshit, but damn the rest of the comments are hilarious! Also, my pharm student and I share that experience — going out in a skirt and heels gets notably different responses than sneakers, jeans and a random shirt. Or rather, the later gets nearly no responses. (In suitable femme clothing, or sufficently baggy clothing, we can both pass either way well enough for Pittsburgh, this seems to be regional though)

11 years ago

Speaking of hilarious, did anyone see Sir Patrick Stewart’s response to the Guardian calling him gay?

11 years ago

Thanks for the awesome welcome package, will get kitteh avi sorted as soon as possible.

What a great community. I feel so much better about facing MRM bs when it rears its ugly head.

11 years ago

Women who put extra effort into their appearance are shallow and vapid (and probably FEMINISTS), and have stupid interests that nobody cares about.
Women who don’t put extra effort into their appearance are horrible and disgusting (and probably FEMINISTS), and are ridiculous to think they would ever be attractive to anyone.

11 years ago

Nailed it.
I’ll add to that:

Go out styled and glammed out, feeling polished and put together = must be trying to manipulate men. MISANDRY!

Go out in casual sneakers and jeans, fresh faced and comfortable = Denying men their rightful eye candy + not being properly female. MISANDRY!

Basically, existing while female (especially if you are doing something that makes you happy) = MISANDRY!

11 years ago

@barrakuduh – Naah, women can put effort into their appearance or not as they choose, just like anybody else.
But so-called “fashion mags” peddle the idea that the only way to care about your appearance is to follow their dictates,, buy the products they say are “cool” etc. which is why I (and other FEMINISTS) also tend to find them- the magazines and their content, not necessarily every person reading them- vapid.
And this isn’t even touching on critiques some of the means of production employed by parts of the fashion industry using sweatshop labor, etc.
I understand this is not what Sizzletron’s criticism was about, it was more about attacking women, or at least the stereotypes he holds of women in his mind.

11 years ago

jennydevildoll – of course; barrakuduh’s point was about MRA attitudes, not about stupid fashion magazines. I doubt anyone here is unaware of the shit that goes into the fashion industry.

leatapp – isn’t it nice to know that just being happy and never needing their approval gives MRAs a sad boner?

11 years ago

I’m not always a naturally sunny person. But sometimes, just knowing that if I can make daisies spring up in my footsteps it’ll make boners sad in MRA pants is enough to put a song in my heart.
…and that song is most likely by Emilee Autumn.

11 years ago

-Kittenserf – Oh, ok. I thought it was in response to my earlier comment on that point (where I capitalized “feminists”) and thought I maybe did a bad job explaining myself.

11 years ago

I just find it amusing how MRAs, even in points where they would agree with feminists, make mental calisthenics to try and spin it into women being horrible and at fault.

11 years ago

No, you were clear, jennydevildoll. 🙂

leatapp – LOL at the idea of women dancing around with said daisies springing up (can I have bluebells? I like them better) and all the poooooor mennnzzzzzzzz just WILTING at the sight of it.

I tend to alternate between a serious, at-rest face or what could probably best be called a smirk if I’m having a conversation with Mr K (our conversations tend to the silly). Sometimes I’ll laugh aloud at something he’s said. With any luck, that will drive away any MRAs in the vicinity.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Leatapp! A fellow plague rat! *rat claws* ^.^

Her book is on sale this weekend, half off, just an FYI.

11 years ago

@ jennydevildoll:
Oh, no, that wasn’t in response to you; you made good points. It was in response to people like Sizzletron, who complain no matter what women do. I just find it funny how people in the manosphere throw around “FEMINIST” like it’s some kind of insult or dirty word, hence the capitalization.

11 years ago

RE: Ally

OT, but check out this cis MRA accusing a trans man of being “insincere” in his article about how male privilege affects him

Oh god I don’t dare. It’d just make me too mad. *has a… weird experience regarding gender, privilege, and passing*

11 years ago

Speaking of what fashion mags do to you, has everyone else seen this music video? I can’t stop watching it.

11 years ago

It was one weird comment, LBT, and zie got taken to pieces immediately.