are these guys 12 years old? block that metaphor boner rage chivalry citation needed crackpottery creepy evil women excusing abuse I'm totally being sarcastic irony alert kitties mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA pedestalization reddit vaginas victim blaming

A dude named Sizzletron shares his “honest opinions that are entirely merit-based, about women.” (Spoiler alert: They actually aren’t.)

This picture has nothing whatsoever to to with the post. I just like it.
This picture has nothing whatsoever to to with the post. I just like it.

It’s Friday. Why not welcome in the upcoming weekend with a picture of an anarchist cat and a completely unrelated,  completely unhinged manifesto from the MensRants subreddit, the Men’s Rights subreddit’s unruly younger brother.

In a post with the somewhat roundabout title “Just posting this publicly gives me an ulcer. But I won’t let it stop me,” an angry fella who calls himself sizzletron set forth his opinions about, well, a lot of things having to do with women. It’s a piece that’s pretty much impossible to summarize, since sizzletron apparently finds it difficult to keep the thread of an argument going from one sentence to the next.

Let’s dig in:

I think most women are very unfamiliar with being challenged to be better adults. I also think I have a lot of honest opinions that are entirely merit-based, about women.

We’re off to a good start with two sentences that have no logical connection to one another aside from the fact that their author is really, really mad at women.

I think that collectively most women, in the West especially, don’t have an understanding of ANY motivation that doesn’t support women blindly.

Uh, what? Motivation? I’m beginning to get the impression that sizzletron chooses a lot of his words by flipping through books and pointing at random selections.

For example, chivalry should dead and gone by now. I know it. Most guys who aren’t trying to get laid dishonestly know it. So why do women persist with claiming some sort of implicit right to it? Because it obviously benefits them to have men do shit for them, protect them (often from themselves, which would be hilarious were the net result so often fatal, or judicial, again for men), provide for them, admire them, pedestalize them. Feminism isn’t helping women. It’s putting baby in a very stupid, very un-respectable corner.

What does this even mean? How is chivalry the same as “putting baby in the corner.” Also, since when are feminists the ones promoting chivalry/

But sizzletron quickly moves on to a new topic: women’s intelligence.

Women are getting stupider by the day. Not hyperbole. Intelligence isn’t getting book smart. Intelligence is problem solving on your own without the agency of a mob apparatus.

What? What agency? What mob? What apparatus? WHAT IS GOING ON?

Ask me how much I actually respect the advances, societally, of a mob of hairshirts-for-men feminists? Not even a bit.

Wait, feminists are making men wear hairshirts? Even as a weird metaphorical accusation that makes no sense. People in certain religious traditions wore hairshirts as a way to show repentance; they didn’t force other people to wear them.

Now how many of those same organizations and feminists are alluded to lamely in a debate-by-the-numbers exercise that regularly passes for a discourse on gender relations?

Ok, I give up. I have no idea what the hell he’s even trying to say here.

You know what I do everyday?

Smoke weed? Read the “Ziggy” cartoon in the newspaper? Have a bowel movement?

I read the fashion mags my GF’s sister bequeaths us. My respect for women has absolutely PLUMMETED since I started doing so. Vacuous, vagina-centric, vapid, vicarious, venereal-in-waiting. All the ‘V’ words.

Uh, vicarious? “Venereal-in-waiting?” If you were going for something that was even vaguely coherent, you probably should have stopped with “vapid.”

But Mike, what about the good women, they aren’t all self-interested limelight addicts expecting money for nothing and sex for free. No, you’re very correct about that.

Ooh, a Dire Straits reference. It doesn’t actually make much sense, but way to show you’re up to the minute with what the cool kids are listening to these days.

But they aren’t calling out the chickenshit manipulations of the modern feminist message, either: You can be a strong respectable female AND a major victim when it bloody well suits you to do so. You can identify with abused women even if you’ve never been abused.

Yeah, I think that’s called “empathy.”

Blindly protect women without ever asking how much of the modern women’s plight is due to or contributed to by stupid women. Let’s start IQ testing all the victims of abuse and see what the median average is.

You’re going to blame the victims of domestic violence because you think they’re “stupid?” Really?

Really. Let’s do it! We’ll never know if I’m right until we do.

You’re an even bigger asshole than I thought. And I already thought you were a huge asshole.

Let’s start statistically plotting women’s propensity for violence, for ignorance, for mindless sorority.

Yeah, I’d love to see THAT chart.

Let’s start calling women out for being shallow appearance-concerned adults with a blind eye to the very pretense of such. No one really cares about your fucking furniture, or your sense of style.

Wait. Now you’re mad at women for having nice furniture?

No one of ANY value gives a shit about that stuff. Blowhards do. Frauds do. People who can’t DO, do.

Backing away now.

It is high time women grew the fucking pair they keep insisting they have, or STFU about it already. You’re starting to look like fools. I can’t ignore it any longer.

STFU about what? What is “it?”

And to all the white knights out there, stow it. <===This last line is for the benefit of my FB ‘friends’.

What a treat it must be to have Mike/Sizzletron here in your Facebook feed.

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11 years ago

Ah, I see, he’s just an abuse apologist. A woman gets beaten and abused because she’s stupid; not because the one doing the beating and abuse is an asshole.

Also, there is no reason whatsoever to test the abuser’s IQ, because we all know abusers are *brilliant*, as all abuse apologists in the manosphere have repeatedly proven. WITH SCIENCE.

11 years ago

Nobody cares about your fucking furniture? What about Ogdred Wearys’s Curious Sofa?

11 years ago

RE: Kiwi Girl

I’m a little uncomfortable about IQ being used as though it is the gold standard measure for intelligence.

Yup. It’s a crock, especially since IQ was ORIGINALLY designed to just decide which kids needed extra help in school. It was never intended to measure intelligence, and yes, like pretty much every other science on earth, was used to beat the status quo drum of superiority of the people in power.

11 years ago

Nobody cares about your fucking furniture

Oh, awesome, another one who thinks he speaks for every man in the world.

(Women of course don’t count, not being people at all.)

11 years ago

I’m sure these guys just live entirely on planks and cinderblocks, like Real Men (TM) do.

They are sure welcome to, but I will happily take the purple bookshelf decoupaged with superheroes and robots my kid sibling made for me.

11 years ago

He feels like he’s getting an ulcer from putting this out?

::channels Grumpy Cat::


This nit should read Cliff Pervocracy’s Cosmocking posts. How typical that a misogynist would take misogynistic magazines as being feminist, simply because they’re aimed at women and written by women.

As for the rest, he’s so incoherent that he’s more laughable than anything else. He’s like Fidelbogen’s failed apprentice.

11 years ago

Men don’t care about furniture? I guess that’s why Mr. HK sat on the last floor model of the couch we bought so no one else could get it–he hated it.

11 years ago

Forgot to add, great to see the Etsy page, LBT! ::applauds::

11 years ago

hellkell – I guess it’s why Kevin McCloud is omnipresent on the telly with his Grand Designs series and variations, because style and architecture and furnishing and stuff is of no interest to men at all.

11 years ago

This explains why Mr C cares far more about furniture than I do. As long as it’s comfy, not ugly, and goes well with the other furniture, I’m happy, but he rearranges things for fun.

I may be the woman, but I’m not the one who collects furniture porn (AKA design magazines).

11 years ago

RE: Kittehs and Kiwi Girl

Thank you! I’m really delighted to finally have a stupid shopfront that isn’t so much a tin-cans-on-strings mess I had before. (Though I still have to have different places for online wares and paper ones. *sigh* Oh well…) And hopefully this will make selling my wares a little less dependent on cons, which are exhausting and often expensive.

Now to work on churning out ebooks and changing my blog URL to LB-Lee like all the rest of our stuff…

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
11 years ago

@cassandra, I collect crochet and knitting porn. And sometimes cooking porn. I really do like looking at the pictures.

House Mouse Queen
11 years ago

@LBT, congrats on your new Venture! That’s a good ‘V’ word!

Some of these manospherians sound like they swallow letter-sections of the dictionary. I picture that scene in the movie ‘Ali’ where the dude playing Don King said about 5 ‘D’ words in a row and Ali (Will Smith) turns to him and says:
“Don, you sound like you swallowed the whole D-section of the dictionary!”


11 years ago

My main collecting issue is books. It’s probably a good thing that I don’t have infinite space, because if I did, I’d fill it (with even more books).

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
11 years ago

Same here, cassandrakitty. There are not enough bookshelves in the workd.

What in the Sam Hill is “venereal-in-waiting”? Does he mean genital warts hovering solicitously around royalty?

11 years ago

Totally not enough bookshelves. My bed turns into one by default… I can sleep in a chair if I want to! Chairs (which are apparently misandry) can be really, really comfy.

Side-note: Google spell-check hates misandry, too; is its angry refusal to accept ‘misandry’ as a word misandry?

11 years ago

We’ve already established that Google is a tool of the feminazi overlords after the candy hearts graphic for Valentine’s Day.

11 years ago

Of course it’s misandry. After all Google were the ones saying CRUSH MR RIGHT for Valentine’s.

11 years ago

Aaaaahhhh ninjaed!

11 years ago

We all need to find a room where we can put all the books we can get our hands on, after all, enough books in once place begins to deform the physical world with L-space, leading one ultimately to be able to move through every library in existence by going in through that one room.

Of course, most normal building materials won’t support enough books to achieve the critical mass necessary for an L-space field to form, so those boobzers who live anywhere but a basement are putting their fellow occupants in some jeopardy in the attempt.

My life goal is to live in a space with enough shelving for me to empty all of my book boxes.

11 years ago

I still can’t decide which is worse to move, vinyl or books. Both are a pretty huge pain in the ass.

I’m about to have a pretty big culling of the book herd soon. Some I’ll take down the street, a neighbor has one of those Little Lending Libraries.

Melissia (@MelissiaKuromoi)

Wait, how are sofas misandry? Aren’t they associated with manly things like that strange activity of sports-watching and… vidjamagaming?

Lili Fugit
Lili Fugit
11 years ago

I seriously couldn’t stop laughing throughout this entire read! Also I couldn’t help but wonder if he veered wildly towards the evils of home decor because it somehow occured to his poor addled mind that if he suggested women stop shaving legs/plucking brows/wearing makeup he wouldn’t at all approve, so– SOFAS ARE MISANDRY, which is totally what I get too, after reading Vogue.

11 years ago

I wish I could access L-space! I cringe at what it’ll be like when we have to move to a smaller place (a retirement village if we can get in somewhere), because there will be so. many. books. to get rid of. And I’ll be doing it all myself, ‘cos Mum’s not exactly up to it anymore.

11 years ago

As someone who is generally a strong woman but was a major victim a few years back, I heartily say “F**k you!” to the author of this horrific prose. I thought I was having trouble following because of the martini I had at dinner but after reading it through twice, I realize that it’s just damn near impossible to follow. Now I have a headache. Perhaps I need another martini.