a voice for men antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? attention seeking doubling down douchebaggery men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA playing the victim straw feminists the c-word the eternal solipsism of the MRA mind tumblr

A Voice for Men takes on feminist [rhymes-with-bunts] with new poster campaign

No, this is real. I didn't make it up. I just blurred out the c-word.
No, this is real. I didn’t make it up. I just blurred out the c-word.

Last week I wrote about the fondness of a certain Men’s Rights website for a certain four-letter word starting with the letter c. This week they’ve topped themselves — with a postering campaign based on the c-word.

Yep: A Voice for Men has thrown its support behind a postering campaign with the slogan: “Having a vagina is no excuse for being a C*NT.”

They don’t use an asterisk.

The postering campaign, spearheaded by a Youtube antifeminist calling himself Bane666au, feature what purport to be real quotes from feminists alongside not-exactly-subtle stock photos depicting comically angry women. For example:

Every man is filth; I wish they were all dead."

I’m the one who blurred out the c-word; they left it intact. Other alleged feminist quotes include:

If a woman has drunk any amount of alcohol, she can’t consent to sex.

Nothing gives me more pleasure than the suffering of men.

Historically, women have been oppressed worse than black slaves.

That last one is a tad ironic. Not just because it’s a bit odd to contrast “women” and “black slaves” when half of all black slaves were women and girls. And not just because I never hear feminists making this claim. No, it’s a tad ironic because AVFM is constantly comparing men to slaves and suggesting that men are being “enslaved” by everything from child support payments to the women they date.

But I digress. You may wonder where exactly all these alleged quotes come from. In the comments to his AVFM post promoting the postering campaign, AVFM’s Dean Esmay blithely assures readers that “most or all” of the sources of the quotes can be found “right at the end of the video.”

This is not — how should I put it? — true. In fact, the percentage of quotations accurately sourced at the end of the video is a lot closer to “none” than to “most.” Bane666au, for his part, only claims that “all comments are based on actual comments I’ve seen or heard from self proclaimed feminists.”

Apparently he has an extremely loose definition of “based on” because only a couple of the actual quotes from Tumblr feminists he includes at the end of his video bear much resemblance to his, er, paraphrases.

Many of the alleged “hateful” quotes are obvious jokes, taken completely out of context, taking aim at popular perceptions of feminists. Here’s one screenshot from his video (with the name of the poster blurred out):

So who is the terrible misandrist who posted this terrible thing? I went and looked at her Tumblr. It consists of a lot of arty photos of her, mixed with pictures of favorite bands, some of her own artwork — and various pictures of various boyfriends, all evidently remembered with much fondness. On Valentine’s Day she posted some Valentine’s Day cards she designed and drew, inspired by The Smiths and Fleetwood Mac. She’s an excellent artist. There was no hatred to be found there.

And it’s a little hard to see how anyone but a misogynist who has named himself after a Batman villain could possibly interpret this comment, from another Tumblr feminist, as “misandry.”

And speaking of reasonable statements interpreted as misandry, here’s my favorite poster in Bane666‘s batch of posters:

Now, I hope I don’t shock anyone here by saying it, but the wage gap is real. There’s some debate over the size of it, and to what degree it is appropriate to attribute the gap to women’s “choices” rather than discrimination. But it exists. Even the study most cited by those who like to downplay the gap, a 2009 Labor Department report prepared by the CONSAD Research Corp., found a roughly 5-7% wage gap that couldn’t be explained away by women’s “choices.” (See here for more.)

But MRAs have convinced themselves that the gender wage gap is a “myth.” Having failed to win over the rest of the world to this incorrect belief through the power of simple repetition, the folks at AVFM have evidently decided to move on to gendered slurs.

It will be interesting to see how this works out for them.

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11 years ago

Is that a poster endlessly demanding the right to use a gendered slur because it’s a personal favorite, throwing unwanted historical and cultural defenses at everyone while acting like they’re William fucking Wallace in Braveheart?

I’ve seen this show before. Like The Sopranos, it doesn’t end well.

11 years ago

Is trying to get around the moderation a bannable offence?

N’thing the comments that this sounds like a sockpuppet.

11 years ago

David, best ninja ever. 😀

11 years ago

Is he frothing? I picture copious frothing and sputtering. And lots and lots of two dot fauxllipses

11 years ago

So, who was SirTooting? Very familiar stench.

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

A more accurate poster.

Hey Manboobz! 🙂

11 years ago

Alice, that is an AWESOME poster.

Any manboobzers want to rise to the challenge of making MOAR better posters than AVfM?

We have something of a history…

11 years ago

sirtooting, why are you assuming everyone here is American? I am, but many commenters are not.
Also, stop assuming British English is so mysterious and foreign to Americans. Most of us watch British TV shows and movies and read books by British authors. We all know British slang and what it means in popular usage. You aren’t going to trick anyone here into accepting your inappropriate comments.

11 years ago

@ Alice,

I’m sensing a new parody poster outbreak! The only problem is that I don’t know any terms for straight, white men that have the same kind of venom cunt does–dick is behavior-linked in a way that cunt isn’t*, and isn’t nearly as venomous, and cracker just makes people laugh** (source: white person). So it would be hard to replicate the effect exactly.

Am I the only one who suspects that Tooter came in here trying to provoke this reaction? Moderately on-topic first comment as an excuse to say “twat” and then having fun yelling at feminists? Why do people do that>

* “Cunt” (in the US) just means “woman I don’t like” (or, given that this is AVFM we’re talking about, effectively all women. Whereas “dick” usually connotes misbehavior of the petty or entitled kind.

** I honestly think “cracker” might be more of a classist slur than one to white people specifically, but it does make privileged Northern whites giggle.

11 years ago

Ooh good. Got ninja’d by the banning news!

Anyway, the point I was originally going to make is that “don’t be that feminist” implies that there is a certain kind of feminist that is bad. Does that mean that there is a different kind of feminist that is acceptable and good?
I’m sure they didn’t mean to suggest that there was a good kind of feminist, but they are complete toolsheds and were foolish enough to realize that they inadvertently did so.

11 years ago

Alice Sanguinaria:

That is indeed a more accurate poster. The truth even, with URL that people can look up to prove it.

11 years ago

If you went to a party and sat down in the punch bowl and someone came up to you and said, please don’t sit in the punch bowl, we don’;t do that here, the proper response is to get out of the punch bowl, not to keep sitting in it while yelling about how in your country everyone sits in punch bowls.

If you’re unwilling to attend a party in which you can’t sit in the punch bowl, you are of course free to leave. But it’s rude to stay in the punch bown after you’ve been asked to get out of it.

Sadly this is the very reason people have stopped inviting me to parties. I keep explaining it’s an age-old Latvian tradition, but nooooo, it’s always “What are you doing? Get out! Yes, out the punch bowl and my apartment!”

11 years ago

Note: Technically not an age-old Latvian tradition

11 years ago

wordsp1nner, there are white people (not me) who get offended by the word cracker and actually try to claim that it’s equivalent to the n-word. They show up in the comments section in articles about Trayvon Martin’s murder a lot.

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

Seranvali – *bows* If only MRAs did that with their posters, then we can see the truth for ourselves.

Then again…. probably not in their best interest. 😛

wordsp1nner – I personally don’t want to use slurs to describe MRAs, especially when “bloody wanker” does the trick (and is 100% true!). It would be hard to replicate the exact effect, but the fact that a feminist is using their own words against them should rile them up a bit. 😛

11 years ago


I suspect they are the same people who think cis is an insult.
But my laughter comment was based on the first time I’d ever heard it–in eighth grade, where one of my teachers mentioned it. The whole class snickered.

Ally S
11 years ago

Yay, Alice is back!

zoon echon logon
zoon echon logon
11 years ago

I don’t think there are slurs for privileged groups precisely because they are privileged.

Calling someone a C… or a N… or what have you is basically just calling attention to the fact that they’re lower on the social hierarchy; “you’re in group x and we all agree that group x is stupid and inferior.”

The lack of (actually insulting) slurs for a group is probably a pretty good indication that that group is privileged.

11 years ago

Thanks to these fellows, I am no longer shocked by the c-word. And the posters just show a form of Lewis’s Law. I mean, you could just make one of these into a (de)motivational poster that says, “THIS is why Feminism is needed.”

Also I’m late to the party, but yeah I think that the flamer was a troll. How can one bring up both dictionary definitions of the slur, with the gender-related definition included, and NOT put two and two together? What a Toot.

11 years ago

Didn’t Piers Morgan try to say he was the victim of “cisphobia” after he bungled the interview with Janet Mock and got called on it?

To think that all these years I was hated for being cis and didn’t even know it. Poor me!

Seriously though, I thought misandry and reverse racism were ridiculous concepts, but cisphobia really takes the cake.

11 years ago


I understand not wanting to use slurs. After all, we’re just making fun of their terrible poster choices and pointing out what terrible people they are, and quoting them is the best way to do that. (Witness the hate for David.) I just thought it said something that if we’d wanted to copy it down to the connotations of the insult we couldn’t due to patriarchy.

11 years ago

Does that mean that there is a different kind of feminist that is acceptable and good?

“I lecture my toaster about Male Disposability for 45 minutes every day”