Last week I wrote about the fondness of a certain Men’s Rights website for a certain four-letter word starting with the letter c. This week they’ve topped themselves — with a postering campaign based on the c-word.
Yep: A Voice for Men has thrown its support behind a postering campaign with the slogan: “Having a vagina is no excuse for being a C*NT.”
They don’t use an asterisk.
The postering campaign, spearheaded by a Youtube antifeminist calling himself Bane666au, feature what purport to be real quotes from feminists alongside not-exactly-subtle stock photos depicting comically angry women. For example:
I’m the one who blurred out the c-word; they left it intact. Other alleged feminist quotes include:
If a woman has drunk any amount of alcohol, she can’t consent to sex.
Nothing gives me more pleasure than the suffering of men.
Historically, women have been oppressed worse than black slaves.
That last one is a tad ironic. Not just because it’s a bit odd to contrast “women” and “black slaves” when half of all black slaves were women and girls. And not just because I never hear feminists making this claim. No, it’s a tad ironic because AVFM is constantly comparing men to slaves and suggesting that men are being “enslaved” by everything from child support payments to the women they date.
But I digress. You may wonder where exactly all these alleged quotes come from. In the comments to his AVFM post promoting the postering campaign, AVFM’s Dean Esmay blithely assures readers that “most or all” of the sources of the quotes can be found “right at the end of the video.”
This is not — how should I put it? — true. In fact, the percentage of quotations accurately sourced at the end of the video is a lot closer to “none” than to “most.” Bane666au, for his part, only claims that “all comments are based on actual comments I’ve seen or heard from self proclaimed feminists.”
Apparently he has an extremely loose definition of “based on” because only a couple of the actual quotes from Tumblr feminists he includes at the end of his video bear much resemblance to his, er, paraphrases.
Many of the alleged “hateful” quotes are obvious jokes, taken completely out of context, taking aim at popular perceptions of feminists. Here’s one screenshot from his video (with the name of the poster blurred out):
So who is the terrible misandrist who posted this terrible thing? I went and looked at her Tumblr. It consists of a lot of arty photos of her, mixed with pictures of favorite bands, some of her own artwork — and various pictures of various boyfriends, all evidently remembered with much fondness. On Valentine’s Day she posted some Valentine’s Day cards she designed and drew, inspired by The Smiths and Fleetwood Mac. She’s an excellent artist. There was no hatred to be found there.
And it’s a little hard to see how anyone but a misogynist who has named himself after a Batman villain could possibly interpret this comment, from another Tumblr feminist, as “misandry.”
And speaking of reasonable statements interpreted as misandry, here’s my favorite poster in Bane666‘s batch of posters:
Now, I hope I don’t shock anyone here by saying it, but the wage gap is real. There’s some debate over the size of it, and to what degree it is appropriate to attribute the gap to women’s “choices” rather than discrimination. But it exists. Even the study most cited by those who like to downplay the gap, a 2009 Labor Department report prepared by the CONSAD Research Corp., found a roughly 5-7% wage gap that couldn’t be explained away by women’s “choices.” (See here for more.)
But MRAs have convinced themselves that the gender wage gap is a “myth.” Having failed to win over the rest of the world to this incorrect belief through the power of simple repetition, the folks at AVFM have evidently decided to move on to gendered slurs.
It will be interesting to see how this works out for them.
sirtooting. Thanks for the copypasta. It doesn’t make any difference.
sirtooting, what the fuck makes you think you are an authority on language when you can’t even figure out that there are three dots in a goddamn ellipsis?
@sirtooting: Don’t post copy-pasta. Write what you actually think, don’t hide behind the words of others. It makes you look cowardly and insecure.
And we’re done with the discussion of “twat.” It’s going in the filter for now and anyone trying to get around the filter will go on moderation. Though I’m only really thinking of Sirtooting here.
Sirtooting, you can call MRAs “twits” if you want, but not “twats.”
Wow, you could have posted a link with a few judicious quotes instead of pasting an entire article without citing the source.
Possible source below:
Go ahead, Toots. Sing us the song of your people.
Do you think if you just add volume to your asshattery, you will overwhelm everyone into silence? You just keep solidifying the impression that you’ve already given.
I will tell you what is totally offensive, is when someone who is ignorant of the English language and other peoples cultural definitions of it, tells someone else to fuck off.
They should first recognise the world does not revolve around America and it’s definitions of the English language and neither does the internet
Tolerance only for those who agree with you is no tolerance at all.
There should be less of American arrogance on here and a little more humility.
You think you should have the right to tell people to eff off in this way, for little or no cause? No wonder America is so violent, , you have so few manners and are prone to launch into verbal attacks at the drop of a hat.
I suggest you first get some manners, then learn some tolerance.
Grammar mistakes in your post: 6
David, looks like you are going to need to break out the hammer…
I’ll go reread “The Charge of the Light Brigade” if it will help repair the damage Manboobz has done to our countries’ “special relationship”.
Note: Other countries not as special, sorry.
tooting, you asked nicely to stop using that word. It was explained to you why people on this board found that word derogatory. Multiple people expressed their objections to that word. Your response to this was to double down, mansplain, and post long walls of copy & pasted text (without even referencing your source).
So yeah, fuck off.
Really was I? .. being told to ..”eff off” .. is nice in your book .. I see.
You really are a tw..
Toots, you can argue until you are blue in the face that in your culture “orange” is the word for that small, four footed creature with ears and a long tail that purrs and poops in a sandbox, but I will still take the Oxford English Dictionary’s authority for the etymology, definition and usage of a given English word. I will especially take the OED’s word over the report from some two-bit internet dictionary.
I will give you credit for sheer gall, for having the nerve to lecture folk on manners after doubling down on language which you have been informed is considered unacceptable in this community.
There was the first circumnavigation of the spam filter.
Ah, I get it, it’s a subculture.
“Me and my obnoxious mates who hang out at the pub and troll feminist sites on our phones.”
tooting: Again, fuck off.
@sirtooting: David, the owner of this site, asked you to drop it from HIS comment board. So fucking drop it if you don’t want to get banned.
Wow, between the choice of just not using the tw- word anymore . . . and . . . this . . . you choose this . . .
I guess toots thinks life must not be difficult enough.
You were asked/informed four times before you decided to double down, at which point most of seem to have run out of “nice” to offer you.
It does make me curious though. You identify as an “artist and feminist”. How do you define feminist so that it includes the use of references to female anatomy as an insult? I really am curious as to how that makes sense, but maybe you have your own particular “cultural definition” of feminist that none of us are familiar with?
I left you to fill in the missing letters, you can use your own imagination .. if you can find it, of course ..
and keep rolling your eyes, I’m sure if you keep looking, you’ll find that missing brain cell of yours very soon.
Do you even know what you’re arguing anymore?
Is this troll beginning to have a familiar reek to anyone else?
Gee, I wonder why a word for female genitals would also be used to insult people?
Oh yeah, the smell is rather familiar.
Wow, a post about a completely idiotic and blatant use of a gendered slur gets a comment troll trying to defend their use of another gendered slur. “But it has other definitions!!!” doesn’t work when we’re talking about people who commonly use that word and others as slurs. Didn’t we just have a post discussing how folks at AVFM think it’s super clever to refer to Twitter as Tw*tter when talking about women who use it?
Also coming back and using that word for people who disagree with your use of it is totally classy.