How stupid do you have to be to actually believe the following nonsense? Not just regular stupid. Men’s Rights stupid.
Heck, this is even stupid by normal Men’s Rights standards. It made me think of this line from Ruthless People.
Now, horqth could very well be a troll. His account is brand new, and, I mean, this is just amazingly dumb. But here’s the thing: his comments are being treated as if they are completely reasonable by the Men’s Rights subreddit. I noticed only a couple of mostly ignored comments out of more than 100 even raising the possiblity that he was a troll.
Not only has his post gotten dozens of upvotes, but in the comments there are numerous other Men’s Rights Redditors — not trolls — who’ve actually managed to outdo him in the sheer ridiculousness of their opinions. And they’re getting upvotes too.
Milessycamore seemed to suggest that horqth had understated the degree to which men were being victimized in both places, and more than 200 Redditors agreed:
Saxonjf thought it would be nice if more women would act like these strippers and make men feel “important special.”
Itchybrain, putting his economist hat on, suggested that the root of the problem was the massive over-valuation of women:
So how did the ladies get so overvalued in the first place? Blame the government and all that darn welfare. Responding to one contrarian Men’s Righster who suggested — get this! — that women are appropriately valued — FloranHunter laid down this truth bomb, by which I mean a bunch of complete and utter crap:
If only we could return to the good old days, when women would starve unless they were super nice to unattractive dudes who pestered them in bars!
Lawtonfogle also has no problem with the idea of men being valued for their money; he just wants to get more bang(s) for the buck.
I give up.
Unlike every other element of interaction between the genders, which is absolute throughout all space and time.
If only he knew how ironic it is for him to be saying this.
::rolls eyes again::
Type I, Type II … who actually gives a shit? What do you want to do, dissect people?
You’re also talking out of your arse if you think they’re separate, or separable. Emotions are essential for even the most basic decision-making.
Or is this a terribly long-winded way of saying you’re a robot who cannot understand emotions and thinks they’re inferior? You can’t be a Cyberman, they wouldn’t waste so many words, and a Dalek would have got straight to the point about how Daleks rule and will exterminate everyone else.
(Never could see the point of that. It’s not like they’d be any good at enjoying life with their ill-gotten gains.)
Auggz — until recently the idea of not having kids wasn’t just shunned, but nearly impossible — Roe’s 40 years old, the idea of remaining childless is even younger. Under those conditions it makes sense not to mention any potentially problematic genes, and thus not to discuss the heritability.
Except this was used to justify eugenics — mental patients were sterilized for decades (among other “undesirables”) because gods forbid we might pass on a crazy gene! (It’s a risk I’m not willing to take, but that’s my personal choice and other people should be free to decide that they are okay with the risk)
In short, I think we don’t want to talk about it because it would admitting that eugenics wasn’t COMPLETE crap, just 99% crap. That is, that yes, you can pass on flawed genes, and maybe should decide not to, but that’s your choice. That’s not gonna be a thing high schoolers grasp well. Am I making sense? What I’m trying to say is I don’t think we want to touch anything remotely related to eugenics, and at the same time don’t want to admit that we may pass less than ideal genes onto our kids, especially if those genes are related to something stigmatized.
Well, it’s tricky when you can only see breasts.
@katz, no idea. Under the Bayesian system, you focus a lot more on distributions than on point estimates (like you do in frequentist statistics, with the mean, etc). It sounds like he’s saying that the posterior distributions for traits are larger for males when compared to females, but that doesn’t make an awful lot of sense. For trait expressions, like eye colour, they’re all binary: you either have green eyes or you don’t. So for each eye colour, you could do an estimate of the proportion of the male population that has green eyes, and the proportion of the female population that has green eyes, and with the Bayesian approach you would be more interested in the distribution, not the point estimate (i.e. you would be interested in the minimum and maximum proportions calculated, not the mean proportion). But each person with eyes must have an eye colour, so how does that equate into the variance for males being larger?
It’s not that I don’t have a clue about what they’re trying to say, I don’t think anybody else could understand it either.
Wait, beauty standards besides breasts are culturally dependent? Hate to break it to you but breasts aren’t sexual idea in all cultures.
Fucking autocorrect
To equate two things is to say that they are the same. It is not equating to say that two things are both bad or both good, unless you only equate things modulo Z2.
What’s your problem, trolly (apart from being unable to write in plain English)? Why do you feel the need to trot out this evopsych bullshit? You had jibes at MRAs buried in your first screed. Fine, they exist to be mocked, as far as this site’s concerned. So why flap around with the same garbage they like to trot out, pretending humans are little more than breeding machines on autopilot?
o_O. To say two things share the same characteristics is equating them. To say being fat and being lazy are bad in the same way is to equate fatness with laziness.
LOL. You’re really backpedaling here.
You didn’t specify “and”, your sentence were broken up by commas, which imply continuinity in the listed terms. It read:
I would be careful with stating someone is cognitively deficient when one appears to be grammatically ineffective oneself. We could assume the “and” in question was actually there, replacing the commas, but then your sentence would read “fat and lazy and lower IQ and genetically inferior”, which is two things – bad writing, and untrue.
Don’t be insulting and high fallutin’ if you cannae get the writing down without crapshootin’
Yeah, I was giving you lip. I like your name though, I find it neat.
I’d be careful about claiming petulance (interesting attempt at ascribing a typically feminine emotion to me, though, and deliberately reducing any conversation to me as a childishly sulking and you as intellectual superior… that’d be dishonest, and, what’s that phrase, poisoning the well? Well, you wouldn’t…) when mere “sass” would be more appropriate.
Take your Non-Euclidean inanity elsewhere, you parallel apologist, you’re being hyperbolic enough without attempting to move into hyperbolic geometry. A triangle has three sides and three internal angles, and any attempts at pretending that such a thing as manifolds exist or that sufficiently advanced mathematics allows us to envision dimensions with a non-complete z axis is the Devil’s Math.
No, it’s patent truth, given that you allowed for exceptions, then went right on stating your argument as if those exceptions were irrelevant – then included a further summation that invoked elements of different species mating patterns attributed to humans and constructed an eugenic argument which ignored your own stated exceptions.
You’re being patiently dishonest if you claim otherwise, and for the record, this is me being petulant at your petty inability to maintain a cohesive argument.
But all other things aren’t equal in mating, and parity in the biological sense is a constantly shifting circumstance based on the environment. This isn’t physics or math where we can neatly disregard the rest of the world and assume friction is just a petty annoyance, this is evolutionary biology, where such mere thing as complete disregard for the rules of the world is rather a big deal.
Also, read a genetics primer about the chromosomal distribution of human genotypes (Hint: It’s not just xx and xy)
So with that, variance and variability has little impact on sex selection because all it results in is varying phenotypes from males at a somewhat higher rate than females – that changes nothing about the notion of sex selection, and pretending it does is… patently dishonest. Merely repeating your dross science won’t make it true, but it will make you seem petulant. Ceteris paribus works in economics, because we know it’s a dismal science, and it works in accounting, because fuck if I’m testing for tax, but proclaiming that “All else being equal” when all else is patently not equal is utter madness, of the inane kind – humans don’t rely on genotypic variation to test for selective parameters, because, oh dear, we have brains and can talk (Sapien sapien, I say again).
Also, as a bayesian prior, for any given trait with a higher variance, the person with the highest possibility of being exceptional gets to make the choices in that field – but that would make sufficiently lucky genetic constructions with a male genotype more likely to be selective and oh shit wait I just messed up your argument by changing the assumption. Ups. It’s almost like it’s just dressing up a stereotype in scientific language. Odd.
Yeah, now I’m being petulant.
I’ll spell it out – mating is not a one time transfer, it’s a process over time. Now adjust for that, and try again… You might arrive at a conclusion that isn’t ham-fistedly unconcerned with the 99 % of sexual selection science.
…. So the method that grants you a mental short cut like: “This person can talk to me, and he has hair” is more likely to end up being followed by people than the method wherein they sit down, get genetically screened, and then finally find out if they’re genotypically compatible? So… people in an emotionally charged situation will often not take the most reasonable course of action or maximize their utility, but will instead probably do something stupid?
Now you’re just fucking with us, chap. Because that would mean your entire argument shot itself in the foot. Come on, one more time now – explain to us exactly why humans who often persue the less optimal, less rational, less utility maximizing path will nevertheless entirely disregard genetically unfit people when they have no way to test for genotype variance other than phenotypic stand in like a marker of some kind, and then, as a bonus, explain to me that testing becomes solely the onus of the woman in this hypothetical situation.
(oh, and being really petulant as opposed to merely boring – None of those arguments explain why MRA’s are the lowest of the low who should have their genes die off to passive eugenics, nor did you apologize for randomly calling a bunch of people losers, lazy and jobless, you shiftless intellectual ivory tower of dishonest rambling. Given the constraints of your set up, any given person could still sleep with anyone else, because human beings don’t have genetic scanners in their eyes. )
It’s rather obvious what I meant. Before any additional analysis, it is more likely than not that a trait will have higher variance in males than females. Given that this is a prior, belief can be modified after analysis. The fact that a given trait is neither X-linked nor Y-linked would almost certainly lower the probability down to 50%.
Even binary traits can have variance, by the way. If minimal constraints are imposed, then the maximum entropy distribution for binary traits is the Poisson distribution. The variance is equal to the mean.
Trolly must be a hoot at a party or on a date. Instant insomnia cure.
You still haven’t said what’s your point in posting here.
Oh, look – another cissexist evo psych enthusiast. Very new and refreshing.
He’s the Ghost of Terrible Parties Past, here to remind us all to ask the host(ess) who else is going to be in attendance before RSVPing.
You could have just said you were wrong when you stated this:
Also this:
If you know anything about Bayesian statistics, you know that you have to enter a mathematic value for the priors, not some vague shite about it being “higher”. You’ve basically said that the analysis should use an informative prior. So what values are you actually using and what research are they based on?
Do you have a fucking clue?
Whoa shit yes, that reminds me of some parties I’ve avoided.
Good lard, this troll is fucking dull.
Bored now.
I am unable to see females except as breasts? Amusing claim, though it describes the sexually desperate MRA’s far more than it describes me. I have no desire to reproduce and, barring reproduction, there is no rational reason to have sex. Sex is a risky action which involves a large allocation of resources to procure. Even with prophylaxis, it is still far riskier than celibacy. Indeed, even if I had the desire to reproduce, I would do so without sexual intercourse. Unhygienic, risky, time-consuming, and disease-transmitting “breeding” vs. sterile and controlled procedures? The choice seems obvious to those not blinded by hormones. With artificial reproduction, one can even introduce a degree of control over which genes are actually passed on. It disturbs me that there are still intelligent people who reproduce via sex.
Now we’re dumb for liking sex. Hey troll, have you thought about going and fucking yourself?
Is this Pell? Or is it just some other obnoxious pseudo-intellectual?
The prior would come from an estimate of the total number of genes on the X vs. the total number of genes in the genome. Either a trait is X-linked or it isn’t. If we (roughly) know Nx/N, that gives us a probability. If a trait is not X-linked, there’s a 50/50 chance that variance is higher in men than women. If it is X-linked, there’s (very close to) a 100% chance it’s higher in men than women.
P(Higher variance in males) = .5*P(Not X-linked) + P(X-linked)
Since P(~X) + P(X) = 1, it’s obvious that P(Higher sigma in males) is bigger than 0.5.