How stupid do you have to be to actually believe the following nonsense? Not just regular stupid. Men’s Rights stupid.
Heck, this is even stupid by normal Men’s Rights standards. It made me think of this line from Ruthless People.
Now, horqth could very well be a troll. His account is brand new, and, I mean, this is just amazingly dumb. But here’s the thing: his comments are being treated as if they are completely reasonable by the Men’s Rights subreddit. I noticed only a couple of mostly ignored comments out of more than 100 even raising the possiblity that he was a troll.
Not only has his post gotten dozens of upvotes, but in the comments there are numerous other Men’s Rights Redditors — not trolls — who’ve actually managed to outdo him in the sheer ridiculousness of their opinions. And they’re getting upvotes too.
Milessycamore seemed to suggest that horqth had understated the degree to which men were being victimized in both places, and more than 200 Redditors agreed:
Saxonjf thought it would be nice if more women would act like these strippers and make men feel “important special.”
Itchybrain, putting his economist hat on, suggested that the root of the problem was the massive over-valuation of women:
So how did the ladies get so overvalued in the first place? Blame the government and all that darn welfare. Responding to one contrarian Men’s Righster who suggested — get this! — that women are appropriately valued — FloranHunter laid down this truth bomb, by which I mean a bunch of complete and utter crap:
If only we could return to the good old days, when women would starve unless they were super nice to unattractive dudes who pestered them in bars!
Lawtonfogle also has no problem with the idea of men being valued for their money; he just wants to get more bang(s) for the buck.
I give up.
David Futrelle
The peeps in that photo, I think they’re Beta Male MRAs! LOL!
RE: David
Why are those guys out riding bikes in 120 degree weather?
Enh, if my family did it in Texas in 110 degree weather, it seems plausible enough for me. Exercise won’t do itself. (Note that I didn’t realize heat stroke was actually a thing for serious concern until I moved up north. My blood probably would’ve floated on oil, it was so thin.)
RE: hookerwithaheartofmuscle
Love your screename. And ewwww, what is it with assholes who refuse to use condoms? Are they just so insulated that they seriously think they’re impervious to STDs or something? That nothing could possibly happen? I just don’t understand how adults can live with that attitude.
I still don’t understand why so many asshat groups feel this need to shit further and further on single mothers.
They think a society where a man without a woman has to masturbate and a woman without a man has to starve or be murdered is fair!???
Of course not, Rilian. No man should have to masturbate at all!
“The government MASSIVELY subsidizes women, especially single mothers.”
We have a welfare system that threatens loss of benefits if recipients can’t find a job fast enough, that takes away (or heavily reduces) benefits if recipients earn too much (basically any pay slightly better than your average low-wage job), and in which caseworkers are fine with dumping recipients into any low-wage job they can find regardless of whether it has any chance of raising the recipient out of poverty (or just harassing and penalizing the recipients until they take themselves off the welfare case-rolls). This is in addition to having varyingly low standards of what constitutes adequate or safe childcare for facilities that accept vouchers, meaning that single mothers on welfare have no way to guarantee the safety or proper development of their children while they work to keep their benefits. Let’s not also forget that single mothers are huge targets for stigma, much of which comes from their own places of employment. Women in America are essentially penalized for having children while not being married, and this asshole has the audacity act like being a single mother is a trouble-free meal ticket? Like it’s a privilege? Get fucked.
Oh, and married couples are also subsidized, or did you conveniently forget that, you trash golem?
Funny, but the last time I was in a nightclub “as a girl”, I was largely ignored. Nobody came up to me offering to dance for my $20 bills.
I feel cheated.
A male friend did give me a lapdance at a bar once, but he was drunk and we worked together.
Calum Morrison, your comments were awesome.
And then the next day I’d like to see them transformed into unattractive women. If they’re lucky, they’ll be ignored. If they’re not, they’ll receive the other side of all that unwanted attention.
To MRAs, “women” means “cute young woman who won’t fuck me, WAAAH!” Any woman not in that class is invisible, or not worthy of human consideration (what with us being valuable only for our beauty) (IT’S SCIENCE!)
Eh. I’ve seen people object to them before :/ Don’t see the problem with replacing them. I have a link on ‘idiot’ here though I’ll just try quote some of the article.
Aaannnddd I think I quoted more of that than I meant to… :/
I would love to see some of her citations.
I have no idea who you’re talking about…
I mean in the post you quoted.
I’m not really down with what seems like knee-jerk tumblr style activism.
“knee-jerk tumbr style activism”? What. The. Everloving. Fuck?
And I know it’s not the most reliable source, but even a quick check on the frickin wikipedia page seems to agree.
*as in, agree with what she said. Ffs.
I mean words do change over time, everyone’s mileage may vary, but this nit-pickery drives me up the wall.
That said, if there was a community consensus about not using the word, I’d just…not use the word.
Ditto, hellkell, but I’ve yet to see that consensus.
This is pushing my “gods don’t let us turn into Feministe where idiot gets redacted as an ableist slur” buttons, I admit, but that’s me. It’d be an irritant but not a hill to die on.
um, ok, I’m not really seeing why there’s the huge desire to keep using it. Like, seriously?
whenever I see non-disabled people talking about what’s being an ableist slur, I get kind of uncomfortable feeling. Tho I have said before, that it’d also be weird for me to argue it b/c it doesn’t really affect me either, and if there is a manboobzer who it affects (i.e. someone who it’s used against), then their opinion should probably matter more
On the other hand, we are probably never going to come to a consensus just b/c people are different.
Because it’s a general insult for people who trot out stupidity all the time, and because it’s long since passed into a broader usage than something like r*t*rd.
Is it worse than dumbass or chucklefuck or fuckwit? They’re saying the same thing. (Not snarking there, btw.)
Yeah, but the problem isn’t actually people being stupid, it’s them being willfully ignorant, or hateful jerks, or whatever. It doesn’t have anything to do with intelligence.
And…idk I feel weird on this, since it doesn’t affect me. But I have seen people who it does affect say they don’t like it, and I don’t see the reason to keep using it if it’s hurtful to them.
It’s not just you. It just feels really reflexive to me…like, “this word is bad, so this one must be too” without a whole lot of thought behind it. If that make sense, because I’m still working out why it irritates me.
Fade: we have come to a consensus here about slurs for the mentally ill, so it could theoretically be done.
though I really want to know why you think people are saying “this word is bad, so that one must be too” without any/ much behind it. I mean, idk, just where are you getting that it’s just a reaction, if that makes sense?
Isn’t that exactly how stupid is used now?