How stupid do you have to be to actually believe the following nonsense? Not just regular stupid. Men’s Rights stupid.
Heck, this is even stupid by normal Men’s Rights standards. It made me think of this line from Ruthless People.
Now, horqth could very well be a troll. His account is brand new, and, I mean, this is just amazingly dumb. But here’s the thing: his comments are being treated as if they are completely reasonable by the Men’s Rights subreddit. I noticed only a couple of mostly ignored comments out of more than 100 even raising the possiblity that he was a troll.
Not only has his post gotten dozens of upvotes, but in the comments there are numerous other Men’s Rights Redditors — not trolls — who’ve actually managed to outdo him in the sheer ridiculousness of their opinions. And they’re getting upvotes too.
Milessycamore seemed to suggest that horqth had understated the degree to which men were being victimized in both places, and more than 200 Redditors agreed:
Saxonjf thought it would be nice if more women would act like these strippers and make men feel “important special.”
Itchybrain, putting his economist hat on, suggested that the root of the problem was the massive over-valuation of women:
So how did the ladies get so overvalued in the first place? Blame the government and all that darn welfare. Responding to one contrarian Men’s Righster who suggested — get this! — that women are appropriately valued — FloranHunter laid down this truth bomb, by which I mean a bunch of complete and utter crap:
If only we could return to the good old days, when women would starve unless they were super nice to unattractive dudes who pestered them in bars!
Lawtonfogle also has no problem with the idea of men being valued for their money; he just wants to get more bang(s) for the buck.
I give up.
I do sometimes look at men and think about their jeans, and factor that assessment into how attractive I find them. Does that count?
Cat lady, not only are you sock puppeting (this is your third identity so far) but that comment was all copypasta from here.
(Note to readers; Steve Moxon is a fairly high-profile British MRA, sort of their version of Warren Farrell, though a bit more extreme from what I’ve seen.)
Shape up or be banned!
Blockquote monster is peckish.
Timothy – and Earl’s great line:
Earl: Yeah, and then we’re off to Haiti!
Carol: Not Haiti, Tahiti.
Earl: I knew that.
WTF is boring old Roscoe Coltrane doing back here? He was trolling years ago.
Why do sexist dudes find the idea of objectification so hard to grasp? You’d think we were asking them to summarize Foucault in 50 words or less.
Good job, hellkell. And yeah, just ban ’em, David, it’s not like they’re being INTERESTING.
Also, bonus points to hellkell for quoting my wayward adolescence.
@kittehserf. Bill Pullman’s expression sells the hell out of that line.
Also – “I seemed to go on forever. It must have lasted…..two minutes.”
And “So if I looked like his mother, and you looked like his father, this is what our son would look like……strong argument for birth control.”
“It seemed to go on forever. It must have lasted…….. two minutes.”
LOL yes, his shifty-eyed look when he said that!
katz: Yes, that’s the song!
Reblogged this on I eat sacred cows. They make the best hamburger!.
@cat lady-I love cats, but that does not mean I am mentally unstable.
Subtle name. I can totally see you’re here in good faith.
Where do MRAs live that all the women they meet are either welfare queens or sponging off men? Have they honestly never seen a woman working a crummy, demanding job just to pay the rent?
…Didn’t one of them just get back from a strip club?
As an average-looking woman, I can’t say I’ve ever walked into a bar and had hot guys in G-strings offer me lap dances. Not until I’d bought them a couple of drinks, anyway.
RE: Shaenon
Have they honestly never seen a woman working a crummy, demanding job just to pay the rent?
…Didn’t one of them just get back from a strip club?
Oh, but that doesn’t COUNT. Everyone knows women in strip clubs do it out of sheer love of the job. Money is just a nice perk to buy bonbons with.
For our resident Aussies
Please remember to water your koala if you see one.
Poor koalas! Well, actually the second one seemed pretty happy.
Why are those guys out riding bikes in 120 degree weather?
@cassandra: I call you on your summarising error, it was a summarise Proust competition!
From the first comment listed by David:
Why was he in the stripclub rather than just a regular bar? Aren’t the prices for the alcohol more expensive anyways and/or there’s a cover charge, so he is – in fact – buying “something” already?
I was quite literally laughing out loud at that one.
These boys can’t ever seem to remember the existence of condoms when they go on about “male contraception.”
As a sex worker I always laugh at the MRAs forgetting about condoms because clients always use the the same stupid line(s)
1. Sex *feels* better without a condom (fuck getting STIs or causing pregnancy, this is about how their dick *feels*).
2. I can’t cum with a condom on (me – ok I can give a handjob. But reference point ones reasons why I won’t fuck anyone without using a condom).
They always get a massive case of the sads when I point these out and use the weird “compliment” that they only as me due to my (ergh) “tightness”.
Needless to say this is why they see a sex worker cos god knows I wouldn’t date them/I feel awful for their wives.
It harps back to MAN FEELZ cos you know, their penis not being happy is the reason why woman are so goddamn awful.
David commented:
Well, no wonder Cat Lady made no sense. The “Women in the Workplace” publication at that link is one horrible wall of words saying nothing. I think it might be the single most boring text I’ve ever tried to read.
Why on earth would Parliament post shit like that on its Web site?
I wonder if these guys have actually met women? In my experience most of the women I’ve met and wanted to hang around (based on their awesomeness as a person or lack of it), have been independent, tenacious, ambitious and self-sufficient. Also, getting compliments in a club is not the apex of human experience, I kind of actually want these guys to transform into an attractive woman for a day, Disney style, and experience the “utopia” for themselves. Wow all these guys are hitting on me! I can retire happy my life is complete!