![The secret cabal that rules the United States](https://i0.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/laughing-women-707141_630x298.jpg?resize=580%2C274&ssl=1)
While the rest of America wastes its time celebrating “President’s Day,” we here at Man Boobz celebrate those who truly run this great nation of ours: Evil, selfish women.
Wait, you were thinking, I thought it was men who mostly ran the world? No. It just looks that way. Oh, sure, all the presidents have been men. The overwhelming majority of elected officials are men. The rich people who seem to have the most influence over politicians tend to be men — it’s the Koch brothers, not the Koch sisters.
But to judge who has power in this world by looking at those who have power in this world is a giant mistake, according to our eminently logical friends in the Men’s Rights movement. That’s the APEX FALLACY.
Nope. Really, it’s ladies that run everything. And run it into the ground! Let’s hear what some of the fine gentlemen from The Spearhead have to say about this. CitymanMichael invokes the sacred power of BIOTRUTH to explain why male politicians are little more than the slaves of women:
And this will inevitably lead to East German style repression. Ladies love East German style repression!
So why not beat the ladies to the punch and just get rid of some of the peskier aspects of democracy? Oh, Mickey, you so undemocratic:
Hey, at least the Founding Fathers knew what was up when it came to women. That’s why they restricted voting to men!
BONUS OFF TOPIC RANT: In the same “women are ruining democracy or maybe democracy sucks anyway” thread I’ve been quoting from, our old friend geographybeefinalisthimself, the fellow who provided us with yesterday’s lovely rape fantasy, gives me yet another shoutout. This one makes even less sense than the last one, and suggests that to some in the Men’s Rights movement I am little more than a boogeyman conjured up whenever they feel they need a good scaring or someone — something — to rage against.
On the off-chance that geographybeefinalisthimself is reading this: feminists aren’t defending this woman. Feminists don’t defend random female murderers because they are women. This particular woman is evil. I’m not the only one who thinks her story about killing 22 people as part of a Satanic cult starting when she was 13 sounds like bullshit — I’m pretty skeptical of all stories involving supposed Satanic cults and murder — but I wouldn’t be surprised if she has in fact killed a number of other people. Regardless of how many people she’s killed, she is a terrible, terrible person. I’m not sure what on earth that has to do with the purpose of this blog.
Original Recipe Good was banned, but Greater Good showed up some other time and said he wasn’t Good.
Listen, there’s a sockpuppet flowchart here somewhere….
Obligatory xkcd link!
Greater Good, I no longer menstruate (yay science!). Now what, dumbass?
Anyway, I’m a little wary of citing examples of individual women who advanced human knowledge, because while they were undoubtedly awesome, it only skirts around the larger issue: the fact that for quite a few centuries, most of the West’s scientific achievements were indeed made by men, because women were not allowed to participate. The issue was not women’s inherent inferiority, Greater Good, it was men holding civilization back by refusing to let half our available thinkers contribute in a meaningful way.
I’d always thought Greater Good was a parody troll. =/
Does Greater Good have a different IP address than Good?
There was a Greatest Good once who was awesome.
My eyes kinda glazed over and I missed this part:
Can you imagine? Everyone just being happy? The horror!
Well, in the grand scheme of things, neither one of those are very important to me. I mean, the likelihood of a meteorite wiping out all life on earth any time soon is pretty slim; and there’s really not much we could do about it anyway. Last time I checked, it was impossible to die from boredom, so, why would I worry about something that can’t actually happen? Seems like a huge waste of time, to me.
Now I’m going to go menstruate or ovulate or whatever it is we women do with our time.
Dying of boredom? That only becomes a possibility when reading fucking witless trolls’ walls-o-text.
As for dying in a meteorite strike – wtf has that to do with anything, and if it’s going to wipe out vast numbers of species, why would I want to survive it?
Sounds like trolly’s hung up on the idea of dying.
you cant deny men and women are biologically different yet similar.
You’re right, I can’t deny that, because it contradicts itself and makes no sense whatsoever.
So if women aren’t oppressed enough God/the aliens with the probes/someone will fling meteorites at us? Sure, that sounds likely.
Hey, why not, they did it to the dinosaurs for not oppressing the dinosaur wimmen enough!
Heck, I barely notice mine, because the past year I’ve been blessed with pretty cramp-less periods. (throws a party)
XD God people being happy that would be horrible.
I dunno. At least surviving it would hold some Rule of Cool? Then again, so would dying in it. “Sure, other dead guy, you may have died of old age, but it took a fucking asteroid to kill me! I’d like to see you beat that!”
LOL about bragging how one was killed! That’s like the Four Yorkshiremen sketch taken to the nth degree.
But I was thinking more that I wouldn’t want to live in the destruction and horror of it. I’ve no wish to survive that sort of thing. Think of the near nuclear-winter conditions that are supposed to have happened after the meteor strike at the end of the Cretaceous, the one that at least contributed to the extinction of the dinosaurs and so many other species. I have no wish to be left struggling to survive after that. Better to die immediately.
It’s telling that happiness is something our trolls sneer at, isn’t it? They’re such miserable shits themselves, and it’s a fair bet they’d be just as miserable if they had the Gor-like arrangements they hanker for. It’s one reason I look at them in some bemusement when they go on about how dreadful life is – dreadful for teh poor menz if they don’t own a woman, dreadful for them if they do – and wonder what on earth’s going on in their maggot-infested brains. They don’t seem to think happiness is a thing.
My goal is to just shock everyone by refusing to drop dead until I’m good and ready. I want to be like Keith Richards or something, that guy people go, “WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?”
(This is to balance out that the past year seems to have obliterated my fears of death, replacing them instead with being forced to continue existing in horror.)
That makes sense. I just have this thing about dying where it sounds scaaarrrrryyy. Which may be contradictory, since I sometimes feel suicidal? But whatever.
Is it the death or the way of dying that’s scary for you, Marie? Because the way of dying is what scares me, for sure. Or worse, of being kept here in a vegetative state, for instance, and not allowed to go. That frightens the hell out of me.
This is pretty much where my mind goes whenever people point out that by living in a major metropolitan area you’re almost guaranteeing that you won’t survive a nuclear war because you’ll die instantly in the initial strike. That sounds like the best possible outcome to me, relatively speaking.
Certainly does to me.
Meh. It’s just death in general that sounds scary for me.
I have a friend who grew up in Nebraska not too far from SAC headquarters. She said that while much of the country was learning about “duck and cover” she and her schoolmates were figuring that if the alarms went off they would all run toward Offut, because surviving what was heading their way would not be all that much fun.
auggz – or surviving the meteors etc. and then dying of boredom. Which you would, if you were unlucky enough to be around any of our trolls.
Marie – ah, gotcha.
Keeling over sounds pretty good, actually – it’d be quick! 😀
I want to die in this stampede, buried under the cute.
This is the stampede for me:
There are two perfect moments in that. First, the guy using the lint brush to roller off his jacket. Second, the guy with the grey and white cat riding on his saddle!