While the rest of America wastes its time celebrating “President’s Day,” we here at Man Boobz celebrate those who truly run this great nation of ours: Evil, selfish women.
Wait, you were thinking, I thought it was men who mostly ran the world? No. It just looks that way. Oh, sure, all the presidents have been men. The overwhelming majority of elected officials are men. The rich people who seem to have the most influence over politicians tend to be men — it’s the Koch brothers, not the Koch sisters.
But to judge who has power in this world by looking at those who have power in this world is a giant mistake, according to our eminently logical friends in the Men’s Rights movement. That’s the APEX FALLACY.
Nope. Really, it’s ladies that run everything. And run it into the ground! Let’s hear what some of the fine gentlemen from The Spearhead have to say about this. CitymanMichael invokes the sacred power of BIOTRUTH to explain why male politicians are little more than the slaves of women:
And this will inevitably lead to East German style repression. Ladies love East German style repression!
So why not beat the ladies to the punch and just get rid of some of the peskier aspects of democracy? Oh, Mickey, you so undemocratic:
Hey, at least the Founding Fathers knew what was up when it came to women. That’s why they restricted voting to men!
BONUS OFF TOPIC RANT: In the same “women are ruining democracy or maybe democracy sucks anyway” thread I’ve been quoting from, our old friend geographybeefinalisthimself, the fellow who provided us with yesterday’s lovely rape fantasy, gives me yet another shoutout. This one makes even less sense than the last one, and suggests that to some in the Men’s Rights movement I am little more than a boogeyman conjured up whenever they feel they need a good scaring or someone — something — to rage against.
On the off-chance that geographybeefinalisthimself is reading this: feminists aren’t defending this woman. Feminists don’t defend random female murderers because they are women. This particular woman is evil. I’m not the only one who thinks her story about killing 22 people as part of a Satanic cult starting when she was 13 sounds like bullshit — I’m pretty skeptical of all stories involving supposed Satanic cults and murder — but I wouldn’t be surprised if she has in fact killed a number of other people. Regardless of how many people she’s killed, she is a terrible, terrible person. I’m not sure what on earth that has to do with the purpose of this blog.
@ ladysunami:
GLaDOS is my favorite psychotic murderous female. 😀
Seriously, if MRAs ranted about the misandry of Portal it would probably make my entire life.
RE: Cassandrakitty
In the US, at least, homosexuality got removed from the DSM in the seventies or early eighties. The False Memory Syndrome Foundation bullshit is from the 80s and early 90s, I believe. So it post-dates it.
(This is why we multis can’t have nice things.)
I always got the sense they were basically formed to help families deny what happened to some of their members. Since shutting the kid up within the family unit failed, they moved on to a more public approach.
Yeah. Like, even if no abuse occurred and the kid DID have a mangled memory, created a whole foundation and spreading the story around is a pretty douchey thing to do.
@ barrakuduh
That would be awesome! I’m kind of surprised no MRAs have discussed it’s obvious “misandry.” I mean I’ve seen some blogs/articles declaring Portal a feminist game, and to MRAs feminism = misandry, so it seems like it’d be a likely target. I mean the player can only play as a woman! Poor male gamers, stuck with a female protagonist. She’s wearing an baggy jumpsuit too, so it’s not like they can ogle her boobs and/or ass to make themselves feel better.
I don’t know if there’s any research on this to back me up, but my GUESS would be that therapists rarely set out to consciously create this or that disorder or this or that false memory in their patients… seems a bit too cartoon-villanish… So my guess would be it’s mostly people who honestly believe they’re just retrieving what’s already there, even when that’s not the case.
There’s this current case in Sweden with a man who was supposed to be the worst serial killer in the history of the country, but he’s later been acquitted from all the murders he’d been convicted for.
So, this dude was convicted for attempted rape and attempted bank robbery, and deemed criminally insane. Therefore placed in an asylum, where he was supposed to get therapy. During therapy, the therapist “uncovered” a hitherto repressed memory in him. Once when he was a kid, his father raped him. His mother walked in on this scene, and became so shocked that she had a miscarriage then and there, although the baby was almost ready to be born. His mum and dad then killed the baby, chopped it up and forced him to eat it.
It should be added that he has several siblings who were like, normal well-adjusted citizens, and all the time denied that their parents had been evil. But even without any siblings, the whole thing is just so over-the-top that it should make anyone pause a bit.
Anyway; because of this terribly traumatic memory, he turned into a serial killer – so he told his therapist. He felt compelled to murder people and eat them, and also save certain body parts in order to try to rebuild the body of his murdered baby brother. So he told his therapists. He began to confess to the murder of various people who were either just missing, or who were confirmed murdered, although no murderer had been found. All the cannibalizing and dismembering supposedly happened with people where no body was found, since when there was a body, it never bore any marks of having been chopped up or eaten on.
He was convicted for eight of the thirty murders he confessed to without technical evidence, but because he supposedly knew facts only the police and the murderer could know. Later on, it turned out that no, you could totally know these facts by reading the papers, plus in many situations he made like ten or twenty guesses until he eventually got the facts right, but this was still accepted as evidence that he had committed the murder by policemen anxious above all else to solve another murder case.
Eventually, though, he did take it all back.
He’s acquitted on all charges now (except the initial crimes that first got him into treatment), since it basically seems as if he was just making shit up and was convicted in the first place only because of a serious case of group think on part of both the police and the therapists at the asylum. And yeah, one psychiatrist also wrote a book about him, and another psychologist was working on one. I still doubt that they were consciously thinking, cartoon-villain-style, about creating a “serial killer” in order to get book deals… but it wouldn’t be strange if the fact that you have a lot at stake in a certain case influence you subconsciously.
Recently, this journalist wrote a book about this group of therapist (who, buy the way, do not work exclusively with people who have been deemed criminally insane). He’d get interviews with them by sort of suggesting without saying it right out that the book would have a positive angle. One of the therapists he interviewed declared that she’d found out during therapy that 60 % of her patients had been sexually abused. None (!) of them had told her so initially, but as it turned out, in as much of 60 % of the cases such memories lay under the surface, repressed. That just sounds pretty…. skeevy.
Blarg, and that 60% could be true if, idk, she was working at a shelter for abused women. And of fucking course not all are going to say that immediately. Toss in repressed memories, not just “we’ll talk about that once I know you” and ewww.
I have a copy of DSM III — homosexuality’s only mention is under sexual disorders NOS, as a thing that might cause the patient distress. So by then the problem wasn’t being gay, but issues with being gay, if that makes sense. So this shit is a lot newer than that shit.
Oh and I was supported inside a woman for two weeks longer than y’all! They had to drag me out! (No really, my birthday is 16 days after I was due, she was induced and they ended up using forceps. Needless to say she was quite pleased when my brother slid right out)
LOL, did you guys see Cat Lady’s comment on the previous page?
Nah these guys are right. Women voting inevitably leads to dictatorship. Consider that most democratic countries started letting women vote in the early 20th century and just 100 years later BAM black president.
And last time I checked lots of men like big government stuff too. I’m a dude and I am all for the evil tyranny of the government making sure that everyone has access to life saving health care.
And I know I should stop being suprised about this but seriously, the satanic panic is still around? Just goes to show you how determined people are to see the different as monsters.
And one other thing
I’ve got to confess, I find it really disturbing to see left wingers defend and write apologetics for mass murdering dictators. Sure Castro did some progressive stuff but he also killed about 5000 – 12000 people. http://necrometrics.com/warstat6.htm#Cuba59 He shouldn’t be written about in positive terms.
As for Mugabe, there is little to no dispute that his economic idiocy cratered Zimbabwe’s economy, and that he has imprison, tortured and killed hundreds to thousands of people. That is the reasons he is demonized. I am not an expert on his rule in Zimbabwe but the only opinions that those who are seem to believe is that he is either very evil or just pretty evil.
Certainly there are lots of worse killers in the world then these two, but both of them are still killers and should be seen as nothing else.
Depending on what, precisely, you mean by that last phrase, I’m going to have to disagree here. Obviously they should be seen as killers because they killed people, but the “nothing else” bit doesn’t strike me as very helpful. If people who did very bad things just get put into the Very Bad People box and you’re not allowed to discuss them except to talk about how they were bad and did bad things, that’s very limiting.
The key thing, I think, is that history needn’t (and often shouldn’t) be approached in terms of evaluating whether people were good or bad. That can make one inclined to gloss questionable actions by “good” people and overlook productive actions by “bad” people. Historical people were who they were and did what they did and it’s inevitably going to be more complex than it first appears.
Cat lady’s never gonna make troll of the year with that material.
That is not what “chivalry” is.
And about the historical figures:
I agree with katz. Also, I think, understanding how the “bad people” came to power, what kept them in power, and what lead to them killing and/or oppressing the people under their rule is important. So that we can understand, and hopefully, prevent whatever happened from happening in the future. So, no, don’t erase or whitewash any part of history. But also, don’t simplify it either.
Pretty much what Dvarghundspossen said. That’s what I was trying to get at but likely wasn’t doing as good a job at.
I also have a personal stake in this, because part of our multiplicity is memory distortions. (Note that this is a part of DID, but not endemic to multiplicity.) It generally isn’t to the degree that we lose time or anything, but we do write things down a lot so as to be certain our memory isn’t quietly censoring things behind our backs.
So yeah, I HAVE had those horrible moments when suddenly my memory whiplashes back and I realize something terrible has happened and was quietly kept from me. The thing is, horrible as it is, it’s never a surprise. There’s always this awful sinking feeling like, “Oh god, how could I not have realized?” There’s always a sense of something wrong, something being blocked, and usually everyone around us has already figured it out before I have. It also helps that usually at least ONE system member knows what really happened; they just can’t tell you because they know you’ll have it censored instantly.
What I’m saying is, that shit happens to me with no therapeutic fuckuppery at all, so it really horrifies me to see it being induced by outside forces.
euugh. those people sound like serious jerks. Jedi hugs from me, if you want them.
You’ve got so much more woman-support than me 😉 I had to be taken out of my mom 1 month early.
RE: Marie
It’s okay, just another subtype of those jerks who’re too busy wanking to their own intelligence to actually listen to what people say. I’ve read a lot of books, and have yet to meet a singlet layman who could best me in their knowledge of multi, so I usually stomp them good and hard.
I can’t find anything about NOW’s stance on the death penalty, but I am skeptical that they only oppose it for women.
where is the technological advancement if women ruled society then? Where are the complex irrigation system? where are the inventions? you want to base society on happiness? Which is more important to you then? Dying of boredom or dying when a meteorite would wipe out the planet? Fact is many contributions of human race come from the inventions of man… you cannot rule out the benefits of having a patriarchal society.. do you know how much labor force men can provide? women with their menstruation period,ovulation and pregnancy.. you cant deny men and women are biologically different yet similar.. however its important for the human race to recognize the gift of both men and women, whether masculine and feminine doesnt matter, both have their roles to play.. you cant out play the other…
Good, who exactly are you having a conversation with here?
The feminist hivemind, obviously.
Good, you better step up your game. That post was bland.
Good thinks ovulation* slows a woman down? Add that to the list of biological things our trolls know nothing about.
*I can feel when it’s happening, but it doesn’t put me on the couch for a day or anything.
It’s funny, actually, how anthropologists are pretty sure that the basics of agriculture were invented by women.
You’re actually living the answer to that question RIGHT NOW.
Wasn’t Good banned?
Fun fact: Marie Curie was not the first woman to do Nobel-worthy scientific work, she was merely the first one to take credit for it. Plenty of science was done by women at the time, despite the discouragement and social stigma, but often women leading research would have to put the name of a male partner on the forefront in order to get it accepted; that is, when they were not prevented from even being recognized as full scientists.
Hell, the Nobel committee used to overlook men from outside the North Atlantic circlejerk (see: Carlos Chagas).