a woman is always to blame antifeminism apex fallacy citation needed crackpottery entitled babies evil women evo psych fairy tales frontman fallacy grandiosity imaginary oppression men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA NAWALT oppressed white men reactionary bullshit straw feminists straw futrelle the spearhead

Happy Women-Who-Really-Run-the-Country Day

The secret cabal that rules the United States
The secret cabal that rules the United States

While the rest of America wastes its time celebrating “President’s Day,” we here at Man Boobz celebrate those who truly run this great nation of ours: Evil, selfish women.

Wait, you were thinking, I thought it was men who mostly ran the world? No. It just looks that way. Oh, sure, all the presidents have been men. The overwhelming majority of elected officials are men. The rich people who seem to have the most influence over politicians tend to be men — it’s the Koch brothers, not the Koch sisters.

But to judge who has power in this world by looking at those who have power in this world is a giant mistake, according to our eminently logical friends in the Men’s Rights movement. That’s the APEX FALLACY.

Nope. Really, it’s ladies that run everything. And run it into the ground! Let’s hear what some of the fine gentlemen from The Spearhead have to say about this.  CitymanMichael invokes the sacred power of BIOTRUTH to explain why male politicians are little more than the slaves of women:

CitymanMichael February 16, 2014 at 14:32      Women live longer than men and thus the women’s demographic vote is around 54%.      Added to this is the fact that women biologically support each other whereas men tend to be more independent, any politician courts women’s vote.      Add into the mix power – I am still unsure how it is, not being a politician, but we all know, from Mugabe to Putin to Nixon to Chavez to Castro to Obama – they will not let go of power.      So yes, we are destined to be ruled by people who will do anything for women.     Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 16 Thumb down 0

And this will inevitably lead to East German style repression. Ladies love East German style repression!

Anonymous Reader February 16, 2014 at 15:38      This suggests in turn that TFH’s assessment of libral democracy is correct. Because women will tend to vote for short-term security, and single women’s form of security is “more government”. Unlimited government power won’t be enough, though, to make every woman as secure as she wants to be, and the sheer cost is staggering. Towards the end of the GDR in East Germany, close to 1/3 of the entire population was serving as an informer to the STASI, and one can only imagine how much was spent on the secret police and the military.

So why not beat the ladies to the punch and just get rid of some of the peskier aspects of democracy? Oh, Mickey, you so undemocratic:

Mickey T February 16, 2014 at 19:01      Isn’t the usurpatory and destructive control of today’s feminism in this country today an illustration of why a Representative Democracy (as it is) will not succeed long term?     I don’t mean scrap it all. There are ways to alter the system……………..     Like or Dislike: Thumb up 2 Thumb down 1

Hey, at least the Founding Fathers knew what was up when it came to women. That’s why they restricted voting to men!

Orthodox February 17, 2014 at 06:18      Women weren’t allowed to vote because men back in the day knew they were tyrannical by nature. It was 150 years later in the Age of Reason, 150 more years of “progress,” when society reached for the ideal of reason, people separated from their race, sex, ethnicity and purely rational beings. This is why the dark enlightenment is so powerful, it is the truth that even our Founders knew.BONUS OFF TOPIC RANT: In the same “women are ruining democracy or maybe democracy sucks anyway” thread I’ve been quoting from, our old friend geographybeefinalisthimself, the fellow who provided us with yesterday’s lovely rape fantasy, gives me yet another shoutout. This one makes even less sense than the last one, and suggests that to some in the Men’s Rights movement I am little more than a boogeyman conjured up whenever they feel they need a good scaring or someone — something — to rage against.

geographybeefinalisthimself February 17, 2014 at 04:19      OT but feminists are going to look really stupid trying to defend this woman:      There are plenty more stories about Miranda Barbour, who is believed to have lost count at 22 as to how many people she has killed. Remember, NOW opposes the death penalty (but only in the case of females, of course), so let’s watch them try to argue NAWALT here.      Let’s also watch Manboobz try to “mock misogyny” when the woman in question killed 22 people. I wonder if not even this will convince him that women can do wrong.     Like or Dislike: Thumb up 3 Thumb down 0

On the off-chance that geographybeefinalisthimself is reading this: feminists aren’t defending this woman. Feminists don’t defend random female murderers because they are women. This particular woman is evil. I’m not the only one who thinks her story about killing 22 people as part of a Satanic cult starting when she was 13 sounds like bullshit — I’m pretty skeptical of all stories involving supposed Satanic cults and murder — but I wouldn’t be surprised if she has in fact killed a number of other people. Regardless of how many people she’s killed, she is a terrible, terrible person. I’m not sure what on earth that has to do with the purpose of this blog.

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11 years ago

RE: Kittehs

My husband is deeply offended that you’d think he’d wear a pink sparkly jockstrap.

Pink goes AWFUL with his coloring.

11 years ago

I thought he liked pink despite it not going with his colouring!

Okay, sparkly insert-colour-of-choice jockstrap then …

11 years ago

Nah, that’s more Sneak’s deal. Pink goes better with blond hair, blue eyes, and tanish skin than it does red hair and pale skin.

He says disco balls it is!

11 years ago

Disco balls – wut, they have mirrors on and revolve? 😯

11 years ago

I thought the insanity defense in movies/tv was usually temporary insanity. As in, they say they were overcome by rage and they didn’t know what they were doing but they were alright now, so it should be manslaughter not murder. (IMO if you are overcome by rage, you have an anger problem that needs dealing with – I don’t know if that happens IRL, but it annoys me on tv shows as it seems to be a ‘boys will be boys’ defense sort of).

In movies, when someone is “criminally insane” they are treated worse than someone who is just criminal.

11 years ago

Disco balls – wut, they have mirrors on and revolve?

Well, that certainly creates an interesting mental picture.

11 years ago

My husband is very talented.

11 years ago

Okay this is driving me up the wall – how the hell do I search for comments in the blog (not just in a thread)? I’ve looked on WordPress and it says “choose the comments option on the WordPress search page” but when I go there there is no fucking comments option. I’m really sick of this!

11 years ago

I don’t think you can search for comments on the wordpress search page. Can you link to where you saw that?

I usually just use google. Type in what you want to search and then add:

11 years ago

I just don’t believe in a huge network of Satanists practising ritual abuse.

neither does the FBI.

11 years ago

Myoo, they talk about comments search here:

It isn’t apparent whether they mean only for a blog owner or for readers as well. I’ve tried the Google search and it only searches for posts, not comments. I’ve seen various plug-ins that claim to search comments, but when I try downloading them that’s it, they sit in the download folder on Windows and there’s nothing in them that can actually be installed/run. I’ve no idea what I’m supposed to do with them.

11 years ago

I was biologically supported by a wonderful woman for nine months of gestation and about a year of breastfeeding, but then so was my brother and he’s male so I guess Mum was doing ladying wrong.

11 years ago

LOL maggiesausage, nicely put!

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
11 years ago

Aren’t MRAs committing the apex fallacy when they claim credit for ALL! THE! ACHIEVEMENTS! EVER! based on the accomplishments of a few outliers within their group? They’re asking people to judge them as individuals based on the performance of the 1%. Except when it’s not convenient for them to be lumped in with the top of the pyramid, because then they can’t whine about teh wimmenz ruining everything.

As for biologically supporting women, I literally vote with my ovaries. I hold the ballot against my abdomen and punch out the chad with that month’s follicle.

11 years ago

Unfair! How can I vote with my ovaries when we have pencil-and-paper vote forms?

11 years ago

What exactly is the False Memory Syndrome Foundation? The wiki article isn’t very informative.

11 years ago

I’d never heard of it, Leum, but have a look at this Salon article. Sounds a bit dubious:

11 years ago

Ewww. Reading further, it sounds suspiciously like the FMSF should really be called the Incestuous Parents and Enablers’ Foundation For Saying Their Children Are Liars.

11 years ago

Well, false memories are something we all have. If someone tells you you did something as a kid, it’s possible for that to end up feeling like a real memory, even if it didn’t happen. There was a study where they implanted a “lost in the mall” memory in subjects. ( Gaslighting could cause false memories too. And some people implant their own false memories to make themselves feel better.

In the case of False Memory Syndrome, the false memories are of abuse or other trauma that didn’t actually happen. And it’s caused by therapists etc asking leading questions or people imagining things under hypnosis and being told they are real.

11 years ago

Basically what Kittehs said. There was a rash of SRA cases in the 80s and early 90s, I think, and while memory has long been established as malleable and warpable, like Kim, says, the False Memory Syndrome Foundation is a bit of a different beast.

If I recall correctly, the foundation was established basically because an adult claimed her parents had abused her. The parents’ response was to claim that she had false memories of these things, and then develop the Foundation. Sooooo yeaaaaaah, pretty dubious circumstances. At best, you have two very misguided parents trying to protect children (note that the accused still doesn’t speak to them, from what I recall), at worst, you have two abusers going to elaborate lengths to not only cover up their own abusive behavior, but also kick up a lot of dust and smoke about OTHER people’s abuse as well.

On top of that, that damned foundation means that any time I come out multi, I have to be ready to argue that my memories exist. I run into people explicitly trying to manipulate me because they think my memory is faulty. (I’m not shitting either, this happened to me just this past fall.) I run into people who think that incompetent or malevolent therapists planted everything that happened to me in my head, and that actually I’m a singlet victimized by the mental health system. Multi is irrevocably tied in a lot of peoples’ heads to false memories so it’s something I deal with pretty often.

All in all, I hate the guts of that damned Foundation and hate that so many people seem to take them seriously.

11 years ago

On top of that, that damned foundation means that any time I come out multi, I have to be ready to argue that my memories exist. I run into people explicitly trying to manipulate me because they think my memory is faulty. (I’m not shitting either, this happened to me just this past fall.) I run into people who think that incompetent or malevolent therapists planted everything that happened to me in my head, and that actually I’m a singlet victimized by the mental health system. Multi is irrevocably tied in a lot of peoples’ heads to false memories so it’s something I deal with pretty often.


Long distance non contact hugs, just on principle

11 years ago

Why would a therapist want to plant false memories in a patient in order to make them multi? I’m not seeing what the motive would be.

11 years ago

RE: cassandrakitty

I hate that I know the answer to this question. Or answers, rather, since it’s kinda squishy.

As multi became better and better known, it became this weird sort of status symbol to have a multi patient. Multis were supposedly so rare and so difficult to treat (and so lucrative with book deals!) that it became this creepy feather in a shrink’s cap. Some therapists were unscrupulous enough or determined enough to find a multi of their very own that yes, they would either deliberately or unconsciously enforce the behavior in their patients.

Traditionally, system members were “discovered” through hypnotherapy… which is also a very easy way to fuck around with someone’s memory. So, you get a bunch of earnest (or nasty) therapists hypnotizing their patients, looking around for other system members, and voila! Sometimes they’d be spontaneously created. And of course, the more horrific and theatrical abuse, the bigger the kick, so therapists would go looking around for that, and… yeah.

So yeah, it was a pretty squicky, awful time that irrevocably changed how multi is perceived in the public eye. I STILL get people thinking I was created by an unscrupulous therapist.

11 years ago

Was this during the time period where they were trying to psychoanalyze the gay out of people?

11 years ago

I repeat: fuuuuuuuuuuuuck
