While the rest of America wastes its time celebrating “President’s Day,” we here at Man Boobz celebrate those who truly run this great nation of ours: Evil, selfish women.
Wait, you were thinking, I thought it was men who mostly ran the world? No. It just looks that way. Oh, sure, all the presidents have been men. The overwhelming majority of elected officials are men. The rich people who seem to have the most influence over politicians tend to be men — it’s the Koch brothers, not the Koch sisters.
But to judge who has power in this world by looking at those who have power in this world is a giant mistake, according to our eminently logical friends in the Men’s Rights movement. That’s the APEX FALLACY.
Nope. Really, it’s ladies that run everything. And run it into the ground! Let’s hear what some of the fine gentlemen from The Spearhead have to say about this. CitymanMichael invokes the sacred power of BIOTRUTH to explain why male politicians are little more than the slaves of women:
And this will inevitably lead to East German style repression. Ladies love East German style repression!
So why not beat the ladies to the punch and just get rid of some of the peskier aspects of democracy? Oh, Mickey, you so undemocratic:
Hey, at least the Founding Fathers knew what was up when it came to women. That’s why they restricted voting to men!
BONUS OFF TOPIC RANT: In the same “women are ruining democracy or maybe democracy sucks anyway” thread I’ve been quoting from, our old friend geographybeefinalisthimself, the fellow who provided us with yesterday’s lovely rape fantasy, gives me yet another shoutout. This one makes even less sense than the last one, and suggests that to some in the Men’s Rights movement I am little more than a boogeyman conjured up whenever they feel they need a good scaring or someone — something — to rage against.
On the off-chance that geographybeefinalisthimself is reading this: feminists aren’t defending this woman. Feminists don’t defend random female murderers because they are women. This particular woman is evil. I’m not the only one who thinks her story about killing 22 people as part of a Satanic cult starting when she was 13 sounds like bullshit — I’m pretty skeptical of all stories involving supposed Satanic cults and murder — but I wouldn’t be surprised if she has in fact killed a number of other people. Regardless of how many people she’s killed, she is a terrible, terrible person. I’m not sure what on earth that has to do with the purpose of this blog.
Funny how all of CityManMichael’s examples of “people who will not let go of power” happen to be men. I mean, isn’t he trying to argue that women hold too much power?
Not that his examples even represent what he thinks he does. People elected to multiple terms by citizens ≠ won’t let go of power. At least not by itself. Fucking Democracy, How Does It Work?!
First thing that came to mind when I heard about Miranda Barbour was Henry Lee Lucas. Killed some, claimed to have killed a lot more.
If women are tyrannical by nature, how come we also, stereotypically, love cats? Ever tried to be tyrannical to a cat?
How can men be solely responsible for building civilization yet not run anything at the same time? I can’t tell if they’re complimenting themselves, or admitting they’re utter incompetence. If women run everything, wouldn’t we cease to be incompetent “make-workers” who never built anything or contributed to anything other than having babies? If women were able to mastermind a whole system whereby we’re running the world, yet doing none of the work, doesn’t that make men complete imbeciles? (According to their theories, I do not think men are imbeciles).
I ran into this “women shouldn’t vote” nonsense while looking for a cooking blog (despite what the dumbasses in the MRA movement may have you believe- some of us evil feminists make some damn good gourmet dishes). Anyway, I ended up in this bizarre little corner of the Internet run by someone called “Sunshine Mary” who runs what’s essentially a hate site filled with really crappy recipes and tips on how to be a doormat. This woman is an abortion and an embarrassment to any thinking people- and actually believes women shouldn’t be allowed to vote. I realize that they’re just pathetic assholes hating on women from behind computer screens, but it was still jarring to read. Needless to say, I felt like I needed about a million showers after chancing upon that blog!
Sunshine comes here sometimes to defend her shitty worldview, usually after David’s posted her latest thought-fail.
RE: Bina
Fidel Castro retired, so — oops, there goes that “never lets go of power” thing.
Not quite related, but I am still ASTOUNDED that man is still living. He’s like freakin’ Keith Richards or something, by all rights they should’ve kicked it a dozen times already, and yet they’re both STILL HERE. (Nelson Mandela was also on the deathproof list, until… 🙁 ) Seriously, what are those guys made of?
I can only aspire to such unkillability.
RE: Noadi
The thing is that there is a popular belief that insanity pleas will get you off a murder charge.
I’m sure you already know this, but for other Boobzers, yeah, the insanity defense is not worth taking if you have any other options. It works only 1% of the time, in part due to the huge public backlash after whatshisface, the Jodie Foster stalker. The pop cultural meme dates back to that, and it is quite untrue.
…I may have had to read a book about it for a class once. Learning About the Insanity Defense, if anyone’s curious or wants to learn more.
RE: Mnemosyne
Satanic Ritual Abuse? Wasn’t that a thing that everyone was worried about in the ’80s?
*sighs, rubs temples* Yes, and it has a large part to do with a lot of the backlash about multiple personality/MPD/DID, the diagnosis name and criteria change in the USA, and the shit I have to deal with on a regular basis from strangers trying to pull a Gotcha on me. FUCKING FALSE MEMORY SYNDROME FOUNDATION! *shakes fist*
RE: Eliza
Oh, we know about sunshinemary. She’s come here a few times! Not sure why on earth you’d choose the term ‘abortion’ to describe her, though.
Re: LBT- it was the first term that came to mind, I didn’t mean anything political/cultural by it but in
Retrospect maybe I should have picked a less loaded term. Sorry! Wasn’t thinking!
I actually poked around on the site after posting and saw some interesting articles on her
I think the process goes something like:
1. Men, being awesome, build civilization. Women just lie around eating bon-bons during this process.
2. The Right And Natural Order Of Things (RANOOT) puts men in charge of the civilization they built.
3. Women, being whiners, get jealous and want some of that for themselves. But rather than building anything of value themselves (which they couldn’t do anyway, lol), they decide instead to steal power from its rightful owners (men) and upset the RANOOT.
4. Things are a little fuzzy here. One school of thought has it that women manipulate men into ceding power via pussy, while another holds that women just sit in the street and cry, and this causes men to give them what they want for some reason.
5. So now women have power. But because women suck, they don’t use it correctly. And men don’t bother to take it back because of pussy, crying, or both.
6. Society collapses.
karalora, your list reminds me of Charles Manson’s theories except with substituting women for African Americans. He was going to start a race war with his murders and the black race would beat the white race because it was their time to rule. However, he thought they would be incompetent and need Manson to run things for them or something.
Congratulations cityman! You are as coherent as Charles Manson! Quite an accomplishment. Or not.
Is this rather strange man suggesting that because one woman claims to have murdered 22 people, all women have murdered 22 people?
I’ll bet “Schrodinger’s Rapist” really pisses him off, lol.
So much seconding!
As for insanity pleas, when they do get accepted, the outcome is often worse than pleading guilty would’ve been. A friend interned with a NGRI atty (not guilty by reason of insanity) — one of the clients was 25~ years into what would’ve been 5 years max had he pled guilty. Simple assault, his victim (his sibling) is pleading for him to be released (or was, maybe it happened since I heard about this). Only time I’d say it’s worth it is if you’re facing the death penalty, in which case life in an asylum is at least not death.
…the logic fail here is impressive.
I mean, so is their whole APEX FALLACY thing. “Just because the figurehead is male… and all figureheads all male… and all the behind the scenes movers and shakers we know of are male… even the private ones who refuse to be interviewed, like the Koch brothers… just because ALL OF THEM are male, you can’t assume anything about who’s holding power in that system!”
I feel an overwhelming urge to invent a new fallacy that’s nothing a fallacious set of premises that proves conclusively I’m a god and have been repeating the same day forever.
“nothing *but* a fallacious”
…me no verb or article properly. Me ashamed.
Yeah, this is really bizarre. It read as if it would be more difficult to argue that not all women are like that if the example you use is extra evil and horrible, when it’s OBVIOUSLY (I’d really like to have extra large letters here, like one meter high, to fully stress how extremely obvious this is) the other way around. If someone makes a mild accusation against all women, like “all women are selfish” or something along these lines, it’s still false, but it’s too vague for us to offer some kind of water tight proof of its falsity. But accusing all women of being mass murderers – uh, no, dude. It’s not just ludicrous, it’s even mathematically impossible for half of the human race to murder a whole bunch of people each.
@chriswilson @grumpycat
Thank you! Although I woke up with chest congestion problems today from breaking my ribs. It’s the last thing I needed. Prolly going to be on antibiotics for a couple weeks after I see the doc this Thurs. When you get a rib fracture you can’t breathe deep b/c pain. Then your lungs get nasty. 🙁
I hope to be well by Flower Count day. We have an early Spring here in BC so we start counting flowers at the end of Feb, early March. Something like that.
“Just because the figurehead is male… and all figureheads all male… and all the behind the scenes movers and shakers we know of are male… even the private ones who refuse to be interviewed, like the Koch brothers… just because ALL OF THEM are male, you can’t assume anything about who’s holding power in that system!”
It works for the anti-semites, it’s good enough for MRAs. In fact, there’s *more* evidence in favor of the New World Order than there is in favor of the Vast Feminist Conspiracy.
To every white knight on this website, including the esteemed admin –
Chivalry is – Defending women against evil, not defending women’s evils.
Think about it.
I guess when you spend too much time in the man-o-sphere, you start to conflate “feminists never find fault in women” with NAWALT and it turns into AWANLT? I find this extra funny because both of those concepts are largely MRA fabrications to begin with. It’s sort of like the misogynistic version of “ATM machine”.
Thank you! It all makes sense now! I guess my ladybrains couldn’t handle the complexity.
Seriously, tho, that was hilarious. I really lol’d at crying in the street and pretty much all of it. I think I’m stealing that explanation.
I just made a sacrifice to the blockquote monster for you all.
“It’s true. I’m holding up my best friend’s uterus right now.”
I may have read that in GLaDOS’s voice. And it was awsome.
Dammit, I am a male which means I can’t biologically support my husband!
I guess this means he WILL need a jockstrap after all. *shakes head sadly*
Oh, by the way, if I have any readers on… my writeathon bonus poll is in deadlock! Your contribution could spell what stories get posted and which don’t! Also save me from constantly checking to see when a clear winner emerges!
Proof that all feeeemales eat men’s hearts for emotional sustience! It’s true!
Come to think of it, portal is full of “mysandry.” It really is ruled by a psychotic murderous female! Or at least an AI with a female voice… Same thing as far as MRAs are concerned.
LBT – well, if the jockstrap’s pink and sparkly, I don’t reckon Mac will be too upset.