a voice for men antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? empathy deficit excusing abuse homophobia men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA not-quite-explicit threats prison rape rape rape culture rape jokes the spearhead

How to get upvotes on The Spearhead: Violent rape fantasy edition

So I found this lovely little shoutout in the comments to an inane post by W.F. Price on The Spearhead last week.

Let me just preface it with a big TRIGGER WARNING for its violent rape fantasy.


geographybeefinalisthimself February 12, 2014 at 13:02      “Is there any amount of androsphere content that Manboobz Futrelle can read, that will make him switch sides? No.”      A conservative is normally a liberal who has been mugged by reality. Futrelle would have to get ass-raped by reality so many times that he loses bowel control and contracts HIV and multiple incurable STDs before he would realize that feminism has zero benefit for men. Even after getting that badly burned, every single man will think, if he can come to his senses now, he could have come to his senses decades earlier.     Like or Dislike: Thumb up 10 Thumb down 0

Ten upvotes. No downvotes.

I guess that’s technically a rape metaphor, but it’s the most graphic rape metaphor I’ve run across in a long time.

If you ever find yourself wondering why the so-called Men’s Rights movement has never done, as far as I can tell, a single fucking thing for male victims of rape — other than rant about it online in an attempt to one-up feminists — I think this comment suggests one highly plausible explanation: because many if not most MRAs don’t actually feel empathy for the vast majority of male rape victims, who are, after all, men in prison raped by other men. They see rape as an appropriate punishment for men they don’t like, and many actually relish the thought of certain men being raped.

Indeed, even the self-described “men’s human rights activists” at A Voice for Men think that rape jokes about men they don’t like are hilarious.

I mean, it goes without saying that MRAs generally have little or no empathy for women who are raped, and indulge in rape jokes about women all the fucking time, but you’d think they’d do a better job of at least pretending to care about raped men.

If you’re interested in an organization that actually does care about victims of rape and other forms of sexual abuse in prison — regardless of the gender of the victim  — you may want to check out Just Detention International.

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11 years ago


It’s no longer acceptable to say “that’s gay” as an insult and rightfully so. it’s a good thing that homophobia is taken seriously and is becoming unacceptable*. It makes me angry sometimes that sexism is still completely normalized and accepted. There’s still plenty of homophobia and racism out there, but at least they’re recognized as bad things. Sexism seems to be regarded as a feature not a bug in our culture.
*I’m not in any way trying to downplay or deny any homophobia that people have experienced.

Eh. I think it’s still considered pretty fucking acceptable. (and it’s was referring to homophobia, I missed the racism part) And eerrrr yeah, both are definelty still a problem where I live (america) so…idk just pretty suspicious.


I would be weary about comparing axises of oppression, especially if you haven’t experienced one of them. Every problem looks littler when it doesn’t affect you.



It just very much feels like the progress of feminism is very much stalled compared to some of the other fronts and it gets frustrating when even people who identify as liberals roll their eyes when we speak of sexism.

Eh. I get feeling frustrated with it. But I still hold that it’s easier to ignore oppressions you don’t face. (though I don’t actually which ones you do face, so this is more generally speaking.)

I do live in a progressive area that’s very LGBTQ friendly, so it’s a good point that it probably colors my perceptions.

::is jelly:: Tho I just figured out it’s legal to fire people b/c they’re gay* in my state, so that’s probably affecting my perceptions, too.

*I’m assuming if they’re bi, too, and it’s just a ‘if same sex relationship’ but I don’t know the exact law. And LBT already hit on it being legal to be fired if your trans*. (well, he already hit the legal to be hired if you’re gay, but 1) I typed this before I saw that and 2) suspected it was legal to fire ppl for being trans*, but didn’t know for sure.

11 years ago

meistergedanken February 12, 2014 at 11:48

I think we ought to find out exactly which men work for these feminist sites, and encourage them to be do the right thing and find another place to work.

I like the assumption that David somehow works for *us*

Well, he does provide us a valuable service insofar as heads-ups, sifting through reams of masculist reactionary garbage, and comic relief dredged out of shit that would otherwise be simply infuriating. But I think what the asshat was suggesting is that he’s in the employ of some nefarious, faceless Feminist Terrorist Conspiracy™. What a pity (for him) that there isn’t any.

11 years ago

RE: fromafar2013

Goddamn, you sound like one of my best friends, and I feel for you, I really do.

Heh, wonder if you’re someone I know offline? It’s not impossible, I knew inurashii offline before knowing he came here. If it helps any, I am generally happy and kicking ass? Just nontraditionally?

RE: Marie

Yeah, I’m from Texas originally. That’s the place where trans marriage happened at first because they stomped same-sex marriage down so hard, they were one of the few states to define EXACTLY what it means to be a man or a woman, and trans folks took advantage of it.

Then I think they changed the rule so even that doesn’t work anymore. Freakin’ Texas.

11 years ago

Freakin’ Texas.

It’s a lot better knowing we only have a few more months here. That improved the place immensely.

11 years ago

I hear “that’s so gay” all the fucking time in public – and always from teenagers.

La Strega
11 years ago

It’s so disturbing to contemplate that these creeps walk, unidentified, amongst us. Even though I know that the violence they espouse is in inverse proportion to their courage.

11 years ago


I wonder if it’s one of those things people get better with with age. It used to be common in my highschool, and I know I used to do it (/shame) but now that I’m around highschool kids less, I hear it much less. /rambles.

11 years ago


Like….but why do they tag transgender/transphobia on their posts? I mean, I’m just trying to find the logic behind it, but I just can’t. :/

Also, is this a tumblr thing? Cuz I know Fade usually blocks people who post shitty things often in tags she likes checking, if that’d help.

11 years ago

And I hear the N-word a lot, not “ironically” either…right here in good ol’ multi-culti Canada. (And a shocking amount of other shades of racism, too.)

But yeah…sexism and misogyny ARE normalized to an appalling degree. So too are racism and LGBT-phobia. Which one you “see” the most tends to depend on which one you happen to be the most. But we can all sharpen our senses for the odious ‘isms that don’t apply to us in particular, and fight against all bigotries at the same time, because they all come from the same place in the psyche. I’m white, cisgendered and heterosexual, and I have friends who are not. They’re the reason I started paying attention and fighting battles that, technically speaking, aren’t “mine”. I made the mental connection between the bigotries thanks to them. Social justice isn’t a single prong, it’s a fork. It works best when all the tines are lined up together.

11 years ago

Marie, I always feel like saying “You’re young enough to know better” to kids saying that sort of shit. I hope they will grow out of it.

11 years ago

RE: Marie

Like….but why do they tag transgender/transphobia on their posts? I mean, I’m just trying to find the logic behind it, but I just can’t. :/

Because they’re dumb, I figure. My husband was dismayed to find some Bible-thumping homophobe bullshit while looking for porn. Gee, I wonder where that nice fundy boy learned what all those porny terms were when he used them as tumblr tags… gone docking lately, buddy?

11 years ago

I think we ought to find out exactly which men work for these feminist sites, and encourage them to be do the right thing and find another place to work.

Actually, this was part of a bigger, stupider discussion on how to combat feminism, based on these key points.
1) Feminist sites are run poorly and/or more open to hacking because women run them.
2) While women may run and write for these sites, they must rely on male programmers because there are almost no female programmers.
3) If MRAs explain misandry and the evils of feminism to those male programmers, they would quit in solidarity and then feminist sites would cease to exist because an all-female staff is too incompetent to run a website.
4) Feminism is defeated worldwide.

I couldn’t make this shit up even if I tried.

11 years ago

gone docking lately, buddy?

Oh heyyyy…I just learned something new today.

Also, fundies stoooooopid. (As is anyone else just randomly trolling for maximum eyeballs on Tumblr.)

11 years ago

I hope everyone can accept my apology. It won’t happen again and it isn’t representative. I don’t know what happened other than waking up in a cranky wintery asshole funk and having the poor sense to try and communicate with others before the coffee hit my bloodstream.

I hope I’m not persona non grata now because it has been great participating around here so far.

Here’s a healing basket of kitties.

11 years ago

1) Feminist sites are run poorly and/or more open to hacking because women run them.
2) While women may run and write for these sites, they must rely on male programmers because there are almost no female programmers.
3) If MRAs explain misandry and the evils of feminism to those male programmers, they would quit in solidarity and then feminist sites would cease to exist because an all-female staff is too incompetent to run a website.
4) Feminism is defeated worldwide.

Oh, teh lulz. Men already do dominate programming, yes, but most couldn’t care less about imaginary misandry. They’re too busy trying to do their jobs…when they’re not busy trying to troll all the pesky invasive spoilsport women out of their gaming forums.

Also, female programmers exist. The original computer programmers were overwhelmingly female, thanks to wars (also, dang that Ada Lovelace). And female programmers are growing in number, thanks to feminism.

But thanks for the chuckles, chuckleheads. Good luck with your “revolution”…>snurk<

11 years ago

We all put our foot in it sometime or another, weirwoodtreehugger – apology accepted from me, definitely! 🙂

Also, kitties!

11 years ago


We accept your apology :3 (at least I’m pretty sure most ppl do, I know I do). I mean, people fuck up sometimes, most of the problem comes from when they double down and refuse to admit it, I think.

Whatever. I’m rambly.


Also, female programmers exist. The original computer programmers were overwhelmingly female, thanks to wars (also, dang that Ada Lovelace). And female programmers are growing in number, thanks to feminism.

Ack, women used to be programers? Buttttt miisssaaannnddrrrryyyy!!!elven

/sugar rush.

11 years ago

Weirwood, I was never offended…I grokked what you were trying to say, just that it came out a bit wonky. That happens to me all the time. Luckily, folks here tend to catch you when you slip.

11 years ago

Lol, I’m a female programmer for a large university. It’s in my freaking job title. Chucklefucks indeed. I wonder how many of the basement dwellers that think like that know the first fucking thing about programming -_-;

11 years ago

The dudes who think that female programmers don’t exist must not have ever worked in the tech field, because if they had they’d have been bound to encounter one at some point. Someone who states that there are no women in STEM is basically making it clear that they have no experience in that field, so why should anyone care what they have to say about it?

11 years ago

Yeah, it’s okay weirwoodtreehugger. Just learn from it and don’t let it happen again. Kittens accepted!

11 years ago


just to clarify, I was never like, mad or anything. I was just kind of annoyed. And the apology is very much accepted, as is the basket of kittens. XD

11 years ago

Thanks all!

11 years ago

And I hear the N-word a lot, not “ironically” either…right here in good ol’ multi-culti Canada.(And a shocking amount of other shades of racism, too.)

I run into that in my part of Canada too, though the N-word is rarely used for actual black people (actual black people are rare enough here that they get fetishized instead.) 🙁

11 years ago

Uganda apparently just passed that law that would make homosexuality a crime punishable with life in prison. American right wing evangelicals were partially responsible for the law. I think they should get their US citizenship revoked.
Yes, the 1st amendment gives people the right to have shitty bigoted opinions but this is in the realm of serious human rights violation. It’s way past simply expressing beliefs.