a voice for men antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? empathy deficit excusing abuse homophobia men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA not-quite-explicit threats prison rape rape rape culture rape jokes the spearhead

How to get upvotes on The Spearhead: Violent rape fantasy edition

So I found this lovely little shoutout in the comments to an inane post by W.F. Price on The Spearhead last week.

Let me just preface it with a big TRIGGER WARNING for its violent rape fantasy.


geographybeefinalisthimself February 12, 2014 at 13:02      “Is there any amount of androsphere content that Manboobz Futrelle can read, that will make him switch sides? No.”      A conservative is normally a liberal who has been mugged by reality. Futrelle would have to get ass-raped by reality so many times that he loses bowel control and contracts HIV and multiple incurable STDs before he would realize that feminism has zero benefit for men. Even after getting that badly burned, every single man will think, if he can come to his senses now, he could have come to his senses decades earlier.     Like or Dislike: Thumb up 10 Thumb down 0

Ten upvotes. No downvotes.

I guess that’s technically a rape metaphor, but it’s the most graphic rape metaphor I’ve run across in a long time.

If you ever find yourself wondering why the so-called Men’s Rights movement has never done, as far as I can tell, a single fucking thing for male victims of rape — other than rant about it online in an attempt to one-up feminists — I think this comment suggests one highly plausible explanation: because many if not most MRAs don’t actually feel empathy for the vast majority of male rape victims, who are, after all, men in prison raped by other men. They see rape as an appropriate punishment for men they don’t like, and many actually relish the thought of certain men being raped.

Indeed, even the self-described “men’s human rights activists” at A Voice for Men think that rape jokes about men they don’t like are hilarious.

I mean, it goes without saying that MRAs generally have little or no empathy for women who are raped, and indulge in rape jokes about women all the fucking time, but you’d think they’d do a better job of at least pretending to care about raped men.

If you’re interested in an organization that actually does care about victims of rape and other forms of sexual abuse in prison — regardless of the gender of the victim  — you may want to check out Just Detention International.

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10 years ago

Maru is more famous and has a greater influence on society than any MRA could ever dream of.

And quite rightly. Unlike those guys, Maru knows how to square a circle:

These guys? Would be lucky if they could find their butts with both hands and a flashlight.

10 years ago

feminism has zero benefit for men

What’s the point of supporting a human rights movement if there’s nothing in it for me?


So the hypothesis is that if a man or a bunch of men raped David, it would make him…hate women? That makes no sense and it really grossed me out just typing that.

He seems to be using it metaphorically, in which “being raped” represents having to pay child support or being rejected by a woman or some other terrible form of feminist oppression.

10 years ago

But if they aren’t “being boys” the right way they have to be punished in the most horrific ways. The only thing these people stand for is the most aggressive and dehumanizing form of toxic masculinity.

Yup. It’s very telling that “little girl” is right up there along with “cunt” in their lexicon of The Worstest Ever Things You Can Call A Dude. Women and girls aren’t human in their eyes; they’re just walking vulvae, so the way you demote a dude from humanity is to liken him to them. And insinuate, as the commenter referenced above did, that they deserve to be treated the way a Real Man would treat a woman…with violent rape to keep her in line if she forgets “her” place.

10 years ago

Did he really paraphrase that obnoxious and smug asshole, P.J. O’Rourke?

Which “he”, and what comment, are you referring to? I mean, I agree that O’Rourke is obnoxious, I just have no clue what you’re referring to in this instance.

I’m adding to the brain bleach pile. In keeping with the twerking discussion, and in honor of our furry (and feathery and scaly) overlords, I offer this compilation of animals twerking (content note: the song says “bitch” a lot):

10 years ago

@ bina

Ugh. Yep. What I wouldn’t give to see that horrid mentality die off in my lifetime. Alas, that change is a long time coming 🙁

10 years ago

What I wouldn’t give to see that horrid mentality die off in my lifetime.

You ‘n’ me both. I sure hope we don’t end up having to Go Our Own Way to get there…

10 years ago

People (including those who aren’t MRAs) get so pissed off when you point out that calling someone pussy, little girl, or ladies is sexist. It’s seen as utterly insane that as a woman I don’t want who I am to be seen as a negative thing and used as an insult.

It’s no longer acceptable to say “that’s gay” as an insult and rightfully so. it’s a good thing that homophobia is taken seriously and is becoming unacceptable*. It makes me angry sometimes that sexism is still completely normalized and accepted. There’s still plenty of homophobia and racism out there, but at least they’re recognized as bad things. Sexism seems to be regarded as a feature not a bug in our culture.

*I’m not in any way trying to downplay or deny any homophobia that people have experienced.

10 years ago

RE: Kiwi Girl

Can I pool my votes until you do a cat story and then cast them all at once?

*laughs* Well, there ARE kitties in the Borgcritter story that I posted earlier! But obviously, if you want kitty stories, you should come to a writeathon and demand such!

RE: Kittehs

I like your thinking – MOAR BLACKSOCKSWHITE PLZ

That series is totally open to more prompts in the future! Generally, I do writeathons at the start of every other month, so the next one would be on April Fool’s Day, with the appropriate topic of pranks and laughter. Don’t miss it!

RE: emilygoddess

He seems to be using it metaphorically, in which “being raped” represents having to pay child support or being rejected by a woman or some other terrible form of feminist oppression.

That’s another thing that really bugs me about these chucklefucks. They don’t actually seem to see rape as… well, rape. It’s so far from their understanding and experience that they have to use it as a metaphor for other things they see as really bad. What a show of oblivious assholery.

RE: weirwoodtreehugger

There’s still plenty of homophobia and racism out there, but at least they’re recognized as bad things.

Iiiiii dunno, I lived in the South where Confederate flags still fly high and proud. I don’t know where you live, but racism was totally normal there. (And it wasn’t racist at all! It was just SOUTHERN PRIDE. Using a flag used to justify slavery.)

10 years ago

That’s another thing that really bugs me about these chucklefucks. They don’t actually seem to see rape as… well, rape. It’s so far from their understanding and experience that they have to use it as a metaphor for other things they see as really bad. What a show of oblivious assholery.

Exactly. Cis* men, once they reach adulthood, have a comparatively low risk of rape (especially if they stay out of prison and war), and the threat of it doesn’t cast a shadow over their lives the way it does over women’s. The only way they can even begin to relate to the fear of rape or the trauma that it causes is to relate it to things that DO threaten them. And dude, if the closest you can get to rape is getting someone pregnant or being refused sex, you are probably not that oppressed.

*My understanding is that trans men run a higher risk of rape than cis men, whether via being read as women or via corrective rape, but I may be mistaken here.

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
10 years ago

With respect to males being raped in prison, is this a peculiarly American phenomenon, as it’s apparently not very common in NZ? Over here, rapists and child molesters are more likely to be savagely beaten and killed in prison rather than raped – so I’m not saying that the NZ prison system is a cake walk either.

10 years ago

It makes me angry sometimes that sexism is still completely normalized and accepted. There’s still plenty of homophobia and racism out there, but at least they’re recognized as bad things.

egregious cases of homophobia and racism are recognized as bad things. (and then not even all the time in those cases)

every day homophobia and racism really aren’t.

re: the that’s gay

lots of the people who call people pussy also say “that’s gay”.

I would be weary about comparing axises of oppression, especially if you haven’t experienced one of them. Every problem looks littler when it doesn’t affect you.

10 years ago

RE: emilygoddess

Yes, and it’s so freakin’ MADDENING. It’s like, dude, stop acting like something that isn’t rape is just like rape. It only makes you sound like that guy whining about how bad customer service is just like starving to death.

I don’t know the exact rate of trans men, as far as sexual violence goes, and I don’t know that a reputable study has been done on it. I know trans women are among the highest risk group, though.

10 years ago

I would be weary about comparing axises of oppression, especially if you haven’t experienced one of them. Every problem looks littler when it doesn’t affect you.

Yes, thank you Fade. You summed that up much more compactly than I did.

10 years ago

So sorry you needed read that, David. Even if you know it’s just bull crap from a hot head, it’s draining to have that kind of vitriol aimed at your.

“meistergedanken February 12, 2014 at 11:48
“I think we ought to find out exactly which men work for these feminist sites, and encourage them to be do the right thing and find another place to work. ”

I like the assumption that David somehow works for *us*

10 years ago

Which “he”, and what comment, are you referring to? I mean, I agree that O’Rourke is obnoxious, I just have no clue what you’re referring to in this instance.

I was referring to the person whose comment was featured in David’s post and what he paraphrased was O’Rourke’s insipid claim that a liberal is a conservative who hasn’t been mugged.

Of course, I had the places I lived broken into and have yet to desire voting for a Republican…

10 years ago

I would be weary about comparing axises of oppression, especially if you haven’t experienced one of them. Every problem looks littler when it doesn’t affect you.

I don’t want to take away from your point at all, but this is maybe my biggest linguistic pet peeve: it’s wary (meaning cautious), not weary (meaning tired). I see this so much that I think it’s starting to eclipse correct usage, at least online, and it grates on my brain.

(Incidentally, I’m curious, would you pronounce the word as you used it with a long A (IPA: ɛər), pronouncing the ‘wear’ like you would in wearing clothing, or with a long E (IPA: ɪər), as in the other usage of weary? I’m curious if it’s a spelling issue or an actual word substitution.)

10 years ago

RE: derangeddan

I actually read it literally to mean, “I would be TIRED of comparing axes.” Which would be true to life for me.

Also, I pronounce the two words the same. I think hubby pronounces them differently though. (Then again, he pronounces Mary and marry differently from each other, which entertained me to no end.)

10 years ago

I apologize if it sounded like I was trying to claim one ism is worse than the other. That wasn’t the intent, but I know I was ranting and not being articulate.
It just very much feels like the progress of feminism is very much stalled compared to some of the other fronts and it gets frustrating when even people who identify as liberals roll their eyes when we speak of sexism.
I do live in a progressive area that’s very LGBTQ friendly, so it’s a good point that it probably colors my perceptions.

Anyway, I didn’t mean to offend and sorry if I did.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

The case against feminism is so solid and convincing that all we have to do is just get more men, and people or both sexes, to take the red pill.

Who needs to sway hearts and minds through television, newspapers, politics, and academia? We have DISGRUNTLED PROGRAMMERS.

All we need is a couple of Annoying Orange videos and the kids will be flocking to our cause!

@LBT – I’m really, really sorry that happened to you, and I can imagine how upsetting crap like this can be. These people have no idea how horrific the reality of rape is. It’s not some cute metaphor.

In this context, the metaphor doesn’t even make sense. They’re basically saying David has extremely strong convictions, so strong they would likely survive intact even if reality were to serve up an extraordinary string of Job-like MRA disasters. Um…maybe that’s an indication that he’s right? Because he doesn’t need to surround his principles with a giant protective layer of cognitive dissonance, junk science, fawning enablers, and weird diatribes full of Randomly Capitalized Nouns?

I don’t think there’s any sequence of life events that would make David go, “You know what? Rape and misogyny ARE perfectly acceptable! Because women aren’t people! How did I not see that all these years!” You have to be a selfish turd to begin with, for that philosophy to have any chance of seeping through the cracks.

Re: demographics and political beliefs, the Fox News/Faux Noise audience skews heavily 65+. I suspect a lot of them are lifelong right-wingers looking to feed their addiction to hatred. Otherwise, it doesn’t make sense that one’s sense of social justice would decline with experience. The older you get, the more people you meet from all walks of life, and the harder it is to think in stereotypes. Just reading this site has opened my eyes to a lot of things.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

(That first thing was supposed to be a blockquote….I guess the monster needed a light snack)

10 years ago

“meistergedanken February 12, 2014 at 11:48
“I think we ought to find out exactly which men work for these feminist sites, and encourage them to be do the right thing and find another place to work. ”

I like the assumption that David somehow works for *us*

I like the idea that’s it’s difficult to figure out who works for feminist sites. How could anyone possibly know who’s on the staff of, say, Ms. Magazine? How could anyone discover the name of the guy who runs Manboobz? You’d have to type in the URL and look! That would take an expert computer hacker! The revolution must be put on hold until we get Edward Snowden on the case!

Man, activism is hard.

10 years ago


I don’t want to take away from your point at all, but this is maybe my biggest linguistic pet peeve: it’s wary (meaning cautious), not weary (meaning tired)

my brain had them wrong for all these years! 🙁 🙁 I was like “good job, Fade, you avoided typing the tired one”.

of course, I guess that should be: “I would be wary of comparing different axises of oppression, and i am already weary of it.” XD

10 years ago

RE: weirwoodtreehugger

It just very much feels like the progress of feminism is very much stalled compared to some of the other fronts and it gets frustrating when even people who identify as liberals roll their eyes when we speak of sexism.

I dunno. I’ve met liberals who roll their eyes whenever we speak of ANYTHING challenging. That’s not limited to feminism.

I do live in a progressive area that’s very LGBTQ friendly, so it’s a good point that it probably colors my perceptions.

Indeed. Let me put it this way: I’m a gay disabled trans man. In my current state, I can not marry (which gender depends on state rules, but I’m forbidden from marrying at least ONE of them), my trans healthcare is specifically not covered, it is legal to discriminate against me in the workplace, legal to fire me for being trans, and I also am pretty much legally obliged to be poor; most money I make is removed by the government. On top of which, people regularly assume I’m faking for the attention and the free money and that I’m being taken care of by my poor friends, which I’ve duped.

So yes, it’s a very regional thing, and you don’t really have a leg to stand on here. I’d advise zipping it.

RE: Buttercup Q. Skullpants

I’m really, really sorry that happened to you, and I can imagine how upsetting crap like this can be.

Thankfully, I am at a point where I feel that part of my history has been laid to rest. It’s mostly just darkly amusing to me, because damn, I wish I’D had the luxury of living in a world where rape wasn’t this omnipresent possibility!

10 years ago


Goddamn, you sound like one of my best friends, and I feel for you, I really do. Dunno why, but your recent post made me tear up a bit. I hate that you and my loved ones have to feel like shit at all ever. No one should have to feel that pain.

10 years ago

So what if feminism has no benefit for men? Since when does every cause have to involve men in some way?