awesome creepy dick pics men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny penises reddit sexual harassment

Breaking Boner: How a dick-pic receiver got her revenge

The fine art of conversation.
The fine art of conversation.

So that’s the beginning to what has to be my favorite creepy convo I’ve seen posted to the Reddit CreepyPMs subreddit yet. I don’t want to SPOIL anything, but let’s just say that the pink lady in this conversation comes up with a rather unique way to send this dick-pic-posting male correspondent packing.

See here for the rest, and here for the Reddit thread. Oh, and don’t worry, you won’t have to look at his c*ck, or any other horrifying thing, and nothing else will be spoiled if you scroll down through all the pics. (You’ll get what I’m talking about in a second.)

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10 years ago

Sam- i was:

Lots of talking of asses, asses are important,; my ass is the center of the universe, that is fact.

“Do I have to make more bad penis puns at you”
That’s against the penile code.

katz: “such as the amusing yet baffling assertion that, if a poem is open to multiple interpretations, God must not exist”
That’s nothing compared to if anyone would actually divide by zero, the universe would implode, and if the correct interpretation of Finnegan’s Wake does not exist, that would be terrible news I darenot say in such a public place

10 years ago


hey, i think that conversation happened during one of my “on” periods at manboobz

10 years ago


Well, lets try to hit all of the ways you are wrong. (this might take a while)

Of course, if a woman had sent pics of her private parts under the same circumstances, she would be practicing sexual agency.

nope. Still creepy. And I’d like you to find a feminist who disagrees.

Feminism’s double standards are as prevalent as ever. “Creep shaming” – YES! “Slut shaming” – HELL NO!

Nope. “creep shaming” is just not liking it when dudes are acting creepy. Slut shaming has to do with how much sex (usually a woman) has, or how someone (usually a woman) dresses.

And the spoiler only came after the guy kept going on about his dick pic. So….

10 years ago

Feminism’s double standards are as prevalent as ever. “Creep shaming” – YES! “Slut shaming” – HELL NO!

Yes, how dare we shame people who harm others, and not people who do not harm others.


10 years ago

“Creep shaming” – YES! “Slut shaming” – HELL NO!

Because those two things are totally the same!

10 years ago

RE: katz

such as the amusing yet baffling assertion that, if a poem is open to multiple interpretations, God must not exist.

The fuck?

RE: auggziliary

We’re still kinda waiting on why you asked LBT to cite himself.

I’m starting to suspect he doesn’t actually know and just said it with the hopes it’d impress us or something.

RE: talacaris

That’s against the penile code.

Well done. You passed my testicle. Now, for the oral exam!

10 years ago

Argenti – that’s the one. I couldn’t remember whether Nepenthe had zir AsshatAtheist™ hat on in that thread, but it was the sort of thing that segued into it. For someone who’s suffered mental illness, zie’s very quick to slap the “delusional” label on all sorts of people who happen to have different beliefs/ways of living from zirself.

That is a really good thread.

Sparky – might have known.

such as the amusing yet baffling assertion that, if a poem is open to multiple interpretations, God must not exist.

The fuck?

Seconding that. I’ve written poems that people have interpreted all sorts of ways (all wrong, heheheh). What the heck does that have to do with deity?

10 years ago

“Well done. You passed my testicle. Now, for the oral exam”
I’m not sure I have balls enough for that, so I go fo the traditional one , with penicil and rubber. Besides, I thought Freud was to fixated on sex, so I read up on Horney instead. There will be a break to smoke a cigar on the exam, won’t it?

10 years ago

RE: talacaris

Well done! You have passed the preliminary rounds of sexual education! This means that you’ll get to the Pro State round! The admission cost is one cow per gland. Lunch will be served with condomints. Don’t cock it up!

10 years ago

I’m obliged to show vas deferens to your wisdom and seminal instruction.

10 years ago

I… dammit, talacaris. I’ve run dry. YOU ARE THE COCK OF THE WALK. Well-done.

10 years ago

That’s definitely the first vans deferens pun I’ve ever seen. Well played.

10 years ago

Let’s not play the “sarcasm card”. Nothing she said appeared sarcastic and no sarcasm tag was present. The only reason you people are claiming sarcasm is because she tossed the notion out there when some called her on her expressed desire to received the offered penis pic. She tried to play it off by stating that redditers don’t do sarcasm well, but we know good and well that she intentionally prompted him to send the pic so that she could use it as a topic on that “creep shaming” page.

Either way, the guy apparently took her literally.

10 years ago

Sam: do you really think it’s OK to ask a complete stranger if they want to see your dick?

10 years ago

What hellkell said, Sam.

What sort of skeeve has the instant reaction of not just asking a stranger if she wants to see his dick, but saying he wants to see her face right next to it?

Do you think flashers are poor misunderstood and put-upon men too?

10 years ago

No, you fools! Don’t ask him! He’s going to say YES!

(Hey, Sam, you’re so beautiful. I’d love to see a photo of your face next to my cock. You’re totally okay with that, right?)

10 years ago

But, Sam, you’re ignoring what comes after. She directly states that jas no interest in his dick, and he continued to talk about his penis anyway.

But then again, you’re good at ignoring facts that directly contradict your little world-view. Speaking if which:

1. Why did you ask LBT for a citation for his personal experience?

2. Which rich white men created and funded feminism, and why? How?

10 years ago

“jas” = “she has.”

But autocorrect, “jas” isn’t even a word.

10 years ago

Ugh, I feel dirty now.

No, Sam, I don’t actually want to send you dick-pics. Like, at all. And I don’t know why I’m even bothering, since you’re dense as lead and probably think this just proves something about the hypocrisy of creep-shaming or I don’t even know.

The thing is, I would hope you DID find me saying that creepy. Because just going to random strangers and being like HEY WANNA SEE MY DICK is really rude and creepy unless you’re at a freakin’ sex club. And the Internet is not a sex club.

Why am I even explaining this to you, I might as well try and explain evolution to NWOslave. Or fictionkin to Nepenthe.

10 years ago

Hang on, I wasn’t quite right–it’s not that multiple interpretations mean God doesn’t exist, it’s that the multiple interpretations are somehow a theodicy problem? I don’t know, see for yourself.

10 years ago

and he continued to talk about his penis anyway.

I read that as “talk to his penis”.

Which really wouldn’t surprise me, considering.

Or fictionkin to Nepenthe.


katz – I’d say it’s more an asshatidiocy problem in this case.

10 years ago

The hell is a theodicy?

10 years ago

Let’s not play the “sarcasm card”. Nothing she said appeared sarcastic and no sarcasm tag was present.

omfg i’m gonna burst a gut laughing.

the “sarcasm card”?

Ok, sam, in your opinion, is the kind of guy who immediately starts a conversation with “wanna see my dick?” actually going to take no for an answer? especially with all the other unsolicited dick pics people’ve gotten? (and don’t say “Oh he was flattering her w/ compliment or w/e to start it, because that was just his tactic of trying to get her to hear his dick pitch).

10 years ago

Sam, do you think there are women out there who are desperate for a look at your junk? Do you think you will find them through random chats with strangers? Stop thinking that. It is a wrong thing.

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