So that’s the beginning to what has to be my favorite creepy convo I’ve seen posted to the Reddit CreepyPMs subreddit yet. I don’t want to SPOIL anything, but let’s just say that the pink lady in this conversation comes up with a rather unique way to send this dick-pic-posting male correspondent packing.
See here for the rest, and here for the Reddit thread. Oh, and don’t worry, you won’t have to look at his c*ck, or any other horrifying thing, and nothing else will be spoiled if you scroll down through all the pics. (You’ll get what I’m talking about in a second.)
It’s the feeling that Cat woman is a sock that’s making me doubt the moniker (that, and it’s a freaking obvious name to choose for an MRA troll).
LBT – and how dare Mac do the wet white shirt thing! Everyone knows Colin Firth took out copyright on that!
Seriously, it’s like these trolls expect me to have no self-control whatsoever. And they say FEMINISTS have low opinions of men! Jesus.
Does anyone know of a killfile/hushfile type script that works on this website?
Almost as entertaining as the one where she looked him up in Facebook and send the conversation to his mother. Although there’s a potential doxxing issue there.
People like this guy and George Ximmerman are basically invoking a racial version of the “gay panic” defense: “I assumed that he was dangerous because he was black, therefore it was self-defense”.
@Katz, have you seen Diane Duane’s follow-up to that tweet? Dude accused her of not having played a certain game, and she produced proof that she’d written the damn thing.
@Diogenes, ooh, can we please have the “class vs every other oppression” debate again? (/sarcasm, in case that wasn’t clear).
@cat woman, fuck you. The mere existence of female bodies is not sexual harassment, you ungodly shit-stain.
Catwoman, no one here is advocating that anyone of any gender send unsolicited genital pics. Somehow, I don’t think that was what you were trying to say, however. News flash: wearing “that skirt” or “those shorts” or whatever while being female is not sexual harrassment
RE: emilygoddess
@Diogenes, ooh, can we please have the “class vs every other oppression” debate again? (/sarcasm, in case that wasn’t clear).
Don’t even sarcastically encourage him.
Gods no, that class blather makes the Voynich manuscript walls o text look interesting.
Svelinya, thanks for posting here and props for your ingenious revenge on this guy. Also thanks for covering up the BB spoilers, as I’m only made it up about the middle of season 4.
Cat woman, do you see the irony of posting this:
… in a thread discussing an example of a man who sexually harassed a woman first by talking about his dick and then by sending a dick pic… and who faced zero legal consequences for it? Actually, he faced pretty much zero consequences non-legally too; his name and all other personal identifying info has been obscured in the post, unless someone can ID him by his torso and his TV set.
Fact is, dudes around the world are harassing women like this constantly. and very few face any kind of consequences for it.
But David, she SPOILED BREAKING BAD FOR HIM! That’s almost like being in jail!
Worse than that, she had a pretty face and he saw it on the internet! She forced him to send a dick pic by her shameless facial nudity making sexual come-ons at him!
LBT, you’re right, I take it all back.
I hang my head in shame….
bad, bad, bad!
Oh, & Svelinya, since you’re here, I’d like to join in the applause started on the Reddit thread. Here’s one shiny new internet (you may want to share w/the woman who sent the offending texts to the dude’s mom)
Svelinya, welcome! That was a great bit of trolling-the-troll. If only we could all have that kind of luck with the idiots who invade our spaces…
And if you want to hear something funny, I’ve never watched a minute of the show in question, and yet I know how it ends. The Internet is THAT full of spoilers. But then again, I’m the kind of person who can’t resist peeking at the back of books, either…so it wouldn’t bother me even if I were following it.
Again, nice job!
Ha thanks folks,
I really didn’t think that the whole thing gets so popular on reddit. But I am glad it did. Hopefully one creeper that will think a second before he sends another inappropriate pic to someone.
I don’t have much hope though.
I already said it before.
Jurors don’t need to see the defendant. No reason for it.
But it was pretty unpopular when I first suggested it as a way to reduce sentencing disparity.
I woke up to some grossness on my Facebook timeline. Apparently some white people are upset because the attention to Dunn trial is disproportionate to the attention given for the Mona Nelson trial. It just shows the large disconnect. They’re outraged that the Mona Nelson trial (where she was convicted of capital murder and sentenced last August) isn’t getting attention because they want an outlet for their racism and don’t understand that calling for cruel and unusual punishment of a criminal is not the same thing as calling for a murder conviction of what appears to many people to be an actual murder that ended up as a conviction for attempted manslaughter.
Time to clear out what I see in my newsfeed… again.
Yes, because it was poorly thought out like the rest of your “ideas.”
I don’t know why you’ve come back, but you should buzz off.
I am really confused as to what that random link diogenes dropped is supposed to prove…?
And they call themselves “Good Men”? Compared to what, I wonder…serial killers?
I dunno, if I were on jury duty, I’d kinda like to see who I was working on the behalf of. Put a human face on a legal proceeding, you know? See their reactions and their behavior first hand.
“Do baby nappies come in designs now?”
Gods yes! To the point it makes it easier to match the diaper bag with the kid when working with kids.
I’ll frisk the stats stuff after I’ve had some coffee.
Maybe better to report him to police or a vigilante, these types are dangerous offenders and would be better off with their testicles crushed.
That’s impractical.