So that’s the beginning to what has to be my favorite creepy convo I’ve seen posted to the Reddit CreepyPMs subreddit yet. I don’t want to SPOIL anything, but let’s just say that the pink lady in this conversation comes up with a rather unique way to send this dick-pic-posting male correspondent packing.
See here for the rest, and here for the Reddit thread. Oh, and don’t worry, you won’t have to look at his c*ck, or any other horrifying thing, and nothing else will be spoiled if you scroll down through all the pics. (You’ll get what I’m talking about in a second.)
You are not wrong, Fade. Obvious consequence no. 1 would be people with MH problems not seeking help through fear of being “listed”.
The 2nd degree attempted convictions are for the shots he fired at the fleeing car, at the other boys in the car. The jury agreed that he was wrong for shooting at the other kids. While they had the OPTION of convicting Dunn on a lesser murder charge for the killing of Davis, they couldn’t quite seem to agree that shooting and killing Davis was wrong. That charge ended in mistrial, and as it stands right now, Dunn has received no penalty for murdering Jordan Davis. We’ll see what happens during the retrial, but frankly I won’t hold my breath.
Also, I’m seriously sick of people trying to claim these are “not SYG cases.” When the jury is explicitly instructed on the Stand Your Ground law and reminded that the killer had no duty to retreat as part of their instructions, it’s a SYG case, PERIOD.
Obviously. That is what the data indicates with regard to severe mental illness of the sort that would get you kept from owning a gun. This meta-analysis of studies done in the US after 1990 indicates that severely mentally ill people are about 4 times more likely to be violent than neurotypical people, with rates much higher among those who have been committed. This direct survey indicates the same and shows a much higher rate of violence in people with both a severe mental illness and a substance abuse disorder. This study of Swedish persons who were psychiatric inpatients (1.4% of the population) recovers the same; the rates of homocide and arson being particularly high. If you like I can go on.
Note that saying that people with severe mental illnesses are more likely to commit violence than the base population
a) does not imply that all severely mentally ill people are violent
b) does not imply that severely mentally ill people commit most violent acts
c) does not say anything about the rate at which severely mentally ill people are violently victimized.
All it says is that if you pluck a random neurotypical (or person with a minor mental illness) out of the population and a random person with a severe mental illness, that the neurotypical is less likely to have committed violence in their lives.
I’m a member of that most high risk group, the involuntarily committed. I’m also a member of the group of people who has experienced violence because they were mentally ill. (In my case I was held captive and raped repeatedly because in my depressive state I didn’t have the capacity to do the daily tasks of living, much less resist and travel across the country to get away from him.)
Shit, I asked David to put a trigger warning above that description; many apologies for missing it.
The fbi database thing was passed in Florida last year and includes voluntary and involuntary commitments. More background on what can get you involuntarily committed in Florida:
-crying in school and saying you can’t handle your academics.
-getting into a fight in a school where administrators want to deflate their violence statistics by baker acting difficult students. Instead of getting detention or suspended, they get baker acted.
-drinking enough to end up in a hospital.
-non suicidal self injury (shallow cuts, burns, etc)
-being a difficult child in the foster care system.
-being a cranky old person in a nursing home.
-smoking pot
-the list goes on.
The whole system down here is fucked.
Nepenthe, So sorry you experienced that.
I note that the studies you are citing are looking at the “severely mentally ill” and it looks like this is the key difference. The studies we are quoting include anyone with mental health problems – so not limiting it to “severe”.
Hey Everybody!
At first I want to say thanks to David for putting it on this blog. I never thought it will be that “popular” 😉
So and now I wanted to say something about this comment here:
“I’m not sure I believe this. Of course I DO believe shitbags send unsolicited dick pics, but this particular transaction seems like BS. I mean, she still had to endure a dic pic and then decided to chat him up about what was on TV, not really knowing it would lead to a way to send him packing via spoiler alert. Just seems a little too clever to be viable. Also, his reaction is more like how one would fantasize someone would react. The ” you’re sending a spoiler alert aren’t you” just seems too unlikely of a response – too civil for a douche canoe who passes time by horrifying women with his dic pics. I’m just not buying the transaction.”
I can totally understand that this could seem a bit “fishy” but in all honesty this conversation is not fake.
I receive a lot of inappropriate messages and pictures, in the beginning I was offended by them and just ignored/blocked these people. But I reached the point where I say “I won’t give the guy the satisfaction of knowing that he “violated” my eyes / offended me”
When I receive a d*ck-pic I usually pay attention to the background and pick up a detail and give the talk a certain direction. I think a “ewww” “gross” “go away” gives them more of a kick and gets them off than my response.
But indeed his response was pretty polite, I expected worse when I sent it.
So that was it 😉
PS. Bad english? Not a native speaker here and it’s late!
I was unable to find any data about the sample populations for the, uh, studies you all linked to, so I’m not sure how you came to that conclusion. Generally, I haven’t been able to find much at all about people with mild to moderate mental illness and their rates of violence, presumably due to the relative ease and cost of sampling from populations already “in the system”, so to speak.
I guess it’s possible that people with mild and moderate mental illnesses are violent at the same rate as the general population and then once the mental illness becomes severe rates of violence suddenly spike.
Svelinya, hi, welcome and well done! 😀
Nice work! You got the right idea. The best revenge is not giving them the satisfaction of upsetting you. There’s a guy who likes to call where I work (medical supply facility) and make women uncomfortable by asking all sorts of detailed questions about his adult diaper needs. He will keep calling until he gets a woman on the phone. Well I got him the other day. He wanted me tell him about the diapers, how they fit, if they were really absorbent, the color, padding, sizes, brands. At first I just thought “wow this guy is really comfortable talking about his personal diaper needs” I didn’t realize it until the very end of call that it was turning weird. He asked if the adult diapers had baby prints. I just said no and told him to call product support in the morning. A fellow coworker informed me that I got “the diaper man”. I found it hilarious, but it is pretty disgusting when you think about it. My point of bringing this up is that if his goal was to make me uncomfortable, that probably wasn’t a very good call for him. I was more than willing to discuss any and all unpleasant details about adult diapers. I think he was grasping at straws at the end with the baby print remark.
He thought he’d upset someone who works at a medical supply place by talking about … medical supplies? How old is he to think talking about incontinence is so taboo?
Also, baby prints? What does that mean? Do baby nappies come in designs now?
Stand Your Ground is the state’s self-defense law, even if the defense doesn’t opt for a SYG pre-trial Immunity hearing.
Think of this way, how could Florida currently have more than one definition of self-defense? There’s only the one below:
Florida Statutes (Fla. Stat.)
Title XLVI. Crimes.
(3) A person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity and who is attacked in any other place where he or she has a right to be has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony.
RE: Cat Woman
When a woman makes sexual advances towards a man by showing her body to arouse and provoke him with his consent, it is acceptable.
Dude, EVERYONE has a body. I can’t just unzip it and leave it at home. Why should a woman? Also, have you EVER lived somewhere hot? Those filthy, naughty men, jogging and mowing lawns in just short-shorts to torment my libido…
Believe it or not, I keep my dick in my pants. Because those men are going about their business and I shouldn’t assault them. Piss off, and have more respect for my gender’s intelligence and self-control, you wretched misandrist.
Cat woman, that was one pile of stupid you posted there. Are you claiming that a woman flashing or physically harassing a man is okay by the law, or are you claiming women having visible bodies at all is some sort of harassment?
@Cat Woman.
I hope you don’t write Cat Woman fanfic, because this post totally fails to capture a Selina Kyle vibe, IMHO.
I’d point out that women don’t sexually harass men by standing next to them while being sexy and men don’t get prison sentences for sexual harassment, but you clearly got your own particular version of the justice system running in your head.
Just as well. Mac might need to have Words if you didn’t. 😛
Well, Kittehs, Mac is bisexual, so really, it’s amazing that he manages to keep himself from assaulting the entire population.
Except not, because my husband is a decent human being with more self-control than a rabid dog.
Brooked – good point; when was the last time a man found himself in prison for sexual harassment? How often do they even get a slap over the wrist with a wet train ticket for this?
LBT – I know, his self-control is amazing and superhuman. Or maybe not, just what a decent person past, oh, three years old, manages to do.
Is anyone getting the feeling Cat woman is neither a woman nor a new poster? My sockdar is pinging.
Somehow I missed Cat woman’s comment about how women are making sexual advances to men with their bodies -.-
@cat woman
Fuck off. When I’m not wearing many clothes, it’s because ITS FUCKING HOT OUTSIDE AND I HAVE LIKE, ZERO HEAT TOLERANCE. and I tend to buy clothes that look nice, because I like looking nice, but under no circumstances am I dressing for me. Even if I want people to find me hot, I’d like OTHER WOMEN to find me hot because I am GAY. And if they are making ‘sexual advantages’ they also should be nice about it. FFS.
Hmm, does this mean when I’m sitting around in bra and undies at home, I’m cruelly harassing Mr K with my body? That’s a real shame, because when it’s that hot inside I’m so not in the mood for any other sort of hot’n’heavy. I guess hot weather plus hot flushes are just not good enough reasons to be uncovered, ever.
Moral of the story – In the US, sexual harassment is a civil action, not a criminal case. People are being sued for damages and no one is being criminally prosecuted.
I know it’s only February, but I’d like to nominate this sentence as The Most Painfully Obvious Attempt at Trolling of 2014. Congrats and good luck Cat Woman!
Enh, I have no trouble believing Cat Woman is a woman who’s just swallowed rape myths wholesale. I mean, I believed them a long time too, back when I still thought I couldn’t be a real man (in part because I didn’t feel the urge to rape people).
Also, obviously my husband was harassing me, back before we were dating and he had the audacity to get soaked in the rain while wearing a white shirt. That cad! How dare he sexually harass me in such a way!