So that’s the beginning to what has to be my favorite creepy convo I’ve seen posted to the Reddit CreepyPMs subreddit yet. I don’t want to SPOIL anything, but let’s just say that the pink lady in this conversation comes up with a rather unique way to send this dick-pic-posting male correspondent packing.
See here for the rest, and here for the Reddit thread. Oh, and don’t worry, you won’t have to look at his c*ck, or any other horrifying thing, and nothing else will be spoiled if you scroll down through all the pics. (You’ll get what I’m talking about in a second.)
Aka the Chekhov principle. :/
There is also the high likelihood that if you own a gun, it will be used against you, or stolen, or not readily accessible when you really need it (if you’re a responsible gun owner and store it unloaded, under lock and key). Criminals aren’t going to politely stand around and wait while you try to remember the combination to the gun safe.
Dunn, like Zimmerman, has a history of racism, assholery, domestic violence, and arrogance. He’d been fantasizing for awhile about shooting someone, and he finally got his wish. Why are these people allowed to walk around with guns?
I have no idea why people (in the US) think that there would be less crime if everyone carried a gun around for self defense when there are lower homicide rates in every other industrialized country.
Gun nuts love to say “an armed society is a polite society” but it’s more like, an armed society is a paranoid society.
US gun laws are a prime example of why it’s a bad idea to let industry lobbyists tell your legislators how to vote. They’re basically written to facilitate the sale of guns, guns and more guns. Mental health and competence? Criminal background checks? Infringements on FREEDUMB! No, better to just let crooks and psychopaths buy all the guns they want, and let the chips fall where they may. The fact that so many of those chips happen to be black kids makes the racists happy, and gives them more excuses to go right on being racist. And round and round the vicious cycle goes…
When a man makes sexual advances towards a woman with her consent, it is acceptable.
However, when a man makes sexual advances towards a woman without her consent, it is not acceptable.
Moral of the story – Men cannot make sexual advances towards women without their consent.
When a woman makes sexual advances towards a man by showing her body to arouse and provoke him with his consent, it is acceptable.
However, when a woman makes sexual advances towards a man by showing her body and arouses and provokes him WITHOUT his consent, it is STILL acceptable.
Moral of the story – Women can sexually harass men anytime, but men will find themselves in prison if they do the same.
Or that a child will accidentally shoot another child. Happens all the time 🙁
I live in Florida. Most of us don’t agree with this shit.
I do think mental health laws infringe on freedoms. Mentally ill people are not more likely to hurt anyone than sane people. In Florida, even if you voluntarily seek psychological help, you will be placed in an fbi registry alongside convicted felons to prevent you from owning a gun. That is a load of fucking bullshit.
Oh nice. Blaming domestic violence on feminism because traditional masculinity is about protecting women. So stupid.
Haven’t rates of domestic violence gone down in the past few decades?
It at least declined a lot between the 90’s and 00’s
yeah, the mental health thing w/ gun control is generally a redirecting of the issue, like they don’t want to admit that the problem with gun violence is not mental illness.
they’re just trying to throw mentally ill people under a bus so they can keep up with their “yah guns!” thing.
I didn’t know “You’re free to express yourself how you want to express yourself” meant that he was being restricted from developing along masculine lines.
Or that by expressing herself how she wants to express herself, the mother was in fact subscribing to a larger cultural narrative that rendered her a hypocrite because her actions were different from her son.
Interesting. That’s really interesting. Really interesting.
I find it amazing that someone can write: “he traditionalist view is that it is not set apart and therefore the point is not to choose a gender but to best develop the masculinity that is embedded in our identity as a man or the femininity that is embedded in our identity as a woman” and not immediately realize: “Woah, I just wrote that the system I subscribe to forces people to play a certain role in order to be considered worthy of their own lives, and that the system forces everyone in it to stick to those roles in order to make all the investment of role-perputation everyone is doing worth it, because if people could just chose not to do this thing we are enforcing, everyone would have wasted a lot of time”.
It’s like…
“Here, put on this mask”
“It’s good for you”
“Means I won’t have to see your real face”
“But I like my face”
“Yeah, but I had to put on this mask because someone told me that they didn’t want to see my real face”
“So what does that have to do with me?”
“Well, I’m wearing a mask, and fuck if I’m doing that bollocks on my own. Mask time. On with it!”
“Man, look at that fool without his mask on. I can see her actual cheeks. What a terrible boy lady that guy girl is. YO, PUT ON A MASK!”
I’m not sure I believe this. Of course I DO believe shitbags send unsolicited dick pics, but this particular transaction seems like BS. I mean, she still had to endure a dic pic and then decided to chat him up about what was on TV, not really knowing it would lead to a way to send him packing via spoiler alert. Just seems a little too clever to be viable. Also, his reaction is more like how one would fantasize someone would react. The ” you’re sending a spoiler alert aren’t you” just seems too unlikely of a response – too civil for a douche canoe who passes time by horrifying women with his dic pics. I’m just not buying the transaction.
Ah. The Neoreactionaries. Mostly I don’t bother with their websites, because that will only drive my already too high blood pressure up. I usually ignore that bullshit and console myself with the knowledge that the socalled “neoreactionary movement” or the “dark enlightenment” is less than fringe-of-fringe and only to be found on some lunatic websites and blogs.
Fibi – and even if by “embedded in your nature” they mean their little gender-boxes are NATURE, they still don’t ask why, if it’s so natural and right, it need to be enforced all the time.
technical quibble: the jury couldn’t reach a verdict on 1st degree murder, but they convicted on 2nd degree attempted, so I think the “sticking point” was “1st degree”, not “murder”, and as a mistrial it’s not “not guilty”, it’s “try again”. The defense is also not SYG, it’s self defense… that’s still utter bullshit, & it still reeks of racism. If Dunn had a shred of decency he’d ask to plead on 2nd & give the family that closure, & I’m not holding my breath on this racist fuck having that shred.
according to our laws it would take a jury about 2 donuts and a large double double to find 1st (because gun), but I don’t know how Florida determines the difference between 1st & 2nd.
@ Nitram: It’s called “giving them enough rope”. I’ve done it to trolls on occasion. You need to have a thick enough skin to put up with the bullshit until they provide you with an opening, & it doesn’t always work, but when it does, it’s hilarious.
They have…in no small part, thanks to the efforts of evil, evil feminists.
‘Course, the neo-nonsensicalists will have none of that. Facts? Reason? Logic? Newfangled stuff! Everyone knows the Sun revolves around the Earth, which is flat! And blahblah.
Ah, but the one thing they never seem to consider is what traditional masculinity is protecting women from.
Yup, the coyote is definitely in charge of THAT henhouse.
I guess that makes sense. I wouldn’t have the stomach for it. As it is, I was disturbed at the dic pick, even if it did have a banana painted over it. Everything else was just ugh. I’m not a prude, I just never want to see things like that unless it’s MY idea.
Could you please provide the data you’re using to back up this assertion?
Nepenthe, try this one for a start:
that was just the first result of googling “mental illness violence rates” (except I didn’t google the quotes, i was just using that to separate it fromthe rest of my sentence)
are you actually arguing that mentally ill people *are* more violent than neurotypical people?
I assume that Nepenthe is just asking for citations – we state this a lot & I don’t remember the last time we stopped to provide the evidence.
ah. well, here’s one more citation, then I gotta get back on what I was doing (an incredibly important guinea pig petting mission)
so i still hold that making mental health shit even stricter and putting mentally ill people on a freaking fbi database (i don’t remember who said that?) is a shitty horrible idea.
for clarification: I don’t think Nepenthe was arguing that it’s a good idea. They were probably just asking for citations. I’m just reiterating my opinion.