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Breaking Boner: How a dick-pic receiver got her revenge

The fine art of conversation.
The fine art of conversation.

So that’s the beginning to what has to be my favorite creepy convo I’ve seen posted to the Reddit CreepyPMs subreddit yet. I don’t want to SPOIL anything, but let’s just say that the pink lady in this conversation comes up with a rather unique way to send this dick-pic-posting male correspondent packing.

See here for the rest, and here for the Reddit thread. Oh, and don’t worry, you won’t have to look at his c*ck, or any other horrifying thing, and nothing else will be spoiled if you scroll down through all the pics. (You’ll get what I’m talking about in a second.)

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Cthulhu's Intern
11 years ago

It also has me wondering why he’s wanking during his supposed fave show, never mind taking pics. It’s not an encouraging setup.

Bryan Cranston in his tighty whities. Obviously.

11 years ago

That was awesome.

Creepy dude got what he deserved.

11 years ago

Bryan Cranston in his tighty whities. Obviously.

::looks up Bryan Cranston::

I was right. Definitely not encouraging.

11 years ago

RE: Cthulu’s Intern

Reminds me how in EVE Online, there are some people who name their spaceships and space stations Game of Thrones spoilers so that those who haven’t read the books don’t want to attack them.

That’s fuckin’ hilarious. Smart grunts!

Diogenes The Cynic
Diogenes The Cynic
11 years ago


Depends. If the black kid is rich, and the white killer is poor, I could see jail time.

11 years ago

Now, if anyone had put this detail into a SF story circa 1955 or so, the editor would have flagged it for implausibility.

11 years ago

If his dick is the first thing he thinks to present, has he anything else at all?

Certainly not on his mind.

11 years ago

Okay, I have to give props to Svelinya. That was devious and mean.

11 years ago


Fucking Florida and “Stand Your Ground” legal murder yet again. This goes way beyond the Martin shooting and this case, the law is an absolute travesty. Fucking Florida.

11 years ago

Also reminiscent of this tweet.

11 years ago

katz – good on her! 😀

Bina – nope, no mind worth knowing about there, which pretty much excludes the rest of him.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

Ha! That was brilliant. One unwanted intrusion deserves another.

I was once waiting in line to see the second showing of “No Way Out” with my then-boyfriend, when some JERKFACE came out from the first showing and yelled out the surprise ending. I was amazed he got out of the lobby alive.

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
11 years ago

How is having the thought to grab a gun and then going outside and firing 10 rounds at a specific target that he knew contained people not evidence of intent to kill?

“Dunn testified earlier this week that he began shooting in a state of panic after he thought he saw the barrel of a gun in the back window as Davis started to get out of the car.”
Because all reasonable people imagine guns in back windows of cars? Bloody hell.

11 years ago

This reminds me of a story making the rounds awhile back about a woman at a coffee shop with a Bioshock Infinite t-shirt (or some such)…and the barista says something to the effect of “I bet you didn’t even play the game.” So she responded by spoiling the end.

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
11 years ago

This is why allowing any person to carry a gun is not a good idea:

That’s why in New Zealand, for example, during a police pursuit the comms centre is in charge of the pursuit and makes all the decisions around continuing it/abandoning it. The adrenaline puts people into a brain fog, where they don’t make good decisions – not because they’re bad people, but because of what adrenaline and the rest of the fight-or-flight reflex does on processing information.

One ends up with a really bad “confirmation bias” situation, where signals are interpreted consistent with the “this situation is really bad” mindset. Disconfirming signals are ignored. This should be an extremely strong reason to prevent the general population wandering around with loaded guns.

So even in the situation where the person shooting the gun isn’t an arsehole, a bad outcome can still be obtained, sadly. 🙁

11 years ago

That goes to the core of why I wouldn’t want to carry a gun even if it were legal. I hadn’t connected it to the flight-or-fight response, but I know if I had one, sooner or later I’d use it.

11 years ago

Florida strikes again! I think I’d be afraid to go there and I’m white as could be. How could his guilt be any more clear cut. Didn’t he leave the scene of the crime, go home and casually order a pizza like nothing was even wrong? Somebody needs to lock him and George Zimmerman in a room with no food and wait for one to cannibalize the other.

11 years ago

I heard about the Dunn case awhile back on the news. I am sickened, but not completely surprised, by the verdict. Not after the Trayvon Martin case. Shooting ten rounds at a car full of kids, 3 shots while they are driving away; that seems like a pretty clear-cut case of murder to me. But the victims were black, and playing loud rap music. So of course, the white man can’t possibly be guilty of murder. After all, he’s a white man.

What the fuck is wrong with people?

11 years ago

Just make sure to tell the jury that the tank magically disappeared before the police arrived, David.

Of course, we’re being silly with the tank example. That obviously wouldn’t work. If you really want to get away with murder, just make sure you’re white and they’re black.

11 years ago

Not sure how you can be found guilty of attempted murder, and not guilty of actual murder. Regardless, the murder charge is going to be re-tried due to the hung jury, and the attempted murder charges are enough to put him away for life. Plus, you only need one dissenting juror for a hung jury. So if the hung jury was, in fact, due to one of the jurors being racist, saying “I can’t believe they didn’t find him guilty of murder” is like saying “I can’t believe there is one racist person in Florida who happened to be on that jury.”

Chie Satonaka
Chie Satonaka
11 years ago

There are still people claiming that Davis got out of the car when there is clear evidence to the contrary through the autopsy report. He was seated in the vehicle, and the door was closed. Not to mention the fact that THERE ARE THREE WITNESSES TO THE SHOOTING. For fuck’s sake, the word of this piece of garbage murderer was given more weight than the word of the three other kids he was shooting at!!

I’m furious this morning. I just knew they wouldn’t convict him of murder, but I’m still furious at people in this country right now. Unarmed 17 year old kids just going about their business, and some piece of shit dude with anger problems murders them, and a jury thinks that response isn’t criminal.

And convicted of shooting AT the other kids, but not convicted of murdering the one who died? WHAT THE HELL.

Chie Satonaka
Chie Satonaka
11 years ago

And this sociopath who was “in fear for his life” didn’t call the police to report that he was in an altercation like a normal person would. He calmly went back to his hotel and ordered a pizza, went to bed, then got up the next morning and drove home. Fucker was driving drunk at the time, too.

11 years ago

And I just found this link in a comment at ThinkProgress. I haven’t watched more than a few seconds (I’m in the same room as mr who is watching a doco on maths and cosmology – on SBS for any Oz types here) and interruptions would not be appreciated.

It turns out that this bloke is not a very nice person – and has shown his ugly side on a regular basis for a long time. .