So that’s the beginning to what has to be my favorite creepy convo I’ve seen posted to the Reddit CreepyPMs subreddit yet. I don’t want to SPOIL anything, but let’s just say that the pink lady in this conversation comes up with a rather unique way to send this dick-pic-posting male correspondent packing.
See here for the rest, and here for the Reddit thread. Oh, and don’t worry, you won’t have to look at his c*ck, or any other horrifying thing, and nothing else will be spoiled if you scroll down through all the pics. (You’ll get what I’m talking about in a second.)
I’m not sure how I’d react if my husband shaved my name into his chest hair.
Wow. If I weren’t against shaving on principle, I would be tempted to attempt some of that.
Sparky – I can top that; I’ve got my husband’s signature tattooed on me.
Thank you, auggziliary, for posting that clear example of over the top feminininazi misandry. That was SOOOO incredibly uncalled for, rude and unnecesary. After all, he did say “pls”. Are femininininazis against simple courtesy now? The horror (the horror)!
I’ve never been so delighted to be wating on a repair – it means that instead of working, I can come out and play for a while. I’ve been reading along here and there, but I’ve missed having an office job that allowed me to come kick trolls in my off hours!
Good to see you on site again, gillyrosebee!
*mwah*, kittehs. love the new pix, by the way!
Well, dang. This thread blowed up, and I missed Sam getting the shit-can. I wonder if he’ll be back wearing fresh socks…the old ones were gettin’ kinda smelly.
*mwah* back, and thank ‘ee! Someone (naming no names) suggested a calendar of Sir pics would have at least one buyer. 😉
You know, I think it would be quite rude of me to go hang out at AVfM, where I would not be terribly popular, and start spouting off random, off-topic, probably untrue things.
And then post the results for all of us to chuckle over.
This site gets enough drive by trollings that it seems only fair to return the favor once in a while…
Ha! No, their ban hammer falls much more heavily than Dave’s; and anyway, I really would consider it rude. When Diogenes goes all “here’s a little known fact!” It suggests a friendliness that simply doesn’t exist. I feel like he does it so that he can say nasty things and then when called out on it, he can point to this and say “look how pleasant I am compared to all of you!”
Yeah, Diogenes is one of those trolls that leaves a trail of slime all over the place. Thinks he’s so smart and really a regular here, or he would be, if he wasn’t so busy translating important manuscripts and if we weren’t so unreasonable.
Like, if he wants be a friend and be awesome and share interesting (true) things, that’s fantastic. But if he wants to come here and say gross stuff that nobody likes and upset people, he should have the decency to be honest about that.
The sucking up is grotesque. I think he’s wanting to have it both ways–be a regular who says gross stuff. We’ve had that already and it never works.
::snicker:: I don’t think Diogenes could say interesting or true things if he tried.
Shaving a belly isn’t (that) visceral.
Also, this:
Yes, Dog-genes, we already know about the Voynich manuscript. But thanks for the proof that you don’t read anyone else’s comments.
Are you being willfully obtuse, or do you really not get it? Maybe I was unclear.
“Shave your belly button lolol” is not the gross, upsetting thing I was referring to. What is gross and upsetting is everything else you say. You are singularly unpleasant to everyone when you come here. I consider it two-faced and dishonest that you then turn around and say something innocuous (like the belly button thing) as if you were everybody’s pal.
Way to miss the point and illustrate why you’re not wanted here, Diogenes.
Yeah, the most offensive part is the sneaking in sideways and pretending that the offensiveness never happened.
But this is still my favorite thing he ever said.
Hee! He said condensation! Oh, lord, what a dumb-ass.
Also, his condescension has ALWAYS been loaded with sexism that he pretends isn’t there.
Did I ban Diogenes.or just put him on moderation?
…it’s like a Poe. As the amount of time a person spends in the area where they could be either of those increases, the more it doesn’t really make a difference.
I don’t think he ever got outright banned. I think it was the Steubenville thread where he decided to quibble the difference between rape and molestation.
I think he’s just been on moderation.
Other fabulous hits by Diogenes:
From the same thread.
Howard: if that’s what he thinks, I have no idea why he’s oozing around here.
Maybe he just needs his yearly negative attention fix.