So that’s the beginning to what has to be my favorite creepy convo I’ve seen posted to the Reddit CreepyPMs subreddit yet. I don’t want to SPOIL anything, but let’s just say that the pink lady in this conversation comes up with a rather unique way to send this dick-pic-posting male correspondent packing.
See here for the rest, and here for the Reddit thread. Oh, and don’t worry, you won’t have to look at his c*ck, or any other horrifying thing, and nothing else will be spoiled if you scroll down through all the pics. (You’ll get what I’m talking about in a second.)
Hellkatt falsely attributed negative behavior to me and stated such falsely perceived negatives as evidence that I am male. That’s sexist and misandous. Goes to show how feminists embrace gender stereotypes as long as they are negative toward males.
Ok, since you’re kind of entertaining, I’ll bite. Which negative behavior did hellkell attribute to you, how is it false, and quotes/ links, please.
Tea without milk I highly approve of, but coffee without milk just sounds like a stomach ulcer waiting to happen to me.
Hellkatt, otoh, sounds like she should be a character in a Russ Meyers movie.
Sam: if you’re gonna call me names, at least get my nym right.
Somebody’s flailing. I think it’s past Sam’s bedtime.
Wow, Sam, really shifting the goalposts there, aren’t you?
Answer LBT’s question.
Relax before you fall back into depression.
That would be fun for day, just to experience a cup size that big if I’m a true Meyers girl.
Sam’s meltdown in three…two…one.
Definitely flailing.
And, I’d say its ban hammer time, wouldn’t you?
You would also need a motorcycle and a gang of friends in leather catsuits to go with it.
Right, I’ve emailed the Dark Lord.
What’s a nym?
Sam, you are definitely not only a complete and total idiot, but you’re slimy and creepy to boot.
All this stressing out about imaginary misandry isn’t good for you, Sam. You should go have a bath, light some nice scented candles, maybe use the embroidered towels.
Banhammer plox.
Posting here is really fun.
sam logic:
1) post random sexist crap
2) flail around and contribute nothing
3) try to use people’s mental illnesses as an insult against them
4) fun?
okay, sam, no one’s falsely attributing anything to you: You are most likely the human embodiment of shit
Too cheap for a domme? Common theme among trolls who’re getting their arses handed to them.
If he’s going to expect us to domme him he should at least offer some chocolate as a tribute.
Too bad you think posting here is fun, sam, because I think your fun is about to end.
Now I’m wondering which blog herpes strain he is.
I’m starting to get the Pell vibe about now; he’s reached the desperate “which will happen first, banhammer or his mum gets home” level of trying to upset people.
RE: Sam
Relax before you fall back into depression.
Because of you? Don’t flatter yourself. You’re more like the leftover reciept in the pocket of my jeans in the washing machine of life.
Now tell me what you want that damn citation for, before David wipes you off this blog. Soon you won’t get the chance!
RE: Sam
Posting here is really fun.
Yeah, you sure do sound enthusiastic. It’s okay, Pell, your secret is safe with us.
Nah, since he’s clearly a sock Sam is more like the train/bus pass that you washed along with your jeans that doesn’t work any more. At one point it may have had some (amusement) value, but those days are long gone.
Sam ever had ANY amusement value? Seriously, I’ve had pocket lint more interesting than this child!