awesome creepy dick pics men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny penises reddit sexual harassment

Breaking Boner: How a dick-pic receiver got her revenge

The fine art of conversation.
The fine art of conversation.

So that’s the beginning to what has to be my favorite creepy convo I’ve seen posted to the Reddit CreepyPMs subreddit yet. I don’t want to SPOIL anything, but let’s just say that the pink lady in this conversation comes up with a rather unique way to send this dick-pic-posting male correspondent packing.

See here for the rest, and here for the Reddit thread. Oh, and don’t worry, you won’t have to look at his c*ck, or any other horrifying thing, and nothing else will be spoiled if you scroll down through all the pics. (You’ll get what I’m talking about in a second.)

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11 years ago

So, Sam, if you meant toe, you’d say ankle? They’re not the same.

Uses male nym, spouts standard MRA rape apologia … hardly surprising you’re assumed to be male, trollboy.

11 years ago

Sam: yes, use vulva.

You could be a woman, but your extreme rape apologia and the fact that you seem to think that dick pics are a great opener kind of point toward no. If you are a woman, I feel sorry for all the misogyny you’ve internalized.

Nice try at deflection, dirtbag.

11 years ago

So making crude suggestions is not harassing someone. Good to know.

11 years ago

Kittehs: Please do come to the Judgement Corner. There’s plenty of comfy seating.

11 years ago

You’re making a moral judgement on what he did. That’s a slippery slope.

Slippery slope to where? Oh no, if we start requiring people show a modicum of empathy towards each other, what’s gonna happen next?

11 years ago

ust I specifically say vaginal opening or vulva? And why do you assume that I have a penis? Have I ever stated my gender?

I am confused as to why you are conflating genitals with gender?

also, please address a) why you think he would’ve taken no for an answer (I mean literally, it’s the first thing he says after the “you’re beautiful”; it seems like he only got into the conversation to send a dick pic) and b) how this changes the fact that she obviously didn’t freaking care about his dick and tried to change the subject, which he changed back, and c) why on earth we should care and d) the only “bad” thing that happened is he got a tv show spoiled. The horror!

11 years ago

“Vaginal opening”? Oh no, that doesn’t sound creepily detached at all.

11 years ago

Hellkell is sexist.

11 years ago

I will come to the Judgment Corner and I will bring The Judger from Basic Instructions to preside.

11 years ago

I just made some tea, if anyone wants a nice sharp mind to judge with.

11 years ago

Hellkell is sexist.

LOL. I’ve been called worse by better. Dance, monkey, dance.

Why don’t you answer LBT’s question?

11 years ago


You’re making a moral judgement on what he did. That’s a slippery slope. Slut shaming is based on a moral judgement. Like I said, if a woman asked a strange guy if she could send send a vagina pic, you guys would say she was expressing sexual agency.

Ah, yes, the neverending similarity between having consensual sex with someone, and sending strangers pictures of your dick. I totally see the comparison. I can barely tell them apart.

/sarcasm, not that sam would know.

Like I said, if a woman asked a strange guy if she could send send a vagina pic, you guys would say she was expressing sexual agency.

Keep saying that all you want, loser, it doesn’t make it true.


Slippery slope to where? Oh no, if we start requiring people show a modicum of empathy towards each other, what’s gonna happen next?

Next, we might expect people to show more empathy towards each other! Unthinkable! Mass hysteria! Dogs and cats living together!


Hellkell is sexist.

Lol. Okay, I’ll bite, how?

11 years ago

Sam, either answer my question about what you want a citation for, or go to bed. Your mom hates it when you stay up so late on school nights.

11 years ago

Comfy chairs!

I have Converse sneakers on, so if any of the Judgement Corner kitties have a thing for rubbery shoes, they’re welcome to rub their spare furs all over them.

Tea, yes please. Got any Orange Pekoe?

11 years ago

Harassment can include “sexual harassment” or unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature.

Definition of sexual harassment, per the EEOC

Unwanted sexual attention on the Internet occurs when a harasser uses direct personal communication to harass a victim. Additionally, the harasser uses personal communication to convey messages directly relating to sex and/or sexuality which are unwanted or unwelcome by the victim

Internet sexual harassment, per the University of North Carolina School of Law:

11 years ago

/sarcasm, not that sam would know.

aha, pulling the “sarcasm card” i see

11 years ago

Nope, but I just made a pot of rose congou.

11 years ago


You got me XD

11 years ago

This has to be one of the trolls of yore. Why can’t it be Meller? At least he was entertaining.

11 years ago

Ah, yes, the neverending similarity between having consensual sex with someone, and sending strangers pictures of your dick. I totally see the comparison. I can barely tell them apart.

But but but demonising male sexuality™ !!!1!!eleventy!

11 years ago

If we let gay people get married then everyone will be marrying their dog next! Slippery slope!

11 years ago

Rose congou? Don’t know it, but it sounds lovely. Mr K will probably want to try it, too.

Can it be drunk with milk?

11 years ago

Depends if you like the idea of milk plus rose? It’s a good strong Chinese black tea with rose petals added.

11 years ago

That tea sounds great.

11 years ago

Good point. My default is with milk, but it doesn’t really sound the sort of tea for it.

Mr will be pleased. It’s a running joke of his that tea or coffee should never have milk.

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