So that’s the beginning to what has to be my favorite creepy convo I’ve seen posted to the Reddit CreepyPMs subreddit yet. I don’t want to SPOIL anything, but let’s just say that the pink lady in this conversation comes up with a rather unique way to send this dick-pic-posting male correspondent packing.
See here for the rest, and here for the Reddit thread. Oh, and don’t worry, you won’t have to look at his c*ck, or any other horrifying thing, and nothing else will be spoiled if you scroll down through all the pics. (You’ll get what I’m talking about in a second.)
Viscaria, Sam seems to think and believe a lot of wrong things, and that has never stopped him before.
“A man came up to me and said ‘I’d like to poison your mind,
With wrong ideas that appeal to you, though I am not unkind.'”
Apparently, some men claim to believe that sending unsolicited dick pics to women they don’t know is somehow a Good Thing. I am skeptical that they actually believe it, but certain that they want others to believe it. I used to wonder at catcalling men – ‘Dude, does that EVER work?’ Now that I realize the actual goal of such behavior, I realize that it does work. The woman being catcalled feels objectified, belittled and demeaned. The u.d.p. serves the same function. ‘Hey, b!t€h! You think you’re a person? If you were, could I get away with doing THIS?’
Theodicy is the problem of evil, ie, if God exists, why zie allows bad things to happen. Which is an important and difficult theological question, don’t get me wrong, it’s just strange to classify “poems open to interpretation” as one of the “bad things.”
Robert – yes, and potentially she’s frightened, too, which is part of keeping her in her place. It’s a less-than-subtle threat.
The Odicy, epic poem by Homer.
You’re making a moral judgement on what he did. That’s a slippery slope. Slut shaming is based on a moral judgement. Like I said, if a woman asked a strange guy if she could send send a vagina pic, you guys would say she was expressing sexual agency.
sam why are you so intent on putting words in our mouths? You have no evidence for us saying its okay except you inexplicably think tat?
Are we sure this isn’t Pell? Has the same 8 year old’s sense of ethics and the same tendency to attempt gotchas that fail horribly.
“I said that made-up thing twice. That makes it EXTRA true!”
Sam, address my point. This guy deliberately made a gross and unwanted sexual overture to a woman who had made it abundantly clear that she was not interested. That is wrong behavior; that is creepy behavior.
So, Sam, you think shaming a man for sexual harassment is the same as shaming a woman for having sex with more than one man? That’s what these two things are.
Or are you one of these “rape = male sexuality” types who thinks it’s cruuuuel to stop men forcing unwanted sexual attention on women?
As for us supporting a woman sending vagina pics – want to tell us where you got that notion from? Oh, it would be your arse, because you won’t find anyone here saying it (quite apart from the difficulty of sending pics of an internal organ).
Cassandra – if it’s Pell he’s hiding his usual Professor of Everything persona quite well.
Why the FUCK is this concept known as “not harming anyone else” so damned hard?
Slut shaming => shaming women for something harmless; calling dickpic senders creeps => shaming someone for something potentially harmful, as in causing distress // annoyance // whatever it’s still sexual harassment.
Slut shaming => shaming women for acts between consenting adults; dickpics => one person not consenting.
Why is this hard!!??!!
How would one send a picture of one’s vagina, anyway? Get your gyno to take it for you?
I’m guessing that our friend Sam doesn’t realize that the vagina is the big on the inside.
Bit, not big. I’ve been making some epic typos recently, huh?
Big on the inside – vagina as TARDIS, that sounds interesting/alarming.
Question — what’s the cutoff for a slut anyways? I need to know, for, uh…science! Yes that’s it, science!
For both organs involved in PiV sex, please.
Some moral judgements are extremely problematic, therefore all moral judgements are invalid. It’s a slippery slope, people!
Yes, I am.
No, it’s not.
Slut shaming is the product of tiny dipshit minds.
No, you fucking creepy fool, asking strangers if they want a pic of your junk is fucking rude no matter who you are.
It was mentioned before, but needs repeating, but you can’t take a vagina selfie.
Why do I think Sam is a dude who sends random, uninvited dick pics?
In SamWorld, slut-shaming=creep shaming. I’d rather be slutty than creepy.
Yeah, I’m going to keep judging people who show their genitals to strangers without permission.
Come to my judgment corner, we have wine (or soda) and kitties.
I will bring the caramel popcorn.
Judgement corner party! Can I come too? I have chocolate biscuits.
RE: Sam
Like I said, if a woman asked a strange guy if she could send send a vagina pic, you guys would say she was expressing sexual agency.
Uh, no, we’d say she was being fucking creepy. I don’t know where you’re getting your stupid ideas from — oh wait, yes I do. Your ass.
I do not want anon vulva pics. I do not want anon dick pics. If I want to look at genitalia, I have the whole fucking Internet, plus mine and my husband’s to keep me busy. It’s not like they’re lacking.
You ever going to acknowledge anything I say, buddy? WHAT CITATION DO YOU WANT?
She gave him permission after he asked. He made a crude suggestion, yet he did not harass her.
Must I specifically say vaginal opening or vulva? And why do you assume that I have a penis? Have I ever stated my gender?