So that’s the beginning to what has to be my favorite creepy convo I’ve seen posted to the Reddit CreepyPMs subreddit yet. I don’t want to SPOIL anything, but let’s just say that the pink lady in this conversation comes up with a rather unique way to send this dick-pic-posting male correspondent packing.
See here for the rest, and here for the Reddit thread. Oh, and don’t worry, you won’t have to look at his c*ck, or any other horrifying thing, and nothing else will be spoiled if you scroll down through all the pics. (You’ll get what I’m talking about in a second.)
Heh. Nice.
Well played!
Roses are red,
Violets are blue —
I wanna take pics
of my dick next to you!
1. This doesn’t really happen! Women are just making it up!
2. This is a compliment and women should be pleased when it happens.
3. OK, so this happens, but it’s not that big a deal compared to the soul-crushing awfulness of having women not respond to your messages. Have some sympathy for the guys, it’s your constant rejection that’s making them act like this.
Just though I’d summarize the responses that our usual trolls were about to post and save them some time.
I am consumed with envy.
That woman is brilliant!
Svelinya is my kind of person. German, and baaaaad. 😈
I love that she warned him, and then gave him an out, and he just kept talking about his dick anyway. Dude. Seriously.
Wow, this reminds me of a similar story back when I was at Harvard!
Okay, so Harvard has tourists traipsing around it all the damn time, especially in summer, which was when I was studying there. A great story (the veracity of which I have no way of knowing) that went around, friend-of-a-friend style, was of some poor bozo whose dorm room was on the first floor. Now, one weekend morning, dude was awoken by a rapping upon his window. He rose to find a family of painfully earnest tourists standing outside.
Dude, groggy and quite annoyed, goes to ask what the hell they could possibly want from him on a weekend morning.
Their response? They want to tour his dorm room.
Dude notes that the family has brand-new copies of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince under their arms. (It came out during that summer.) He shouts at them, “DUMBLEDORE DIES!” shuts his window, shuts the blinds, and goes back to sleep.
LOL love it, LBT!
Wow, the misandry is palpable. Even past his true courage to display himself before such a judgmental woman, he innocently sent a picture of his genitalia, which, ignoring that she didn’t want it, she probably wanted. And what does he get in return? A modest “thank you”? No! He has his man-show-experience forever tainted by a woman. A man-driven show. Man-hating woman. People who say misandry doesn’t exist are wearing glasses.
Misandry-not-seeing glasses.
I would like to buy that young woman the beverage of her choice.
If a man takes a photo of his penis and the photo is ignored, does his penis really exist?
Dicks are the axis that the world revolves around, don’tcha know?
No amount of brain bleach gifs is gonna remove that now! Argh!
LBT, you attended Harvard?
That was so much fun! Thanks for sharing this David.
Also, this GIF made me think of guys like this.
If his dick is the first thing he thinks to present, has he anything else at all?
I love how the ‘derail’ proves that the ‘I don’t know how else to talk to women’ argument for dick pics is BS. Take out the beginning and end and what you have is a perfectly acceptable interaction between two people with a common interest; Breaking Bad.
Pro tip for potential dick pic senders: How about asking about a popular TV show you also like to break the ice instead?
It also has me wondering why he’s wanking during his supposed fave show, never mind taking pics. It’s not an encouraging setup.
Dude must have boners for drug dealers, I guess.
LOL. Reminds me how in EVE Online, there are some people who name their spaceships and space stations Game of Thrones spoilers so that those who haven’t read the books don’t want to attack them. Except this is cooler.