a voice for men conspiracy theory creepy evil fat fatties evil sexy ladies gynocracy I'm totally being sarcastic men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men princesses

CRUSH MR. RIGHT: Is this Google’s gynocentric Valentine’s Day message?

Google, or Gynoogle?
Google, or Gynoogle?

Happy Valentine’s Day, gynocrats!.

Over on A Voice for Male Students, the always-reasonable and never-hysterical Jonathan Taylor celebrates this day of candies and flowers and irritating Kay Jewelry commercials with a lovely little piece entitled “The gynocentrism of Valentine’s Day, and the spoiled princess mentality.”

In it, he takes aim at a holiday he sees as rewarding the sort of woman who behaves like a “privileged princess who didn’t get her pony when she was five.”

His proof of this “gynocentrism?” The custom graphics on Google’s home page today, which I have screencapped and pasted in above.

At first glance, this all seems very innocent. We all remember these adorably crappy candies with the little messages on them. But Taylor is able to discern its insidious deeper meaning in their words:

The inclusion of the “Mr. Right” heart may seem like a small thing, but it is also rather telling, especially coming from the #1 website in the world. Women have expectations and standards. Where are men’s expectations and standards?

We aren’t told about them. Unlike “Mr. Right,” the phrase “Ms. Right” isn’t used in common parlance. The very incidence of men having standards for women is often regarded as sexist, even if they are entirely reasonable – such as not being so fat that you are diabetic by the time you are 35 and bedridden by the time you are 55.

In the age of Feminism, the only people women “answer to” are themselves.  

Now that I’ve taken a closer look at Google’s message, I think that Mr. Taylor is if anything understating its creepy gynocentric intent. Take a look again at the first two candies.


Clearly this is an invitation to murder. Nay, to MAN GENOCIDE.


… because if he is dead, your first kiss will make him — or at least his corpse — forever yours.


Of course if he is dead, he will not be able to fulfill his normal sexual functions. So Google seems to be recommending bestiality.


And then, to cover up your crimes, it suggests that you blind all of your future dates so they can’t see the corpse you’ve got stashed in the spare bedroom. (You may also need to do something about their sense of smell.)

Has the true ugliness of this gynocentric holiday ever been more nakedly displayed?

Just in case anyone missed it, this post is almost entirely made up of


… except for the bit about Kay Jewelry ads, which really are irritating.

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11 years ago

What would be truly revolutionary would be making the candy taste good.

11 years ago

Corporations like Hallmark, De Beers, etc. are all run by men.

Yes, wealthy, elite white men, the same type who created and funded feminism.

11 years ago

“Yes, wealthy, elite white men, the same type who created and funded feminism.”

And faked the moon landing. And hushed up the Roswell incident. And who create the chemtrails. And are in turn controlled by the Rothschilds.

11 years ago

Full of packing peanuts, I’m telling you.

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
11 years ago

Packing peanuts are useful…

11 years ago

Not when you’re trying to use them in place of a brain, unfortunately.

zoon echon logon
zoon echon logon
11 years ago

Women can’t even feminism. 🙁

11 years ago

Yes, wealthy, elite white men, the same type who created and funded feminism.

Tight tinfoil much?

11 years ago

Aw, shit, Sam, I needed that laugh, thanks.

11 years ago

Yeah, Sam, the white elite dudes created and funded feminism…that’s why so much of NOW’s money (and NAC’s, here in Canada) comes from Hallmark, DeBeers, etc.

I am laughing so hard at your chemtrail theory of feminism that my face hurts.

11 years ago

Wealthy men created feminism? Once again Sam, CITATION NEEDED.

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
11 years ago

So if the wealthy men behind de Beers etc created and funded feminism, then cis-males are financially supporting it via valentine’s day. Suckers!

What a rabbit hole! So instead of taking the red pill, I should take the pink heart candy?

11 years ago

Hold out for the bon-bons, Kiwi girl!

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
11 years ago

Ooooo good point! Do I need to worry about the colour of the bon-bons? Are the scented fucking candles down the rabbit hole?

So many questions needing answers!

11 years ago

Don’t forget Google. They must presumably be part of the shadowy cabal of powerful white men who created and now manage feminism, since they used the candy hearts on Valentine’s Day.

11 years ago

My argument is totally about a one sided gynocentric celebration and how femist silence toward and even support of it shows the non-equality that modern feminism seeks.

Feminist silence toward Valentine’s Day:

Googling “feminists on Valentine’s Day” mostly brings up a bunch of anti-feminist writers complaining about how feminists are trying to destroy Valentine’s Day because they hate love and happiness and men. Like this romantic fellow, for example…

…who mocks feminist criticisms of Valentine’s Day by composing a poem:

Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
The heteronormative patriarchy
Is raping you.

You guys need to reach some kind of consensus as to what the feminist conspiracy is plotting here.

11 years ago

And we ate ALL the chocolate-covered strawberries last night.

11 years ago

Wild applause for Shaenon!!

11 years ago

Regarding engagement rings, me and Husband got engaged on a rock festival and bought our rings there; fake silver with spiders on. Unfortunately (but not unexpectedly) the quality was crap, so we had to stop wearing them after a year or so because they fell to pieces. However, at that point we were married anyway, with plain silver bands made to last…

LOL similar story here, my engagement ring was a $10 job from Etsy a friend bought, some sort of resin with a fleur-de-lys. It lasted a couple of months.

Mr K and I had been married years when I got that ring, too. We didn’t do any weddingy stuff in order.

I don’t need a grand gesture to know I’m loved and neither does he.


Sam is a misandrist piece of shit. When a feminist man says they’ve been raped, they have to fucking provide an impossible citation for the rape in order to even be listened to.

Get out.

Seconded. Demanding citations from a rape victim = banhammer time, to me.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Mx. Right would make me a very happy camper. Semi-relatedly, happy valentine’s day dear, I crashed my car into a guardrail but I’m fine — a summary of my day so far. Ze hasn’t told me how bad the damage is yet, but at least ze’s okay.

Also, my French lesson for the day included le bonbon, so now when anyone says bonbon my brain is going to read it as a general term for candy. Which works since I have no clue what a bonbon is! (It also included je mange du poisson and no I don’t!)

11 years ago

That’s a good question – what do MRAs mean by bonbon? It tends to make me think of a hard-ish, vaguely toffee-like center covered in powdered sugar, which is sometimes colored. So basically you suck the outer part till it dissolves, then chew the center. The way MRAs talk about it I have no idea what they think it means, or if they think it means anything at all other than “thing women expect because they’re evil entitled bitches”.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Well, it has to be expensive, since complaining that women want to eat cheap chocolate wouldn’t make sense even by their standards (well, probably, but it seems to be a stand in for “really expensive things women waste money on”)

11 years ago

When they say “bonbon” I’m picturing this.

Whereas I think they’re picturing a femdom scene in which a man is fearfully offering chocolate truffles to a woman holding a whip and lounging on a divan.

11 years ago

In Minnesota people call mint chocolate chip ice cream peppermint bonbon sometimes.

11 years ago

To me, the primary example of bonbons are cough drops. That is, hard all the way, and it all dissolves in your mouth. In fact, I don’t really like bonbons with fillings. But yeah, I suppose chew bonbons are categorized as bonbons as well.

…and well, that hasn’t much with the metaphor anymore, has it? Heh.

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