a voice for men a woman is always to blame are these guys 12 years old? boner rage drama drama kings evil women gloating infighting men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA oppressed men patronizing as heck paul elam red pill the c-word whores

MGTOWforums goes away — or does it?


A bit of drama in the land of misogyny: The guy behind, the leading site devoted to so-called Men Going Their Own Way and one of the most reliable purveyors of highly mockable misogyny, has decided to, well, go his own way. (Sorry, I had to.)

Last night, MGTOWforums founder “Nacho Vidal” (not the real porn star) took the forums down, replacing them with a rather embittered farewell letter. But as of a few minutes ago, the forums were BACK UP again, albeit with no explanation and no new posts since last night. (Perhaps the site is just going to remain up as an archive?)

More on this as it develops, but in the meantime, let’s take a look at Nacho Vidal’s long goodbye:

For 3 years I’ve worked to build up MGTOW Forums into a force to be reckoned with, but alas it has failed. It has failed because of the very reasons which brought down the previous MGTOW board: inexperienced idiots who were angry at not being able to get laid – betas, zetas, red pills and the rest of the rubbish.

Oh, we’re off to a good start here.

Vidal explained that he was angry not just at the “fools … psychos [and] incels … who vocally supported other places, that I won’t mention” but at the “so called supporters” on his own forums who

found it just fine for our competitors to constantly attack us whilst they themselves used rhetoric such as “we’re all in it together” and “we’re all after the same thing” when clearly we were not.

I assume that one of the “other places” he’s talking about here is A Voice for Men, which has recently tried to brand itself as a site for MGTOWers, and has not been shy about trashing other MGTOW sites. He probably also meant PUAhate, a site that attacks MGTOWers as well as PUAs, but unfortunately in some pretty misogynistic ways.

As someone who has always stood up against bullies, I thought my own energy to go head to head with such people would be appreciated. But instead I found myself surrounded by fools who were more concerned with likening our way of life to a fantasy sci-fi flick? The same fools then wondered why folk like Manboobz, who was more friendly to us than our enemies, constantly mocked them?

Aw, a little shoutout. In my defense, I wasn’t really trying to be friendly. I was just doing my normal thing of quoting people saying terrible things and mostly letting their terrible quotes do the talking.

Well today is MGTOW Forum’s 3rd birthday and quite frankly the vast majority of you deserve what’s out there. For me, things have got to the point where I recognise there is no support for taking MGTOW Forums into the wider world. However, MGTOW seems to be a successful concept for incels and psychos so that is where I’m going to leave it.

Yeah, I’m pretty sure the reason that there’s “no support for taking MGTOW Forums into the wider world” is that MGTOWers are pretty much all a bunch of hateful assholes, and that whenever “the wider world” hears what MGTOWers have to say, the “wider world” either gasps in disgusted amazement or bursts out laughing.

After thanking some of the MGTOWforums posters he actually liked, he continued with his rant:

When the curtain falls it is time to get off the stage and that is what I propose to do. I’ll leave you all to wallow in the Red Pill and Alpha/Beta/Zeta fantasy garbage which was our downfall. …

As of yesterday, our average daily traffic was in excess of 6,000 unique visits per day. So I was doing something right eh? Meh…very few of you were worth the effort.

Good luck and time for me to Go My Own Way

Adios and fuck off

The reaction from A Voice for Men — the site that would be king of the MGTOWers — has been predictable. In a gloating, self-aggrandizing post that may be the least-self-aware piece of writing I have ever seen on the internet, Elam snorts:

Good riddance.

Allow me to qualify. I am sure there were men who actually benefited from involvement in MGTOW Forums. There is great need for the MGTOW philosophy, which is powerful in these times, with comparatively few outlets. The truth, even when served up on a trash can lid by idiots, is a powerful thing.

But I never had the belief that MGTOW was really about what happened at MGTOW Forums, which amounted to one rolling “cunts and whores” diatribe after another, spiced only with vicious attacks on men who were deemed less than worthy by Nacho Vidal’s standards.

Uh, Paul, dude. I hate to break it to you, but if you replace a few strategic words in that last paragraph, you’ve written a perfect description of your own site:

But I never had the belief that the Men’s Rights movement was really about what happened at A Voice for Men, which amounted to one rolling “cunts and whores” diatribe after another, spiced only with vicious attacks on men who were deemed less than worthy by Paul Elam’s standards.

Here are some “cunts” diatribes from A Voice for Men, including one in which a regular contributor declared that “[w]omen are facing a very real and grave problem in our culture: They are obnoxious cunts.”  And here are some “whore” diatribes, including the one in which Elam himself used the word whore more than two dozen times). As for deeming some men “less than worthy,” you may recall Elam’s infamous post in which he told men who were suffering to “fuck off” if they hadn’t already donated money and/or volunteer labor to Elam and his website.

He continues:

I never thought, and I still don’t, that self-consuming bitterness was required to Go Your Own Way. Venting? Sure. And by god, MGTOW Forums was good for that. Problem is, venting without release or healing is not really venting.

Not a lot of healing going on at A Voice for Men, dude. Not a lot of anything other than angry ranting, endless fundraising, harassment campaigns, and a lot of self-congratulation.

Elam ends the post with a bit of the latter, patting himself on the back for his expert leadership at AVFM.

But his victory celebration may be a bit premature. At least three new MGTOW forums have sprung up overnight. like poisonous mushrooms, in an attempt to fill the void left by MGTOWforums’ demise.

MGTOW — The Red Pill forums

Men Going Their Own Way dot Net – Forums

And we’ll have to see if the old MGTOWforums remains up as well.

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10 years ago

Quite literally laughing out loud reading the bits from Elam’s response.

Basically amounts to: ‘Hello pot, my name is kettle.’

10 years ago

So all those individual, short-lived flounces from MGTOW trolls we’ve had here have now formed a mega-flounce-fail (or is that meta) on their precious forum?


And “our lifestyle”? What lifestyle? How are their lives different from anyone else who’s not partnered? Is he claiming that keyboard rageboner priapism is a lifestyle?

10 years ago

Sigh. Every time I think they’re finally going to Go Their Own Damn Way, they come back to lecture, finger-wave, and berate some more.

Oh well, at least they’re only doing it to each other this time…

Robert Ramirez
Robert Ramirez
10 years ago

A house divided shall never stand. I personally like their infighting and I think Elam views many other MRA sites as competitors for attention and the many fund drives that AVfM has.

Timothy Byrne (@TByrne75)

i made the mistake of clicking through to the AVfM link, and now see that A Voice for Men (Australia) has just started! *shudder*.

I knew I smelled something rank in the air…

Lili Fugit
Lili Fugit
10 years ago

I think it’s funny that they can somehow distinguish each other’s brand of stupidity, because they all sound exactly the same to me.

10 years ago

i made the mistake of clicking through to the AVfM link, and now see that A Voice for Men (Australia) has just started! *shudder*.

I knew I smelled something rank in the air…


I thought that was smoke from the bushfires


Timothy Byrne (@TByrne75)

I’m strongly reminded of the Judean Peoples’s Front v People’s Front of Judea skirmish in Life of Brian…

Robert Ramirez
Robert Ramirez
10 years ago

Suicide Squad Leader: We are the Judean People’s Front crack suicide squad! Suicide squad, attack!
[they all stab themselves]
Suicide Squad Leader: That showed ’em, huh?

10 years ago

MRAs are fighting each other. I’ll go grab some popcorn. This is gonna be good!

10 years ago

10 years ago

Damn, when a movement has “location of post” as the sole shibboleth between multiple “branches”…. just… wow.

10 years ago

Where are they based in Australia? I don’t want to go find the info for myself.

10 years ago

Are there any MRAs capable of forming peer-to-peer alliances? The only group that seem to have stuck together for any length of time is the one at AVFM, and it clearly operates on a top-down model with Elam’s word as law.

Timothy Byrne (@TByrne75)

@Kim They are at The page has the usual rubbish about the ‘oppression of men etc.

10 years ago

Heeheeheee…. The MRM, gentlefolk! A circle-jerk built on mutual loathing.

10 years ago

“What are you doing?”
“I’m going my own way! Don’t try to stop me!”

“Wait, are you still here?”
“I SAID don’t try to stop me!”

10 years ago

I saw the link to A Voice for Men (Australia) and it made me very sad. Please, no.

I’d be happy to take another month of non-stop horrible hot weather (which I intensely dislike) if it meant AVFM Aus would disappear.

Also, I don’t post very often and have been lurking for ages now, but I’d just like to say how much I appreciate the site and the intelligent commenters here. 🙂

10 years ago

10 years ago

Ah ok. I thought maybe they had like a physical office or something. The Men’s Rights Agency that I knew about already is based really close to me *shudder*.

10 years ago

how was the title for this not “MGTOWforums go their own way”? Come on, Futrelle

Cthulhu's Intern
10 years ago

The same fools then wondered why folk like Manboobz, who was more friendly to us than our enemies

Well then.

Also, this is a video of penguins fighting:

It is absolutely amazing, since they put virtually no effort into it. They just kind of squawk at each other and flip their flippers around at each other, occasionally making contact, and not very hard, either. Just a “pop.” And then at some point, they just decide it’s over and just walk away. And if you notice in the background, all those penguins are just looking away, as if it’s embarrassing to even watch. Why does this remind me of MRA fights?

10 years ago

And Cthulhu’s Intern, that may be the most realistic depiction of a MRM slap-fight that I’ve ever seen.

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
10 years ago


Is he claiming that keyboard rageboner priapism is a lifestyle?

If they’re only hitting one key at a time, one would expect their spelling to be better. Gives a whole new meaning to the phrase “hunt and peck…”


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