So I had to re-ban a couple of long-banned trolls today, who had returned with new names and slightly different IP addresses but who gave themselves away with their behavior. And that got me thinking about the people — well, the MRAs and PUAs and other such charming folks — who regularly denounce me as an evil censor of FREE SPEECH.
In fact, when I ban people, I do so for good reasons: one of the two trolls I banned today was a longtime MRAish commenter here who eventually creeped everyone out by boasting about having sex with underage prostitutes; the other was a man of many sockpuppets known for angry, abusive meltdowns full of slurs.
Anyway, so I thought I’d give you all a glimpse into my “trash” folder. Here’s a sampling of comments from would-be first time commenters at Man Boobz that I felt would not add anything to the discourse here. But in the interests of FREE SPEECH I thought I’d give these “ideas” an airing today.
TRIGGER WARNING for violent and offensive language. (Sorry about the quality of the last two; you can click on them to see larger versions.)
Not all of the comments I trash are quite this awful. Some are only mildly violent or abusive. I tend to be a bit picky with people’s first comments, assuming that if someone posts a shitty first comment it’s not likely to get any better after that. There are a few banned commenters who stop by and try to post anyway, including one fellow who leaves endless comments trying to prove, as far as I can tell, that teenage girls are objectively hotter than women in their twenties and older.
And, of course, there are comments targeting individual women, whether these are giant cut-and-pasted rants about Anita Sarkeesian, vaguely threatening remarks aimed at other well-known internet feminists, or bizarre sexual comments about female MRAs from fans of theirs.
Once in a while I will get a comment from a feminist that resorts to violent language; I don’t let those comments through either.
And then there are the pictures people try to post in the comments. Below, one of the ones I actually let through, depicting me in a dress with some extremely tall dude. A quick Google image search reveals that it was originally posted online by regular A Voice for Men contributor Janet Bloomfield, in a blog post of hers from last year on Disney princesses. Stay classy, Men’s “Human Rights” Movement!

Anyway, the pictures I don’t let through are worse.
And hair horns. He’s a giant, much less cool Bjork.
No idea. I wouldn’t have known Beauty was meant to be David if that scrawl hadn’t been labelled.
Sam-I-Was — N@? You from the ‘Burgh? Spent 7 years there, love it!
I love how part of BeautyDavid’s hair is sort of fuzzy, but another part looks like sideways eyelashes superimposed over the fuzzy part.
I want to know what sort of stamps she thinks people use for blusher. It’s not just the bright pink, it’s the shape – square blusher? Wut?
It’s very important that your blusher be florescent, so that people can you see at night.
That may be how SHE applies it, but that’s not how anyone else does it…outside of a kewpie doll factory, anyway.
I love how evo-psych explanations always assume a rigid gender binary, modern Western culture, and patriarchy for all of history. Usually to assert an immoral stance as if humans still react on instinct alone. It’s all echo-chamber cherry-picked pseudo science.
Actual reality, on the other hand, not so much. Preferred waist-hip ratios, fertility goddess, MILF and BBW and just about any other porn categories, cultures that don’t view breasts as sexual, polygamy, third genders, matriarchal societies, the extremely wide variety of beauty ideals culturally and historicallyβ¦ while any particular instance may be explained as a man attracted to fertility markers, the sheer stupidity of trying to make it one marker only for all time for all men should be obvious to anyone with half a brain.
Heck, recent surveys in modern Western society have men putting 29 as the most attractive age for women. It must be real embarrassing for the ones putting down 14 and realising that actually, no, it isn’t common.
But but but isn’t judgytwitch a superior feMRA who doesn’t go in for all that dreadful deceitful entrapment stuff?
Maybe she’s like the duders who think women should look “natural” and apparently have no idea when they’re looking at a face with makeup anyway.
29? Wow. That’s four years more than the “expiration” date favored by PUAs! And more than double the “nubile” ideal of pervs like our trollish interlocutor above. I guess they SHOULD be ashamed, but somehow I doubt they are…because they haven’t got the mental and moral wherewithal for that.
@Zippydoo: I doubt they’re embarrassed – more likely, they probably think all those other guys are lying ’cause hey, everyone knows 14 year olds are totally hot, right?
Oh, I’m sure they (feMRAs) are just as much into “entrapment” as anyone, and probably more so than most women. But they’re also much more stinkingly hypocritical about it, because Special Snowflakes. So they’re probably perpetuating that not-so-natural “natural” look thing that’s got the d00ds so goshdarn confused.
See how that works?
@Argenti-born & bred. Moved back after a few years away. What can I say there is something about pronouncing all of the syllables in downtown that just rub me the wrong way. LOL
@ zippydoo
IKR! It’s almost like humans (and other animals) evolved BRAINS capable of making decisions separate from or even (gasp) contrary to the pull of our genes. You mean not all complex behavior can be distilled down and explained by selective pressure alone? But…but… Culture isn’t science! The humanities and social sciences are for feeeeeemales and manginas!
Seriously, though. We are all capable of being more than our genotypes. I for one don’t plan to have kids, making my genetic legacy a dead end. If my genes could scream in terror… Yet I have made the decision regardless of my supposedly innate biological drive to reproduce. Yeah, we are not our genetic code.
Yay, lots of yinzers on manboobz! That makes at least three for sure…
Btw, jeetyet? π
Howabout dem Stillers? Lol.
For what it’s worth, I think a lot of this lusting-after-teens that gets aired out is rooted in the formative years of the lusters’ own sexuality. Yeah, they look at pr0n, but they also get crushes and lust after classmates.
It’s natural and good for a teen to want to have sex with other teens.
The problem comes when people grow up and fail to grow out of lusting-after-teens, which I admit doesn’t happen over night.
Yeah picksburgers! I’ll redd up fer da stiller game. π Need to pick up some arn first, Wah do yinz want from Primanti’s?
Says the woman that 15 yrs after been made to talk pittsburghese for spouse still gets a kick from it. East Liberty is in fact one syllable, South Side & North Side are still 2 syllables, I shop at Jine Igl and no sandwich is complete without french fries. π
Translation for those not lucky enough to be from or spend time in Pittsburgh.
Yeah, people from Pittsburgh. I’ll clean up before the Steelers game (American football team with 6 Super Bowl wins). I need to pick up some Iron City (local beer). What do you want from Primantis’s (local restaurant that has awesome sandwiches)
And Pittsburghese is in fact a recognized language, well worth the google π
Ssssslibertee. Lol. And I’ve gotten to calling it THE igl. Dropping the jine all together π
Last time I ate at primanti’s I got sick, but I still love those nasty greasy cheese fries. Mmmmm cheese fries. I don’t mean to speak picksburgeese but I find myself slipping up. I’ve been using ‘slippy’ entirely too much lately, in fact.
I admit, I used to ogle teenagers. When I WAS a teenager. I think there’s a rule of thumb for that – half your age plus seven. So you can lust after fourteen year old humans when you yourself are fourteen. And I’m okay with that. At this point, my cutoff (by that rule) is thirty.
And that’s real.
At some point if you’re interested I’ll share the story on how saying “I’m just nebbin'” almost got me arrested. π Who knew that outside of Pennsylvania no one had the foggiest idea of what being nebby or nebbin’ was!
And I’ll admit that it’s The Igl for me as well, Not a big fan of Primanti’s but still would walk a mile for the “O” fries. Ah college, cheap beer & cheap fries.
Of course it’s slippy, Have Yinz been out on da street????
Ooh, story! I wanna hear. I think I have trouble telling it apart from English sometimes too. Once I called someone a jag off (cause they were totes being a jag off!) and their reaction was:
0_o 0_o 0_o Wut?
Don’t worry, the Furrinati doesn’t care about mere human spelling. On not having the nightly wet cat food, otoh, you should be worried. Be very worried.
Huh. I’m from the Pittsburgh area too. Anyone could do a lot worse than a Primanti Brother’s fish sandwich — the bread is actually wonderful.
The mistrust of make-up is very strange to me. When I swipe some lipstick on, it’s generally because I love the color and it cheers me up. I don’t assume people will think it’s my natural lip color. And that’s OK because I’m not looking for a head pat. To me make-up is art supplies people use for their own enjoyment.
@fromafar I would totally be up for meeting in game, if you happen to be on Goblin.
Didn’t mean to use jargon. but ya FFXIV. I played the original for a bit, but it was a real slog. I am much happier with 2.0+.
Only 34 levels from paragon’s crown! You get it for capping all the adventurer classes. (I have no life, but more of a lie than some.)
Only tangentially related to the article, but.. I like how people act like your somehow impeding free speech if you don’t personally provide a venue for them to use said free speech. I ran into that problem myself In the past.
Dear people who wanna say -ist Stuff on websites and cry ‘blocking free speech’ whenever someone rightfully bans you.
Free speech doesn’t obligate someone to provide for you a place to talk. If someone on a website does not want your ‘free speech’ on their website, they are not obligated to host it. In such a case, the right to free speech isn’t being hindered, since nothing is stopping you from posting what you have to say elsewhere, or even make your OWN website/blog to host your hate speech. Heck, even if you were NOT spewing vile crap, no one is obligated to give you space to speak. Again, you can at any point you choose, make a blog of your own to do just that.
Not very fond of you,