So I had to re-ban a couple of long-banned trolls today, who had returned with new names and slightly different IP addresses but who gave themselves away with their behavior. And that got me thinking about the people — well, the MRAs and PUAs and other such charming folks — who regularly denounce me as an evil censor of FREE SPEECH.
In fact, when I ban people, I do so for good reasons: one of the two trolls I banned today was a longtime MRAish commenter here who eventually creeped everyone out by boasting about having sex with underage prostitutes; the other was a man of many sockpuppets known for angry, abusive meltdowns full of slurs.
Anyway, so I thought I’d give you all a glimpse into my “trash” folder. Here’s a sampling of comments from would-be first time commenters at Man Boobz that I felt would not add anything to the discourse here. But in the interests of FREE SPEECH I thought I’d give these “ideas” an airing today.
TRIGGER WARNING for violent and offensive language. (Sorry about the quality of the last two; you can click on them to see larger versions.)
Not all of the comments I trash are quite this awful. Some are only mildly violent or abusive. I tend to be a bit picky with people’s first comments, assuming that if someone posts a shitty first comment it’s not likely to get any better after that. There are a few banned commenters who stop by and try to post anyway, including one fellow who leaves endless comments trying to prove, as far as I can tell, that teenage girls are objectively hotter than women in their twenties and older.
And, of course, there are comments targeting individual women, whether these are giant cut-and-pasted rants about Anita Sarkeesian, vaguely threatening remarks aimed at other well-known internet feminists, or bizarre sexual comments about female MRAs from fans of theirs.
Once in a while I will get a comment from a feminist that resorts to violent language; I don’t let those comments through either.
And then there are the pictures people try to post in the comments. Below, one of the ones I actually let through, depicting me in a dress with some extremely tall dude. A quick Google image search reveals that it was originally posted online by regular A Voice for Men contributor Janet Bloomfield, in a blog post of hers from last year on Disney princesses. Stay classy, Men’s “Human Rights” Movement!

Anyway, the pictures I don’t let through are worse.
I see Judgybitch fancies herself a talented artist. Just like she fancies herself a great writer. It seems like she wants to be the next Anne Coulter or something- but her posts are nothing more than rants. There’s no flair or humor to make them readable to anyone but the most strident misogynists.
I hope this is still fun for you, David. I couldn’t wade through all of those first comments, plus find all of the sockpuppets, plus deal with the vitriol from the MRAs. Not to mention the stuff you write about can’t be a blast to read.
Yeah, I seriously hope our goofiness in the comments section is a good antidote to reading that crap.
Misogyny and poo-poo writing really do go hand in hand.
That Janet Bloomfield article is embarrassingly terrible.
As is nearly always the case, the most brutish, offensive, and self-righteous, cretins are the least adept at expressing, in their native language, the contents of their twitchy gray matter.
So today’s new troll was good old blog herpes again?
Dude. Get help. Your obsession with this site is not healthy, and neither is your fixation on feminism as the source of all your personal problems.
Oh, apparently it was the other blog herpes. Same advice applies, but in Pell’s case I’ll add “clean your room” and “finish your homework”.
I woder what thingo up there has against disabled men
censor cat is so cute.tbh, I skimmed the comments posted in this post (whee redundancy) b/c I don’t actually feel like seeing a bunch of trolls being horrible.
@cassandra: No, it was Dr. Montgomery Clift hissownself.
It must be terribly sad at his house. He got rumbled before he could pull the mask off.
Like if the Phantom made a big entrance and all the chorus dancers yawned and told him to get lost.
I would be flattered by that pic of you, David. You like quite cheerful with those rosy cheeks, and all.
Now I’m REALLY curious to see the pictures you didn’t want to post.
… It is kind of sad that “a man of many sockpuppets known for angry, abusive meltdowns full of slurs” could describe at least two of our banned trolls (though one didn’t melt down in all his personas).
I have a censor dog who likes to turn off our Xbox with her butt.
She doesn’t mean to, but sometimes when she wants attention she’ll stand in front of the console, staring wistfully at whoever is using it and wag her tail until she accidentally hits the power button. It’s annoying, but also kinda adorable.
Sorry you have to wade through all of that garbage, David. I’m glad you do though. Thanks.
To be honest, that drawing is pretty cute. I always knew David was the belle of the ball.
Of course, it’s not charming that these Reactionary Keyboard Warriors think feminine things are degrading, and one wonders how they rationalize throwing non-gender-conforming men under the bus like that. My guess: they’re very good at ignoring cognitive dissonance.
So, anyone know who is supposed to be the beast in that badly done drawing?
Also, thirding the “thanks David” posts
Yeah, drawing your most prominent male opponent as a woman, that will prove that you aren’t a misogynistic hate movement!
The drawing is kind of adorable though.
Sorry, but some of those comments are utterly hilarious. They are so unrelentingly over-the-top and ridiculous that I can’t help but laugh simply at how absurd they are. It might just be my own twisted humor, but still. I can’t take someone who says that feminism “ends like rome” anything close to seriously. It is like reading TimeCube or some of David Icke’s “theories”. XD
“Of course, it’s not charming that these Reactionary Keyboard Warriors think feminine things are degrading, and one wonders how they rationalize throwing non-gender-conforming men under the bus like that. My guess: they’re very good at ignoring cognitive dissonance.”
That or they don’t care about non-gender-conforming men at all. Actually, it seems they don’t really care about other men period, as long as they can bash women (as others have noted)
I have no sympathy for the “censored” trolls and their poor widdle freeze peaches. I only hope that they get locked up before they do the harm to society that they no doubt intend.
Judgy Bitch is just an all-around shitty person. Too bad her art skills are up there with her logic skills and being human skills.
That pic looks like someone was gawping at the photo John Scalzi had done of himself in a Regency dress. (which looked way cool, btw).
Nthing all the comments about hoping this is still fun for you overall, David, plus a bit thanks. Despite the warning at the top of the page, for me this is a safe site, because of your filtering and all the wonderful regulars.
So, a man “born disabled” is not a “normal” man.
And feminists are the evil man-haters.
Is the Beast supposed to be Guy Fieri? Looks a little bit like him. Though I don’t what JB would have against Guy Fieri.