So FeMRA videoblogger Karen “GirlWritesWhat” Straughan flapped her gums for nearly two hours the other night and sounds came out. This time she wasn’t sitting at her kitchen table blabbing to a webcam about female “hypoagency” and regurgitating misremembered factoids about bonobos but was speaking to an audience of mostly white dudes at Ryerson University in Toronto Canada.
I haven’t watched her performance — which is of course online as well — because life is short, and frankly I’d rather endure this for ten hours than subject myself to the tedious GWW for nearly two.
But I did take a look at a thread on the Men’s Rights subreddit started by a dude who hoped he and his fellow MRAs could have “a proper discussion about the talk, pros and cons, without descending into a circlejerk or a downvote party.” That’s right: he actually wanted GWW’s biggest fanboys to discuss her ideas (such as they are) on their merits.
This did not go over very well with the regulars, who jumped up to defend their favorite damsel in distress. ManUpManDown argued against the very notion of criticizing GWW, on the grounds of 1) her being supercool and 2) giving talks is hard:
Huh. But by NOT offering any criticism, aren’t you in fact treating her not as a writer or activist or, god forbid, a thinker, but precisely as a mascot?
Still, a few brave MRAs did bring up substantive critiques of her talk. For example, both 2095conash and memetherapy noted that she probably said “Right?” too often. Bluecharge, while proud of her performance, noted with brutal honesty that her “way of wrapping up points by saying ‘so there you go’ was a bit trite.”
So there you go.
Oh, I forgot to mention one dumb criticism some dumb guy made. GWW apparently suggested that if all the men in the world took three days off it would take three years to recover from the disaster that would ensue.
Essemd implied that this was a bit alarmist, arguing that if you gradually replaced men in the workforce with women — over the course of many years — it wouldn’t be the end of the world, because women could do these “men’s jobs” too. “[S]aying either gender is required because this and this job is mainly occupied by men or women is just false,” Essemd concluded.
Luckily there were a few real MRAs around to teach this fella a thing or two. Like Rikevo, who offered the powerful rebuttal that women can’t do shit:
And xNOM had a little list:
NOTE: I actually had that loop of “What is Love” on during most of the writing of this post. Hey, it’s a catchy song.
It’s a weird closed logical loop – if a man is getting dates/sex, he’s an asshole, because nice guys don’t get laid, because women prefer assholes.
WordPress is ALWAYS being a butt.
Huh, weird, I don’t see it changing. You mean the name, or the icon is vanishing?
Tell Sir to try and make a kitty throne using cardboard boxes. They (probably, hopefully) won’t reject that.
RE: CassandraSays
Your name. It keeps changing between ‘CassandraSays’ and ‘cassandrakitty.’
Huh. I see nothing but cassandrakitty all the way up the page. Are other people seeing what LBT is seeing?
Maybe I’m just being stupid and didn’t recognize the changeover; I assumed you meant to be CassandraSays all the way through. Sorry about that!
No worries, was just wondering if I needed to go put my contacts in.
Now I just feel embarrassed calling you by the old name. <.< Oops.
BWAHAHAHAHAHA I really should suggest a cardboard box throne to him. Love that pic, btw, it says it all about kitties, the little shitbags.
Though if he did make a cardboard anything over there, the other kitties would be lucky to use it before Madame Silverfish ate the damn thing.
cats are drama queens? obviously said by someone who has never had a dog. Shameless emotional manipulation, thy name is Fido
“Nice guy finishes last” is actually my number one rule… in bed. It’s generally hard and fast (heh) until Beloved does That One Thing that she knows drives me wild.
takshak – well, cats and dogs, then! 🙂
Falconer – LOL!
Alternatively, nice guys might finish first, but they don’t then roll over and start snoring. 😉
Nice guys who finish last are far more likely to be invited for a repeat performance, though.
True! But I was thinking of finishing first but going right on attending to someone else’s needs and wants.
(This does not mean “getting up to feed the kitties”, either.)
I’m not sure which mechanical schemanical schtuff Karen was talking about since she never quotes the actual researchers. She obviously doesn’t understand confounding variables and the fact that infant gaze times can be interpreted any which way you like.
Hmm…regardless when nice guys finish, they make sure their partner(s) finish too?
@ House Mouse Queen: cites & research are unmanly & emotionally manipulative debating tactics. Unlike getting all inchoate & shouty, which is rational & manly & only inferior lady brainz can’t understand that.
@house mouse queen
kk. Thanks for explaining :3 And I’m not surprised she didn’t quote researchers :/
RE: Argenti
Hmm…regardless when nice guys finish, they make sure their partner(s) finish too?
If indeed their partners WISH to come! I feel that’s an important addendum.
Good point, LBT!
Nice guys care about it being a happy ending for all concerned, whether or not it’s that happy ending?
Yes! Perfect.
Sorry, my rule was obviously far too constrained.
Also, sorry I didn’t say sorry earlier, I was … distracted.
Oh frack, Ryerson, you let this bunch in to babble? You really have let your standards slip since I was in j-school…