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Men’s Rights White Knights rush in to protect Karen “GirlWritesWhat” Straughan from MRA criticism

Karen Straughan, in an uncharacteristic moment of silence
Karen Straughan, in an uncharacteristic moment of silence

So FeMRA videoblogger Karen “GirlWritesWhat” Straughan flapped her gums for nearly two hours the other night and sounds came out. This time she wasn’t sitting at her kitchen table blabbing to a webcam about female “hypoagency” and regurgitating misremembered factoids about bonobos but was speaking to an audience of mostly white dudes at Ryerson University in Toronto Canada.

I haven’t watched her performance — which is of course online as well — because life is short, and frankly I’d rather endure this for ten hours than subject myself to the tedious GWW for nearly two.

But I did take a look at a thread on the Men’s Rights subreddit started by a dude who hoped he and his fellow MRAs could have “a proper discussion about the talk, pros and cons, without descending into a circlejerk or a downvote party.” That’s right: he actually wanted GWW’s biggest fanboys to discuss her ideas (such as they are) on their merits.

This did not go over very well with the regulars, who jumped up to defend their favorite damsel in distress. ManUpManDown argued against the very notion of criticizing GWW, on the grounds of 1) her being supercool and 2) giving talks is hard:

ManUpManDown 18 points 21 hours ago (30|12)  Ok, I totally understand the good intentions behind, and the theoretical utility of, this thread. But I really don't think this is helpful. Karen has come out of obscurity to being invited to panels with internationally known feminists, all in a very short period of time. Considering everything, she's been awesome, and she was awesome last night, and I am not particularly inclined to start telling her why she's not perfect. Get me? She's not our mascot.
Huh. But by NOT offering any criticism, aren’t you in fact treating her not as a writer or activist or, god forbid, a thinker, but precisely as a mascot?

Still, a few brave MRAs did bring up substantive critiques of her talk. For example, both 2095conash and memetherapy noted that she probably said “Right?” too often. Bluecharge, while proud of her performance, noted with brutal honesty that her “way of wrapping up points by saying ‘so there you go’ was a bit trite.”

So there you go.

Oh, I forgot to mention one dumb criticism some dumb guy made. GWW apparently suggested that if all the men in the world took three days off it would take three years to recover from the disaster that would ensue.

Essemd implied that this was a bit alarmist, arguing that if you gradually replaced men in the workforce with women — over the course of many years — it wouldn’t be the end of the world, because women could do these “men’s jobs” too. “[S]aying either gender is required because this and this job is mainly occupied by men or women is just false,” Essemd concluded.

Luckily there were a few real MRAs around to teach this fella a thing or two. Like Rikevo, who offered the powerful rebuttal that women can’t do shit:

Rikevo 3 points 1 day ago (4|1)  The sectors men occupy which is what keeps society afloat, would collapse if there aren't any men and the likelyhood that women will let alone could do is low given the gendered preferences in the work place.  Feminist would be the last people to even know how to change a tire.Right?

And xNOM had a little list:

xNOM 2 points 1 day ago* (11|9)  What on earth are you talking about.  Without men:      science crippled. almost all major advances done by / creative geniuses are male. yes even today.      no technology. 98% of all patents filed at the EU office in Munich are by men. almost all coders are men. almost all companies that go on to have billion dollar revenues are founded by men.      art crippled. see science, above.      construction of everything crippled      maintainance of everything crippled      firefighting crippled  Without women:      no kids. the end.
So there you go.

NOTE: I actually had that loop of “What is Love” on during most of the writing of this post. Hey, it’s a catchy song.

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10 years ago

“Without women: no kids. The end.” Yes because the lack of offspring and continuation of the species is SO not important it’s almost funny. I mean i swear! With out women, the male babies would just APPEAR, because men are only about 1000 times more advanced genetically than women, and humans have been reproducing asexually for, like, ever.

Jenna McAdams
Jenna McAdams
10 years ago

Feminist : Damn, Men are better at everything. My Ego! My Ego! (Starts crying)

Government : Oh you poor baby, what happened?

Feminist : (Sobs) Patriarchy (Sobs) Rape (Sobs)

Government : Oh you poor victim! I cannot resist those puppy dog eyes. Tell me what you want!

Feminist : Reverse discrimination against men, alimony, child support, gender quotas for women, affirmative action/positive discrimination against men, women empowerment, entitlements, VAWA, disparate impact, academic fraud, privileges for women, lenient prison sentences for women, impunity for women, rape shield laws, lower standards for women, family court and divorce bias for women, duluth model, female glorification and male belittlement in the media and and and..

Government : Ok Ok just stop. Whatever you want, consider it done!

10 years ago

Tut tut havent any of you heard of accumulated depreciation and diminishing returns?

What a bleak and joyless way to view sex and love.

Argenti Aertheri
10 years ago

LBT — oh you’d think so right? My pharm student proved to be a natural biter, went from lessons to…TMI but you can figure it out…in under 5 min.

Point here is that some people are naturals, some are never gonna get it, but most are somewhere in between (this applies to everything, not just sex acts!)

Ah, I have a good analogy! Second hand jeans! New jeans are all stiff and shit and you have to break them in and it’s all awkward. Second hand jeans are already broken in and there’s no awkward period…you just slide right into them all nice and comfy (pun utterly intended!)

Argenti Aertheri
10 years ago

Oh and I hate the Yahtzee idea, mostly cuz ze’d probably suggest Settlers of Catan and no, takes WAAAY too long!

Thank you for the accidental reminder to find a scrabble app!

Tanya Nguyen
10 years ago

Wait wait! hold up! why have none of the men whined that she has SHORT HAIR!

10 years ago

It was my understanding that the Dark Triad meant children who hurt animals, set fires and wet the bed were potential sociopaths and should be watched by trained psychologists.

So there are guys out there glorifying beating up cats, burning shit and pissing themselves at night? Huh?

10 years ago

It’s almost like it is a self-serving patriarchal, heteronormative myth to salve the sadness of unpopular penes.

Say it isn’t so! :O

Didn’t some other troll have the “tut tut” tell?

That totally rang bells with me, too, but I can’t remember who – Pell?

I’m starting to think Mejas and Maria are the same troll. Anyone emailed the Dark Lord yet?

All females have evolved to have vagina counters that can be read by special penis chips that tell exactly how many men have been inside of them.

Penis chips? Okay, now I’m thinking Penis Pringles … low salt, kthnx.

Well, I dunno about you, but me and my hubby play Yahtzee to decide.

Oh thank goodness I’d swallowed my coffee before I read that.

Good thing that’s only the Approved LGBT Method™. If it went for straight couples Mr K would want to use chess, ‘cos he usually wins, and it wouldn’t work suggesting Scrabble cos he CHEATS at that.

10 years ago

Does he feel the letters to figure out what they are? I admit that I do that sometimes.

10 years ago

Nah, he just makes up his own words and tries to pinch the dictionary when I tell him they aren’t real.

10 years ago

Tut tut havent any of you heard of accumulated depreciation and diminishing returns?

Huh, I’ve been working in my field for almost 10 years, and yet they keep paying me more and more, when clearly my value should be depreciating rapidly!

10 years ago

@Not a Muse, did anyone offer you a Welcome Package?

@thissitesucks, thank you for exposing the fact that David (if that is his real name) Futrelle is part of the international Jewish/Bilderberg conspiracy. THE TRUTH MUST BE KNOWN.

10 years ago

Typical King, making up words to win a game. XD

10 years ago

Oh, and thissitesucks opens strong with an inteJrnatioEnal bWankSers gambit, but frankly he’s going to have trouble clearing the bar.

If he stays strong and doesn’t choke, he might win an addendum to the Big Book O’ Larnin’, but it’ll be a long shot. Superdogs is a classic for a reason.

10 years ago

Spouting antisemitic conspiracy theories. Yep. That’s how to sound like a rational, intelligent person.

10 years ago

“Tut tut havent any of you heard of accumulated depreciation and diminishing returns?”

Try demonstrating how they apply to your case, asshole. Namedropping random economese only impresses Libertarians.

10 years ago

Jenna McAdams: cool story, bro. Did you have anything to say, or did you just need to brainfart here?

10 years ago

Troll School must have let out early today.

10 years ago
10 years ago

Typical King, making up words to win a game. XD

Totally. Plus, all that time under the evil influence of so many Furrinati, cheating becomes second nature.

@thissitesucks, thank you for exposing the fact that David (if that is his real name) Futrelle is part of the international Jewish/Bilderberg conspiracy. THE TRUTH MUST BE KNOWN.

… wait, wut? Son of Owly is here?

David If That Is His Real Name Futrelle … that’s even better than Esmerelda Margaret Note Spelling of Lancre.

10 years ago

Gawd, I’d quite forgotten about that wanker Abnoy.

David, is “Maria” a sock, too?

10 years ago

My name proves that I am a secret member of the Julio-Claudian dynasty. But don’t tell anyone.

10 years ago

Is Abnoy the one who would go on forever about how “intellectually dishonest” everybody here was?

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