off topic open thread

Open Thread for Personal Stuff: February 2014 Edition


An open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.

As usual for these threads: no trolls, no arguments.

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Ally S
11 years ago


My condolences to Lana and her loved ones. 🙁 This is really hard to hear. Thank you for telling us, though.

11 years ago

Oh, Nynaeve! Thank you for letting us know. That’s so awful, please pass my condolences to Lana’s husband and family. I only knew her a little, on here, but I liked her a lot.

11 years ago

Nynaeve, I am so very sorry to hear about Lana/DallasApple. I had hoped she would pull through. Please pass along my condolences to her husband, if it seems appropriate.

Ally, all the hugs for you. I hope your aunt responds quickly, and supportively.

11 years ago

Oh, Nynaeve… I’m so, so sorry. 🙁 My deepest condolences to you, and to all her friends and family.

11 years ago

Oh, that’s hard to hear about Lana/dallasapple, who contributed quite a bit here. Nynaeve, thank you for telling us how much she enjoyed this space and the people here. Tearing up a bit now . . . she will be missed. She already is.

11 years ago

Grumpycat – she did indeed. Lana was only here a short while but she contributed a lot.

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
11 years ago

@Nynaeve, really sorry to hear the news. My thoughts are with you and Lana/DallasApple’s husband.

Ally S
11 years ago

She was very sweet and had a great sense of humor. Occasionally there were some arguments with her but overall her presence was cheerful and likable. I’m going to miss her a lot.

11 years ago

I don’t think I knew Lana/DallasApple that well, but my condolences go out to her family and to all the commentators here who interacted with her and valued her participation.

11 years ago

I’m really sorry to hear about DallasApple. She will be missed.

11 years ago

Thank you for sharing that sad news. I only barely knew her, but I thought she was lovely. My condolences.

11 years ago

Nynaeve, thank you for letting us know about Lana. I think we will all miss her. She was a cool person.

11 years ago

Nynaeve: Thank you for letting us know about Lana.

I’m going to miss her. She was a nice person.

My heart goes out to her husband and family.

11 years ago

If possible, I’d also like to know if there are any specific charities that would be appropriate to donate too in Lana’s memory.

11 years ago

I’m so sorry to hear about Lana.

At the risk of sounding like I’m trying to make this all about me, this is bringing back memories of my Aunt who died in pretty much the same circumstances about a year ago.

Things like this can happen so suddenly. It’s so sad and scary.

11 years ago

Wow, David, thank you. I think Lana would’ve been really touched by that. I’ll pass along your suggestion to her family and let you know what they say.

Thank you all for your condolences. Lana was a passionate, fun-loving person. I’m going to miss her so much.

11 years ago

Sorry about Lana. My condolences to all her loved ones.

11 years ago

Oh god, fuck the flu. Seriously sorry to hear about Lana.

Condolences also to everyone else here who’s recently lost a loved one. Life is damn tough, death is fucking devastating. Love and virtual hugs to all who need them.

11 years ago

@Nynaeve, I’ve been thinking about Lana, and doing my version of praying, every day since you posted that she was unwell. I really hoped no news was good news.

It seems like no time at all since we were talking on MBs, Lana made me laugh a lot, I’m going to miss her.

Please pass on my best wishes to Lana’s family if you are happy to do so.

I am so sorry you have to be the one to give us the news, I know how much it hurts to have to be responsible for that duty. Take care of yourself.

11 years ago

Apologies to all other Boobzers who might need some kind words. I haven’t caught up with this thread, just saw Lana mentioned on the other thread. If anyone needs them/wants them, please accept these hugs:

11 years ago

Oh the way that lioness runs up for hugs!

Then tries to eat the camera … 😀

How are you, Ophelia?

11 years ago

Hey again Kitteh, going between threads/sites is frying my brain. I don’t computer over on Ravelry apparently, and if using the site is beyond me I don’t hold out much hope for my knitting!

Love the pics, kitty lying on two beds, so true. You ain’t seen nothin’ till you’ve seen a 9 stone Rottie curled in a ball on the cold floor while a tiny kitten sleeps in his bed.

Hope you and the mister aren’t too hot in the magical land of Aus. It’s pretty mild here and we’ve avoided the flooding thank goodness (apparently Nottingham is one of the driest counties here, shame about the gun crime though!)

I’m poorly still, sodding bug, can’t seem to shake it. Although Mr M’s probably relieved as I’ve completely lost my voice now. Lots of bits of paper asking for hot water bottles and cups of tea, so perhaps being poorly isn’t all bad.

I was going to spam you with funnies again last night but after I emailed Mr M a soppy note with pictures of Willow and then found I’d accidentally mailed it to David I lost confidence in my emailing skills.

I think this bug messes with my tech abilities, if you can call them that.

So yeah, telling the dark lord – drive safe, I love him, and here’s a a lovely picture of my cat to put on your mobile – not my finest hour.

Although, as I said to David, that email could have been a LOT more embarrassing! Also, there were funny pictures of goats so it wasn’t a total waste of his time. 🙂

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