off topic open thread

Open Thread for Personal Stuff: February 2014 Edition


An open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.

As usual for these threads: no trolls, no arguments.

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11 years ago

Yeah, well, so’s kyriarchy theory.

Oh thank you Fibi, now I gotta clean sammich out of my keyboard.

11 years ago

I’d apologize, but I’m still trying to kill all the brain cells remembering that fact with alcohol here two days later, so this is just a way of sharing my pain.

By… splattering sandwhich over keyboards.

I may not be very good at this.

11 years ago

Well, it was a tasty sammich, so I’d say you are good at it! 😀

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Pecunium — the young part definitely implies a kid, but my other idea may work, though it thought it too obvious to mention — (the) homerun?

Between my inability to title things, and personal bias, I’m going to bow out of making suggestions now that I know your intent. I’ve hit one homerun and I was like 11, and hate watching baseball (related to a history of freezing my ass off watching the Yale team play, and Pittsburgh…well, let’s not go there)

Re: yoga — fuck whether it’s racist, it’s a cult! Said a troll ages ago. In seriousness I think it can go either way on the racism question, depending the practice. The ones that incorporate spiritual elements and especially if they then act like this is the best/only way to enlightenments? Questionable, at best. The ones that are truly just stretching and breathing exercises? No clue how that could be racist.

As for “what do you do for exercise?” would “yoga stretches” or similar maybe help? Given how dumb this all is though, idk if anything would help. Sounds like a case where the person is just sure they’re right and that’s that.

Ally S
11 years ago

Kittehs, the argument is that the “spiritual” dimensions of Yoga tend to be watered down in the West, and people making a profit off something that’s been removed from its religious/cultural context is pretty much the gold standard of cultural appropriation.

BUT. Yoga was introduced and popularized in the West by Indian teachers, making it a practice that was freely shared rather than one that was stolen from a closed culture. So the appropriation argument probably doesn’t fly here, although of course I would defer to actual Desi or Hindu people.

I have seen some of cultural appropriation you describe – it’s definitely a thing. But for the most part, yoga doesn’t seem to be culturally appropriated in the West. So I agree.

Ally S
11 years ago

And if it means anything, I’m half Desi, although my ethnicity is technically Pakistani so I don’t really have as much of as say on yoga as Indians do. I could be wrong, but that’s how see things currently.

11 years ago

@ eli & Sam-I-Was – my sympathies & virtual, non-contact hugs.

re: yoga as appropriation. Unlike some things (like warbonnets), it’s really dependent on who you’re talking to. Some people think you can only do yoga if you also take on the cultural and spiritual aspects as well, that otherwise you’re treating it like a buffet. Others feel equally strongly that you can only do yoga if you remove the exercises from the cultural context, because otherwise you’re fetishizing Indians. It’s a hot mess.

I personally think that practising yoga is fine so long as it’s done in a clear, respectful manner. If the instructor fetishizes it or disrespects it’s origins, then it’s not coming from a good place and you should probably change studios. If the instructor is good, then keep going!

And if you see that person again and they make another dig at you, tell them to stop spending so much time on tumblr!

11 years ago

Warbonnets. There’s one made of white feathers on display in a shop I pass every morning. Yuck, yuck, yuck.

I have no idea whether there’s so much debate/angst/whathaveyou about yoga here.

11 years ago

Argenti: Hrmn… from here I look back at my early twenties and think, “I was so young then” so the sense of looking back to the “prime of life” as being a youth/young is part of it (and there is a strong line of that in many streams of poetic habit).

I’ve never hit a homerun, just taken advantage of my ridiculous turn of speed to beat infield hits to the bag. My best hit ever, in fact, is a double. I’m just not built for clubbing the ball out of the park, so a “Texas Leaguer” is my bread and butter for getting safely to the base.

11 years ago

I personally think that practising yoga is fine so long as it’s done in a clear, respectful manner. If the instructor fetishizes it or disrespects it’s origins, then it’s not coming from a good place and you should probably change studios. If the instructor is good, then keep going!

The same is true of martial arts.

11 years ago


Like, what are you supposed to call the type of exercise that involves holding flexible poses for several minutes.

The technical term for that is “isometric exercise” (I had to look it up because I always confuse isotonic and isometric). “Isometric and stretching exercises” covers pretty much the exercise part of yoga.

As for the non-exercise part… the less said, the better, for a variety of reasons.

11 years ago

I haven’t seen Maisie-cat since Saturday night, and given that she’s such a little homebody, I’ve been phoning the local vets and setting all the “missing cat” wheels in motion.

Maisie’s sister Minnie & I are trying not to worry.

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

Aw, man, that is the suck, titianblue.

11 years ago

It’s the end of half-term so I’m keeping fingers crossed that she’s just got herself shut in somewhere. Tonight, I plan to blitz the neighbourhood with posters & fliers.

11 years ago

Oh, sorry to hear this titianblue. I’ll keep my fingers crossed along with you. Keep us posted.

11 years ago

titianblue, best wishes and hopes for Maisie to come home right away!

11 years ago

I have seen some of cultural appropriation you describe – it’s definitely a thing.

Oh, for sure. I started going to yoga and the classes I go to are like 95% exercise…and then we close with a big group “om”. It’s a little eyebrow-raising.

And if you see that person again and they make another dig at you, tell them to stop spending so much time on tumblr!

I had the exact same thought.

Titianblue, I hope you find your kitty!

11 years ago

Good luck, Titanblue.

11 years ago

I hope you find her soon, Titianblue.

Ally S
11 years ago

Good luck, titianblue. I hope you find her very soon and she is safe and well wherever she is.

Ally S
11 years ago

My LGBT-friendly aunt replied to my email about me leaving “because of stress from family”
and I having read her email I can trust that she won’t let anyone else know about her exchange. So now I am in the middle of writing an email to her about me being transgender.

I’m really scared, guys. I hope her views haven’t changed and she is still loving and accepting. Maybe I just had too much coffee this morning but I’m literally crying as I’m writing this and the email.

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
11 years ago

@titianblue: good luck with finding your kitty. Is she microchipped? I’m really sorry its happened.

@Ally: I’m with auggz, the fact that your aunt is LGBT-friendly means she has made a conscious decision to have this attitude, against all the anti-LGBT crap that society throws at her. I can’t see how your life would mean she would become anti-LGBT. I hope you get a quick response.

11 years ago

Hi everyone. I have some sad news. Lana, DallasApple, passed away this morning. She contracted the H1N1 virus, then pneumonia, then a bacterial infection and her condition kept deteriorating. Due to some of the medications she developed blood clots in her brain and they think she had several strokes. Her husband made the difficult decision to take her off of the machines this morning and she passed quickly after that.

11 years ago

titianblue, all the hopes for Maisie coming home safely!

My Mamie once got herself locked in a shed for two weeks before the owners caught a glimpse of her and recognised her from the Missing Cat posters. I hope by the time I’m writing this Maisie has come home.

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