eli, glad you like it! It’s Curly Brace from the game Cave Story.
11 years ago
Eli, I’m so sorry for your loss. Long distance hug if you are interested. As hard as it is try to remember the good times & know that he knows you loved him until the end.
11 years ago
I really hope you’re ok, Ally, Even through all of this, I’ve been hoping you’re ok. (I’m not gonna read the whole thread)
11 years ago
Thanks Sam-I-Was? I was there at the end and it was very peaceful. Thank you.
11 years ago
Is Cave Story fun and distracting? Do they have it for mac?
11 years ago
The worst part is my 99-year-old father is taking it very badly. He thinks I could have done something more. I’m going to go over there to talk to him tomorrow, but…he’s al..nemvermind
I find it pretty fun and distracting! It’s a retro-style platformer game in which you explore caves and whatnot (hence the name) – difficult but worth playing IMO. I only have Cave Story on my DSi, but you can download it for Mac as well.
And as for me, things are pretty bad, but at least I’m at my mom’s place now. Now I need to come out to the rest of the family. First I’ll start with one of my aunts.
Internet group hug if you want one, eli. I have dealt with the loss of a pet before and it still hurts even after 2 years. I’m sure he loved you just as much as you loved him.
11 years ago
Thank you Ally, kittehs and cloudiah and anyone else. I need to try to go to bed again:(
11 years ago
I’ll check that out ally, thanks
11 years ago
All long distance hugs are awesome:) Thanks everyone.
11 years ago
I wish stuff was better, ally? hugs if you want them.
11 years ago
So sorry, eli.
Kiwi girl
11 years ago
Sorry to hear the news eli. Could someone else go around and talk to your father about it, I have a feeling that you having a conversation about it with him could be quite upsetting to you (as it would be to me, if I had to do it)?
You sound like you haven’t reached a neutral/positive emotional state over it yet, and I am not surprised as it only happened today. You have the right to grieve your own way, in your own time, without others (unintentionally or not) making the process more difficult for you.
My condolences Sam-I-Was, but there is still hard stuff for you now, isn’t there?
@Kiwi girl
My parents took my dog in when I had an opportunity to go abroad for an academic year back when he was 4. It was hard to leave him and I missed him terribly and he missed me, but my parents love him as much as I do. It’s all a shared grief and my father is facing his own end-of-life issues as he mourns. His cognition has been deteriorating rapidly in the last few months.
I’ll just dash over for taco dinner and a talk and a tv show with mom and scurry back to my cave. It’s going to take me a long time to get neutral/positive. I downloaded Ally’s game. I think I’ll give it a try. I might not be back for a while.
11 years ago
Condolences to eli and Sam-I-Was. I have 7 kitties here all sending head-butts and hugs.
11 years ago
Sounds like several people are having a rough weekend.
*sad, safe hugs*
I was just trying to sleep and kind of failing because he used to sleep all schnuggy against me:(
eli, glad you like it! It’s Curly Brace from the game Cave Story.
Eli, I’m so sorry for your loss. Long distance hug if you are interested. As hard as it is try to remember the good times & know that he knows you loved him until the end.
I really hope you’re ok, Ally, Even through all of this, I’ve been hoping you’re ok. (I’m not gonna read the whole thread)
Thanks Sam-I-Was? I was there at the end and it was very peaceful. Thank you.
Is Cave Story fun and distracting? Do they have it for mac?
The worst part is my 99-year-old father is taking it very badly. He thinks I could have done something more. I’m going to go over there to talk to him tomorrow, but…he’s al..nemvermind
eli, I am so sorry for your loss. I’m glad it was peaceful and you were there. All kinds of hugs if you want ’em.
I find it pretty fun and distracting! It’s a retro-style platformer game in which you explore caves and whatnot (hence the name) – difficult but worth playing IMO. I only have Cave Story on my DSi, but you can download it for Mac as well.
And as for me, things are pretty bad, but at least I’m at my mom’s place now. Now I need to come out to the rest of the family. First I’ll start with one of my aunts.
Internet group hug if you want one, eli. I have dealt with the loss of a pet before and it still hurts even after 2 years. I’m sure he loved you just as much as you loved him.
Thank you Ally, kittehs and cloudiah and anyone else. I need to try to go to bed again:(
I’ll check that out ally, thanks
All long distance hugs are awesome:) Thanks everyone.
I wish stuff was better, ally? hugs if you want them.
So sorry, eli.
Sorry to hear the news eli. Could someone else go around and talk to your father about it, I have a feeling that you having a conversation about it with him could be quite upsetting to you (as it would be to me, if I had to do it)?
You sound like you haven’t reached a neutral/positive emotional state over it yet, and I am not surprised as it only happened today. You have the right to grieve your own way, in your own time, without others (unintentionally or not) making the process more difficult for you.
Completely OT, but I have been knocking a poem about. I have put it on my blog, but figured I’d toss it out here too.
I don’t think it’s quite done, but it’s seems to be out of the draft stage, and into moderately polished.
Fuck… it’s got visual elements, which aren’t apparent in the blockquote. I’ll see if it works on it’s own.
It happened when I was young,
First was a hanging curve: and a sense of slowing time
Then the bat slicing round to meet the ball with a deep, flat, resonant, THWACK!
The ball leapt away, a sliver of white, all eyes following it to that moment of breathless equipoise
where it hung, for that long and pregnant second, before the arc of rise stopped
before it slid to earth; falling beyond the stadium wall, out of sight
while the circuit of the bases was closed
In the compass of those curves was Summer distilled.
Not quite, but moreso.
Uncle passed away peacefully about an hour ago
My condolences to Eli and Sam-I-was
My condolences Sam-I-Was, but there is still hard stuff for you now, isn’t there?
@Kiwi girl
My parents took my dog in when I had an opportunity to go abroad for an academic year back when he was 4. It was hard to leave him and I missed him terribly and he missed me, but my parents love him as much as I do. It’s all a shared grief and my father is facing his own end-of-life issues as he mourns. His cognition has been deteriorating rapidly in the last few months.
I’ll just dash over for taco dinner and a talk and a tv show with mom and scurry back to my cave. It’s going to take me a long time to get neutral/positive. I downloaded Ally’s game. I think I’ll give it a try. I might not be back for a while.
Condolences to eli and Sam-I-Was. I have 7 kitties here all sending head-butts and hugs.
Sounds like several people are having a rough weekend.
*sad, safe hugs*
Hugs all around.