Argenti: my apologies, my life kind of exploded in the last few days. (Not like Ally’s, though, mostly it’s just work.) I’ll email you something tomorrow evening-ish.
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago
Thanks Unimaginative!
Auggz — I told you to lay off the acid! Joking aside, I only made that joke because that’s how I know the drugs are kicking in, other than that, no, sorry.
Cloudiah — let me guess, it’s about exactly what it looks like — plants.
Is anyone watching the Olympic opening ceremonies right now (USians, since pretty much everwhere else got to watch it live)? How terrible are the US’s team uniforms?! They look like a bad Olympic-themed kitchy “bad Chrimmas-style” sweaters and white sweat pants. Everyone else is in more outdoorsy gear and they look a lot more sophisticated and put together than the US does, uniform-wise. Though the team from Bermuda are wearing their signature Bermuda shorts.
I’m very torn, because I love me some Olympics (I was an athlete before I got sick, swimming and rugby), but having them in Sochi is so fraught with issues (LGBT rights, Sochi being subtropical, etc.) that I feel kind of hypocritical for being uncomfortable and torn between wanting to boycott them by not watching and wanting to watch to support the athletes who are competing. I personally believe that having the Olympics in Sochi is an elaborate money-laundering scam by the Russian mob –with government collusion. Sorry if that sounds a little tinfoil-hatty, but these Games feel a little hinkey to me. Not to mention the state of accomidations for the journalists and other infrastructure issues. Makes me wonder what the Olympic Village rooms look like. I know that the beds are too small, according to some of the Canadian hockey team. From the same folks, that there are three beds to a room. But that’s all I’ve heard about athlete acommidations so far.
Sorry for random babbling, I’m really sick and having a rather bad pain day (I’ve got mono [for the fourth time. Hooray for shitty immune systems] and a sinus andupper respiratory infection and my fibromyalgia is kicking my ass too) and am trying to keep my mind off of how shitty I feel.
BUT! Jamaica was able to raise enough money to go to Sochi! A lot of people donated Dogecoins (of all things! They’re the Doge version of BitCoins) and regular money to help them get there. I’m really looking forward to watching them compete. Cool Runnings, baby^.^
Shutting up now, thanks for listening to my stupid ranting and whining^.^
Kiwi girl
11 years ago
Everyone: oh gosh, I feel for you, I wish I could offer you something more tangible in support, but all I can do from my corner of the world is let you know that I’m thinking about you and sincerely hoping that things improve soon.
I can do a smiley face: 🙂 but that seems completely inadequate.
@PlausibleFlight: that really sucks. Is there someone you trust and you can go and talk to face-to-face and just dump?
@Marie: did you manage to get to the doctor yet (sorry if I missed a post where you said what happened)?
@Ally and Katz: I hope everything is better at your end, including the power supply.
@auggz: I get a similar effect when I have a migraine coming on and my visual field goes all weird. Patterned wallpaper/floor coverings are the worst. Sometimes it goes wavy like when you’re standing in the water on a beach, where it slopes away gradually, and the water is so clear, and you get those gentle ripples coming in rather than waves – that’s the effect I get, like the wallpaper/floor ripples. My depth perception also fucks out, along with my peripheral vision. So while I’ve not had the effect you describe, I know what it’s like to be fighting vision effects.
If I missed anyone else, please take this line as a personal hugs/best wishes to you.
11 years ago
@Abominable: um, the US team does look very folk-artsy. Very, very folk-artsy.
11 years ago
@auggz: I should probably clarify that I get weird little hallucination things all the time, but I figure it’s because of my wonky eyes and don’t worry about it too much.
OT: my roomie is watching this conspiracy theorist on a dvd (he gets control of the remote because he outranks me in the household hierarchy, being the actual owner of the house). Holy effing crap. This guy (ian R crane) has never met a conspiracy theory that he hasn’t embraced. He’s covered EVERYTHING! 9/11, New World Order, Zionists, Masons, Illuminati, Princess Diana was murdered because she’s the reincarnation of Hypatia the Librarian of Alexandria and was about to enter her next phase of energetic alignment or something. I’m pretty sure he was going on about that mysterious, extra, inhabited planet in eccentric orbit around our sun. Probably more that I didn’t notice, because I’m listening to the Chili Peppers as I surf. He has them all woven into a bizarre tapestry of wrong.
@Ally and Katz: I hope everything is better at your end, including the power supply.
Oh yeah, power’s back on. Of course when it crashed it transformed my 250-page novel manuscript into 37 pages of octothorpes. Luckily I’d uploaded it to Google Docs so I could work on it during the road trip, so I had a backup just two days old.
Do people here have go-to chat sites for depression? I’ve tried to chat with someone via before, but I’ve always gotten the message the operators are busy. I’ve found extremely helpful in the past, but they are e-mail, not real-time chat. Just wondering if there are others out there people have found helpful.
11 years ago
@kiwi girl
@Marie: did you manage to get to the doctor yet (sorry if I missed a post where you said what happened)?
My laziness won over my health worries, I’m hoping to go on Saturday, but I didn’t go today or yesterday. My eye hasn’t been hurting as often today though, it’s had some breaks, so thats good news 🙂
Hang in there, Ally. And yes, GET THAT NEW PHONE. Restrict him to email. Also, a personal suggestion: if you absolutely must read his correspondence, have katz do it first. It gives you a barrier between him and you, and also lets you reality-check yourself. Remember: JUST KEEP RUNNING.
I’m still available if you need me, plus got my lawyer friend ready for advice if you do want the restraining order or some other ideas. Stay safe!
Gods, all the things happening – all I can say is more hugs from Mr K and me and any random kitties passing by.
11 years ago
Wow, guys.
Howard, congrats!
Breakfast man, good luck on the job hunt.
Marie, hope the eye gets better.
Pineapplecookies, I don’t have any good advice, but I wish you the best.
Plausible flight, that sucks. I’m sorry.
Snowpickle, sorry you’re having health/pain issues. Hope things get better soon.
Ally, yikes much. Please be safe (Katz too). Agree w/everyone on the prepaid card. Also (& this may be paranoid of me), but you may want to disguise your number for a while too if you call anyone whose phone your dad could access somehow:
Sam-I-was, adding internet hugs to the box
For katz, some late-breaking news on the Voynich manuscript.
@auggz: Yep. Also move when I’m not looking.
Argenti: my apologies, my life kind of exploded in the last few days. (Not like Ally’s, though, mostly it’s just work.) I’ll email you something tomorrow evening-ish.
Thanks Unimaginative!
Auggz — I told you to lay off the acid! Joking aside, I only made that joke because that’s how I know the drugs are kicking in, other than that, no, sorry.
Cloudiah — let me guess, it’s about exactly what it looks like — plants.
Cloudiah: YOU LIE! Everyone knows the Voynich Manuscript is music.
Is anyone watching the Olympic opening ceremonies right now (USians, since pretty much everwhere else got to watch it live)? How terrible are the US’s team uniforms?! They look like a bad Olympic-themed kitchy “bad Chrimmas-style” sweaters and white sweat pants. Everyone else is in more outdoorsy gear and they look a lot more sophisticated and put together than the US does, uniform-wise. Though the team from Bermuda are wearing their signature Bermuda shorts.
I’m very torn, because I love me some Olympics (I was an athlete before I got sick, swimming and rugby), but having them in Sochi is so fraught with issues (LGBT rights, Sochi being subtropical, etc.) that I feel kind of hypocritical for being uncomfortable and torn between wanting to boycott them by not watching and wanting to watch to support the athletes who are competing. I personally believe that having the Olympics in Sochi is an elaborate money-laundering scam by the Russian mob –with government collusion. Sorry if that sounds a little tinfoil-hatty, but these Games feel a little hinkey to me. Not to mention the state of accomidations for the journalists and other infrastructure issues. Makes me wonder what the Olympic Village rooms look like. I know that the beds are too small, according to some of the Canadian hockey team. From the same folks, that there are three beds to a room. But that’s all I’ve heard about athlete acommidations so far.
Sorry for random babbling, I’m really sick and having a rather bad pain day (I’ve got mono [for the fourth time. Hooray for shitty immune systems] and a sinus andupper respiratory infection and my fibromyalgia is kicking my ass too) and am trying to keep my mind off of how shitty I feel.
BUT! Jamaica was able to raise enough money to go to Sochi! A lot of people donated Dogecoins (of all things! They’re the Doge version of BitCoins) and regular money to help them get there. I’m really looking forward to watching them compete. Cool Runnings, baby^.^
Shutting up now, thanks for listening to my stupid ranting and whining^.^
Everyone: oh gosh, I feel for you, I wish I could offer you something more tangible in support, but all I can do from my corner of the world is let you know that I’m thinking about you and sincerely hoping that things improve soon.
I can do a smiley face: 🙂 but that seems completely inadequate.
@PlausibleFlight: that really sucks. Is there someone you trust and you can go and talk to face-to-face and just dump?
@Marie: did you manage to get to the doctor yet (sorry if I missed a post where you said what happened)?
@Ally and Katz: I hope everything is better at your end, including the power supply.
@auggz: I get a similar effect when I have a migraine coming on and my visual field goes all weird. Patterned wallpaper/floor coverings are the worst. Sometimes it goes wavy like when you’re standing in the water on a beach, where it slopes away gradually, and the water is so clear, and you get those gentle ripples coming in rather than waves – that’s the effect I get, like the wallpaper/floor ripples. My depth perception also fucks out, along with my peripheral vision. So while I’ve not had the effect you describe, I know what it’s like to be fighting vision effects.
If I missed anyone else, please take this line as a personal hugs/best wishes to you.
@Abominable: um, the US team does look very folk-artsy. Very, very folk-artsy.
@auggz: I should probably clarify that I get weird little hallucination things all the time, but I figure it’s because of my wonky eyes and don’t worry about it too much.
OT: my roomie is watching this conspiracy theorist on a dvd (he gets control of the remote because he outranks me in the household hierarchy, being the actual owner of the house). Holy effing crap. This guy (ian R crane) has never met a conspiracy theory that he hasn’t embraced. He’s covered EVERYTHING! 9/11, New World Order, Zionists, Masons, Illuminati, Princess Diana was murdered because she’s the reincarnation of Hypatia the Librarian of Alexandria and was about to enter her next phase of energetic alignment or something. I’m pretty sure he was going on about that mysterious, extra, inhabited planet in eccentric orbit around our sun. Probably more that I didn’t notice, because I’m listening to the Chili Peppers as I surf. He has them all woven into a bizarre tapestry of wrong.
Oh yeah, power’s back on. Of course when it crashed it transformed my 250-page novel manuscript into 37 pages of octothorpes. Luckily I’d uploaded it to Google Docs so I could work on it during the road trip, so I had a backup just two days old.
Do people here have go-to chat sites for depression? I’ve tried to chat with someone via before, but I’ve always gotten the message the operators are busy. I’ve found extremely helpful in the past, but they are e-mail, not real-time chat. Just wondering if there are others out there people have found helpful.
@kiwi girl
My laziness won over my health worries, I’m hoping to go on Saturday, but I didn’t go today or yesterday. My eye hasn’t been hurting as often today though, it’s had some breaks, so thats good news 🙂
Sorry, I don’t know any good chat sites 🙁
Hang in there, Ally. And yes, GET THAT NEW PHONE. Restrict him to email. Also, a personal suggestion: if you absolutely must read his correspondence, have katz do it first. It gives you a barrier between him and you, and also lets you reality-check yourself. Remember: JUST KEEP RUNNING.
I’m still available if you need me, plus got my lawyer friend ready for advice if you do want the restraining order or some other ideas. Stay safe!
Gods, all the things happening – all I can say is more hugs from Mr K and me and any random kitties passing by.
Wow, guys.
Howard, congrats!
Breakfast man, good luck on the job hunt.
Marie, hope the eye gets better.
Pineapplecookies, I don’t have any good advice, but I wish you the best.
Plausible flight, that sucks. I’m sorry.
Snowpickle, sorry you’re having health/pain issues. Hope things get better soon.
Ally, yikes much. Please be safe (Katz too). Agree w/everyone on the prepaid card. Also (& this may be paranoid of me), but you may want to disguise your number for a while too if you call anyone whose phone your dad could access somehow:
Sam-I-was, adding internet hugs to the box
Sorry that posted all as a big block 🙁
Hugs for anyone who wants them, especially Ally and Katz. That has to be terrifying. I can’t even imagine.
Here’s some kittens:
That kitten is just aching to have a fight with someone, or something! 😀
Those kitties! So adorable.
Also (terrifyingly) adorable is the war capybara katz created.
In case anyone didn’t see it the first time it was posted, I’ve enshrined the war capybara forever at my bloggy thing.
And a big puppy, for the canine inclined:
kittehserf: Just like my Pan 🙂 (Who is currently tucked in the crook of my arm keeping me from going to the bathroom. Or typing really well.)
o.O I didn’t realise capybaras were *that* big.
Posting because I like this song and I like cats. I particularly like the image at 1:19:
OH that cute puppeh! And the ninja kitties!
Tawny walked all over my laptop several times today until I tucked her into this blanket. She’s all cozy and quiet now: