We were looking at some at work today and it looked like ours would after it’d been through the wash a hundred times.
Through the wash? Watch out for that. A friend of mine goes back to England for a minimum of a month every year to see her parents. Even she forgot the difference between the currencies one day and would have left some English pounds in her jeans pocket to turn into papier mache if her mum hadn’t stopped her. On the other side of the coin, you don’t have to worry about paper money being ironed whereas ours just melts and vanishes in the face of that kind of attack.
11 years ago
ok I finally got her to take me. See you all later.
Kiwi girl
11 years ago
/breathes huge sigh of relief and crosses fingers for Marie
mildlymagnificent – oh, it’s not my own money goes through the wash; it lives in my purse (that’s wallet for you USians). I’ve seen this tragic ruined cash when I’ve got it in change, or at work.
Luckily all money is safe from ever being ironed in our house. 😛
Okay, I suppose. I’m currently trying to write a coming out message to the rest of the family (save for my grandparents). It’s making me very anxious so I’m procrastinating quite a bit, as usual.
In other news, my dad has apologized for his strange behavior, and according to my uncle he had an anxiety attack so severe that my dad doesn’t even remember what he said to people that day.
11 years ago
@kiwi girl, Kittehs, Ally, Cloudiah
Thanks :3 It went fine. My mom seemed more apologetic once we got in the car and started driving, so I’m hoping she was just being a jerk out of sleepiness earlier. (she is so not a night person.
Oh yeah, and the health part: The doctors gave me benadryl (sp?) and some weird stereroid for allergic reaction. They said it wasn’t too severe, but that it was better to come in than not. NEway, I’m feeling much better now.
Good luck with the rest of your family. And jedi hugs from me, if you want them. :3
Please do a link to your website so I can give you cash too.
I love you guys. And if you don’t have an art commish in mind, feel free to pitch some money at my head so I can put up more Shadowthon stories! (Link should take you to a page with a donate button, though it might take a bit of scrolling.)
RE: Kittehs
Reluctant? For crying out aloud, you’re having breathing trouble.
Well, this is the USA. My family’s health treatment was that unless you broke something, were bleeding uncontrollably, or were vomiting for more than twelve hours, you didn’t need a doctor.
RE: Ally
according to my uncle he had an anxiety attack so severe that my dad doesn’t even remember what he said to people that day.
Uh huh. Odd. I’ve never known anxiety to induce amnesia. Regardless, it doesn’t matter: he’s still an adult responsible for his own creepy behavior. If he is so debilitated he’s not in control of his actions, he needs to be getting mental help, not making excuses.
Well, this is the USA. My family’s health treatment was that unless you broke something, were bleeding uncontrollably, or were vomiting for more than twelve hours, you didn’t need a doctor.
GRAGHHHH I keep forgetting that the “if you’re not rich and you get sick, it’s your bad luck” is the foundation of “healthcare” there. Our system’s far from perfect (and those fuckers in government are trying to introduce a two-tier system) but it would never occur to me to not seek medical help for something like that, simply because of money. It’s just a different system. 🙁 🙁 🙁
Seconding what LBT said about your parental unit, btw. How convenient that he doesn’t remember that episode of frightening the bejezus out of your brother in a way that just happened to be trying to manipulate you to return.
Yeah. I know that NZ isn’t the same as Australia, but when I was in NZ, I got food poisoning or something and started vomiting all over the place. The people I was staying with at the time were horrified and pleaded with me to get an ambulance, and I was like, “I can’t! I don’t have health insurance!”
They just stared at me like I was crazy, but at that point, I was too sick and dissociated to be reasoned with, and I ended up blanket-burritoing for like four or five days. At the time, I felt like I was dodging a healthcare bullet; it wasn’t until later I realized that things were different there. (Though seeing as I’d literally landed on the country a few days before, I don’t know whether I would’ve counted.)
I know it’d cost a couple of thousand to get an ambulance here uninsured, but Ambulance Victoria’s cover is $40 a year for a single person. That’s unbelievably cheap.
LBT — idk about NZ but I knew a dude who sliced his hand open in Canada while visiting, $5 for the good painkillers, free stitches. This would’ve been like…2001~2002 though.
Oh and sorry I can’t sponsor anything, I’m having budgeting concerns over hotels for pecunium’s wedding. Seems despite being nearly 30 pharm student and I need a hotel on THIS end if we want to share a room >.<
Marie — glad you got that dealt with quickly and are feeling better now!
So, my work is having a priest come in to exorcise the place.
And I mentioned that that is kinda not okay. I mentioned religious freedoms and stuff. I know a couple of my other co-workers don’t like this. And I know I don’t.
So, the person organizing came and talked to me because he doesn’t want to step on anyones feet. He is making sure it won’t happen when I’m there ect. And I kinda said it was okay because I felt he was making such an effort and didn’t want to be a whiney child, but I’m still not cool with it. I really don’t know what to do about this.
Through the wash? Watch out for that. A friend of mine goes back to England for a minimum of a month every year to see her parents. Even she forgot the difference between the currencies one day and would have left some English pounds in her jeans pocket to turn into papier mache if her mum hadn’t stopped her. On the other side of the coin, you don’t have to worry about paper money being ironed whereas ours just melts and vanishes in the face of that kind of attack.
ok I finally got her to take me. See you all later.
/breathes huge sigh of relief and crosses fingers for Marie
Yay, Marie! Fingers crossed.
mildlymagnificent – oh, it’s not my own money goes through the wash; it lives in my purse (that’s wallet for you USians). I’ve seen this tragic ruined cash when I’ve got it in change, or at work.
Luckily all money is safe from ever being ironed in our house. 😛
Well that’s a first, being ninjaed on crossing fingers!
Hope everything goes well for you, Marie!
Hi, Ally, how are you?
Marie, I hope/trust everything went well!
Seconding cloudiah!
Okay, I suppose. I’m currently trying to write a coming out message to the rest of the family (save for my grandparents). It’s making me very anxious so I’m procrastinating quite a bit, as usual.
In other news, my dad has apologized for his strange behavior, and according to my uncle he had an anxiety attack so severe that my dad doesn’t even remember what he said to people that day.
@kiwi girl, Kittehs, Ally, Cloudiah
Thanks :3 It went fine. My mom seemed more apologetic once we got in the car and started driving, so I’m hoping she was just being a jerk out of sleepiness earlier. (she is so not a night person.
Oh yeah, and the health part: The doctors gave me benadryl (sp?) and some weird stereroid for allergic reaction. They said it wasn’t too severe, but that it was better to come in than not. NEway, I’m feeling much better now.
Good luck with the rest of your family. And jedi hugs from me, if you want them. :3
That’s good to hear, Marie.
Ally, here’s a smiling puppy to help with your writing.
Glad to hear you’re ok, Marie.
cloudiah: Ah! It’s like Mittens teaching Bolt the dog face in real life. 😀
Smile, perk up… up, tounge! Aaaand, tilt! Perfect!
Marie, glad you’re okay!
Ally, I wouldn’t call that procrastinating. It’s not like you’ve a deadline to meet.
Are you at your mum’s now, or still with katz?
RE: Kittehs and cloudiah
Awesome! I can totally draw that, and will do so!
RE: Kiwi Girl
Please do a link to your website so I can give you cash too.
I love you guys. And if you don’t have an art commish in mind, feel free to pitch some money at my head so I can put up more Shadowthon stories! (Link should take you to a page with a donate button, though it might take a bit of scrolling.)
RE: Kittehs
Reluctant? For crying out aloud, you’re having breathing trouble.
Well, this is the USA. My family’s health treatment was that unless you broke something, were bleeding uncontrollably, or were vomiting for more than twelve hours, you didn’t need a doctor.
RE: Ally
according to my uncle he had an anxiety attack so severe that my dad doesn’t even remember what he said to people that day.
Uh huh. Odd. I’ve never known anxiety to induce amnesia. Regardless, it doesn’t matter: he’s still an adult responsible for his own creepy behavior. If he is so debilitated he’s not in control of his actions, he needs to be getting mental help, not making excuses.
GRAGHHHH I keep forgetting that the “if you’re not rich and you get sick, it’s your bad luck” is the foundation of “healthcare” there. Our system’s far from perfect (and those fuckers in government are trying to introduce a two-tier system) but it would never occur to me to not seek medical help for something like that, simply because of money. It’s just a different system. 🙁 🙁 🙁
kitteh, I’m still here at katz’s place; I’m leaving Saturday evening.
Ah, right.
Seconding what LBT said about your parental unit, btw. How convenient that he doesn’t remember that episode of frightening the bejezus out of your brother in a way that just happened to be trying to manipulate you to return.
RE: Kittehs
Yeah. I know that NZ isn’t the same as Australia, but when I was in NZ, I got food poisoning or something and started vomiting all over the place. The people I was staying with at the time were horrified and pleaded with me to get an ambulance, and I was like, “I can’t! I don’t have health insurance!”
They just stared at me like I was crazy, but at that point, I was too sick and dissociated to be reasoned with, and I ended up blanket-burritoing for like four or five days. At the time, I felt like I was dodging a healthcare bullet; it wasn’t until later I realized that things were different there. (Though seeing as I’d literally landed on the country a few days before, I don’t know whether I would’ve counted.)
Argh, that sounds horrible. 🙁
I know it’d cost a couple of thousand to get an ambulance here uninsured, but Ambulance Victoria’s cover is $40 a year for a single person. That’s unbelievably cheap.
LBT — idk about NZ but I knew a dude who sliced his hand open in Canada while visiting, $5 for the good painkillers, free stitches. This would’ve been like…2001~2002 though.
Oh and sorry I can’t sponsor anything, I’m having budgeting concerns over hotels for pecunium’s wedding. Seems despite being nearly 30 pharm student and I need a hotel on THIS end if we want to share a room >.<
Marie — glad you got that dealt with quickly and are feeling better now!
Don’t worry, Argenti. I know how it goes. *is currently writing trans crossover fanfiction for Shadowthon*
So, my work is having a priest come in to exorcise the place.
And I mentioned that that is kinda not okay. I mentioned religious freedoms and stuff. I know a couple of my other co-workers don’t like this. And I know I don’t.
So, the person organizing came and talked to me because he doesn’t want to step on anyones feet. He is making sure it won’t happen when I’m there ect. And I kinda said it was okay because I felt he was making such an effort and didn’t want to be a whiney child, but I’m still not cool with it. I really don’t know what to do about this.
Strewth, Melody! That’s a bizarre thing to happen at work. Why are they exorcising the place?
Wait, what? Why on earth is your workplace being exorcised?
I can’t say I have a reaction, just because it’s being blocked out by the surprise.