Hah, avocados. We decided when we moved here that we really, really like the idea of using avocado instead of butter on wholewheat or rye toast. So we’ve planted avocado trees. You absolutely cannot plant just one or one variety because they have extremely peculiar flowering and pollinating arrangements. We had three but one died – fortunately the remaining two can cross-pollinate each other.
So in a year or two’s time, avocado heaven here.
As for mushrooms. Two solutions. First is to treat them as vegetarian steak. The suggestion to make a mushroom burger out of them is great. Second requires some cooking patience and a freezer. You start with half a kilo or more (it takes very little longer to do a larger quantity) and mince finely or put them through a food processor.
Then. Then you melt some butter in a large frying pan and dump the whole mushroom mess in it. Unfortunately, you can’t walk away and let it cook.
Then. You have to keep stirring to expose the moisture collecting at the bottom of the mixture so that it can evaporate more quickly. After 20 minutes or so of this, the mixture should be more or less dry but not burnt.
It’s called duxelles when you do it the French way with a bit of garlic and stuff in it, but I’m not fond of including the garlic if you’re going to keep it for ages and ages as I do. Parcel out half or quarter cup or coupla tablespoon quantities into small freezer bags. (I press them very flat and thin so they finish up like fruit leather. Makes it really easy to break up when you get around to using it.) Seal. Freeze.
Great for adding into a risotto or casserole or pasta sauce. Sometimes we just chop up an onion, braise it in butter, stir in the duxelles, call it pasta sauce. For meat eaters, it really enriches the flavour of casseroles and gravies/ sauces.
This is extra good for vegetarians and vegans.
1. Because it’s very good protein.
2. Some people hate the mouth feel of whole or chopped mushrooms and this lets you have the benefits of the flavour and the nutrition without all those gurning facial expressions that go with hating mushrooms.
I am one of those people who can’t stand the mouth feel of mushrooms, but love the taste — so thanks for the idea! Any particular kind of mushrooms that are best?
11 years ago
I may actually have to try that at some point. This being my first apartment, I’ve been wanting to learn cooking, and never have been a huge fan of mushrooms, for the texture. But, if you say it’s good, I’ll give it a shot.
Re dietary intakes of amino acids, this is relatively long-run, so you don’t have to completely balance even relatively macronutrients every day. So, for example, if you eat legumes one day and rice a couple of days later, you’ll be fine. If you look at people who get sick from their diets (and not from an underlying disease state that may lead to poor nutrition intake), they’re people who have had really bad diets for years.
Mushrooms and avocado = YUM! I love tomatoes too, but my reflux has gotten worse with age so I’m not too sure about eating them (they can trigger people with reflux). That said, mine seems to be mechanical rather than food-content related, so for example if I do exercise after drinking or eating, it will come up. If I lean over the bench to eat (e.g. juicy orange), it will come up. If I eat too much in one meal, it will come up. If I don’t drink any liquid with a meal, it will come up. I think my lower esophageal sphincter isn’t one-way like it’s supposed to be. 🙂
@Kitteh, a manboobz ravelry group sounds like an excellent idea.
If I think of anything different/better I’ll say so. (Can’t think straight at the moment, my left ear is driving me up the wall. Doctor should fix it tomorrow she says confidently.)
Best for us is whatever happens to be cheap at the markets. Some recipes give quite elaborate lists of particular mushrooms. My feeling is that they’re trying to ensure you don’t end up with something boring. We ensure we have at least two types, as many as possible large and fully opened for richest flavour. (Sometimes these are cheap because a lot of people won’t use them for salads or stir fries so they’re hard to sell. Sometimes they’re dear because a popular cooking show has promoted them and they’re selling like hotcakes and they’re running out of them.)
One good idea is to get a small pack of dried mushrooms, usually porcini, and soak them in hot water before mincing along with the others. Sounds silly seeing as the cooking process gets rid of most of the moisture, but it’s good for ensuring maximum mixing of their flavour before the cooking – especially if you’re using boring old button mushrooms you bought just because they’re cheap.
It’s absolutely terrific if you don’t have “knife skills” or good quality knives for chopping onions evenly into fine dice, and it does a fan.tas.tic. job on the softer fruits/vegetables. (Can’t be bettered for mushrooms, though it’s a horror to clean up afterwards if you lack a designed-for-the-task cleaning brush.) If you want small carrot dice, you need to cut into fairly slim slices first, same for other hard-ish items like potato, parsnip, turnip, swedes if you’re making soup or sauces with them.
Kiwi girl
11 years ago
Yes to the group name! And to the all caps second word.
We will organise Skype catch-ups where everyone must be ON THE BEACH.
11 years ago
Oooooo, reminds me of the dicing press we used at the pizza joint I worked at for a while, before it shut down. That’s actually a real smart idea. I’ll keep that in mind. Have to make sure taxes get filed before buying more kitchenwares, as well as getting a desk so I can actually do deskwork around here.
Navi would also be happy to have another perch. She seems fairly content to watch her domain from above the fridge, but more perches is more perspectives.
We will organise Skype catch-ups where everyone must be ON THE BEACH.
::snicker:: Should someone have told Mikey that ON THE BEACH just makes me think of Nevil Shute’s book and the film of post-apocalypse Melbourne?
Okay, I’ll have a look (not tonight, I think we’re gonna watch telly) at what’s needed to set up a Ravelry group. I had a quick look today and one thing they want is for groups to have a logo. Anyone want to draw a knitting/spinning/weaving/crocheting/whatever Furrinatus (a kitty?) or shall I have a poke around on the internets?
You started it. You get to do the work. (Unless someone’s inspired. That won’t be me, the combination of heat and a crook ear means I’m more than usually limited in such areas.)
Kiwi girl
11 years ago
I’m happy to commission LBT for an image, if LBT would be interested in such a commission.
I’m happy to scrounge up stuff, and I’ll certainly get the group organised on the site (administration privileges muahahahaha) but given we’ve some really good artists here I thought I’d mention it first, in case anyone fancies the idea.
*note to self* Do not invite Pecunium over when you’re making quesadillas with guacamole and mango salsa.
My husband now badly wants to visit you, purely for this.
RE: Kiwi Girl
I’m happy to commission LBT for an image, if LBT would be interested in such a commission.
Did somebody say COMMISSION? 😀 I have Shadowthon going, but it seems to have stalled out, and I also have a prior art commission I need to get to, but I should be free within two weeks at max! What is it I’d be drawing again? Knitty things? Troll doll in a sweater?
Hah, avocados. We decided when we moved here that we really, really like the idea of using avocado instead of butter on wholewheat or rye toast. So we’ve planted avocado trees. You absolutely cannot plant just one or one variety because they have extremely peculiar flowering and pollinating arrangements. We had three but one died – fortunately the remaining two can cross-pollinate each other.
So in a year or two’s time, avocado heaven here.
As for mushrooms. Two solutions. First is to treat them as vegetarian steak. The suggestion to make a mushroom burger out of them is great. Second requires some cooking patience and a freezer. You start with half a kilo or more (it takes very little longer to do a larger quantity) and mince finely or put them through a food processor.
Then. Then you melt some butter in a large frying pan and dump the whole mushroom mess in it. Unfortunately, you can’t walk away and let it cook.
Then. You have to keep stirring to expose the moisture collecting at the bottom of the mixture so that it can evaporate more quickly. After 20 minutes or so of this, the mixture should be more or less dry but not burnt.
It’s called duxelles when you do it the French way with a bit of garlic and stuff in it, but I’m not fond of including the garlic if you’re going to keep it for ages and ages as I do. Parcel out half or quarter cup or coupla tablespoon quantities into small freezer bags. (I press them very flat and thin so they finish up like fruit leather. Makes it really easy to break up when you get around to using it.) Seal. Freeze.
Great for adding into a risotto or casserole or pasta sauce. Sometimes we just chop up an onion, braise it in butter, stir in the duxelles, call it pasta sauce. For meat eaters, it really enriches the flavour of casseroles and gravies/ sauces.
Should have said about the duxelles.
This is extra good for vegetarians and vegans.
1. Because it’s very good protein.
2. Some people hate the mouth feel of whole or chopped mushrooms and this lets you have the benefits of the flavour and the nutrition without all those gurning facial expressions that go with hating mushrooms.
I am one of those people who can’t stand the mouth feel of mushrooms, but love the taste — so thanks for the idea! Any particular kind of mushrooms that are best?
I may actually have to try that at some point. This being my first apartment, I’ve been wanting to learn cooking, and never have been a huge fan of mushrooms, for the texture. But, if you say it’s good, I’ll give it a shot.
Welcome Back Amnesia! Sorry to hear about the car and the job.
@Amnesia hi
@Marie, good news on the doctor front, I have my fingers crossed for you, for your eye appointment
@question re protein, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protein_%28nutrient%29 and http://bit.ly/1bQgYaY
Re dietary intakes of amino acids, this is relatively long-run, so you don’t have to completely balance even relatively macronutrients every day. So, for example, if you eat legumes one day and rice a couple of days later, you’ll be fine. If you look at people who get sick from their diets (and not from an underlying disease state that may lead to poor nutrition intake), they’re people who have had really bad diets for years.
Mushrooms and avocado = YUM! I love tomatoes too, but my reflux has gotten worse with age so I’m not too sure about eating them (they can trigger people with reflux). That said, mine seems to be mechanical rather than food-content related, so for example if I do exercise after drinking or eating, it will come up. If I lean over the bench to eat (e.g. juicy orange), it will come up. If I eat too much in one meal, it will come up. If I don’t drink any liquid with a meal, it will come up. I think my lower esophageal sphincter isn’t one-way like it’s supposed to be. 🙂
@Kitteh, a manboobz ravelry group sounds like an excellent idea.
And just got pointed to this, apropos of the conversation about bras: http://www.clothescallingcard.com/
Hi Lurkerina, good to see you! ::waves::
So, a Ravelry group – should we call it the Crafty SPINSTERS? 😉
Ooh, I like Crafty SPINSTERS.
If I think of anything different/better I’ll say so. (Can’t think straight at the moment, my left ear is driving me up the wall. Doctor should fix it tomorrow she says confidently.)
Finished my novel. Now I just have to think of a title that doesn’t include the word “witch.”
Best for us is whatever happens to be cheap at the markets. Some recipes give quite elaborate lists of particular mushrooms. My feeling is that they’re trying to ensure you don’t end up with something boring. We ensure we have at least two types, as many as possible large and fully opened for richest flavour. (Sometimes these are cheap because a lot of people won’t use them for salads or stir fries so they’re hard to sell. Sometimes they’re dear because a popular cooking show has promoted them and they’re selling like hotcakes and they’re running out of them.)
One good idea is to get a small pack of dried mushrooms, usually porcini, and soak them in hot water before mincing along with the others. Sounds silly seeing as the cooking process gets rid of most of the moisture, but it’s good for ensuring maximum mixing of their flavour before the cooking – especially if you’re using boring old button mushrooms you bought just because they’re cheap.
AIT, If you’re just starting out you may not have all the equipment you’d like. If you don’t have a food processor, one of these nifty things (but better if you can find one with its own cleaning brush) makes a lot of cooking soooo much easier. http://www.kitchenwaredirect.com.au/Kitchenware/Fruit-Vegetable-Tool/Progressive-Onion-Chopper
It’s absolutely terrific if you don’t have “knife skills” or good quality knives for chopping onions evenly into fine dice, and it does a fan.tas.tic. job on the softer fruits/vegetables. (Can’t be bettered for mushrooms, though it’s a horror to clean up afterwards if you lack a designed-for-the-task cleaning brush.) If you want small carrot dice, you need to cut into fairly slim slices first, same for other hard-ish items like potato, parsnip, turnip, swedes if you’re making soup or sauces with them.
Yes to the group name! And to the all caps second word.
We will organise Skype catch-ups where everyone must be ON THE BEACH.
Oooooo, reminds me of the dicing press we used at the pizza joint I worked at for a while, before it shut down. That’s actually a real smart idea. I’ll keep that in mind. Have to make sure taxes get filed before buying more kitchenwares, as well as getting a desk so I can actually do deskwork around here.
Navi would also be happy to have another perch. She seems fairly content to watch her domain from above the fridge, but more perches is more perspectives.
::snicker:: Should someone have told Mikey that ON THE BEACH just makes me think of Nevil Shute’s book and the film of post-apocalypse Melbourne?
Okay, I’ll have a look (not tonight, I think we’re gonna watch telly) at what’s needed to set up a Ravelry group. I had a quick look today and one thing they want is for groups to have a logo. Anyone want to draw a knitting/spinning/weaving/crocheting/whatever Furrinatus (a kitty?) or shall I have a poke around on the internets?
You started it. You get to do the work. (Unless someone’s inspired. That won’t be me, the combination of heat and a crook ear means I’m more than usually limited in such areas.)
I’m happy to commission LBT for an image, if LBT would be interested in such a commission.
::blows raspberrry at mildymagnificent::
I’m happy to scrounge up stuff, and I’ll certainly get the group organised on the site (administration privileges muahahahaha) but given we’ve some really good artists here I thought I’d mention it first, in case anyone fancies the idea.
Look at these kitty socks and mittens designs!
Congrats! 😀
Yay, katz! Tell us more?
It is this story.
When can we read it? I already like the images! Particularly the one with Pasha sitting in the mud.
RE: katz
*note to self* Do not invite Pecunium over when you’re making quesadillas with guacamole and mango salsa.
My husband now badly wants to visit you, purely for this.
RE: Kiwi Girl
I’m happy to commission LBT for an image, if LBT would be interested in such a commission.
Did somebody say COMMISSION? 😀 I have Shadowthon going, but it seems to have stalled out, and I also have a prior art commission I need to get to, but I should be free within two weeks at max! What is it I’d be drawing again? Knitty things? Troll doll in a sweater?
LBT, I’m sorry this writeathon has been going so slowly. Your others were so successful that I don’t know why this one isn’t doing as well.