Now to dive into some of the archives and see what I missed. Any exceptionally noteworthy trolls to speak of?
11 years ago
p.s. kittehs, or someone, can you remind me what that Firefox editing tool is — I thought maybe we should add it to the Welcome Package. In fact, anyone who knows can just leave it as a comment there if you want.
Amnesia – apart from Michael “I LIVE DIRECTLY ON THE FUCKING BEACH” on the Dalrock thread, the trolls have been very, very poor quality. Gone are the days of quality trolls like Owly or DKM or even Antz.
I like avocados! Favourite sammich at the moment: chicken, cheese, avocado and spinach. Sounds weird but it’s good. Actually almost anything involving chicken and avocado is good as long as there’s no hot stuff included.
My gf tried making non-hot guacamole for me last time I visited the US. I don’t remember if it was the flavour or just that for me it was still hot, but it wasn’t a success. 🙁
Kinda lost track back when I totaled my car, lost my job and got a tumblr.
There’s an “arson, murder, and jaywalking” situation for you.
11 years ago
@auggz, you can grill a portobello cap and eat it on a bun, like a burger. Very tasty with a chipotle aioli! Google should be able to give you some marinades to work with.
11 years ago
@kiwi girl
What happened about your eye/s?
Nothing, yet :/ Luckilly they’ve stopped hurting non-stop (still some weirdness). My mom forgot to make an appt for me on saturday (and I forgot to remind her) and couldn’t get an appt for the eye doctor until wensday. I’m not fighting to go sooner because 1) like I said, they got a little better and 2) we have a snowball’s chance in hell of being able to afford an emergency room bill.
Marie – US sizings are four smaller than their Oz equivalent, so I’m a 16 in our sizings and a 12 in yours. If you’re a 12 in ours you’d be a US 8. You’d like our shops, there are 12s (Oz) everywhere!
For bras? We don’t have an 8. We do by inches around band, plus cup size. Ex: 34DD.
@kiwi girl
And don’t get me started on beach bikinis – seriously $150 for a two piece togs outfit???!!!
150$! Us money? Or something else? Cuz in US money that’d be ridiculous. I’ve seen good bikinis online (that give you support) for closer to 60$ (us) and cheap ones in stores for 15$. My current one I got at goodwill for 4$, so 150$ sounds rather…off.
It’s the same with most women’s clothes, isn’t it – more flimsily made but cost more than men’s.
Okay, on this note, I am wearing one of my favorite shirts, which so far, has lasted 6 years. It’s pretty thin and clingy, but they actually made it out of something that doesn’t tear all the time and I would kill to remember where I bought it, because it was such a great find.
I know nothing about eating healthy, so I can’t really help you :/
Hiiii!!! 😀 Welcome back :3
11 years ago
Also, since this is an open thread, I’m going to blabber about my awesome day!! 😀
I finally went to the doctor for mental health stuffs, which was a huge relief. She thinks I either have depression and anxiety OR bipolar, and wants to send me to a pshychologist to help find out. I got put on sleepy pills, a new antidepressant (the last one was about as useful as trying to think happy thoughts) and a pill that is supposed to do ..something (idk what) to take when I”m having a panic attack.
My new doctor is so much better than my old one so far, she’s much more ‘hang in there, things will get better’ ect and much less ‘but why aren’t you going to college your such a bright girl’ and I think I may actually be able to tell her when I’m getting suicidal thoughts, something I never told my last doctor out of worry of whatever the fuck she’d do.
Blabbering about ourselves is what open threads are for.
Our bra sizes get called the same as clothing (so I’m a 16D) as well as the inches plus cup. Which is kind of silly in a way since we went metric decades ago.
11 years ago
I will eat all your quesadillas with guacamole and mango salsa. That sounds delicious. And I love avocados, by themselves or as guacamole.
Oh, and as for your other comment, I also neglected to mention being dumped by a boyfriend and having my hard drive crash, the latter being far more traumatic than the former. The relationship wasn’t working for either of us (as in, why didn’t I dump him after he yelled “Bitch!” out the car window at a woman driving too slow for his tastes). The hard drive, on the other hand- “How could you do this to me? I thought we had something special!” *insert weeping and gnashing of teeth*
@Fade & Marie
*still waving at computer screen* And a fine hello to you and you. Nice to see my avatar and I are not as forgotten as my username would have some believe. 🙂
I will eat all your quesadillas with guacamole and mango salsa. That sounds delicious.
I second this notion!
11 years ago
Hi Amnesia! I don’t think I’ve seen you before *friendly waves*
@marie – yay! I’m glad you got to the doctor about the anxiety stuff, and if the panic-attack pills they gave you are the same ones I’ve got, those things are kind of awesome in the “start-bracing-for-a-shitty-day-take-a-pill…oh wait, that was it?” kind of way. It’s weird how all that crazy worked-upness can just go away when it’s never done that (at least for me) before 🙂 (but they can make you a bit sleepy – I missed morning classes after having one to quash a 5AM anxiety attack the other month).
General – Avocados are great, as well as dark chocolate of any grade. Really, I’m just kind of a glutton. All food is belonging in my face! 😀
I was going to suggest a little bit of garlic and a good balsamic vinegar on your mushroom saute. That always works out for me. Bonus joy for melting mozzarella on top before sticking it in a sammich, but emily’s idea sounds yummy too…so, go with your gut (har!), Auggz .
11 years ago
So, I am super late to the discussion, but BRAS!! Heehee!
Seriously – big busty ladies (and others with boobs) like myself, check out
It helps if you go into Nordstroms or something and get sized in a couple of different brands. Because they do fit differently. Then go buy what you want at They’re based in the UK, but do ship internationally. And they are way cheaper than anything else I’ve found. They have a huge range of sizes and styles, but their stock is mostly overruns or previous year’s models, so they won’t have a plethora of the same style in different colors, and such.
They also go way down to small band sizes and small cup sizes, so if you can’t find a 28B in stores, go there.
Their are so much cheaper than both bravissimo and figleaves, it is amazing.
Brastop and Simply Beach Lingerie (not as regularly cheap, but some great sales) are my go to places for bras. (For reference, I’m a 34G(+ depending on the time of the month)
*waves at computer screen* Hi there, Ally S!
Hi Amnesia, welcome back!
Hi Amnesia, good to see you again!
*keeps waving at computer screen* Hi, cloudiah!
Now to dive into some of the archives and see what I missed. Any exceptionally noteworthy trolls to speak of?
It’s the Text Formating Toolbar add-on. You can find it here:
Myoo, cloudiah – done!
Amnesia – apart from Michael “I LIVE DIRECTLY ON THE FUCKING BEACH” on the Dalrock thread, the trolls have been very, very poor quality. Gone are the days of quality trolls like Owly or DKM or even Antz.
Oh that’s right, Michael was hilarious.
And thanks, Myoo and kittehs!
noon avocados are awesome. Mostly for their guacamole functions, but they’re okay in sandwiches too.
Hi! Your Al with the kitty avatar always makes me smile. XD
I like avocados! Favourite sammich at the moment: chicken, cheese, avocado and spinach. Sounds weird but it’s good. Actually almost anything involving chicken and avocado is good as long as there’s no hot stuff included.
Agree that they go off too damn quickly, though.
I LURV avocadoes, and will gladly eat all the avocadoes that other manboobzers turn their noses up at.
I used to hate avocados until I had some guacamole I actually liked. Now I think avocados are delicious.
My gf tried making non-hot guacamole for me last time I visited the US. I don’t remember if it was the flavour or just that for me it was still hot, but it wasn’t a success. 🙁
*note to self* Do not invite Pecunium over when you’re making quesadillas with guacamole and mango salsa.
There’s an “arson, murder, and jaywalking” situation for you.
@auggz, you can grill a portobello cap and eat it on a bun, like a burger. Very tasty with a chipotle aioli! Google should be able to give you some marinades to work with.
@kiwi girl
Nothing, yet :/ Luckilly they’ve stopped hurting non-stop (still some weirdness). My mom forgot to make an appt for me on saturday (and I forgot to remind her) and couldn’t get an appt for the eye doctor until wensday. I’m not fighting to go sooner because 1) like I said, they got a little better and 2) we have a snowball’s chance in hell of being able to afford an emergency room bill.
For bras? We don’t have an 8. We do by inches around band, plus cup size. Ex: 34DD.
@kiwi girl
150$! Us money? Or something else? Cuz in US money that’d be ridiculous. I’ve seen good bikinis online (that give you support) for closer to 60$ (us) and cheap ones in stores for 15$. My current one I got at goodwill for 4$, so 150$ sounds rather…off.
Okay, on this note, I am wearing one of my favorite shirts, which so far, has lasted 6 years. It’s pretty thin and clingy, but they actually made it out of something that doesn’t tear all the time and I would kill to remember where I bought it, because it was such a great find.
I know nothing about eating healthy, so I can’t really help you :/
Hiiii!!! 😀 Welcome back :3
Also, since this is an open thread, I’m going to blabber about my awesome day!! 😀
I finally went to the doctor for mental health stuffs, which was a huge relief. She thinks I either have depression and anxiety OR bipolar, and wants to send me to a pshychologist to help find out. I got put on sleepy pills, a new antidepressant (the last one was about as useful as trying to think happy thoughts) and a pill that is supposed to do ..something (idk what) to take when I”m having a panic attack.
My new doctor is so much better than my old one so far, she’s much more ‘hang in there, things will get better’ ect and much less ‘but why aren’t you going to college your such a bright girl’ and I think I may actually be able to tell her when I’m getting suicidal thoughts, something I never told my last doctor out of worry of whatever the fuck she’d do.
/blabbering about myself.
That’s great news, Marie!
Blabbering about ourselves is what open threads are for.
Our bra sizes get called the same as clothing (so I’m a 16D) as well as the inches plus cup. Which is kind of silly in a way since we went metric decades ago.
I will eat all your quesadillas with guacamole and mango salsa. That sounds delicious. And I love avocados, by themselves or as guacamole.
Oh, and as for your other comment, I also neglected to mention being dumped by a boyfriend and having my hard drive crash, the latter being far more traumatic than the former. The relationship wasn’t working for either of us (as in, why didn’t I dump him after he yelled “Bitch!” out the car window at a woman driving too slow for his tastes). The hard drive, on the other hand- “How could you do this to me? I thought we had something special!” *insert weeping and gnashing of teeth*
@Fade & Marie
*still waving at computer screen* And a fine hello to you and you. Nice to see my avatar and I are not as forgotten as my username would have some believe. 🙂
Marie, that’s great! Glad it went so well.
I second this notion!
Hi Amnesia! I don’t think I’ve seen you before *friendly waves*
@marie – yay! I’m glad you got to the doctor about the anxiety stuff, and if the panic-attack pills they gave you are the same ones I’ve got, those things are kind of awesome in the “start-bracing-for-a-shitty-day-take-a-pill…oh wait, that was it?” kind of way. It’s weird how all that crazy worked-upness can just go away when it’s never done that (at least for me) before 🙂 (but they can make you a bit sleepy – I missed morning classes after having one to quash a 5AM anxiety attack the other month).
General – Avocados are great, as well as dark chocolate of any grade. Really, I’m just kind of a glutton. All food is belonging in my face! 😀
I was going to suggest a little bit of garlic and a good balsamic vinegar on your mushroom saute. That always works out for me. Bonus joy for melting mozzarella on top before sticking it in a sammich, but emily’s idea sounds yummy too…so, go with your gut (har!), Auggz .
So, I am super late to the discussion, but BRAS!! Heehee!
Seriously – big busty ladies (and others with boobs) like myself, check out
It helps if you go into Nordstroms or something and get sized in a couple of different brands. Because they do fit differently. Then go buy what you want at They’re based in the UK, but do ship internationally. And they are way cheaper than anything else I’ve found. They have a huge range of sizes and styles, but their stock is mostly overruns or previous year’s models, so they won’t have a plethora of the same style in different colors, and such.
They also go way down to small band sizes and small cup sizes, so if you can’t find a 28B in stores, go there.
Their are so much cheaper than both bravissimo and figleaves, it is amazing.
Brastop and Simply Beach Lingerie (not as regularly cheap, but some great sales) are my go to places for bras. (For reference, I’m a 34G(+ depending on the time of the month)
Sweet 😀 I’ll keep that bra store in mind.