I’ve tried, and as an accomplished seamstress I’ll tell you LBT – it’s possible, but HOLY FUCKING ARRGHHH it’s fiddly and hard.
Dammit! It’s a moot point for me now *makes choppy noises while making the sounds from the shower scene in Psycho* but I might’ve actually forced myself to learn to sew if it meant I didn’t have to wear fuckin’ lace and underwire all the damn time.
My best/worst bra story is when me (trans guy) and my roommate (trans woman) went bra-hunting, banding together for safety. She had a very large ribcage but a small bust; I had a very small ribcage but a large bust. Together, we swept the entire goddamn mall like a pair of soldiers in enemy territory, tense and humiliated but so damn desperate for something to WEAR because we didn’t have more than two tattered bras between us anymore.
Both of us failed. Whole freakin’ mall, and not a single thing we could wear. We went home and decided alchohol and bad movies were required.
11 years ago
I live in Northern California pretty far away from Michael but he makes $174,000 a year or whatever so he has the means to go to supermarkets all of the world if he wants. . .
11 years ago
Figleaves.com! They have the biggest size range of any site I can think of, and a good return policy.
11 years ago
If I could’ve made them out of whatever fabric and pattern I wanted, man, I would’ve been so much less grumpy about wearing the damn things. SKULLS. GRENADES. RAINBOWS.
Those would be awesome bras. :3 I don’t know ways, but I’d love to know how. I’m actually planning on learning how to sow, in general, but don’t have time/ money atm.
The thing that bugs me with bras is underwiring (all mine have had theirs ripped out) and the elastic under the breasts. Too bloody sweaty in summer, that is.
To each their own, but I need underwires, if I’m to have any support. And I don’t actually find them uncomfortable, provided they are fitted right. Sadly, my damn boobs decided to get bigger, which I would usually be thrilled about if it didn’t mean more expensive bras.
I got lucky, in that last time I needed a replacement bra, I got one for 13 dollars.
11 years ago
LBT – “My best/worst bra story is when me (trans guy) and my roommate (trans woman) went bra-hunting, banding together for safety. ”
I feel your pain, and it’s good to know we’re not alone. This sounds exactly like my bestie and I’s last mall trip. (except I’m a small-in-all dimensions cis gal, but it’s really the same damn shortage once you get below a 34 band). Why the heck don’t they sell the larger band sizes in smaller cups anyway? I kind of get the shortage of smaller bras, after a certain band they just all stop, end of story, but it’s kind of ridiculous that 44 bands come in D-F but not A or B (or even C most of the time).
Unimaginative: I’ll take horrified. I love ’em but their fur grosses me out in clumps.
11 years ago
Huh. There’s a lot of cat hair around here and it would be nice to find a practical and/or creative use for it, but that picture has me worried about Increased Chance of Hairballs.
11 years ago
I seem to have missed the SPINSTER/on the beach troll. Links?
@unimaginative, I have that book somewhere. It’s basically just needle felting, but with cat fur instead of sheep “fur”.
I’ve bought a couple of bras from Bravissimo. They are good, especially with fitting, but so. damn. expensive here.
Marie – underwires certainly give me more support, but they dig into my arms too much, and when I’m knitting or working at the computer, it’s just not worth it. Some days when I’m wearing heavy clothes I don’t bother wearing a bra at all (I’m 16D in Australian sizing).
11 years ago
@ Kittehs
Underwires too long for your frame, maybe? I’m short and can’t wear a lot of full cup bras because the underwires come up too high under my armpits and at the center gore against the sternum. Demi cups, plunge, and balconette all seem to work better for me.
cassandra, that sounds like my problem, though the sternum bit doesn’t affect me.
Aaaand it’s time to go home, catch yez later!
11 years ago
Marie – underwires certainly give me more support, but they dig into my arms too much, and when I’m knitting or working at the computer, it’s just not worth it. Some days when I’m wearing heavy clothes I don’t bother wearing a bra at all (I’m 16D in Australian sizing).
ah. I got lucky in that my underwire only digs into my ribs if I slouch, and it doesn’t dig anywhere else at all, which is great.
And I had to google to find out what a 16 D size would be in the US XD If I sized myself right, I’m a 34 I, which would be 12 I in australia, I think.
Bye bye :3
I’m following links to the stores and am currently in bra heaven 😀 Thanks for all the suggestions :3
I am currently bra-less (an in the boob size range where bras would help a lot), because my trapezius is my prime source of pain, and any straps there kill it and make my entire day worse. I found a perfect looking strapless bra on an online store, but am nervous about the returning if it doesn’t fit….
and in person stores i’ve not been able to find anything good. :/
11 years ago
While we’re discussing the fit of clothes, does anyone else have trouble finding knee-high boots that actually fit over their calves? I would really like some pretty boots but I guess I have meatier calves than the average woman with a size 7 foot.
11 years ago
@emilygoddess: I totally found knee boots that fit my giant calves just this last month – there was a stretchy bit inserted in the leather on either side of the back, but it doesn’t look bad at all. I think I got them from Kohl’s, but other than that I don’t remember the brand or anything as I’m not very good at this whole fashion deal. I can check around the boots themselves for writing for ya, if you want. 🙂
I did a quick search on Etsy and found some things I cannot unsee.
Re boots: no idea. 🙁
11 years ago
Ally, I hope you’re feeling better, and I hope things settle down.
While we’re discussing the fit of clothes, does anyone else have trouble finding knee-high boots that actually fit over their calves? I would really like some pretty boots but I guess I have meatier calves than the average woman with a size 7 foot.
No help, I just wanted to share the story of my former co-worker, who was adorable and also had meatier calves than average for her shoe size. She ordered some boots over the internet and had them sent to work, and she tried them on when they arrived but they didn’t fit her calves. She gave a little sigh and said, “I’m too cute for these boots.”
This became a kind of catch-phrase for us for a while.
Kiwi girl
11 years ago
My last shopping disaster: trying to find plain white/beige cotton bikini-style underpants. Patterned and dark colour pants are all well and good, except when one has light coloured trousers and skirts. There is actually a conspiracy against me: when I get it in my head that I need a particular thing (because, say, my old laced ankle boots died and I just want a replacement pair), you can guarantee that there will be *no shop* that sells them. Also happens for colours (see original complaint above). It happens so often, that it is a standing joke between Mr Kiwi and me.
Also, please let me know what tv shows you really like and I will make sure I don’t like them. Me *really* liking a tv show guarantees its cancellation (/sob Arrested Development /sob).
11 years ago
On the topic of bras, does anyone know a good conversion chart between us/uk? I’ve tried googling, but am getting conflicting answers.
RE: chimisaur
I’ve tried, and as an accomplished seamstress I’ll tell you LBT – it’s possible, but HOLY FUCKING ARRGHHH it’s fiddly and hard.
Dammit! It’s a moot point for me now *makes choppy noises while making the sounds from the shower scene in Psycho* but I might’ve actually forced myself to learn to sew if it meant I didn’t have to wear fuckin’ lace and underwire all the damn time.
My best/worst bra story is when me (trans guy) and my roommate (trans woman) went bra-hunting, banding together for safety. She had a very large ribcage but a small bust; I had a very small ribcage but a large bust. Together, we swept the entire goddamn mall like a pair of soldiers in enemy territory, tense and humiliated but so damn desperate for something to WEAR because we didn’t have more than two tattered bras between us anymore.
Both of us failed. Whole freakin’ mall, and not a single thing we could wear. We went home and decided alchohol and bad movies were required.
I live in Northern California pretty far away from Michael but he makes $174,000 a year or whatever so he has the means to go to supermarkets all of the world if he wants. . .
Figleaves.com! They have the biggest size range of any site I can think of, and a good return policy.
Those would be awesome bras. :3 I don’t know ways, but I’d love to know how. I’m actually planning on learning how to sow, in general, but don’t have time/ money atm.
To each their own, but I need underwires, if I’m to have any support. And I don’t actually find them uncomfortable, provided they are fitted right. Sadly, my damn boobs decided to get bigger, which I would usually be thrilled about if it didn’t mean more expensive bras.
I got lucky, in that last time I needed a replacement bra, I got one for 13 dollars.
LBT – “My best/worst bra story is when me (trans guy) and my roommate (trans woman) went bra-hunting, banding together for safety. ”
I feel your pain, and it’s good to know we’re not alone. This sounds exactly like my bestie and I’s last mall trip. (except I’m a small-in-all dimensions cis gal, but it’s really the same damn shortage once you get below a 34 band). Why the heck don’t they sell the larger band sizes in smaller cups anyway? I kind of get the shortage of smaller bras, after a certain band they just all stop, end of story, but it’s kind of ridiculous that 44 bands come in D-F but not A or B (or even C most of the time).
Um, er. I just stumbled across this. For all you craft-doing cat-people out there. I’m not sure if I find this horrifying, or if I’m just taken-aback:
Thank you! I shall go check that out right now! :3
oof. Apologies for blockquote monster’s rare italic cousin. >_<;
For small band/large cup, Bravissimo is awesome. Most of the UK brands that offer large cup sizes go down to a 28 band, actually.
Unimaginative: I’ll take horrified. I love ’em but their fur grosses me out in clumps.
Huh. There’s a lot of cat hair around here and it would be nice to find a practical and/or creative use for it, but that picture has me worried about Increased Chance of Hairballs.
I seem to have missed the SPINSTER/on the beach troll. Links?
@unimaginative, I have that book somewhere. It’s basically just needle felting, but with cat fur instead of sheep “fur”.
I’ve bought a couple of bras from Bravissimo. They are good, especially with fitting, but so. damn. expensive here.
Marie – underwires certainly give me more support, but they dig into my arms too much, and when I’m knitting or working at the computer, it’s just not worth it. Some days when I’m wearing heavy clothes I don’t bother wearing a bra at all (I’m 16D in Australian sizing).
@ Kittehs
Underwires too long for your frame, maybe? I’m short and can’t wear a lot of full cup bras because the underwires come up too high under my armpits and at the center gore against the sternum. Demi cups, plunge, and balconette all seem to work better for me.
emilygoddess – Michael who lives DIRECTLY ON THE BEACH turned up in the Dalrock thread.
cassandra, that sounds like my problem, though the sternum bit doesn’t affect me.
Aaaand it’s time to go home, catch yez later!
ah. I got lucky in that my underwire only digs into my ribs if I slouch, and it doesn’t dig anywhere else at all, which is great.
And I had to google to find out what a 16 D size would be in the US XD If I sized myself right, I’m a 34 I, which would be 12 I in australia, I think.
Bye bye :3
I’m following links to the stores and am currently in bra heaven 😀 Thanks for all the suggestions :3
re: bras
I am currently bra-less (an in the boob size range where bras would help a lot), because my trapezius is my prime source of pain, and any straps there kill it and make my entire day worse. I found a perfect looking strapless bra on an online store, but am nervous about the returning if it doesn’t fit….
and in person stores i’ve not been able to find anything good. :/
While we’re discussing the fit of clothes, does anyone else have trouble finding knee-high boots that actually fit over their calves? I would really like some pretty boots but I guess I have meatier calves than the average woman with a size 7 foot.
@emilygoddess: I totally found knee boots that fit my giant calves just this last month – there was a stretchy bit inserted in the leather on either side of the back, but it doesn’t look bad at all. I think I got them from Kohl’s, but other than that I don’t remember the brand or anything as I’m not very good at this whole fashion deal. I can check around the boots themselves for writing for ya, if you want. 🙂
@Emily goddess
No idea, sorry. I’ve never even worn knee-highs.
For Bras, I swear by these guys: http://www.brasnthings.co.nz/
I can’t believe that over brands which are basically a pathetic amount of lace joined together by ribbon are like $75.
Also, I now swear by Amazon for clothing, and yes you can buy bras from them, and some of the prices look really good: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=bras
I did a quick search on Etsy and found some things I cannot unsee.
Re boots: no idea. 🙁
Ally, I hope you’re feeling better, and I hope things settle down.
No help, I just wanted to share the story of my former co-worker, who was adorable and also had meatier calves than average for her shoe size. She ordered some boots over the internet and had them sent to work, and she tried them on when they arrived but they didn’t fit her calves. She gave a little sigh and said, “I’m too cute for these boots.”
This became a kind of catch-phrase for us for a while.
My last shopping disaster: trying to find plain white/beige cotton bikini-style underpants. Patterned and dark colour pants are all well and good, except when one has light coloured trousers and skirts. There is actually a conspiracy against me: when I get it in my head that I need a particular thing (because, say, my old laced ankle boots died and I just want a replacement pair), you can guarantee that there will be *no shop* that sells them. Also happens for colours (see original complaint above). It happens so often, that it is a standing joke between Mr Kiwi and me.
Also, please let me know what tv shows you really like and I will make sure I don’t like them. Me *really* liking a tv show guarantees its cancellation (/sob Arrested Development /sob).
On the topic of bras, does anyone know a good conversion chart between us/uk? I’ve tried googling, but am getting conflicting answers.
These two seem to agree with respect to cup size and inches:
Does that help at all? I’ve never purchased bras outside of Australia/New Zealand so I have no idea.