The first word is confusing me. I can make out the suffix, but the first part makes no sense as it looks (letter which ought not go together.
So it looks like, “person, remembers pet-name”
But I could interpret the letters as any one of these:
Дьитaльтельнитца трей машинь
Дитaльтельнитца трей машинь
Дбитaльтельнитца трей машинь
Дъитaльтельнитца трей машинь
So I need to dig into the dictionaries (because the last word sort of looks like, the plural of, “Machines”, but the soft sign on the end is odd, so I think it’s an animal based hyper-diminutive of Masha).
11 years ago
Still haven’t found a job yet, but I am still getting plenty of interviews and still looking, so not doing too horrible there.
In the meantime, I am really lamenting my lack of interpersonal skills. I don’t really make friends easily, and I tend to not keep up with the people I know, which seems like it has had a fairly detrimental effect on the job-finding process. The loneliness that comes from having few friends (none of which live nearby) and no significant other doesn’t help my psyche either…
Ah well, at least my family is supportive and understanding, so everything is not super terrible. XD
Hey, everybody. I’ve been super-busy and super-absent. Basically, I’ve been given the not-so-enviable job of being on the team that drags a 30-year-old mainframe onto a web-based platform.
Which isn’t great.
It does mean I’ll be part of rolling out universal health care for my state… so that’s a nice feeling, at the end of the day.
(not Obamacare–we’ve already rolled that out. It’s… slightly better than what came before, but it’s still profit-oriented with major gaps. We’re going to do better, dammit)
Also, it looks like I’m going to be an officer on my fire department shortly. That’s… pretty scary. Loads of responsibilities.
I’m tired and cranky, but I feel like I’m making a difference and doing good things. And that makes up for a lot.
11 years ago
Katz, Pecunium,
It says, “обитательница моей машины”, inhabitant (or tenant) of my car.
[male name], I was probably within few feet of where you were at 5:09AM on Thursday. I had to pull back because we did not know who and how many people you are with and whether any of those people were armed. We could have been fired upon if we stepped on private property. So, it was our pragmatic decision to pull back.
On the bright side, he is no longer in the area and is now assisting my grandfather at the hospital in San Jose. BUT HOLY FUCKING SHIT I CAN’T BELIEVE HE WAS THAT CLOSE. At least he doesn’t know the address.
@BreakfastMan: good luck with the job finding process. Just remember, even if you don’t get the job after the interview, that’s not necessarily because you “did anything wrong”, it’s just a reflection of the calibre of job applicants. I’ve been in some interviews where we wished we could give everyone who interviewed a job (but there weren’t enough vacancies). It really boils down to the luck of the draw for applicants. So don’t take it personally!
@pecunium, your range of abilities continues to astound me.
MarkB: so it does. have I mentioned how much I hate russian handwriting.
Kiwi girl: Aw, you’re going to make me blush. The Russian is courtesy of the US Army, and led to an interesting problem today.
I spent some time with a lovely young woman from Russia staring deeply into my eyes, while we sat in a pleasantly dim room. This is less romantic than it sounds, because she happened to be the optometrist examining me (my eyes are a bit worse than they were a year ago, maybe .25 diopter).
But when she was asking me if I could read the charts some of the letters were flipping between Latin and Cyrillic in my mind.
You may want to get a restraining order; I imagine that email would be more than enough evidence for them to grant you one, even beyond a temporary restraining order. You’re an adult. He has no right to stalk you, even if he is your father.
If you need me to delete any comments here that you feel might reveal information, let me know. I can also set up a private subforum that you can mod (and decide the membership in) in the forum.
re the caption, it doesn’t help that in addition to crap O, and M, he made a terrible ы, I thought it was a soft-sign with an exclamation point (and that he used the m form of the letter T, which is my default for the lower case).
Kiwi girl
11 years ago
@pecunium, sorry what I meant was, how does the slightly worse eyesight fit into the wider scheme of things with respect to your eyesight over time. I can haz read for comprehension.
Kiwi girl: I’m getting older. My eyesight has orbited this level (-6.5, about 1.0cyl) for 15 years. All in all it’s about what I expected. The edges of things have been a bit less than completely sharp for awhile (most notable when looking at things like the clock on the microwave), which could have been scuffed lenses, or a slight change in ocular acuity.
It was the latter.
11 years ago
Pecunium, yes, the handwriting is very odd. I was only able to make sense of it because of context. I don’t know how you can make an “O” look like a “D” by accident.
11 years ago
@Kiwi: Oh, I know. I also know that I don’t interview particularly well, as I tend to freeze up, get incredibly nervous, and find it hard to think straight. I can do just fine while working on my own, it is just that I have an incredibly difficult time doing interviews.
@Ally: Well, that sounds fucking awful. Does you family know your father is being this horrible, or are most of them sympathetic towards or in cahoots with him?
Seriously?! He didn’t try to confront you because he might be gunned down? That’s just fucking stupid. If you guys can, it may be of benefit to set up a webcam to record out a front window if there is one (idk if Katz has an apt or house or whatnot) — worst case it’d be solid proof if you need a restraining order.
You may want to reply with something along the lines of: and it’s my pragmatic decision to request you leave me alone unless I contact you. I’m safe and that’s all you need to know. (Do NOT say anything about whether anyone is armed, he’s most likely baiting you)
PA law no contact orders require the person to explicitly know you don’t want them contacting you.
Pecunium — oh misplaced Cali boy (man, whatever), do you know the laws on that out there? I only know PA’s. Also…cá va bein? (Is that spelt right?)
As a follow-up to the soldiers with kittens, I present a Red Army soldier feeding an owl. Anyone got a translation for the caption?
I just want to spread love and happiness to everyone.
Too many snow days here.
The first word is confusing me. I can make out the suffix, but the first part makes no sense as it looks (letter which ought not go together.
So it looks like, “person, remembers pet-name”
But I could interpret the letters as any one of these:
Дьитaльтельнитца трей машинь
Дитaльтельнитца трей машинь
Дбитaльтельнитца трей машинь
Дъитaльтельнитца трей машинь
So I need to dig into the dictionaries (because the last word sort of looks like, the plural of, “Machines”, but the soft sign on the end is odd, so I think it’s an animal based hyper-diminutive of Masha).
Still haven’t found a job yet, but I am still getting plenty of interviews and still looking, so not doing too horrible there.
In the meantime, I am really lamenting my lack of interpersonal skills. I don’t really make friends easily, and I tend to not keep up with the people I know, which seems like it has had a fairly detrimental effect on the job-finding process. The loneliness that comes from having few friends (none of which live nearby) and no significant other doesn’t help my psyche either…
Ah well, at least my family is supportive and understanding, so everything is not super terrible. XD
Hey, everybody. I’ve been super-busy and super-absent. Basically, I’ve been given the not-so-enviable job of being on the team that drags a 30-year-old mainframe onto a web-based platform.
Which isn’t great.
It does mean I’ll be part of rolling out universal health care for my state… so that’s a nice feeling, at the end of the day.
(not Obamacare–we’ve already rolled that out. It’s… slightly better than what came before, but it’s still profit-oriented with major gaps. We’re going to do better, dammit)
Also, it looks like I’m going to be an officer on my fire department shortly. That’s… pretty scary. Loads of responsibilities.
I’m tired and cranky, but I feel like I’m making a difference and doing good things. And that makes up for a lot.
Katz, Pecunium,
It says, “обитательница моей машины”, inhabitant (or tenant) of my car.
So my dad just told me this in an email:
On the bright side, he is no longer in the area and is now assisting my grandfather at the hospital in San Jose. BUT HOLY FUCKING SHIT I CAN’T BELIEVE HE WAS THAT CLOSE. At least he doesn’t know the address.
That’s scary. Hugs from me, if wanted.
@BreakfastMan: good luck with the job finding process. Just remember, even if you don’t get the job after the interview, that’s not necessarily because you “did anything wrong”, it’s just a reflection of the calibre of job applicants. I’ve been in some interviews where we wished we could give everyone who interviewed a job (but there weren’t enough vacancies). It really boils down to the luck of the draw for applicants. So don’t take it personally!
@pecunium, your range of abilities continues to astound me.
Oh, I missed one:
Двитaльтельнитца трей машинь
Holy crap, Ally.
@Ally, did he think you had been kidnapped?
MarkB: so it does. have I mentioned how much I hate russian handwriting.
Kiwi girl: Aw, you’re going to make me blush. The Russian is courtesy of the US Army, and led to an interesting problem today.
I spent some time with a lovely young woman from Russia staring deeply into my eyes, while we sat in a pleasantly dim room. This is less romantic than it sounds, because she happened to be the optometrist examining me (my eyes are a bit worse than they were a year ago, maybe .25 diopter).
But when she was asking me if I could read the charts some of the letters were flipping between Latin and Cyrillic in my mind.
How did the eye test go?
Ally, yikes!
You may want to get a restraining order; I imagine that email would be more than enough evidence for them to grant you one, even beyond a temporary restraining order. You’re an adult. He has no right to stalk you, even if he is your father.
If you need me to delete any comments here that you feel might reveal information, let me know. I can also set up a private subforum that you can mod (and decide the membership in) in the forum.
re the caption, it doesn’t help that in addition to crap O, and M, he made a terrible ы, I thought it was a soft-sign with an exclamation point (and that he used the m form of the letter T, which is my default for the lower case).
@pecunium, sorry what I meant was, how does the slightly worse eyesight fit into the wider scheme of things with respect to your eyesight over time. I can haz read for comprehension.
Kiwi girl: I’m getting older. My eyesight has orbited this level (-6.5, about 1.0cyl) for 15 years. All in all it’s about what I expected. The edges of things have been a bit less than completely sharp for awhile (most notable when looking at things like the clock on the microwave), which could have been scuffed lenses, or a slight change in ocular acuity.
It was the latter.
Pecunium, yes, the handwriting is very odd. I was only able to make sense of it because of context. I don’t know how you can make an “O” look like a “D” by accident.
@Kiwi: Oh, I know. I also know that I don’t interview particularly well, as I tend to freeze up, get incredibly nervous, and find it hard to think straight. I can do just fine while working on my own, it is just that I have an incredibly difficult time doing interviews.
@Ally: Well, that sounds fucking awful. Does you family know your father is being this horrible, or are most of them sympathetic towards or in cahoots with him?
Seriously?! He didn’t try to confront you because he might be gunned down? That’s just fucking stupid. If you guys can, it may be of benefit to set up a webcam to record out a front window if there is one (idk if Katz has an apt or house or whatnot) — worst case it’d be solid proof if you need a restraining order.
You may want to reply with something along the lines of: and it’s my pragmatic decision to request you leave me alone unless I contact you. I’m safe and that’s all you need to know. (Do NOT say anything about whether anyone is armed, he’s most likely baiting you)
PA law no contact orders require the person to explicitly know you don’t want them contacting you.
Pecunium — oh misplaced Cali boy (man, whatever), do you know the laws on that out there? I only know PA’s. Also…cá va bein? (Is that spelt right?)
Oh, the other thing to do, if he does show up, tell him to leave (or have katz do so) — if he refuses, call the cops, he’s trespassing.
Not to spam this thread but Pecunium there’s a question on the spermbank thread about Quakers.
Shit that’s scary, Ally. I think I agree with David about the restraining order.
I’ve added some stuff to the bucket o’ hugs.