Is there no problem out there that can’t be solved by SCIENCE? Apparently not. Indeed, it has recently come to my attention that one heroic nerdy dude actually used MATH to get a girlfriend. No really, an actual girlfriend. As in, a living human female that he’s seen naked. (We can only presume.)
Wired magazine found the story so astonishing that they devoted an entire 3000 word feature to it.
The piece tells the tale of Chris McKinlay, then a grad student in mathematics at UCLA, who went searching for love on OKCupid, a dating site that uses daters’ answers to various questions, ranging from silly to profound, in order to calculate a “match score” that supposedly measures your compatibility with a potential date. But McKinlay wasn’t getting as many dates as he wanted.
So he decided to “reverse-engineer” OkCupid. As McKinlay — ever the romantic — explains on his own blog, he used his mathematical skillz to analyze the “high-dimensional user metadata in [the] putatively bipartite social graph structure [of] OkCupid,” and adjust his own profile accordingly.
Basically, he crunched a lot of numbers to figure out how the kinds of women he was most interested in — in particular one data “cluster dominated by women in their mid-twenties who looked like indie types, musicians and artists” — tended to answer questions. And then he fiddled with his own answers — and his choice of which questions to answer — so he would score higher match percentages with them. Ta da! Suddenly he had more matches.
He claims not to have answered any questions dishonestly, but as Wired notes “he let his computer figure out how much importance to assign each question, using a machine-learning algorithm called adaptive boosting to derive the best weightings.”
It doesn’t take a math degree to figure out that fudging your answers so they’re more like those of the women you’re targeting will make it look like you’re more like them. You can pull this same trick in real life by pretending to agree with everything a person says.
But you don’t have to be a psychologist to see that doing this kind of defeats the purpose of OKCupid’s match algorithms in the first place. You’re creating the illusion of chemistry where there may be none. Essentially, you’re cheating, but in a really self-defeating way.
And by focusing so intently on statistically crunchable data, he also ignored a lot of the more intangible “data” that the profiles provide if you actually sit down to read them. The numbers don’t reveal anything about a person’s verbal charm, or their sense of humor. They don’t tell you about the interesting little details of the person’s life.
As Katie Heaney notes in a Buzzfeed piece on McKinlay’s strange quest:
[M]uch of the language used in the story reflects a weird mathematician-pickup artist-hybrid view of women as mere data points … often quite literally: McKinlay refers to identity markers like ethnicity and religious beliefs as “all that crap”; his “survey data” is organized into a “single, solid gob”; unforeseen traits like tattoos and dog ownership are called “latent variables.” By viewing himself as a developer, and the women on OkCupid as subjects to be organized and “mined,” McKinlay places himself in a perceived greater place of power. Women are accessories he’s entitled to. Pickup artists do this too, calling women “targets” and places where they live and hang out “marketplaces.” It’s a spectrum, to be sure, but McKinlay’s worldview and the PUA worldview are two stops along it. Both seem to regard women as abstract prizes for clever wordplay or, as it may be, skilled coding. Neither seems particularly aware of, or concerned with, what happens after simply getting a woman to say yes.
And that’s where McKinlay’s system seems to have fallen down entirely. Though Wired is eager to present his “hacking” as a great success, it took McKinlay more than 90 dates — 87 of them first dates with no followup — before he found his current girlfriend.
In other words, his wondrous system produced a metric shit-ton of “false matches” and wasted a lot of people’s time, including his own.
And in the end it wasn’t his data crunching that brought his girlfriend to his door; as Wired notes, she found him on OKCupid after doing a “search for 6-foot guys with blue eyes near UCLA.” Happily for him, McKinlay already matched her preferences in these areas. In addition to appreciating his height and eye color and location in physical space, she apparently was also charmed by his cynical approach to OkCupid dating, so maybe they are a match made in heaven, if not in his data crunching techniques.
While McKinlay was going on first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date, people I know have found wonderfully compatible matches — and long-term relationships — through OkCupid without having to date dozens of duds along the way.
How? Partly because OkCupid’s match algorithms led them to some interesting candidates. But mainly because they read profiles carefully and looked for compatibility in the words, not the numbers.
There is no incorrect usage here. She is simply pointing out that, if you’re going to gaslight us later, it’s not going to work.
In context, the implication was that I had attempting to “gaslight” her, thus demonstrating that a. she doesn’t actually understand the sort of behavior that word refers to, or b. she’s being disingenuous.
No, it shows she knows exactly what you’re trying to do, and if anyone’s disingenuous, it’s you. You’re the one who tried to get David to delete your comments. Own your shit, and fuck off, you skeevy little moron. You keep saying how stupid everyone here is, yet you hang around and hang around. Do you have so little pleasure in life that trolling seems worthwhile?
Aw, trolly doesn’t like it when people can see through his bullshit. Too bad.
No, it shows she knows exactly what you’re trying to do
Okay, so what was I trying to do?
Anyway, I asked Futrelle to delete my comments not because I regretted them, but because I no longer wanted to participate in a discussion in which people were mostly responding not to what I actually said but to some bizarro world version existing in their head.
But you are interesting, and I’d like to be in your contacts list. But no matter how I ask, you always just seem to block me! q:
( I jest. Well, anything after the first comma anyway )
wait what let’s try that again
But… you’re doing it right now. That’s literally what that means. Gaslighting. It’s…. right now! You’re doing it right now. With an example of how you aren’t. And won’t be. Because she’s so and so and so disingenious, because words mean different things when you read them.
It’s happening at this very moment.
That’s the most meta way of trying to make someone doubt their own personality, ie, gaslight, them that I’ve ever seen. That’s amazing. That’s a work of art, buttboy69.
You are literally trying to do that by arguing that you aren’t. I applaud you sir. I applaud you! How utterly odd.
If you don’t want to participate, you can simply leave. Not that hard!
I won’t play “what is the exact definition of gaslighting to which we all must bow” with you, batboy. Not when there are so many more interesting subject of conversation we could pursue, such as: why do you lie as a matter of course to potential romantic partners, and why would you assume everyone else would do the same?
Yeah, buttstain, why are you still here? You haven’t answered that (or any other question, but that’s par for the course with trolls).
General question: anyone think the brownbuttsmear is a sock? This fixating on cassandrakitty is sooooo familiar.
Butthead: I thought you were leaving after you outed yourself as a ethically challenged creep?
@Fibinachi, you’re an idiot. If cassandrakitty was not suggesting that I had previously attempted to gaslight her, her comment would be a non-sequitur. It’s a reasonable inference.
Damn, he sounds like MRAL.
RE: buttboy69
but because I no longer wanted to participate in a discussion in which people were mostly responding not to what I actually said but to some bizarro world version existing in their head.
AND YET YOU ARE STILL HERE. Discussing things with us. Talking.
If you don’t want to participate, you can simply leave. Not that hard!
Good idea.
hellkell, yeah, I’m thinking it’s Mr Blog Herpes again.
Buttboy: go, shoo, scram. Stick the flounce.
Yes, I am an idiot. I have the papers to prove it, the psychological exams to back the papers up, and the syllogisms one can draw from those (Plus, have you talked to me for five seconds? Even I can detect I’m an idiot from that signal)
What I want to know is how that relates, at all, to two quotes I presented next to each other, with bold emphasis on the particular points of interest, as it interacts with this conversation.
Any future attempts you make at stabbing me in the chest is bound to fail.
The ghost of inferences casually made just attempted a temporally unsound shanking of my previous body.
One can make non-sequiturs in conversation. It’s normal. It happens all the time. I like pineapples. Pretending words don’t meant what they actually mean isn’t inferences, logic or temporal mechanics, that’s semantics, and you still haven’t gotten around to answering the questions asked of you q:
I’ve emailed the Dark Lord to ask if this is another outbreak.
You mean you’re an Officially Recognised Idiot?
::is envious::
I don’t think it was a reasonable inference to make at all, really, but regardless of whether or not it made sense to you to jump to that conclusion, the fact remains that your conclusion was wrong.
I am usually the last to think this (so many other socks it could be!) and I sort of hope that after, what, 2 years or something since his banning, he might have moved on by now. But in this case, I totally agree with you both.
In older versions of skype, you can search by name and location. So if you use a female sounding name on there, they could be going by that. Seems they’ve taken that out of the latest versions and now you need to know exact name or email address to find someone. Apparently there are 3rd party sites that will let a person search too. In theory you can set your privacy settings to only allow people on your contact list to message you.
Not to say that it’s not some attempt at a scam, just that it’s possible it’s some random trying to get lucky/a green card.
Good! Enjoy life, buttboy69, away from us, who you don’t want to be talking to anyway.
*breaks out the nonalcholic celebratory beverages*
Probably means he had to try to have the last word, like all these trolls.
If he is Blog Herpes, well, we know his obsession with crossing boundaries, the little creep.
Fibinachi, you are the exact opposite of an idiot and your comments made me laugh.
buttboy, you keep saying you’re leaving and that we not worth talking to, so just go already.
Has he gone yet? Because he really should, after showing his ass and then coming back to bore us again.
Huh, weird. I wonder if there’s a way to see who’s currently active, and they’re just going “hey, that looks like a woman’s name, lemme ask them if they want to hook up”.
I mean, I know I sometimes quote people from a while back, but at least I actually quote the dang sentence, unlike buttboy here. Anyway, point is, buttboay, add more context in your quotes. Oh, yeah, and stick to the flounce, too.
Dude, you flounced. Everyone
thoughthoped you had left.Ok. Cite. Link back to/ paste a comment you feel like was being misrepresented. You know, actually back your shit up, instead of talking out of your ass, for a change.
Now who’s not actually responding to what people said, but instead a different version? 😉 (hint: it is you, buttboy.)