Is there no problem out there that can’t be solved by SCIENCE? Apparently not. Indeed, it has recently come to my attention that one heroic nerdy dude actually used MATH to get a girlfriend. No really, an actual girlfriend. As in, a living human female that he’s seen naked. (We can only presume.)
Wired magazine found the story so astonishing that they devoted an entire 3000 word feature to it.
The piece tells the tale of Chris McKinlay, then a grad student in mathematics at UCLA, who went searching for love on OKCupid, a dating site that uses daters’ answers to various questions, ranging from silly to profound, in order to calculate a “match score” that supposedly measures your compatibility with a potential date. But McKinlay wasn’t getting as many dates as he wanted.
So he decided to “reverse-engineer” OkCupid. As McKinlay — ever the romantic — explains on his own blog, he used his mathematical skillz to analyze the “high-dimensional user metadata in [the] putatively bipartite social graph structure [of] OkCupid,” and adjust his own profile accordingly.
Basically, he crunched a lot of numbers to figure out how the kinds of women he was most interested in — in particular one data “cluster dominated by women in their mid-twenties who looked like indie types, musicians and artists” — tended to answer questions. And then he fiddled with his own answers — and his choice of which questions to answer — so he would score higher match percentages with them. Ta da! Suddenly he had more matches.
He claims not to have answered any questions dishonestly, but as Wired notes “he let his computer figure out how much importance to assign each question, using a machine-learning algorithm called adaptive boosting to derive the best weightings.”
It doesn’t take a math degree to figure out that fudging your answers so they’re more like those of the women you’re targeting will make it look like you’re more like them. You can pull this same trick in real life by pretending to agree with everything a person says.
But you don’t have to be a psychologist to see that doing this kind of defeats the purpose of OKCupid’s match algorithms in the first place. You’re creating the illusion of chemistry where there may be none. Essentially, you’re cheating, but in a really self-defeating way.
And by focusing so intently on statistically crunchable data, he also ignored a lot of the more intangible “data” that the profiles provide if you actually sit down to read them. The numbers don’t reveal anything about a person’s verbal charm, or their sense of humor. They don’t tell you about the interesting little details of the person’s life.
As Katie Heaney notes in a Buzzfeed piece on McKinlay’s strange quest:
[M]uch of the language used in the story reflects a weird mathematician-pickup artist-hybrid view of women as mere data points … often quite literally: McKinlay refers to identity markers like ethnicity and religious beliefs as “all that crap”; his “survey data” is organized into a “single, solid gob”; unforeseen traits like tattoos and dog ownership are called “latent variables.” By viewing himself as a developer, and the women on OkCupid as subjects to be organized and “mined,” McKinlay places himself in a perceived greater place of power. Women are accessories he’s entitled to. Pickup artists do this too, calling women “targets” and places where they live and hang out “marketplaces.” It’s a spectrum, to be sure, but McKinlay’s worldview and the PUA worldview are two stops along it. Both seem to regard women as abstract prizes for clever wordplay or, as it may be, skilled coding. Neither seems particularly aware of, or concerned with, what happens after simply getting a woman to say yes.
And that’s where McKinlay’s system seems to have fallen down entirely. Though Wired is eager to present his “hacking” as a great success, it took McKinlay more than 90 dates — 87 of them first dates with no followup — before he found his current girlfriend.
In other words, his wondrous system produced a metric shit-ton of “false matches” and wasted a lot of people’s time, including his own.
And in the end it wasn’t his data crunching that brought his girlfriend to his door; as Wired notes, she found him on OKCupid after doing a “search for 6-foot guys with blue eyes near UCLA.” Happily for him, McKinlay already matched her preferences in these areas. In addition to appreciating his height and eye color and location in physical space, she apparently was also charmed by his cynical approach to OkCupid dating, so maybe they are a match made in heaven, if not in his data crunching techniques.
While McKinlay was going on first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date after first date, people I know have found wonderfully compatible matches — and long-term relationships — through OkCupid without having to date dozens of duds along the way.
How? Partly because OkCupid’s match algorithms led them to some interesting candidates. But mainly because they read profiles carefully and looked for compatibility in the words, not the numbers.
Cassandra — be glad I didn’t post the graphs of who they actually message, it’s even worse. Here’s the citation for those graphs, if you want to be horrified — http://blog.okcupid.com/index.php/the-case-for-an-older-woman/
That distribution does explain why the guys are constantly whining about not getting any responses. If you spend all your time messaging 18 and 19 olds, many of whom have probably set their profiles to tell you not to, then of course you’re going to be ignored.
Eewwww, Argenti. And let’s just wait for some pain in the ass to come up and say that this is because men are better aged or some such bullshit.
Guys, you can’t have it both ways. You can’t claim that men are more attractive as they age and then complain that young men aren’t getting the sex they deserve.
Um, how to put this kindly? I’m attracted to both men and women, and in my experience older women are usually much more attractive than their male peers, probably because they tend to make more of an effort.
I think what’s most telling there is looking at age cross sections of the messages sent:
25 year old men are very frequently messaging 18 year olds, and sometimes messaging 30 year olds. The women? Sometimes messaging 20 year olds and sometimes messaging 35 year olds.
35 year old men? Still frequently messaging those 18 year olds (17 fucking years younger, and looking for guys under 24), barely messaging women over 40 (5 years older, but infrequent messages). The women? Almost all messages are to men 25-45 — a decade of in both directions.
45? Yikes guys, lay off, she’s *20*! But hey, they’re messaging women 7 years older than them now (52). The women? 28~54 year old men are getting most of their messages. And ok, that’s 17 years younger, which is a bit skeevy. But nearly as skeevy as a 45 year old man messaging lots of women too young to legally drink!
And where the most messages go? Women go from messaging guys a few years older to a few years younger at around 30, men go from messaging women their age to younger (and MUCH) younger at around 25, by 35 they have no strong concentration of messages, but the greenish yellow is nowhere hear their age. Women it spreads out but the concentration of messages never seems to stray far from their own age, other than that women under 25 want a guy a few years older.
But the age disparity that’s got Diogenes cranky is women’s fault somehow.
It’s not women’s fault that so many men have pedo tendencies, dude.
(You know that if the system let some of these guys message 15 year olds they would.)
I find I prefer older people of whatever sex, aesthetically, as I age – that is, people roughtly within a decade of my age, preferably on the older rather than younger side. I don’t care for looking at twenty-somethings at all.
Oh yeah, I’m sure the only reason the men have a lower age limit of 18 is because you have to be an adult to join. Meanwhile those 18 year olds are rarely messaging guys over 28, and most of their messages are *gasp* going to guys who’re 21~ (dual theory, girls mature faster so 18 year old guys are still annoying douches, 21 year old BFs can buy booze)
My preferences have shifted with my own age too. It’s rare now that anyone in their twenties catches my eye, much less holds my interest for very long. I have to admit that I wouldn’t set my preferences at more than 5 years older, though, at least not for men, if I was single now. I feel like there’s a weird-ass gap between me and men a decade older that’s less of an issue with women the same age. What I was saying above again – at least where I live, women in the 40-60 range are just much more stylish and well put together than the men the same age, on average.
The ten-year gap for me is prolly because it’s just an aesthetic thing, I guess. I wouldn’t want a relationship with a guy of sixty, that’s for sure.
Four hundred, now, that’s a different matter. 😉
It’s actually much more comfortable seeing Mr K looking fiftyish, now, an age he never reached earthside. I wouldn’t like being a decade or more older than him, even though he did look older than his years then.
I actually have a really weird feeling.
See, we have a younger brother. Young, athletic, blond, you know, very much the all-American boy.
And I swear to god, so many actors in gay porn look in his age range and general build and coloring. INSTA-BUZZKILL. Do not want to be thinking about my brother when porn is on.
As a result, I swear, it’s not that I like older guys generally, it’s just that all the young white remind me of my goddamn little brother! D8 Even though he’s twenty-four now, I keep wanting to say, “WHY AREN’T YOU IN SCHOOL YOUNG MAN.” I am the worst.
Also, I’m high-mileage and special needs. I don’t think I’d have the patience for someone who didn’t have at least a similar amount of life experience, regardless of their age. (Because let’s face it, some people get hit with the Life Stick harder than others.)
Though as an added note, I swore after the Raping Year never to get involved with someone significantly older than me again, since that was part of our rapist’s method of control. (He was twenty; we were sixteen. And we were the ADULT of that relationship.) Then I met my husband who’s eight years older. Oops.
Though to be fair, it’s not the years that matter so much as how you wield them. Hubby has never used his age as a method of power over me.
LBT — I hear you about that Life Stick. My college dating attempts — “WHOO PARTY!!” “I have to work, there’s this thing called rent”…it’s part of why I stayed with rapist ex #2 as long as I did, even getting about 6 hours sleep a night, I was lucky to squeeze in 20 hours to myself in a week (and my hair takes nearly an hour to wash!). Dating just ain’t possible on that schedule and I’m not going to waste my precious free time on boring dates!
Then there’s my brother, who I constantly have to remind myself is, uh, shit, he’ll be 26 his year. Me at 26? See above. Him at 26? Never moved out, video games, the occasional construction gig for a few weeks at a time. It’s not even a case of “he’ll always be a kid to me” cuz I wasn’t living here when he hit 21 (he was, uh, 16 when I moved out), but I just cannot wrap my head around him being older than 21~
And then there’s, say, Ally. Where it’s like…you’re how young?! You act so much older!
Experiment completed — OKC shows the same numbers to both sides of the match numbers.
I had a partner who was 11 years older than me, which put him into the middle of the baby boomer generation. I felt like the hired help (including not feeling welcome in male after-dinner conversations). Never again. Also, he was the arsehole who raped me.
Holy crap Argenti, I thought you were like 22. Because you sound young and cool. Now you sound older and cool.
I’m old 🙁
Every guy my parents’ age who was all “age is just a number, baby” to me when I was online dating when I was 20 was actually saying “I think your clearly-stated limits are negotiable when they stand in between me and what I want to do to you.” Wow, sexy.
“Yes, and your number is really big! I’m just a girl so big numbers scare me, tee hee!”
Thinking back to all the young women I’ve known over the years, only 2 have been willing to date men more than 10 years older than them. If only those guys could hear the way women talk among ourselves after they walk away.
I was always like “how many 50 year old women are you messaging, if age is just a number? ‘Baby?'”
Of course it is kind of weird to talk about this because my boyfriend actually is substantially older than me. Not as old as the OkCreepers, but… yeah. Sometimes I wonder if it’s hypocritical to point out how creepy that kind of behaviour is.
I had one friends-with-benefits in my mid-to-late 20s who was 13 years older than me, but really looked after himself, was (IMO) extremely good looking, an attentive lover, and was a bunch of fun to go out with – he partied harder than me. He was also really intelligent, and treated me like I had brains. He was a rock when my father died when I was in my late 20s, too. I managed to contact him again a couple of years ago after we lost touch for about 10 years – we now live in different countries.
So not all older guys are awful. But with him, I had a huge crush on him from when I first met him, and I’d been talking to him on the phone and via computer bulletin boards (ha, anyone else remember Searchlight boards?) before we met. And we had a bunch of mutual friends and acquaintances, so probably not the normal May-September hook-up.
But a 25-year-old to 38-year-old hook-up doesn’t seem as skeevy as a 25-year-old to 50-year-old hookup. But that said, he was older than the defacto I had later. But he acted/thought much younger.
I dunno if I’m making any sense.
It definitely gets skeevier the bigger the gap is, and the younger the youngest person involved is. So 25 year old and 35 year old is probably fine, but a 19 year old with a 40 year old is getting pretty sketchy, and a 50 year old hitting on a 20 year old raises all kinds of alarm bells. There are always exceptions where it’s fine, but as a general trend it’s creepy.
I guess my thoughts are: if you find a mutual attraction with someone older than yourself, particularly if you are a woman and they are a man, ask yourself “are they interested in me in whole or in part because of my age?” And if you think the answer is yes, run like hell. And if you think the answer is no, there will still be all sorts of situations in which they will have more experience, and they will almost definitely control more wealth than you, and their opinions will carry more weight with other people (again, especially if you’re a woman and they’re a man), which gives them a lot of power. They can wield that power unintentionally too, even if they’re a good person. So it’s complicated and risky regardless.
I also tend to feel differently about it if the younger person was the one doing the pursuing, and if there’s no institutional power imbalance (one person is the other’s superior at work, older person has home and car and younger person is still in school, and so on).
Sorry, no, I think that’s my niche. Argenti is the older and cooler statistics person.